Category Archives: Displays

Nowadays, zinc oxide nanoparticles are one of the most commonly used nanomaterials. They seem to be safe for humans, but there are still no standards for their toxicity and despite intense investigations, the toxicological impact of ZnO nanomaterials still remains ambiguous. Researchers from the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPC PAS) in Warsaw and the Faculty of Chemistry of the Warsaw University of Technology (PW) have recently developed a method for producing defect-free ZnO quantum dots with physicochemical properties that are particularly interesting and do not change over time, such as monodispersity, a relatively high quantum efficiency, record-long luminescence lifetimes and EPR silence under standard conditions. The unique features of the tightly coordinated and impermeable organic shells stabilizing the surface make the new ZnO quantum dots resistant to both chemical and biological environments.

“The zinc oxide nanocrystals of unprecedented high quality obtained by us are characterized by significantly better chemical and physical properties than their counterparts currently being produced by the most popular sol-gel method involving inorganic precursors”, emphasizes Prof. Janusz Lewinski (IPC PAS, PW). “The luminescence lifetime, or luminance, in the case of our quantum dots is much longer – by even up to several orders of magnitude! Moreover, until now only short ZnO photoluminescence decays have been observed, of the order of a few to a dozen-or-so picoseconds characteristic for sol-gel nanoparticles, or slightly longer, nanosecond ones, typical only for ZnO monocrystals. What we have is a luminescent material that can be used, for example, as a new generation optical marker for biomedical applications.”

Combined with biologically active molecules, the new nanoparticles could be used in biology or medicine, e.g. for imaging cells and tissues, which would enable much more accurate monitoring of disease development and efficacy of treatment. In a recent publication in the well-known scientific journal Chemistry – A European Journal, the Warsaw scientists, in collaboration with a group from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, showed that their zinc oxide nanoparticles are indeed safe. The research, funded by the TEAM grant from the Foundation for Polish Science and the OPUS grant of the Polish National Science Centre, allows us to realistically think about rapid introduction of the new ZnO quantum dots into, among others, biological and medical laboratories.

ZnO nanocrystals manufactured in a classic manner by the sol-gel method are not well stabilized or isolated from the environment. For example, interactions that occur at the interface between the inorganic ZnO core and the biological environment can lead to the generation of reactive oxygen species or the dissolution and release of potentially toxic zinc cations.

“Zinc oxide is generally considered as a relatively safe and biocompatible material. However, many toxicological studies of ZnO concern nanoparticles that are heterogeneous in size and also too large to be able to penetrate into cells. We also realized that in practice many of the characteristics of nanoparticles depend not only on their size, but also on the surface properties of both the nanocrystalline ZnO and the organic stabilizing layer. Therefore, we decided to modify our one-pot self-supporting organometallic method of synthesis, so that the ZnO nanoparticles resulting from it behave as neutrally as possible in the interior of the cells,” explains Dr. Malgorzata Wolska-Pietkiewicz (PW).

Prof. Lewinski’s team produces quantum dots of zinc oxide from organometallic compounds (precursors). When the purpose is biological applications, the end result is stable nanoparticles with a shape that is similar to a sphere, consisting of a crystalline ZnO core with a diameter of 4-5 nanometres surrounded by a shell of organic ligands. This shell increases the size of the nanoparticles (their hydrodynamic diameter is about 12 nm) and has protective functions: on the one hand it protects the inorganic core from degradation due to interaction with what is often a very reactive biological environment, on the other hand it eliminates the influence of ZnO itself on this environment.

“Nanoparticles with core sizes below 10 nm penetrate inside the cells particularly easily. Such particles are considered to be potentially the most toxic. Interestingly, the ZnO nanoparticles created by us, contrary to popular opinion indicating that the smaller the systems, the greater their toxicity, showed extremely low harmful effects in in vitro model tests. The recent results as well as the studies carried out simultaneously in the parent team provided further evidence of the unique character of the nanocrystalline ZnO obtained as a result of the transformation of organometallic molecular precursors,” notes Dr. Wolska-Pietkiewicz.

