MEMS Executive Congress US 2015 examines commercial forces driving MEMS & sensors to $20B by 2020

MEMS Industry Group (MIG)’s next MEMS Executive Congress US 2015 — the annual business conference and networking event for the MEMS and sensors industry, November 4-6, 2015 in Napa, CA — will explore the market drivers behind the double-digit growth propelling MEMS and sensors to more than $20+ billion by 2020.

“From the smart home and the highway to the factory floor and the hospital, tens of billions of MEMS and sensors add greater intelligence to the ways we live our lives and do our work,” said Karen Lightman, executive director, MEMS Industry Group. “As the year’s ‘touchpoint’ event for the sellers and buyers of MEMS/sensors technology, MEMS Executive Congress US attracts forward-thinking executives who want to interact with innovative speakers, business partners, and even competitors, all involved in using MEMS/sensors to transform the human experience.”

Ms. Lightman pointed out that the dramatic growth in the MEMS market alone should reach nearly 25 billion units annually by 2019, according to the market research firm IHS2. “And if we add a selection of sensors — magnetic sensors, light sensors and emerging sensors for consumer applications, such as fingerprint sensors — we are looking at an additional 5+ billion units by that time. That’s a massive number of MEMS/sensors adding product-differentiating value to commercial applications just four years from today.”


Featured Speakers


Featured Events
MIG’s fifth annual MEMS and Sensors Technology Showcase provides Congress attendees an up-close experience with some of the coolest new MEMS- and sensors-enabled products ever invented. After interactive demo sessions and conference-wide presentations, attendees will vote on a winner.

MIG’s third annual Elevator Pitch Session gives entrepreneurs and startups a forum for pitching their products and ideas to a seasoned panel of industry veterans and investors. It also offers exposure to the biggest gathering of MEMS and sensors executives in North America. Elevator Pitch Session finalists will try to impress Judges Silicon Catalyst CEO and Co-founder Dan Armbrust, Nasiri Ventures Principal Steve Nasiri, and Silicon Valley Band of Angels Member Kurt Petersen as they jockey for the top spot.

MIG’s annual Best in MEMS and Sensors Innovation Awards (MEMSies) will recognize outstanding achievements in the MEMS and sensors industry.

For the complete agenda, visit:


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