Category Archives: Displays

Applied Materials, Inc. today unveiled the Applied Olympia ALD systemfeaturing a unique, modular architecture that delivers high-performance ALD technology to manufacturers of leading-edge 3D memory and logic chips. The 3D device inflection is driving growth in ALD with demand for new patterning films, new conformal materials and lower thermal budgets. The Olympia system is well positioned to fulfill these requirements with uncompromising ALD performance, addressing industry needs with the process flexibility to precisely engineer and efficiently deposit a variety of low-temperature, high-quality films for multiple applications.

Our Olympia system is a major technology innovation for the 3D device inflection,” said Dr. Mukund Srinivasanvice president and general manager of Applied’s Dielectric Systems and Modules group. “The Olympia system overcomes fundamental limitations chipmakers are experiencing with conventional ALD technologies, such as reduced chemistry control of single-wafer solutions and long cycle times of furnaces. Because of this, we’re seeing strong market response with Olympia systems installed at multiple customers to support their move to 10nm and beyond.” 

The Olympia system’s adaptable modular architecture enables a uniquely flexible and rapid process sequence vital for controlling the more complex chemistries needed to develop the next generation of ALD films. Further, the modular designcreates complete separation of chemistries, eliminating the pump/purge steps of conventional ALD technologies for improved productivity. The combined advantages of the Olympia system offer a superior solution to conventional ALD systems and position the tool for widespread adoption.  

Applied Materials, Inc. develops solutions for the semiconductor, flat panel display and solar photovoltaic industries. 

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Flexible displays are not only leading to sprawling applications and revolutionizing the display market, but they are also an increasingly important segment of overall display market revenues. In fact, flexible displays are expected to comprise 15 percent of the total display market revenue in 2024, according to a new report from IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS), the leading global source of critical information and insight. As flexible organic light-emitting diode (OLED) production continues to improve, revenue from flexible display production will expand at a compound annual growth rate of 44 percent from 2014, to reach $23 billion in 2024, the IHS report says.

“Flexible OLED production yield has improved dramatically over the last few years, which could prompt panel manufacturers to ramp up flexible OLED production lines,” said Jerry Kang, principal analyst at IHS. “Market growth could also accelerate when flexible displays debut in foldable, rollable and stretchable forms.”

flex display revenue

Rugged, light, thin, non-brittle and portable flexible displays are feeding the market for various applications. For example, LG Electronics and Samsung Electronics have both applied flexible OLEDs to their flagship smartphones, to bolster sales in the slowing premium-smartphone market. The Apple Watch, which uses flexible display technology, has also added to the momentum of OLED in wearable devices. “Flexible display technology is not only gathering heated attention from electronics giants, but it is also stimulating startups to experiment with novel applications and innovations,” Kang said.

Large-screen smartphones, with displays of 5 inches or greater and often called “phablets” (for phone/tablet hybrids), are on track to surpass worldwide shipments of tablet computers this year, according to IC Insights’ new Update to the 2015 IC Market Drivers report.  The Update’s forecast shows the popularity of extra-large smartphones continuing to gain momentum in the first half of 2015 with unit shipments now expected to reach 252 million this year, which is a 66 percent increase from 152 million sold in 2014 (Figure 1).  Strong growth in large smartphones is having a major impact on tablet unit sales, which are forecast to increase just 2 percent in 2015 to 238 million units.

Figure 1

Figure 1

IC Insights believes strong sales of large-screen smartphones will continue in the next three years while the tablet market struggles with low single-digit percentage growth through 2018.  The revised forecast shows large-screen smartphone shipments climbing by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 40 percent between 2014 and 2018, while tablet unit shipments are expected to rise by a CAGR of just 3 percent in this four-year period.  Large-screen smartphones are having the biggest impact on mini tablets, which saw a rise in popularity in the past few years.  Mini tablets have 7- to 8.9-inch displays and typically run the same software as smartphones.

The phablet segment is expected to account for 17 percent of total smartphone shipments in 2015, which are forecast to be about 1.5 billion handsets.  The Update report shows phablets representing 21 percent of the 1.7 billion smartphones that are forecast to be shipped in 2016.  Phablet sales are projected to reach 30 percent of the nearly 2 billion total smartphones shipped in 2018, according to the Update of the 2015 IC Market Drivers report.