The research on ZnO quantum dots gives hope for numerous applications. However, there are concerns about their biological and environmental impacts. Nanoparticles can enter the body and among others, the respiratory tract is frequently exposed to elevated concentrations of different nanomaterials and becomes the primary target site for toxicity. Therefore, A549 and MRC-5 cell lines were selected as in vitro models for internal malignancies and normal lung cells, respectively. Researchers from the IPC PAS and PW showed that the organic layer surrounding the improved nanoparticles is indeed impermeable: zinc ions are not released into the environment, and reactive oxygen species are not formed. Even at high concentrations, the toxicity of the new ZnO nanoparticles turned out to be negligible.

“Our ‘recipe’ for the production of ZnO quantum dots means that they simply do not interact with the biological environment. So we have a strong foundation on which to start working on their applications. Not only in medical imaging, but also in other areas in which nanoparticles could potentially interact with the human body, for example, as one of the components of paint. We are also developing a new technology for the synthesis of ZnO quantum dots and searching for potential applications as a part of NANOXO, a start-up company”, summarizes Prof. Lewinski.

This year again, the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show, 2018 edition allowed us to discover the latest innovations in numerous fields including the microLED displays sector. “The Wall”, a 146” microLED TV powered by Samsung, has been probably the most impressive announcement. The Korea-based LED maker Lumens also proposed a 139” display, with smaller 0.8 mm pitch. In both cases, technology developed by these leaders is not strictly microLED related but confirms the attractiveness of microLEDs solutions. Yole Développement’s (Yole) analyst, Dr. Eric Virey attended the show and proposed a snapshot on

“Initial success in smartwatches could accelerate technology and supply chain maturation, making microLED competitive against OLED in high end TVs, tablets and laptops”, explains Dr. Eric Virey from Yole. “In Yole’s most optimistic scenario, the market for microLED displays could reach up to 330 million units by 2025 (1) .”

The microLED display sector has been deeply analyzed by Yole and KnowMade, both parts of Yole Group of Companies. The partners propose today a detailed patent analysis titled: Microled Displays: Intellectual Property Landscape. Under this new report, they identified key patents, technology nodes and players related to microLED technologies for display applications. This latest analysis confirms the growing interest around the microLED technologies.
Which companies own the patents? What are their major thrust areas and portfolio strength? Yole Group of Companies invites you to discover the latest insights of this dynamic industry.

Yole Group of Companies confirms the buzz: as of today close to 1,500 patents relevant to the microLED display field have been filed by 125 companies and organizations. Among these are multiple startups, display makers, OEMs , semiconductor companies, LED makers, and research institutions.

“The overall corpus is relatively young, with an average age of 3.2 years across all families”, asserts Dr. Nicolas Baron, CEO & Founder, KnowMade. The first patents were filed in 2000 – 2001, but the bulk of the activity started after 2012. Thus, only a minority of patents have been granted so far.

Pioneers include Sony, Sharp, MIT, and others, although the bulk of the initial developments were conducted by a variety of research institutions including Kansas State University, University of Hong Kong, Strathclyde University & Tyndall Institute (which spun-off mLED, InfiniLED, and X-Celeprint), University of Illinois, and startup companies like Luxvue and, later on, Playnitride and Mikro Mesa.

Yole Group of Companies’ study also reveals a number of companies that have not yet been identified as players in the microLED display field. Moreover, this study confirms the commitment of many more companies, which are not typically associated with display technology. Intel and Goertek are part of them. On the flip side, various companies known to be active in the field (i.e. Huawei) have yet to see any of their patent in the field published.

Overall, the activity is still led mostly by startups (including those such as Luxvue or eLux) acquired by larger organization) and research institutions. With the exception of Sharp and Sony, display makers and LED makers are relative latecomers. Many companies started ramping up their microLED research and development activities after Apple showed faith in microLED with its acquisition of Luxvue. As of December 2017, Apple appears to have the most complete IP portfolio, covering almost all key technology nodes. However, many of its patents pertain to the technological ecosystem developed around the company’s MEMS transfer technology. Other companies like Sony, with a smaller portfolio but which had a head start, might own more fundamental design patents with strong blocking power.

