International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors examines next 15 years of chip innovation

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) announced the release of the 2015 International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), a collaborative report that surveys the technological challenges and opportunities for the semiconductor industry through 2030. The ITRS seeks to identify future technical obstacles and shortfalls, so the industry and research community can collaborate effectively to overcome them and build the next generation of semiconductors – the enabling technology of modern electronics. The current report marks the final installment of the ITRS.

“For a quarter-century, the Roadmap has been an important guidepost for evaluating and advancing semiconductor innovation,” said John Neuffer, president and CEO, Semiconductor Industry Association. “The latest and final installment provides key findings about the future of semiconductor technology and serves as a useful bridge to the next wave of semiconductor research initiatives.”

Faced with ever-evolving research needs and technology challenges, industry leaders have decided to conclude the ITRS and transition to new ways to advance semiconductor research and bring about the next generation of semiconductor innovations. While the final ITRS report charts a path for existing technology research, additional research is needed as we transition to an even more connected world, enabled by innovations like the Internet of Things. Some of these technology challenges were outlined in a recent SIA-Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) report, “Rebooting the IT Revolution,” but work continues to define research gaps and implement new research programs.

The ITRS is sponsored by five regions of the world – Europe, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the United States. Through the cooperative efforts of the global chip manufacturers and equipment suppliers, research communities and consortia, the ITRS has identified critical gaps, technical needs, and potential solutions related to semiconductor technology.

“SIA appreciates the hard work, dedication, and expertise of those involved with the ITRS over the years and looks forward to continuing the industry’s work to strengthen semiconductor research and maintain the pipeline of semiconductor innovations that fuel the digital economy,” Neuffer said.


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