2. New NAND Architecture
Category: Memories
Paper 3.2 – A Novel Double-Density, Single-Gate Vertical Channel (SGVC) 3D NAND Flash That Is Tolerant to Deep Vertical Etching CD Variation and Possesses Robust Read-disturb Immunity; Hang-Ting Lue, Macronix
The most popular 3D NAND architectures are gate-all-around (GAA) devices arranged in a vertical channel structure. While these exhibit excellent device performance, they are highly sensitive to any variations in their critical dimensions (CD). It is increasingly difficult to maintain precise dimensional control of these structures at the high aspect ratios required, however. Macronix researchers will describe an alternate 3D NAND architecture that mitigates this issue. Their idea is to create a 2D-like structure but in the vertical direction; i.e., to stand it up on its end, in effect. The structure is a single-gate, flat-cell thin film transistor (TFT) with an ultra-thin body that Macronix calls single-gate vertical channel (SGVC). The design is not as sensitive to CD variation and the researchers say it can have potentially more than four times the memory density of GAA vertical channels at the same scaling node.
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