What is the status of the microLED display supply chain? Enabling large-scale microLED display manufacturing requires bringing together three major disparate technologies and supply chain bricks: LED manufacturing, backplane manufacturing, and microchip mass transfer & assembly.

“The supply chain is complex and lengthy compared to typical displays,” comments Dr. Eric Virey from Yole. “Every process is critical and it’s a challenge to effectively manage every aspect. No one company appears positioned to master and execute across a supply chain that will likely be more horizontal, compared to other established display technologies.”

The IP landscape reflects these challenges through the variety of players involved, but requirements differ from one application to another. For low-volume, high added-value applications like microdisplays for augmented/mixed reality for the enterprise, military, and medical markets, one can envision a well-funded startup with good technology efficiently managing the supply chain. However, consumer applications such as TVs and smartphones will require significant investments to unlock large scale manufacturing.

Though only a few companies have a broad IP portfolio covering all major technology nodes (transfer chip structure, display architecture, etc.), enough players have patents across many technology bricks to guarantee that complex licensing and legal battles will arise once microLED displays enter volume manufacturing and reach the market. Small companies with strong positions in various technology bricks will attempt to obtain licensing fees from larger players involved in manufacturing. Large corporations will try to block each other and prevent their competitors from entering the market. To prepare for such events, some latecomers appear to be filing large quantities of patents, sometimes with little substance.

Kateeva, a developer of inkjet deposition equipment solutions for OLED display manufacturing, today announced that the company has expanded its executive team by appointing Marc Haugen as chief operating officer (COO).

Mr. Haugen brings extensive semiconductor equipment industry experience to Kateeva. As a former executive at Applied Materials and Lam Research, he implemented operational disciplines designed to maximize supply-chain and manufacturing efficiencies. As COO, his role will be to help drive Kateeva’s operational performance as a technology leader and key enabler of the global display industry. He reports to chairman and chief executive officer (CEO), Dr. Alain Harrus.

Mr. Haugen assumes the COO title from Kateeva co-founder, Dr. Conor Madigan, who remains president, and who will now focus on leading the company’s technology and new product development.

“We believe that Marc’s operational roles for global capital equipment companies make him particularly well-qualified to help Kateeva extend its market leadership by applying operational disciplines that will allow us to scale our operations effectively,” said Dr. Harrus.  “We also expect his expertise will enrich our capability to deliver the technology solutions our customers need to win in their marketplace.”

“We’re very pleased to welcome Marc to Kateeva,” noted Dr. Madigan. “As COO, we expect he will further tighten interaction between the field, manufacturing, engineering, finance, and other key functions to support our product development, sales, and operations performance. In addition, he will be responsible for implementing processes to improve efficiency, predictability and reliability, with the goal of reducing overall operating costs.”

“I believe that Kateeva enjoys a strong foundation to build momentum for growth,” said Mr. Haugen. “The technology is industry-leading, the team is outstanding, and the customer base includes leading display companies. This is a terrific opportunity to support Kateeva’s innovation roadmap by driving operational excellence across the company.”

Mr. Haugen has spent three decades working in the semiconductor industry. As group vice president of worldwide operations and supply chain for Applied Materials from 2013-2016, he led a team of thousands of people in factories across the globe, with an annual multi-billion-dollar spend. From his base in Singapore, he directed supply chain operations, volume manufacturing, new product manufacturing, quality and logistics to support the company’s semiconductor systems, display and energy business segments.

Before that, he was corporate vice president of global product operations at Lam Research. While there, he directed the integration of products, product operations, and product development processes, including Lam’s acquisition of Novellus Systems, as well as its acquisition of Austria-based SEZ. During this time, he also served as vice president/managing director of SEZ.

Immediately prior to Kateeva, Mr. Haugen was EVP of global operations and engineering at Cepheid, a molecular diagnostics company. He began his career in 1987 as a surface warfare officer in the U.S. Navy. After that, he held operations roles with increasing responsibility at Applied Materials and Lam Research.

