Category Archives: Displays

A discovery by an international team of researchers from Princeton University, the Georgia Institute of Technology and Humboldt University in Berlin points the way to more widespread use of an advanced technology generally known as organic electronics.

The research, published in the journal Nature Materials, focused on organic semiconductors, a class of materials prized for their applications in emerging technologies such as flexible electronics, solar energy conversion, and high-quality color displays for smartphones and televisions. In the short term, the advancement could particularly help with organic light-emitting diodes that operate at high energy to emit colors such as green and blue.

Researchers used ultraviolet light to excite molecules in a semiconductor, triggering reactions that split up and activated a dopant. Credit: Princeton University / Jing Wang and Xin Lin

Researchers used ultraviolet light to excite molecules in a semiconductor, triggering reactions that split up and activated a dopant. Credit: Princeton University / Jing Wang and Xin Lin

“Organic semiconductors are ideal materials for the fabrication of mechanically flexible devices with energy-saving, low-temperature processes,” said Xin Lin, a doctoral student and a member of the Princeton research team. “One of their major disadvantages has been their relatively poor electrical conductivity. In some applications, this can lead to difficulties and inefficient devices. We are working to improve the electrical properties of organic semiconductors.”

Semiconductors, typically made of silicon, are the foundation of modern electronics because engineers can take advantage of their unique properties to control electrical currents. Among many applications, semiconductor devices are used for computing, signal amplification, and switching. They are used in energy-saving devices such as light-emitting diodes and devices that convert energy such as solar cells.

Essential to these functionalities is a process called doping, in which the semiconductor’s chemical makeup is modified by adding a small amount of chemicals or impurities. By carefully choosing the type and amount of dopant, researchers can alter semiconductors’ electronic structure and electrical behavior in a variety of ways.

In their Nature Materials paper, the researchers have described a new approach for greatly increasing the conductivity of organic semiconductors, formed of carbon-based molecules rather than silicon atoms. The dopant, a ruthenium-containing compound, was a reducing agent, which means it added electrons to the organic semiconductor as part of the doping process. The addition of the electrons was the key to increasing the semiconductor’s conductivity. The compound belongs to a newly-introduced class of dopants called dimeric organometallic dopants. Unlike many other powerful reducing agents, these dopants are stable when exposed to air but still work as strong electron donors both in solution and solid state.

Georgia Tech’s Seth Marder, a Regents Professor in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Stephen Barlow, a research scientist in the school, led the development of the new dopant. They called the ruthenium compound a “hyper-reducing dopant.”

They said it was unusual, not only in its combination of electron donation strength and air stability but also in its ability to work with a class of organic semiconductors that have previously been very difficult to dope. In studies conducted at Princeton, the researchers found that the new dopant increased the conductivity of these semiconductors by about a million times.

The ruthenium compound was a dimer, meaning it consisted of two identical molecules, or monomers, connected by a chemical bond.  As is, the compound proved relatively stable and, when added to these difficult-to-dope semiconductors, it did not react and remained in its equilibrium state. That posed a problem because to increase the conductivity of the organic semiconductor, the ruthenium dimer needed to split and release its two identical monomers.

Princeton’s Lin, the study’s lead author, said the researchers looked for different ways to break up the ruthenium dimer and activate the doping. Eventually, he and Berthold Wegner, a visiting graduate student from the group of Norbert Koch at Humboldt University, took a hint from how photosynthetic systems work. They irradiated the system with ultraviolet light, which excited molecules in the semiconductor and initiated the reaction. Under exposure to the light, the dimers were able to dope the semiconductor, leading to a roughly 100,000 times increase in the conductivity.

After that, the researchers made an interesting observation.

“Once the light was turned off, one might naively expect the reverse reaction to occur and the increased conductivity to disappear,” said Georgia Tech’s Marder, who is also associate director of the Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics (COPE) at Georgia Tech. “However, this was not the case.”

The researchers found that the ruthenium monomers remained isolated in the semiconductor, increasing conductivity, even though thermodynamics should have returned the molecules to their original configuration as dimers. Antoine Kahn, a Princeton professor who led the research team, said the physical layout of the molecules inside the doped semiconductor provides a likely answer to this puzzle. The hypothesis is that the monomers are scattered in the semiconductor in such a way that it was very difficult for them to return to their original configuration and re-form the ruthenium dimer. To recombine, he said, the monomers would have to have faced in the correct orientation, but in the mixture, they remained askew. So, even though thermodynamics showed that dimers should reform, most never snapped back together.