Tablet unit sales have nearly stalled out because incremental improvements in new models have not been enough to convince owners of existing systems to buy replacements.  More consumers are opting to buy new large-screen phablets instead using both a smartphone and tablet.  Large smartphones have gained traction because more handsets are being used for video applications (including streaming of TV programs and movies) in addition to Internet web browsing, video gaming, GPS navigation, and looking at digital photos.

The market for large-screen smartphones received a boost from Apple’s highly successful iPhone 6 Plus handset, which started shipping in September 2014 and continued to gain momentum in the first half of 2015.  Apple joined the phablet movement somewhat belatedly, but its 5.5-inch display iPhone 6 Plus smartphone played a major role in the company shipping 61.2 million iPhone handsets in 1Q15, which was a 40 percent increase over the same quarter in 2014.

Using a single molecule as a sensor, scientists in Jülich have successfully imaged electric potential fields with unrivalled precision. The ultrahigh-resolution images provide information on the distribution of charges in the electron shells of single molecules and even atoms. The 3D technique is also contact-free. The first results achieved using “scanning quantum dot microscopy” have been published in the current issue of Physical Review Letters. The technique is relevant for diverse scientific fields including investigations into biomolecules and semiconductor materials.

“Our method is the first to image electric fields near the surface of a sample quantitatively with atomic precision on the sub-nanometre scale,” says Dr. Ruslan Temirov from Forschungszentrum Jülich. Such electric fields surround all nanostructures like an aura. Their properties provide information, for instance, on the distribution of charges in atoms or molecules.

For their measurements, the Jülich researchers used an atomic force microscope. This functions a bit like a record player: a tip moves across the sample and pieces together a complete image of the surface. To image electric fields up until now, scientists have used the entire front part of the scanning tip as a Kelvin probe. But the large size difference between the tip and the sample causes resolution difficulties – if we were to imagine that a single atom was the same size as a head of a pin, then the tip of the microscope would be as large as the Empire State Building.

Single molecule as a sensor

In order to improve resolution and sensitivity, the scientists in Jülich attached a single molecule as a quantum dot to the tip of the microscope. Quantum dots are tiny structures, measuring no more than a few nanometres across, which due to quantum confinement can only assume certain, discrete states comparable to the energy level of a single atom.

The molecule at the tip of the microscope functions like a beam balance, which tilts to one side or the other. A shift in one direction or the other corresponds to the presence or absence of an additional electron, which either jumps from the tip to the molecule or does not. The “molecular” balance does not compare weights but rather two electric fields that act on the mobile electron of the molecular sensor: the first is the field of a nanostructure being measured, and the second is a field surrounding the tip of the microscope, which carries a voltage.

“The voltage at the tip is varied until equilibrium is achieved. If we know what voltage has been applied, we can determine the field of the sample at the position of the molecule,” explains Dr. Christian Wagner, a member of Temirov’s Young Investigators group at Jülich’s Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI-3). “Because the whole molecular balance is so small, comprising only 38 atoms, we can create a very sharp image of the electric field of the sample. It’s a bit like a camera with very small pixels.”

Universally applicable

A patent is pending for the method, which is particularly suitable for measuring rough surfaces, for example those of semiconductor structures for electronic devices or folded biomolecules. “In contrast to many other forms of scanning probe microscopy, scanning quantum dot microscopy can even work at a distance of several nanometres. In the nanoworld, this is quite a considerable distance,” says Christian Wagner. Until now, the technique developed in Jülich has only been applied in high vacuum and at low temperatures: essential prerequisites to carefully attach the single molecule to the tip of the microscope.

“In principle, variations that would work at room temperature are conceivable,” believes the physicist. Other forms of quantum dots could be used as a sensor in place of the molecule, such as those that can be realized with semiconductor materials: one example would be quantum dots made of nanocrystals like those already being used in fundamental research.

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing and design, today announced worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $28.2 billion for the month of May 2015, an increase of 5.1 percent from May 2014, when sales were $26.8 billion. Global sales from May 2015 were 2.1 percent higher than the April 2015 total of $27.6 billion. Regionally, sales in the Americas increased 11.4 percent compared to last May to lead all regional markets. All monthly sales numbers are compiled by the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization and represent a three-month moving average.

“The global semiconductor industry overcame lingering macroeconomic uncertainty to post solid year-to-year growth in May,” said John Neuffer, president and CEO, Semiconductor Industry Association. “Year-to-year sales have now increased for 25 straight months, month-to-month sales increased for the first time in six months, and we expect modest growth to continue for the remainder of 2015 and beyond.”