Mr. Haugen holds a BS degree in industrial and systems engineering from the University of Southern California. He earned his MBA with a special focus on international/Asia business strategy from the University of California Los Angeles and the National University of Singapore (UCLA/NUS Executive MBA Program).

By Jay Chittooran, Manager, Public Policy, SEMI

International trade is one of the best tools to spur growth and create high-skill and high-paying jobs. Over 40 million American jobs rely on trade, and this is particularly true in the semiconductor supply chain. Over the past three decades, the semiconductor industry has averaged nearly double-digit growth rates in revenue and, by 2030, the semiconductor supply chain is forecast to reach $1 trillion. Trade paves the way for this growth.

Unfortunately, despite its importance to the industry, trade has been transformed from an economic issue into a political one, raising many new trade challenges to companies throughout the semiconductor industry.

GHz-ChinaChina’s investments in the industry will continue to anchor the country as a major force in the semiconductor supply chain. China’s outsized spending has spawned concern among other countries about the implications of these investments. According to SEMI’s World Fab Forecast, 20 fabs are being built in China – and construction on 14 more is rumored to begin in the near term – compared to the 10 fabs under construction in the rest of the world. China is clearly outpacing the pack.

The Trump Administration has levied intense criticism of China, citing unfair trade practices, especially related to intellectual property issues. The U.S. Trade Representative has launched a Section 301 investigation into whether China’s practice of forced technology transfer has discriminated against U.S. consumers. Even as the probe unfolds, expectations are growing that the United States will take action against China, raising fears of not only possible retaliation in time but rising animosity between two trading partners that rely deeply on each other.

A number of other open investigations also cloud the future. The Administration launched two separate Section 232 investigations into steel and aluminum industry practices by China, claiming Chinese overproduction of both items are a threat to national security. The findings from these investigations will be submitted to the President, who, in the coming weeks, will decide an appropriate response, which could include imposing tariffs and quotas.

Another high priority area is Korea. While U.S. threats to withdraw from the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS) reached a fever pitch in August, rhetoric has since tempered. Informal discussions between the countries on how best to amend the trade deal are ongoing. The number of KORUS implementation issues aside, continued engagement with Korea – instead of scrapping a comprehensive, bilateral trade deal – will be critically important for the industry.

Lastly, negotiations to modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) will continue this year. The United States wants to conclude talks by the end of March, but with the deadline fast approaching and the promise of resolution waning, tensions are running high. Notably, the outcome of the NAFTA talks will inform and set the tone for other trade action.

What’s more, a number of other actions on trade will take place this year. As we wrote recently, Congress has moved to reform the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), a government body designed to review sales and transfer of ownership of U.S. companies to foreign entities. Efforts have also started to revise the export control regime – a key component to improving global market access and making international trade more equitable.

SEMI will continue its work on behalf of its members around the globe to open up new markets and lessen the burden of regulations on cross-border trade and commerce. In addition, SEMI will continue to educate policymakers on the critical importance of unobstructed trade in continuing to push the rapid advance of semiconductors and the emerging technologies they enable into the future. If you are interested in more information on trade, or how to be involved in SEMI’s public policy program, please contact Jay Chittooran, Manager, Public Policy, at [email protected].

3D-Micromac AG, a supplier of laser micromachining and roll-to-roll laser systems for the photovoltaic, medical device and electronics markets, in cooperation with the Taiwan Flat Panel Display Materials and Device Association (TDMDA) and MOS Technology, will host the 6th International Laser and Coating Symposium (ILaCoS) on February 1, 2018 in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

This year’s theme, “The Future of Display Industry”, will bring together experts in the field of laser microprocessing and display fabrication to discuss the latest scientific developments, business opportunities and future manufacturing needs for advanced displays. Distinguished speakers from the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Fraunhofer, IHS Technology and other organizations will present on a variety of topics encompassing new and emerging display technologies such as:

  • MicroLED displays
  • Organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays
  • Multifunction displays
  • Flexible displays

“Virtual and augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, and green energy initiatives in the home, office and automobile are having an enormous impact on the display market and driving the development of new display technologies,” according to Uwe Wagner, chief technology officer of 3D-Micromac. “Upcoming display technologies require new manufacturing methods. As the semiconductor, light emitting diode (LED) and display markets continue to converge, microelectronics know-how is needed to realize the next generation of displays. Taiwan is among the most important regions for display manufacturing, while Europe offers a wide range of production and machine manufacturing know-how. The ILaCoS symposium provides a forum that brings both sides together to share their expertise and foster new partnerships in the rapidly evolving display market.”