“The question is why aren’t these things moving back together into equilibrium,” said Kahn, who is Stephen C. Macaleer ’63 Professor in Engineering and Applied Science. “The answer is they are kinetically trapped.”

In fact, the researchers observed the doped semiconductor for over a year and found very little decrease in the electrical conductivity. Also, by observing the material in light-emitting diodes fabricated by the group of Barry Rand, an assistant professor of electrical engineering at Princeton and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, the researchers discovered that doping was continuously re-activated by the light produced by the device.

“The light activates the system more, which leads to more light production and more activation until the system is fully activated, said Marder, who is Georgia Power Chair in Energy Efficiency. “This alone is a novel and surprising observation.”

The paper was co-authored by Kyung Min Lee, Michael A. Fusella, and Fengyu Zhang, of Princeton, and Karttikay Moudgil of Georgia Tech. Research was funded by the National Science Foundation (grants DMR-1506097, DMR-1305247), the Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Solid-State Lighting program (award DE-EE0006672) and the DoE’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering (award DE-SC0012458), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (project SFB 951) and the Helmholtz Energy-Alliance Hybrid Photovoltaics project.

Worldwide PC shipments totaled 71.6 million units in the fourth quarter of 2017, a 2 percent decline from the fourth quarter of 2016, according to preliminary results by Gartner, Inc. For the year, 2017 PC shipments surpassed 262.5 million units, a 2.8 percent decline from 2016. It was the 13th consecutive quarter of declining global PC shipments, as well as the sixth year of annual declines. However, Gartner analysts said there were some signs for optimism.

“In the fourth quarter of 2017, there was PC shipment growth in Asia/Pacific, Japan and Latin America. There was only a moderate shipment decline in EMEA,” said Mikako Kitagawa, principal analyst at Gartner. “However, the U.S. market saw a steep decline, which offset the generally positive results in other regions.

“The fourth quarter results confirmed again that PCs are no longer popular holiday gift items. This does not mean that PCs will disappear from households,” Kitagawa said. “Rather, the PC will become a more specialized, purpose-driven device. PC buyers will look for quality and functionality rather than looking for the lowest price, which will increase PC average selling prices (ASPs) and improve profitability in the long run. However, until this point is reached, the market will have to go through the shrinking phase caused by fewer PC users.”

HP Inc. moved into the No. 1 position in the fourth quarter of 2017, as its shipments grew 6.6 percent, and its market share totaled 22.5 percent (see Table 1). The company showed year-over-year growth in all regions, including the challenging U.S. market. For the fourth consecutive quarter, Lenovo experienced a decline in shipments. Lenovo had moderate growth in EMEA and Asia/Pacific, but shipments declined in North America.

Table 1
Preliminary Worldwide PC Vendor Unit Shipment Estimates for 4Q17 (Thousands of Units)


4Q17 Shipments

4Q17 Market Share (%)

4Q16 Shipments

4Q16 Market Share (%)

4Q17-4Q16 Growth (%)

HP Inc.






























Acer Group


















Notes: Data includes desk-based PCs, notebook PCs and ultramobile premiums (such as Microsoft Surface), but not Chromebooks or iPads. All data is estimated based on a preliminary study. Final estimates will be subject to change. The statistics are based on shipments selling into channels.
Source: Gartner (January 2018)

Dell’s shipments grew slightly in the fourth quarter of 2017. Dell did well in EMEA, Asia/Pacific and Latin America, but it had weak results in North America. Generally, Dell has put a higher priority on profitability over market share.

Steep PC shipment decline in the U.S.

In the U.S., PC shipments surpassed 15.2 million units in the fourth quarter of 2017, an 8 percent decline from the fourth quarter of 2016 (see Table 2). Four of the top five vendors experienced a decline in U.S. PC shipments in the fourth quarter of 2017. HP Inc. was the only vendor to increase shipments in the quarter. The decline was attributed to weak consumer demand despite holiday season sales.

“U.S. consumer confidence was high in the fourth quarter of 2017, but that did not influence PC demand. U.S. holiday sales were filled with popular products, such as voice-enabled speakers, and newly released smartphones,” Kitagawa said. “PCs simply could not compete against these gift items during the holiday season. We did see some consistent growth of gaming and high-end PCs.”