In addition to the Americas market, year-to-year sales also increased in China (9.5 percent) and Asia Pacific/All Other (8.0 percent), but decreased in Europe (-7.8 percent) and Japan (-11.8 percent). Compared to last month, sales were up in China (4.0 percent), Asia Pacific/All Other (3.3 percent), and the Americas (0.2 percent), but decreased slightly in Europe (-0.6 percent) and held flat in Japan.

“Congress and the President recently gave the U.S. semiconductor industry and other trade-dependent sectors a major boost by enacting Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which makes it easier for the United States to strike deals on free trade agreements,” said Neuffer. “With TPA, the United States is more likely to get the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other critical trade agreements across the finish line, leading to continued growth and innovation in our industry and across the U.S. economy.”

May 2015


Month-to-Month Sales                               


Last Month

Current Month

% Change

















Asia Pacific/All Other








Year-to-Year Sales                          


Last Year

Current Month

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Asia Pacific/All Other








Three-Month-Moving Average Sales




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Asia Pacific/All Other









Engineers at Oregon State University have invented a way to fabricate silver, a highly conductive metal, for printed electronics that are produced at room temperature.

There may be broad applications in microelectronics, sensors, energy devices, low emissivity coatings and even transparent displays.

A patent has been applied for on the technology, which is now available for further commercial development. The findings were reported in Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

Silver has long been considered for the advantages it offers in electronic devices. Because of its conductive properties, it is efficient and also stays cool. But manufacturers have often needed high temperatures in the processes they use to make the devices, adding to their cost and complexity, and making them unsuitable for use on some substrates, such as plastics that might melt or papers that might burn.

This advance may open the door to much wider use of silver and other conductors in electronics applications, researchers said.

“There’s a great deal of interest in printed electronics, because they’re fast, cheap, can be done in small volumes and changed easily,” said Chih-hung Chang, a professor in the OSU College of Engineering. “But the heat needed for most applications of silver nanoparticles has limited their use.”

OSU scientists have solved that problem by using a microreactor to create silver nanoparticles at room temperatures without any protective coating, and then immediately printing them onto almost any substrate with a continuous flow process.

“Because we could now use different substrates such as plastics, glass or even paper, these electronics could be flexible, very inexpensive and stable,” Chang said. “This could be quite important and allow us to use silver in many more types of electronic applications.”

Among those, he said, could be solar cells, printed circuit boards, low-emissivity coatings, or transparent electronics. A microchannel applicator used in the system will allow the creation of smaller, more complex electronics features.

Flexing graphene may be the most basic way to control its electrical properties, according to calculations by theoretical physicists at Rice University and in Russia.

The Rice lab of Boris Yakobson in collaboration with researchers in Moscow found the effect is pronounced and predictable in nanocones and should apply equally to other forms of graphene.

The researchers discovered it may be possible to access what they call an electronic flexoelectric effect in which the electronic properties of a sheet of graphene can be manipulated simply by twisting it a certain way.

The work will be of interest to those considering graphene elements in flexible touchscreens or memories that store bits by controlling electric dipole moments of carbon atoms, the researchers said.

Perfect graphene – an atom-thick sheet of carbon – is a conductor, as its atoms’ electrical charges balance each other out across the plane. But curvature in graphene compresses the electron clouds of the bonds on the concave side and stretches them on the convex side, thus altering their electric dipole moments, the characteristic that controls how polarized atoms interact with external electric fields.

The researchers who published their results this month in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters discovered they could calculate the flexoelectric effect of graphene rolled into a cone of any size and length.

The researchers used density functional theory to compute dipole moments for individual atoms in a graphene lattice and then figure out their cumulative effect. They suggested their technique could be used to calculate the effect for graphene in other more complex shapes, like wrinkled sheets or distorted fullerenes, several of which they also analyzed.

“While the dipole moment is zero for flat graphene or cylindrical nanotubes, in between there is a family of cones, actually produced in laboratories, whose dipole moments are significant and scale linearly with cone length,” Yakobson said.

Carbon nanotubes, seamless cylinders of graphene, do not display a total dipole moment, he said. While not zero, the vector-induced moments cancel each other out.

That’s not so with a cone, in which the balance of positive and negative charges differ from one atom to the next, due to slightly different stresses on the bonds as the diameter changes. The researchers noted atoms along the edge also contribute electrically, but analyzing two cones docked edge-to-edge allowed them to cancel out, simplifying the calculations.