“TDMDA is anon-profit industry association whose objective is to support the formation of technical R&D alliances among the up, mid, and down-stream manufacturersto meet the new challenges of the display technologies,” stated Dr. Janglin (John) Chen, chairman of TDMDA. “With hosting ILaCoS 2018, TDMDA provides a platform of technology and business opportunity to Taiwanese display manufacturers that enables them to bring the latest process technologies to the Taiwanese market. We sincerely welcome you to join us at this event and help make it a true success.”

The historic flood of merger and acquisition agreements that swept through the semiconductor industry in 2015 and 2016 slowed significantly in 2017, but the total value of M&A deals reached in the year was still more than twice the annual average in the first half of this decade, according to IC Insights’ new 2018 McClean Report, which becomes available this month.  Subscribers to The McClean Report can attend one of the upcoming half-day seminars (January 23 in Scottsdale, AZ; January 25 in Sunnyvale, CA; and January 30 in Boston, MA) that discuss the highlights of the report free of charge.

In 2017, about two dozen acquisition agreements were reached for semiconductor companies, business units, product lines, and related assets with a combined value of $27.7 billion compared to the record-high $107.3 billion set in 2015 and the $99.8 billion total in 2016 (Figure 1).  Prior to the explosion of semiconductor acquisitions that erupted several years ago, M&A agreements in the chip industry had a total annual average value of about $12.6 billion between 2010 and 2015.

Figure 1

Figure 1

Two large acquisition agreements accounted for 87% of the M&A total in 2017, and without them, the year would have been subpar in terms of the typical annual value of announced transactions.  The falloff in the value of semiconductor acquisition agreements in 2017 suggests that the feverish pace of M&A deals is finally cooling off.  M&A mania erupted in 2015 when semiconductor acquisitions accelerated because a growing number of companies began buying other chip businesses to offset slow growth rates in major end-use applications (such as smartphones, PCs, and tablets) and to expand their reach into huge new market opportunities, like the Internet of Things (IoT), wearable systems, and highly “intelligent” embedded electronics, including the growing amount of automated driver-assist capabilities in new cars and fully autonomous vehicles in the not-so-distant future.

With the number of acquisition targets shrinking and the task of merging operations together growing, industry consolidation through M&A transactions decelerated in 2017.  Regulatory reviews of planned mergers by government agencies in Europe, the U.S., and China have also slowed the pace of large semiconductor acquisitions.

One of the big differences between semiconductor M&A in 2017 and the two prior years was that far fewer megadeals were announced.  In 2017, only two acquisition agreements exceeded $1 billion in value (the $18 billion deal for Toshiba’s memory business and Marvell’s planned $6 billion purchase of Cavium).  Ten semiconductor acquisition agreements in 2015 exceeded $1 billion and seven in 2016 were valued over $1 billion.  The two large acquisition agreements in 2017 pushed the average value of semiconductor M&A pacts to $1.3 billion.  Without those megadeals, the average would have been just $185 million last year. The average value of 22 semiconductor acquisition agreements struck in 2015 was $4.9 billion.  In 2016, the average for 29 M&A agreements was $3.4 billion, based on data compiled by IC Insights.

Demand for liquid crystal display (LCD) panels from South Korean and Chinese TV makers was strong in the fourth quarter of 2017, but implementation of their panel purchasing strategies for the first quarter of 2018 may result in a correction as demand expectations change. While some TV brands are expected to maintain their panel purchasing plans, others are forecast to reduce demand in the first quarter as it is a traditionally slow season and some demand was pulled into the last quarter, according to IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO).