Table 2
Preliminary U.S. PC Vendor Unit Shipment Estimates for 4Q17 (Thousands of Units)


4Q17 Shipments

4Q17 Market Share (%)

4Q16 Shipments

4Q16 Market Share (%)

4Q17-4Q16 Growth (%)

HP Inc.
























Acer Group


















Notes: Data includes desk-based PCs, notebook PCs and ultramobile premiums (such as Microsoft Surface), but not Chromebooks or iPads. All data is estimated based on a preliminary study. Final estimates will be subject to change. The statistics are based on shipments selling into channels.
Source: Gartner (January 2018)

PC shipments in EMEA totaled 21.8 million units in the fourth quarter of 2017, a 1.4 percent decline year over year. PC demand in the U.K. was still ailing and unit shipments into Germany were weaker than expected. PC revenue is expected to be up year over year in Western Europe. The rise in ASPs is due to currency fluctuations, the need for vendors to offset rising component costs, and a product-mix shift toward higher-value items, such as gaming systems and high-performing notebooks.

The Asia/Pacific PC market totaled 25 million units in the fourth quarter of 2017, a 0.6 percent increase from the fourth quarter of 2016. The consumer market stabilized with fourth-quarter online promotions in many countries, which drove demand for gaming PCs and thin and light notebooks. China experienced its first positive PC shipment growth since the first quarter of 2012. The success of the 11.11 shopping festival and the continuing demand for PCs in the commercial market drove the China PC market to 1.1 percent growth in the quarter.

PC market consolidation in 2017

For the year, worldwide PC shipments totaled 262.5 million units in 2017, a 2.8 percent decrease from 2016 (see Table 3). As the PC industry continues to consolidate, the top four vendors in 2017 accounted for 64 percent of global PC shipments. In 2011, the top four vendors accounted for 45 percent of PC shipments.

“The top vendors have taken advantage of their volume operations to lower production costs, pushing small to midsize vendors out of the market,” Kitagawa said.

Table 3
Preliminary Worldwide PC Vendor Unit Shipment Estimates for 2017 (Thousands of Units)




2017 Market

Share (%)



2016 Market Share (%)

2017-2016 Growth (%)

HP Inc.






























Acer Group


















Notes: Data includes desk-based PCs, notebook PCs and ultramobile premiums (such as Microsoft Surface), but not Chromebooks or iPads. All data is estimated based on a preliminary study. Final estimates will be subject to change. The statistics are based on shipments selling into channels.
Source: Gartner (January 2018)

These results are preliminary. Final statistics will be available soon to clients of Gartner’s PC Quarterly Statistics Worldwide by Region program. This program offers a comprehensive and timely picture of the worldwide PC market, allowing product planning, distribution, marketing and sales organizations to keep abreast of key issues and their future implications around the globe.


By Emir Demircan, Senior Manager Advocacy and Public Policy, SEMI Europe

Electronic manufacturing is becoming cool to today’s youth. STEM skills are hot in the global job market – though the number of females pursuing a STEM education continues to lag. Work-based learning is key to mastering new technologies. And the electronics industry needs a global talent pipeline more than ever.

These were key highlights from a SEMI Member Forum in December that brought together industry representatives and students in Dresden to weigh in on job-skills challenges facing the electronics manufacturers and solutions for the industry to consider. Here are the takeaways:

1) Electronics is much more than manufacturing

For many years, working in the manufacturing industry was not an appealing prospect for millennials. This picture is certainly changing. The pivotal role of electronics manufacturing in helping solve grand societal challenges in areas such as the environment, healthcare and urban mobility is reaffirmed by countries around the world. Electronics is the lifeblood of game-changing technologies such as autonomous driving, AI, IoT, and VR/AR, enticing more young employees into careers in research, design, technology development, production, cyber security and international business, and in disciplines ranging from engineering and data analytics to software development and cyber security.

What’s more, the drudgery of many factory jobs is disappearing thanks to automation, digitization and robotization. According to CEDEFOP, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, low-skilled jobs in electro-engineering and machine operations/assembly in the European Union (EU) is projected to decrease 6.98 percent and 2.03 percent, respectively, between 2015 and 2025.