Yakobson sees potential uses for the newly found characteristic. “One possibly far-reaching characteristic is in the voltage drop across a curved sheet,” he said. “It can permit one to locally vary the work function and to engineer the band-structure stacking in bilayers or multiple layers by their bending. It may also allow the creation of partitions and cavities with varying electrochemical potential, more ‘acidic’ or ‘basic,’ depending on the curvature in the 3-D carbon architecture.”

Each year at SEMICON West, the largest microelectronics exposition in North America, the “Best of West” awards are presented by Solid State Technology and SEMI. The award was established to recognize new products moving the industry forward with technological developments in the microelectronics supply chain.

The Best of West 2015 Finalists will be displaying their tools on the show floor at Moscone Center from July 14-16:

  • ClassOne Technology: Solstice S4 — Solstice S4 is the first automated plating tool that delivers advanced performance on smaller substrates at affordable prices. Described as “advanced plating for the rest of us,” Solstice is designed specifically for the smaller-substrate users in emerging technologies such as MEMs, LEDs, Power Devices, RF Communications, Interposers, Photonics and Microfluidics. Solstice sets new standards for plating performance and affordability. South Hall, Booth #2521.
  • National Instruments: NI Semiconductor Test Systems — NI’s Semiconductor Test Systems (STS) feature PXI modular instrumentation and open system design software for semiconductor test environments. Unlike traditional ATE systems that incur costs as old generations of equipment become obsolete, NI STS’ open architecture allows engineers to retain their investments and easily scale. Its compact design eliminates floor space, power, and maintenance costs, and is ideal for characterization and production to decrease time to market. North Hall, Booth #5472.
  • Nordson ASYMTEK: Programmable Tilt + Rotate 5-Axis Fluid Dispenser — With requirements for precision, accuracy, and speed more stringent than ever and pushing the limits of dispensing equipment capabilities, the new programmable Tilt + Rotate 5-Axis Fluid Dispenser solves these problems, achieving unparalleled accuracy and precision in X, Y, and Z axes for thin lines and small dots, to make high-volume manufacturing possible for today’s new products. North Hall, Booth #5743.

The Best of West Award winner will be announced during SEMICON West ( on Wednesday, July 15, 2015.

– In 2015,Taiwan is projected to have the highest capex for semiconductor manufacturing worldwide. Taiwan’s aggressive semiconductor factory plans are bringing exhibitors and attendees to SEMICON Taiwan 2015 on September 2-4 at the TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall. Over 40,000 visitors are expected to attend the exhibition and conferences.  Entering its 20th year, SEMICON Taiwan connects attendees with the companies, people, products, and information facilitating the future for design and manufacturing for the advanced electronics industries.

According to SEMI market reports, foundry and DRAM are the two sectors of capital equipment investment in Taiwan, with OSATs’ advance packaging facilities as a key growth driver. Fab equipment spending in Taiwan is projected to be about $10.5 billion in 2015, approaching 30 percent of the overall industry spending on fab equipment. Overall, Taiwan represents 21 percent of the installed fab capacity globally and 25 percent of the installed 300mm capacity.

In 2015 alone, companies in Taiwan are forecast to spend $1.5 billion or more on packaging and test equipment. With the growing importance of packaging and testing, SEMI will host the Silicon in Packaging (SiP) Global Summit 2015 from September 3-4. The two-day SiP Global Summit 2015 consists of two major forums: 3D-IC Technology Forum and Embedded and Wafer Level Package Technology Forum.

SEMICON Taiwan covers a wide array of critical issues. Business programs will include the Executive Summit, Market Trends Forum, CFO Executive Summit, and Memory Executive Summit. Technology programs include: Materials Forum, Sustainable Manufacturing Forum, Advanced Packaging Technology Symposium, TechXPOTs, MEMS Forum, High-Tech Facility International Forum, eMDC Forum, Patterning Challenges (Cost vs. Performance), IC Design Summit, and more.

SEMICON Taiwan also features: Supplier Search Program and Buyers Briefing.  As always, the event features a Leadership Gala dinner, an elite networking event and one of the most important annual executive gatherings for the high-tech industry in Taiwan.