According to the latest TV Display & OEM Intelligence Service report by IHS Markit, South Korean TV makers are expected to reduce LCD panel purchasing volumes by 3 percent in the first quarter of 2018 compared to the previous quarter, or to increase by 1 percent compared to the same period last year.

“There is risk of a correction in demand as their panel purchasing plans get underway given that a sufficient supply chain buffer is already factored in for the first quarter. These manufacturers will likely continue to use their plans as a negotiating tactic for more competitive prices,” said Deborah Yang, director of display supply chain at IHS Markit. “This has been one of the most critical swing factors for the LCD panel supply and demand.”

China’s top six TV makers — ChangHong, Haier, Hisense, Konka, Skyworth and TCL — are forecast to cut their LCD panel purchasing volumes by 30 percent in the first quarter of 2018 over quarter, and 5 percent over year.

“It is estimated that the Chinese brands carried relatively higher level of inventories as of the end of December 2017 as they have been preparing for the upcoming promotional seasons in early January and the Chinese New Year holidays in February. Given this, they are in no rush to secure more panel supplies in the first quarter, and may want to negotiate for lower prices,” Yang said.



“Due to a coming slow season, the bargaining power seems to be with TV makers. However, uncertainties about a stable supply of feature-rich premium and larger panels will have the top-tier TV brands concerned,” Yang said. Chinese panel makers, she said, have yet to prove that they will actually start mass-producing 65-inch LCD panels from the world’s first Gen 10.5 fabs in the first quarter.

“The top-tier TV brands will want to make sure they can secure sufficient panel supplies of 65-inch and larger panels,” Yang said. “At the same time, they also seek to attain better bargains on large and ultra-large panels in 2018 and beyond.”

Panel makers, however, have not agreed to offer more price concessions. Some panel makers are scheduled to remodel fabs in the first quarter and this will eventually cause an unstable supply of LCD TV panels, particularly for larger sizes. “All this points to the likelihood that the TV panel market will see chaotic swings in demand in the first quarter of 2018,” Yang said.

2018FLEX, the Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) Conference and Exhibition, will bring together more than 600 experts from around the world for business-critical insights and the latest technology in both flexible electronics and MEMS and sensors. 2018FLEX – February 13-15 in Monterey, California – will spotlight FHE innovation drivers in smart medtech, smart automotive, smart manufacturing, Internet of Things (IoT) and consumer electronics. The event, hosted by SEMI FlexTech, will feature more than 100 market and technical presentations, 60 exhibits, short courses and opportunities to connect with industry visionaries.

This year 2018FLEX will co-locate with the MEMS & Sensors Technical Congress (MSTC). February 13-14, MSTC will highlight leading-edge MEMS and sensors system-level solutions, technology and applications. Click here to register for both events.

The flexible and printed electronics markets are expected to reach $20 billion by 2022, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.5 percent from 2016 to 2022, according to Zion Research. Flexible hybrid electronics and printed electronics enable new form factors and economics for a diverse set of applications. Examples include minimally invasive implantable systems that treat major depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the ability to repair or reproduce failed devices during space exploration, and head-up displays (HUDs) that will use ultra-thin holographic films to project transparent images on car windshields for safer driving.

“Global demand for technical expertise on materials, manufacturing and component technologies in FHE and printed electronics is rapidly growing,” said Melissa Grupen-Shemansky, CTO, Flexible Electronics and Advanced Packaging, SEMI. “2018FLEX offers the latest business and technology insights into applications such as flexible biosensors, flexible displays, drones, smart packaging, 3D printing and human-machine interfaces.”

2018FLEX will also showcase the latest technologies and solutions developed by contractors involved in the public/private research and development funding programs in FlexTech, NanoBio Manufacturing Consortium (NBMC), and NextFlex.