In parallel, the industry will need more high-skilled workers. For instance, within the same period, CEDEFOP forecasts a 12.51 percent increase in jobs for EU researchers and engineers. Soft skills will see high demand too. As the electronics industry continues to globalize and drive the integration of vertical technologies, workers proficient in communicating in an international environment, leading multicultural teams, developing tailor-made solutions and making data-driven decisions will see higher demand.

2) STEM skills will remain under the spotlight

Continuous innovation is the oxygen of the electronics manufacturing industry, powering the development of highly customized solutions by workers with technical expertise in chemistry, materials, design, mechanics, production and many other fields. In addition, capabilities such as smart manufacturing require workers with growing technical sophistication in areas such as software, information and communications technology (ICT) and data analytics, stiffening the challenge the electronics industry faces in finding skilled workers. Little wonder that employers in Europe struggle to build a workforce with the right technical expertise. The findings of the study “Encouraging STEM Studies for the Labour Market” conducted by the European Parliament underscores the difficulty of hiring enough workers with adequate STEM skills:

  • The proportion of STEM students is not rising at the European level and the underrepresentation of women persists.
  • Businesses are expected to produce about 7 million new STEM jobs, an uptick of 8 percent, between 2013 and 2025 in Europe.

3) The women-in-tech gap is becoming more persistent 

The global manufacturing industry suffers from strikingly low female participation in STEM education and careers. According to UNSECO, in Europe and North America, the number of female graduates in STEM is generally low. For instance, women make up just 19 percent of engineers in Germany and the U.S. The European Parliament study confirms that STEM employment remains stubbornly male-dominated, with women filling just 24 percent of science and engineering jobs and 15 percent of science and engineering associate positions in Europe. According to an article by Guardian, a mere 16 percent of computer science undergraduates in the United Kingdom and the U.S. are female. This yawning gender gap is a deep concern for electronics manufacturing companies in Europe, hampering innovation in a sector that relies heavily on diversity and inclusion and shrinks the talent pipeline critical to remaining competitive.

4) Coping with new technologies: work-based learning is the key

The evolution of the electronics industry since the 1980s has been swift. PCs emerged largely as islands of communication, then became networked. Networking bred the proliferation of social platforms and mobile devices and, today, is giving rise to IoT. Education curricula in Europe, however, have not matured at the same pace, opening a gap between the worlds of industry and education and imposing a formidable school-to-work transition for many young graduates. Work-based learning, which helps students develop the knowledge and practical job skills needed by business, is one solution. The industry reports that work-based learning is vital to remaining competitive in the long run. Innovative dual-learning programmes, apprenticeships and industrial master’s and doctorates are shining examples that are already paying off in some parts of Europe. Such work-based learning models can be extended as a common pillar of education in Europe.

5) A global industry needs a global talent pipeline

The electronics value chain workforce needs an international and multicultural talent pipeline, chiefly spanning the U.S., Europe and Asia. However, many European manufacturers, in particular small and medium enterprises (SMEs), report that building an international workforce remains a challenge due to employment and immigration law barriers as well as cultural and linguistic differences. The EU’s Blue Card initiative, designed to facilitate hiring beyond Europe, is a step in the right direction. Nevertheless, with the exception of Germany, EU member states have made little or no use of the EU Blue Card scheme.

SEMI drives sector-wide initiatives on workforce development

Understanding the urgency, SEMI is accelerating its workforce development activities at global level. Contributing to this initiative, the SEMI talent pipeline Forum in Dresden served as an effective platform for the industry to share its challenges and opportunities with students at various education levels. Led by industry representatives, the sessions enabled the exchange of workforce-development best practices and paved the way for further collaboration among industry, academia and government in Europe. For example, in the Career Café session, students networked with hiring managers. Other workforce development initiatives include:

To help position the skills challenges faced by SEMI members high on the public policy agenda, SEMI in 2017 joined several policy groups including Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition and Expert Group on High-Tech Skills. Last year SEMI also launched Women in Tech, an initiative that convenes industry leaders to help increase female representation in the sector. SEMI also educates its members about key EU resources such as the Blue Card and Digital Opportunity Internship programmes aimed at hiring international talent. In 2018, SEMI will reach out to even more young people through its High Tech U programme to raise awareness of careers in electronics. SEMICON Europa 2018 will host dedicated talent pipeline sessions to help the industry tackle its skills challenges. ISS Europe 2018 sessions on Gaining, Training and Retaining World Class Talent will disseminate best practices to the wider industry. Also this year, SEMI Europe plans to start a new advisory group, “Workforce 4.0,” dedicated to bringing together human resources leaders in the sector to give the electronics manufacturing industry a stronger voice on workforce development.


Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq:SMTC), a supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, today announced Chris Chang has joined the Company as Senior Vice President, Corporate Marketing and Business Development. In this newly-created role, he is leading corporate marketing, driving strategic growth initiatives and overseeing China operations.

Prior to joining Semtech, Mr. Chang was Chief Executive Officer at Alien Technology Corporation, a global leader in RFID technology. As CEO, he successfully executed a turnaround in the company’s financial performance, drove double digit revenue growth and profitability while simultaneously achieving historical sales records by accelerating expansion in the U.S., China, and Europe markets. Mr. Chang has also held key executive positions in sales and finance functions at other prominent high technology corporations including Marvell, AMD, Silicon Graphics, and Eastman Kodak.

“With Chris’ extensive expertise in marketing and business development, he will drive Semtech’s growth as we develop new products and establish new markets,” said Mohan Maheswaran, Semtech’s President and CEO. “Chris shares our values and our focus on innovation, and has shown to be an extraordinary leader throughout his career.”

“Joining Semtech is an honor and I look forward to working with our global team to further grow and expand our markets,” said Chris Chang, Senior Vice President, Corporate Marketing and Business Development at Semtech. “I have always admired Semtech’s outstanding business achievements and superior corporate culture and will use my industry expertise to help contribute to the Company’s continued success and market leadership.”

With consumer television prices falling, global shipments of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) TVs grew 133 percent year over year, reaching a new monthly record of 270,000 units in November 2017, during the lead-up to the holiday shopping season. This growth comes as falling prices placed 55-inch 4K OLED into the budget range of a greater number of high-end holiday shoppers, according to IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO).

Overall global liquid crystal display (LCD) TV shipments in November slightly declined by 1.6 percent month over month, falling to 24.4 million units, as Black Friday demand in the United States declined in 2017 compared to the prior year. Total OLED TV shipments from January through November 2017 surpassed 1.3 million units. Together with December estimates, overall OLED TV shipments are likely to exceed 1.4 million units shipped in 2017.

“In 2017, the landscape for OLED TV brands changed as Sony, Toshiba and other major brands began selling OLED TVs,” said Ken Park, associate director, IHS Markit. “The growing number of available OLED TV choices, especially high-profile Japanese and European brands, has resulted in more competition and pricing promotion activity in the OLED TV market.”

LGE dominated the OLED TV market in 2016, accounting for around 92 percent of all units shipped, while several Chinese brands accounted for most of the remaining shipments. During the weeks surrounding Black Friday 2017, LGE dropped the price of its entry-level B7 series 55-inch and 65-inch 4K OLED TVs by $200, pricing its lowest tier 55B7 model at $1,499.

LGE led overall OLED TV shipment volume in November, with a 31 percent month-over-month increase in shipments. Total year-over-year 55-inch OLED TV shipments rose 123 percent in November, while 65-inch shipments grew 157 percent.


After several years of close partnership, SEMI and the Fab Owners Association (FOA) have fully integrated. Driving manufacturing efficiencies remains the overriding purpose of the FOA – where the “A” now stands for “Alliance.”  With FOA’s integration with SEMI, the association will leverage SEMI’s global infrastructure and connections to over 2,000 members around the world to extend its platforms for collaborative networking and benchmarking manufacturing operations.

“FOA members operate some of the most innovative and efficient fabrication facilities and are hotbeds for new optimization methodologies in integrated circuit and micro-electromechanical production,” said Ajit Manocha, president and CEO of SEMI. “The integration of FOA with SEMI brings together firsthand understanding of manufacturing challenges so we can help all SEMI members achieve higher operating efficiency.”

With integration complete, FOA is managed as a Special Interest Group (SIG) within SEMI. FOA member companies will become full SEMI members, with FOA continuing to expand its global membership through SEMI’s global network, while maintaining its unique community.

Established in 2004, FOA brings to SEMI a focus on addressing common semiconductor operations and manufacturing issues. The full integration comes after more than a year in which the organizations operated under an Association Management Agreement where SEMI provided FOA association services and deepened its association with FOA. SEMI-FOA will continue to focus on manufacturing efficiency, including the group’s popular benchmark activities, to enable best practices among FOA members.

