Category Archives: LED Packaging and Testing

A new way of enhancing the interactions between light and matter, developed by researchers at MIT and Israel’s Technion, could someday lead to more efficient solar cells that collect a wider range of light wavelengths, and new kinds of lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that could have fully tunable color emissions.

The fundamental principle behind the new approach is a way to get the momentum of light particles, called photons, to more closely match that of electrons, which is normally many orders of magnitude greater. Because of the huge disparity in momentum, these particles usually interact very weakly; bringing their momenta closer together enables much greater control over their interactions, which could enable new kinds of basic research on these processes as well as a host of new applications, the researchers say.

The new findings, based on a theoretical study, are being published today in the journal Nature Photonics in a paper by Yaniv Kurman of Technion (the Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa); MIT graduate student Nicholas Rivera; MIT postdoc Thomas Christensen; John Joannopoulos, the Francis Wright Davis Professor of Physics at MIT; Marin Soljacic, professor of physics at MIT; Ido Kaminer, a professor of physics at Technion and former MIT postdoc; and Shai Tsesses and Meir Orenstein at Technion.

While silicon is a hugely important substance as the basis for most present-day electronics, it is not well-suited for applications that involve light, such as LEDs and solar cells — even though it is currently the principal material used for solar cells despite its low efficiency, Kaminer says. Improving the interactions of light with an important electronics material such as silicon could be an important milestone toward integrating photonics — devices based on manipulation of light waves — with electronic semiconductor chips.

Most people looking into this problem have focused on the silicon itself, Kaminer says, but “this approach is very different — we’re trying to change the light instead of changing the silicon.” Kurman adds that “people design the matter in light-matter interactions, but they don’t think about designing the light side.”

One way to do that is by slowing down, or shrinking, the light enough to drastically lower the momentum of its individual photons, to get them closer to that of the electrons. In their theoretical study, the researchers showed that light could be slowed by a factor of a thousand by passing it through a kind of multilayered thin-film material overlaid with a layer of graphene. The layered material, made of gallium arsenide and indium gallium arsenide layers, alters the behavior of photons passing through it in a highly controllable way. This enables the researchers to control the frequency of emissions from the material by as much as 20 to 30 percent, says Kurman, who is the paper’s lead author.

The interaction of a photon with a pair of oppositely charged particles — such as an electron and its corresponding “hole” — produces a quasiparticle called a plasmon, or a plasmon-polariton, which is a kind of oscillation that takes place in an exotic material such as the two-dimensional layered devices used in this research. Such materials “support elastic oscillations on its surface, really tightly confined” within the material, Rivera says. This process effectively shrinks the wavelengths of light by orders of magnitude, he says, bringing it down “almost to the atomic scale.”

Because of that shrinkage, the light can then be absorbed by the semiconductor, or emitted by it, he says. In the graphene-based material, these properties can actually be controlled directly by simply varying a voltage applied to the graphene layer. In that way, “we can totally control the properties of the light, not just measure it,” Kurman says.

Although the work is still at an early and theoretical stage, the researchers say that in principle this approach could lead to new kinds of solar cells capable of absorbing a wider range of light wavelengths, which would make the devices more efficient at converting sunlight to electricity. It could also lead to light-producing devices, such as lasers and LEDs, that could be tuned electronically to produce a wide range of colors. “This has a measure of tunability that’s beyond what is currently available,” Kaminer says.

“The work is very general,” Kurman says, so the results should apply to many more cases than the specific ones used in this study. “We could use several other semiconductor materials, and some other light-matter polaritons.” While this work was not done with silicon, it should be possible to apply the same principles to silicon-based devices, the team says. “By closing the momentum gap, we could introduce silicon into this world” of plasmon-based devices, Kurman says.

Because the findings are so new, Rivera says, it “should enable a lot of functionality we don’t even know about yet.”

Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) truly have matured enough to allow for first commercial products in form of small and large displays. In order to compete in further markets and even open new possibilities (automotive lighting, head-mounted-displays, micro displays, etc.), OLEDs need to see further improvements in device lifetime while operating at their best possible efficiency. Currently, intrinsic performance progress is solely driven by material development.

This is a graphic about improving OLEDS on the nanoscale. Credit: Joan Rafols Ribé (UAB) and Paul Anton Will (TU Dresden)To

Now researchers from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Technische Universität Dresden demonstrate the possibility of using ultrastable film formation to improve the performance of state-of-the-art OLEDs. In their joint paper published in Science Advances with the title ‘High-performance organic light-emitting diodes comprising ultrastable glass layers’, the researchers show in a detailed study significant increases of efficiency and operational stability (> 15% for both parameters and all cases, significantly higher for individual samples) are achieved for four different phosphorescent emitters. To achieve these results, the emission layers of the respective OLEDs were grown as ultrastable glasses – a growth condition that allows for thermodynamically most stable amorphous solids.