Keynotes headlining 2018FLEX will include:

  • Cortera Neurotechnologies – Minimally invasive implantable biosensors for treating major psychiatric illnesses
  • NASA – In-Space Manufacturing, a multi-material Fab Lab for the International Space Station
  • Luminit – Holographic Optical Element technologies for automotive HUD
  • Panasonic – Flexible hybrid electronics applications for lithium-ion batteries
  • Draper Labs – Flexible drones

2018FLEX will also highlight these exciting technologies:

  • Bonbouton – Graphene-based smart insoles for preventative diabetic healthcare
  • PARC – Latest application projects in environmental monitoring, wearables and supply chain solutions
  • Tekscan – Thin, flexible, tactile sensing technology for intelligent surgical, diagnostic and home healthcare applications

About 2018FLEX

The Flexible Electronics Conference and Exhibition (2018FLEX), now in its 17th year, will be held at the Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel & Spa in Monterey. Highlights will include significant technical achievements, opportunities and challenges within the FHE and printed electronics industries.

As the demand for super-large TV displays grow, the need for higher resolution is set to increase, seeing the first uses of 8K display in 2018, according to IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO).

While ultra-high definition (UHD) panels are estimated to account for more than 98 percent of the 60-inch and larger display market in 2017, most TV panel suppliers are planning to mass produce 8K displays in 2018. The 7680 x 4320 pixel resolution display is expected to make up about 1 percent of the 60-inch and larger display market this year and 9 percent in 2020, according to the Display Long-term Demand Forecast Tracker report by IHS Markit.


“As UHD has rapidly replaced full HD in the super large-sized TV display market, panel makers are willing to supply differentiated products with higher resolution and improve profit margin with premium products,” said Ricky Park, director at IHS Markit. “Year 2018 will become the first year of the 8K resolution TV display.”

Innolux started developing 8K panels in 2017 and produced its first ever 8K LCD TV display (60Hz, 65-inch) in the fourth quarter of 2017. The display will be supplied to Sharp TV and Chinese brands in the beginning. Meanwhile, Sharp has also mass produced its first 8K LCD TV display at 70-inch in the last quarter of 2017 to support the Sharp TV brand in China.

Looking at the 8K display roadmap in 2018, it appears that Samsung Electronics and Sony are driving the market at this time. They plan to release their flagship 8K TV models in 2018. Samsung and Sony will consume almost all 120Hz 8K panels from Innolux, AUO and Samsung Display, with sizes varying from 65 to 75 and 85 inches.

BOE and CEC-Panda are now planning to develop 8K LCD TV panels in the second half of 2018 and taking on a differentiation strategy, LG Display will likely focus on developing OLED 8K panel in the future. LG Display unveiled the world’s first 88-inch 8K OLED TV display at CES 2018.

Based on current plans, panel makers in the early stages of development will mostly develop 60Hz 8K displays based on a-Si technology, and those in the next stages are also likely to develop 120Hz 8K displays based on oxide technology. The latter has advantages, such as better aperture ratio and lower power consumption.

A nanostructured gate dielectric may have addressed the most significant obstacle to expanding the use of organic semiconductors for thin-film transistors. The structure, composed of a fluoropolymer layer followed by a nanolaminate made from two metal oxide materials, serves as gate dielectric and simultaneously protects the organic semiconductor – which had previously been vulnerable to damage from the ambient environment – and enables the transistors to operate with unprecedented stability.

Image shows organic-thin film transistors with a nanostructured gate dielectric under continuous testing on a probe station. (Credit: Rob Felt, Georgia Tech)

Image shows organic-thin film transistors with a nanostructured gate dielectric under continuous testing on a probe station. (Credit: Rob Felt, Georgia Tech)

The new structure gives thin-film transistors stability comparable to those made with inorganic materials, allowing them to operate in ambient conditions – even underwater. Organic thin-film transistors can be made inexpensively at low temperature on a variety of flexible substrates using techniques such as inkjet printing, potentially opening new applications that take advantage of simple, additive fabrication processes.

“We have now proven a geometry that yields lifetime performance that for the first time establish that organic circuits can be as stable as devices produced with conventional inorganic technologies,” said Bernard Kippelen, the Joseph M. Pettit professor in Georgia Tech’s School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and director of Georgia Tech’s Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics (COPE). “This could be the tipping point for organic thin-film transistors, addressing long-standing concerns about the stability of organic-based printable devices.”