“FOA members manufacture a wide variety of complex devices, many of which make up the applications we see in some of the most advanced automotive systems, medical devices, Smart Manufacturing and general IoT,” said Dale Miller, member of the FOA Executive Director, and Senior Director, Fab 9 Semiconductor Manufacturing Operations at GLOBALFOUNDRIES. “Given the strong growth in these applications, FOA members must keep the fabs humming at full capacity while always pursuing higher yield and lower cost. To help maintain this momentum, FOA will continue to enable members to collaborate on best practices and benchmarking while focusing on key issues such as cycle-time, yield and tool performance.”

From the Internet of Things to the cloud to artificial intelligence, industries are seeing a new wave of technologies that have the potential to transform and significantly impact the world around us. For its latest white paper, business information provider IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO) surveyed its leading technology experts to find out how these technologies are coming together in new and powerful ways to fundamentally change businesses, fuel innovation, disrupt industries and create both threats and opportunities.

The top eight transformative technologies for the global technology market in 2018, as identified in the IHS Markit report, are as follows:

Trend #1: Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI has matured to the point where it is being used as a competitive differentiator in several industries, particularly in the smartphone, automotive and medical markets. Also, optimization for on-device versus cloud-based solutions is becoming an area of focus. Cloud AI has more computing power to analyze data as it utilizes deep learning algorithms, but there are potential issues around privacy, latency and stability. On-device AI, meanwhile, can help offset those dangers to some degree. For instance, smartphone users who deploy the built-in AI of their phones are able to store data locally and thus safeguard their privacy.

Trend #2: Internet of Things (IoT)

The global installed base of IoT devices will rise to 73 billion in 2025, IHS Markit forecasts show. Accelerating IoT growth in 2018 and movement through a four-stage IoT evolution — “Connect, Collect, Compute and Create” — will be the confluence of enhanced connectivity options with edge computing and cloud analytics.

Enhancements in IoT connectivity, such as low-power wireless access (LPWA) will drive growth. Moreover, technologies adjacent to the IoT will become increasingly sophisticated. Machine video and ubiquitous video will empower new types of visual analytics. And AI, the cloud and virtualization will help develop critical insights sourced from data at the so-called “edge” of computing networks. Applying AI techniques to data will drive monetization in the form of cost savings, greater efficiencies and a transition from product- to service-centric business models.

Trend #3: Cloud and virtualization

Cloud services will pave the way for technologically immature companies to utilize machine learning (ML) and AI, radically transforming their usage and understanding of data.

Trend #4: Connectivity

As the first 5G commercial deployments emerge, the story will focus on connectivity. However, the path to full 5G adoption and deployment is complicated, with new opportunities and challenges alike in store for mobile network operators, infrastructure providers, device manufacturers and end users. 5G represents a dramatic expansion of traditional cellular technology use cases beyond mobile voice and broadband, to include a multitude of IoT and mission-critical applications.

Trend #5: Ubiquitous video

The growing use of screens and cameras across multiple consumer- and enterprise-device categories, along with increasingly advanced broadcast, fixed and mobile data networks, is powering an explosion in video consumption, creation, distribution and data traffic. More importantly, video content is increasingly expanding beyond entertainment into industrial applications for medical, education, security and remote controls, as well as digital signage.

Trend #6: Computer vision

The increasing importance of computer vision is directly tied to the mega-trend of digitization that has been playing out in the industrial, enterprise and consumer segments. The proliferation of image sensors, as well as improvements in image processing and analysis, are enabling a broad range of applications and use cases including industrial robots, drone applications, intelligent transportation systems, high-quality surveillance, and medical and automotive.

Trend #7: Robots and drones

The global market for robots and drones will grow to $3.9 billion in 2018. The deeper underpinnings of the story, however, lie in the disruptive potential of robots and drones to transform long-standing business models in manufacturing and industry, impacting critical areas such as logistics, material picking and handling, navigational autonomy and delivery.

Trend #8: Blockchain

Blockchain enables decentralized transactions and is the underlying technology for digital currency such as bitcoin and ether. Blockchain-based services beyond financial services are already being developed and deployed and will continue to ramp in 2018. These include: the use of blockchain to improve advertising measurement and combat ad fraud; blockchain-based systems for distributing music royalty payments; and solutions to better track and manage electronics supply chains.