Among the many exhibition technology pavilions, SEMICON Taiwan will host:

  • Smart Manufacturing Pavilion
  • Materials Pavilion
  • Precision Machinery Pavilion
  • CMP (Chemical Mechanical Planarization) Pavilion
  • Secondary Market Pavilion
  • AOI (Automated Optical Inspection) Pavilion
  • MIRDC (Metal Industries Reach & Development Center) Pavilion
  • High-Tech Facility Pavilion

Also, SEMICON Taiwan will host country pavilions:

  • Belgium Pavilion
  • Holland High Tech Pavilion
  • German Pavilion
  • Moscow Pavilion
  • Cross-Strait Pavilion
  • Kyushu (Japan) Pavilion
  • Korea Pavilion
  • SICA (Shanghai Integrated Circuit Association) Pavilion

SEMI Taiwan ( hosts SEMICON Taiwan with TAITRA and TSIA as co-organizers. The event is advised by the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs.

To learn more about exhibiting at SEMICON Taiwan 2015, visit

The latest manufacturing, materials and production developments in semiconductor and related technologies will be featured at SEMICON West 2015 on July 14-16 at Moscone Center in San Francisco, Calif.  Semiconductor processing is at a crossroads and is changing how companies operate to be competitive. Learning about breakthrough technology and networking is essential to remain ahead of the curve.  

More than 25,000 professionals are expected, and over 600 companies will exhibit the latest in semiconductor manufacturing.  Major semiconductor manufacturers, foundry, fabless companies, equipment and materials suppliers — plus leading companies in MEMS, displays, printed/flexible electronics, PV, and other emerging technologies — attend SEMICON West.

SEMICON West will feature valuable on-exhibition floor technical sessions and programs that are included in the  $100 registration “expo pass” (registration fee increases on July 11).  Keynote events include: 

·         “Scaling the Walls of Sub-14nm Manufacturing” with panelists from Qualcomm, Stanford University, ASE and IBM, moderated by imec’s Jo de Boeck, senior VP of Corporate Technology (July 14, 9:00-10:00am)

·         “The Internet of Things and the Next Fifty Years of Moore’s Law“ by Intel’s Doug Davis, senior VP and GM of loT (July 15, 9:00am-9:45am)

TechXPOTs will provide updates in areas including test, advanced materials and processes, advanced packaging, productivity and emerging markets and technologies. TechXPOTs include:

·      What’s Next for MEMS? With speakers from ASE, CEA-Leti, EV Group, MEMS Industry Group, Silicon Valley Band of Angels, Teledyne DALSA, and Yole Developpement (July 14, 10:30am-12:30pm)

·      Automating Semiconductor Test Productivity with speakers from ASE, Optimal+, Texas Instruments, and Xcerra (July 14, 10:30am-12:30pm)

·      Materials Session: Contamination Control in the Sub-20nm Era with speakers from Entegris, Intel, JSR Micro, Matheson, and Nanometrics; moderated by Mike Corbett, Linx (July 14, 1:30pm-3:30pm)

·      Emerging Generation Memory Technology: Update on 3DNAND, MRAM, and RRAM (July 14, 1:30pm-3:40pm).

·      The Evolution of the New 200mm Fab for the Internet of Everything with speakers from Entrepix, Genmark Automation, Lam Research, Qorvo, and Surplus Global (July 15, 2:00pm-4:00pm)

·      Monetizing the IoT: Opportunities and Challenges for the Semiconductor Sector with Amkor, Cadence Design Systems, Ernst & Young, Freescale Semiconductor, and Gartner; moderated by Edward Sperling, Semiconductor Engineering (July 16, 10:30am-12:30pm)

·      The Factory of the (Near) Future: Using Industrial IoT and 3D Printing  with speakers from AirLiquide, Applied Materials, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Proto Cafe (July 16, 1:00pm-3:00pm) 

The Silicon Innovation Forum will be held on July 14-15.  A special exposition segment, this area will include exhibits and two days of presentations.  The first day will be a forum where start-up companies seeking investment capital will present to a panel of investors.  Open to all attendees, this session will feature exciting new technologies.  The second day will be a forum on new research. Attendees can hear presentations on advanced research from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, International Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing Research, SUNY Network of Excellence – Materials & Advanced Manufacturing, Novati Technologies, MIST Center, Micro/Nano Electronics Metrology at NIST, Texas State University and Georgia Tech Heat Lab. 

On July 16, University Day welcomes students and faculty to learn about the microelectronics industry, connect with industry representatives, and explore career opportunities. University Day is on the Keynote Stage (North Hall E). The agenda includes career networking, exploration forum, expo and SEMICON West tours.

For the eighth year, SEMICON West will be co-located with Intersolar North America, the leading solar technology conference and exhibition in the U.S.  Premier sponsors of SEMICON West 2015 include Applied Materials, KLA-Tencor, and Lam Research.  Register now at