The research was reported January 12 in the journal Science Advances. The research is the culmination of 15 years of development within COPE and was supported by sponsors including the Office of Naval Research, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the National Nuclear Security Administration.

Transistors comprise three electrodes. The source and drain electrodes pass current to create the “on” state, but only when a voltage is applied to the gate electrode, which is separated from the organic semiconductor material by a thin dielectric layer. A unique aspect of the architecture developed at Georgia Tech is that this dielectric layer uses two components, a fluoropolymer and a metal-oxide layer.

“When we first developed this architecture, this metal oxide layer was aluminum oxide, which is susceptible to damage from humidity,” said Canek Fuentes-Hernandez, a senior research scientist and coauthor of the paper. “Working in collaboration with Georgia Tech Professor Samuel Graham, we developed complex nanolaminate barriers which could be produced at temperatures below 110 degrees Celsius and that when used as gate dielectric, enabled transistors to sustain being immersed in water near its boiling point.”

The new Georgia Tech architecture uses alternating layers of aluminum oxide and hafnium oxide – five layers of one, then five layers of the other, repeated 30 times atop the fluoropolymer – to make the dielectric. The oxide layers are produced with atomic layer deposition (ALD). The nanolaminate, which ends up being about 50 nanometers thick, is virtually immune to the effects of humidity.

“While we knew this architecture yielded good barrier properties, we were blown away by how stably transistors operated with the new architecture,” said Fuentes-Hernandez. “The performance of these transistors remained virtually unchanged even when we operated them for hundreds of hours and at elevated temperatures of 75 degrees Celsius. This was by far the most stable organic-based transistor we had ever fabricated.”

For the laboratory demonstration, the researchers used a glass substrate, but many other flexible materials – including polymers and even paper – could also be used.

In the lab, the researchers used standard ALD growth techniques to produce the nanolaminate. But newer processes referred to as spatial ALD – utilizing multiple heads with nozzles delivering the precursors – could accelerate production and allow the devices to be scaled up in size. “ALD has now reached a level of maturity at which it has become a scalable industrial process, and we think this will allow a new phase in the development of organic thin-film transistors,” Kippelen said.

An obvious application is for the transistors that control pixels in organic light-emitting displays (OLEDs) used in such devices as the iPhone X and Samsung phones. These pixels are now controlled by transistors fabricated with conventional inorganic semiconductors, but with the additional stability provided by the new nanolaminate, they could perhaps be made with printable organic thin-film transistors instead.

Internet of things (IoT) devices could also benefit from fabrication enabled by the new technology, allowing production with inkjet printers and other low-cost printing and coating processes. The nanolaminate technique could also allow development of inexpensive paper-based devices, such as smart tickets, that would use antennas, displays and memory fabricated on paper through low-cost processes.

But the most dramatic applications could be in very large flexible displays that could be rolled up when not in use.

“We will get better image quality, larger size and better resolution,” Kippelen said. “As these screens become larger, the rigid form factor of conventional displays will be a limitation. Low processing temperature carbon-based technology will allow the screen to be rolled up, making it easy to carry around and less susceptible to damage.

For their demonstration, Kippelen’s team – which also includes Xiaojia Jia, Cheng-Yin Wang and Youngrak Park – used a model organic semiconductor. The material has well-known properties, but with carrier mobility values of 1.6 cm2/Vs isn’t the fastest available. As a next step, they researchers would like to test their process on newer organic semiconductors that provide higher charge mobility. They also plan to continue testing the nanolaminate under different bending conditions, across longer time periods, and in other device platforms such as photodetectors.

Though the carbon-based electronics are expanding their device capabilities, traditional materials like silicon have nothing to fear.

“When it comes to high speeds, crystalline materials like silicon or gallium nitride will certainly have a bright and very long future,” said Kippelen. “But for many future printed applications, a combination of the latest organic semiconductor with higher charge mobility and the nanostructured gate dielectric will provide a very powerful device technology.”