At CES 2018, PixelDisplay will be demonstrating Vivid Color HDR, and implementations for thinner, more portable, brighter, narrow-bezel, cost-effective display products, targeting new HDR standards, with:

  • Increased color gamut and brightness, with better energy efficiency and lower cost, thickness, and weight than previously available
  • Wider-gamut color, for brighter edge-lit HDR LCD’s without the limitations of Quantum Dots, or HDR-crippling narrow-band phosphors
  • Thin MiniLED 2D array direct-backlit for HDR LCD’s, enabling removal of diffuser and light-guide layers, for additional savings
  • Flexible capabilities: “In-die” standard LED applications, “Roll-to-roll” color-conversion layers for MiniLED, and “Wafer-level-patterning” for MicroLED displays
  • Highest compatibility with LCD manufacturing processes, enabling existing LED Backlight designs to meet the new HDR standards
  • Zero heavy metals. Fully RoHS compliant

Following the initial launch of Vivid Color technology May 2017, demonstrated in the Innovation-Zone of SID’s DisplayWeek Conference in LA, showing an industry leading 97.8% of Rec.2020 from a single chip LED, PixelDisplay is directly addressing the HDR market gaps unfilled by Narrow-Band Phosphors, and Quantum Dots.

Mike Trainor, VP of Marketing at PixelDisplay, commented, “We’ve already established our capability for industry-leading laser-like color purity for AR and the next generation 8K standards, but the opportunity we also conveyed in our presentations and SID paper at DisplayWeek was the ability to apply the Vivid Color technology to nearer-term products aiming for prolific HDR compatibility, in thin, portable and narrow-bezel product categories.” Trainor continued, “We’re proud to be showing how near-term this technology is, through side-by-side comparisons with QLED LCD display, and LCD using our entry-level Vivid Color VC65R, the first of the new product series.”

Mike Trainor summarized, “Vivid Color is unique in enabling existing LCD display designs aiming to achieve the UHD Alliance’s MobileHDR and VESA’s new DisplayHDR logo’s requirements, without thickness-adding, bezel-widening. And unlike Narrow-Band KSF Phosphor LED’s, Vivid Color is fully HDR-Compatible, directly supporting inter-frame and dynamic PWM backlight control at high speeds, and very high brightness without disrupting color, sacrificing responsiveness or dynamic range – key challenges of these new HDR standards.”

More than 70,000 players in the electronics manufacturing industry are expected to descend upon SEMICON China for technology and innovation insights to accelerate already strong industry growth. March 14-16, 2018, at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), SEMICON China 2018 will bring together top executives and technologists in six exhibition halls, the most ever in the event’s 30-year history, to find opportunities in key focus areas including Smart Automotive and Smart Manufacturing, Green Tech, Advanced Technology, and Power and Compound Semiconductors.

Concurrent with FPD China, SEMICON China 2018, the largest and most influential gathering of the semiconductor supply chain in China, is now open for visitor registration.

SEMICON China technical forums will address the most pressing industry topics:

  • CSTIC 2018: Staged in conjunction with SEMICON China, this has ranked among the largest and most comprehensive annual semiconductor technology conferences in China since 2000. March 11-12, 2018, CSTIC 2018 will feature nine symposiums covering all aspects of semiconductor technology, with a focus on manufacturing and advanced technology.
  • SIIP: Tech Innovation and Investment Forum: SIIP is a key international platform for semiconductor industry investment in China. Informed by China’s IC policy to fund key semiconductor sectors, leaders of China’s National IC Fund and municipal IC funds will join leaders from global investment institutions to discuss hot opportunities in China semiconductor investment – and applications such as Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  • Win-Win: Build China’s IC Ecosystem: Spurred by a strong market outlook, policy and the national fund, fab construction in China will surge over the next five years, with OSAT (Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test) making strategic investments. Industry leaders will explore how China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry will strengthen its core competency, prioritize resources, revisit its business model, and thrive in the electronics ecosystem.
  • Power and Compound Semiconductor International Forum: Among the largest power and compound semiconductor industry forums in Asia, this two-day event features four sessions: Wide Band Gap Power Electronics, Optoelectronics, Compound Semiconductor in Communications, and Emerging Power Device Technology
  • Smart Automotive Forum – AI Inside: Top automotive, electronic, AI and technology executives will gather to discuss the future of the rapidly disrupting automotive industry.
  • China Memory Strategic Forum: Driven by market needs and policy support, three new Chinese Memory foundries are accelerating memory development. Industry leaders will explore ways multinationals can benefit more from China’s memory market, China can better leverage its technical strength, and Chinese companies can enhance research and development collaboration with global partners.
  • Green High-Tech Facility Forum: With more than 10 fabs now under construction in China,China’s semiconductor industry is entering a stage of rapid growth. Green Tech leaders will discuss how China can improve factory design and construction; optimize energy efficiency of semiconductor manufacturing equipment; enhance machine platform stability, chemicals and gas management, and wastewater treatment; and improve risk management.
  • Smart Manufacturing Forum: The semiconductor industry must be proactive in all aspects of smart manufacturing. This session will address automation, product tractability, cost and cycle time reduction, enhancements in productivity and yield, and efficiency improvements in front- and back-end factories.
  • Semiconductor New Technology Conference: The best way to promote new technology is through direct customer interaction and collaboration. Join this conference to discuss your new IC, new IOT solution, new machine or new material with more 200 customers from around the world.
  • 2018 China Display Conference-Emerging Display Forum: Join this forum, concurrent with FPD China 2018, to exchange ideas on emerging display technologies and future development.
  • MSIG International IOT Conference 2018: MEMS, sensors, IC, NB-IoT, 5G and smart application experts will share their insights on the IoT market and how to maximize the value of IoT applications.

SEMICON China also features three theme pavilions:

  • IC Manufacturing: See products, technologies, and manufacturing solutions focused on serving China’s fabless IC community, from design to final manufacturing.
  • LED and Sapphire: Learn how China has become the world’s largest sapphire manufacturing center.
  • ICMTIA: See the local IC material industry demonstrate its capabilities to support semiconductor industry growth.

With BOE, China Star, LG Display and Foxconn expected to build seven new Generation 10.5 factories by 2020, Gen 10 and larger fab flat panel display (FPD) capacity is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 59 percent between 2017 and 2022, according to IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO).


“The majority of all new incremental capacity for producing FPD televisions and other large area applications will be added at Gen 10.5 in the future,” said Charles Annis, senior director at IHS Markit. “The new Gen 10.5 fabs will install 735,000 substrates per month of capacity by the end of 2022. This is enough capacity to produce more than 60 million 65-inch televisions a year.”

Gen 8 and 8.6 fabs that currently account for the bulk of large-area dedicated supply were designed to produce 55- and 58-inch panels respectively, but suffer from inefficiency at bigger sizes. Now with premium televisions rapidly moving to larger sizes as prices fall, FPD makers are racing to build Gen 10.5 factories that are highly optimized for 65- and 75-inch panels.

Gen 10.5 factories, which use enormous 2940 x 3370 mm glass substrates, require high capital outlays to construct. Based on panel makers’ public announcements, total project costs of a Gen 10.5 LCD fab with a monthly capacity of 60,000 substrates will range between $3.4 billion and $6 billion, varying by maker and process to be adopted. To help finance such expensive factories panel makers in most cases are turning to regional governments for support.

Outfitting these fabs is creating unprecedented opportunities for the supply chain that supports them, particularly for equipment makers. According to the Display Supply Demand & Equipment Tracker by IHS Markit, FPD equipment spending will reach a record high of more than $20 billion in 2018, of which new Gen 10.5 factories are a major contributing factor.

As the many new Gen 10.5 factories begin to ramp-up, IHS Markit expects 65-inch and larger panel prices will fall continuously, about 5 percent annually. Subsequently, demand for this high-end segment of the FPD market is forecast to expand 2.5 times to approximately 40 million units in 2022.

“Sixty-five-inch and larger panels are predicted to be one of the fastest growing segments of the FPD market over the next five years. Even so, with so many new Gen 10.5 factories being built, capacity is forecast to surge ahead of demand,” Annis said. “After 2020, smaller than Gen 10 capacity is expected to start to decline as legacy factories are shuttered. The 735,000 substrates per month of Gen 10.5 capacity in the pipeline will not only dramatically increase FPD capacity, but will also shift industry leadership towards to the four companies that are building them.”