This finding is significant, because it is an optimization which does neither involve a change of materials used nor changes to the device architecture. Both are the typical levers for improvements in the field of OLEDs. This concept can universally be explored in every given specific OLED stack, which will be equally appreciated by leading industry. This in particular includes thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) OLEDs, which see a tremendous research and development interest at the moment. Furthermore, the improvements that, as shown by the researchers, can be tracked back to differences on the exciton dynamics on the nanoscale suggest that also other fundamental properties of organic semiconductors (e.g. transport, charge separation, energy transfer) can be equally affected.

Veeco Instruments Inc. (Nasdaq: VECO) announced that Lumentum Holdings Inc. has ordered the Veeco K475iArsenide/Phosphide (As/P) Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) System for production of its advanced semiconductor components which address the 3D sensing, high-speed fiber-optic communications and laser-based materials processing end-markets. Lumentum, headquartered in Milpitas, Calif., is a manufacturer of innovative optical and photonics products.

“The global communications, industrial and consumer electronics markets that our proprietary semiconductor lasers address are growing rapidly,” said Susan Wang, vice president of manufacturing at Lumentum. “We chose Veeco’s K475i system with its high capacity/throughput, uniformity of quality, repeatability and exceptional performance to help expand our capacity and better address these growth opportunities. We have a longstanding relationship with Veeco and look forward to future collaboration together.”

The K475i system incorporates proprietary TurboDisc® and Uniform FlowFlange™ MOCVD technologies. These innovations allow Veeco customers to improve compositional uniformity and dopant control while reducing cost-per-wafer by up to 20 percent compared to alternative systems through higher productivity, best-in-class yields and lower operating expenses. Application areas include lighting, solar, laser diodes, vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistors (pHEMTs) and heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs).

“A leading player in the optical communications and commercial laser markets, Lumentum is well positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for next-generation laser and optical devices using Veeco MOCVD technology,” said Peo Hansson, Ph.D., senior vice president and general manager of MOCVD Operations at Veeco. “As customers look for technologies that enable demanding new applications in increasingly competitive markets, many leading photonics, power electronics and LED device manufacturers continue to choose our proven MOCVD systems that deliver strong wafer uniformity and the lowest cost of ownership.”

Scientists at the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN)–a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory–have used an optoelectronic imaging technique to study the electronic behavior of atomically thin nanomaterials exposed to light. Combined with nanoscale optical imaging, this scanning photocurrent microscopy technique provides a powerful tool for understanding the processes affecting the generation of electrical current (photocurrent) in these materials. Such an understanding is key to improving the performance of solar cells, optical sensors, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and other optoelectronics–electronic devices that rely on light-matter interactions to convert light into electrical signals or vice versa.

“Anyone who wants to know how light-induced electrical current is distributed across a semiconductor will benefit from this capability,” said CFN materials scientist Mircea Cotlet, co-corresponding author on the May 17 Advanced Functional Materials paper describing the work.

Generating an electrical current

When hit with light, semiconductors (materials that have an electrical resistance in between that of metals and insulators) generate an electric current. Semiconductors that consist of one layer or a few layers of atoms–for example, graphene, which has a single layer of carbon atoms–are of particular interest for next-generation optoelectronics because of their sensitivity to light, which can controllably alter their electrical conductivity and mechanical flexibility. However, the amount of light that atomically thin semiconductors can absorb is limited, thus limiting the materials’ response to light.

To enhance the light-harvesting properties of these two-dimensional (2D) materials, scientists add tiny (10-50 atoms in diameter) semiconducting particles called quantum dots in the layer(s). The resulting “hybrid” nanomaterials not only absorb more light but also have interactions occurring at the interface where the two components meet. Depending on their size and composition, the light-excited quantum dots will transfer either charge or energy to the 2D material. Knowing how these two processes influence the photocurrent response of the hybrid material under different optical and electrical conditions–such as the intensity of the incoming light and applied voltage–is important to designing optoelectronic devices with properties tailored for particular applications.

“Photodetectors sense an extremely low level of light and convert that light into an electrical signal,” explained Cotlet. “On the other hand, photovoltaic devices such as solar cells are made to absorb as much light as possible to produce an electrical current. In order to design a device that operates for photodetection or photovoltaic applications, we need to know which of the two processes–charge or energy transfer–is beneficial.”

Lighting up charge and energy transfer processes

In this study, the CFN scientists combined atomically thin molybdenum disulfide with quantum dots. Molybdenum disulfide is one of the transition-metal dichalcogenides, semiconducting compounds with a transition-metal (in this case, molybdenum) layer sandwiched between two thin layers of a chalcogen element (in this case, sulfur). To control the interfacial interactions, they designed two kinds of quantum dots: one with a composition that favors charge transfer and the other with a composition that favors energy transfer.

“Both kinds have cadmium selenide at their core, but one of the cores is surrounded by a shell of zinc sulfide,” explained CFN research associate and first author Mingxing Li. “The shell is a physical spacer that prevents charge transfer from happening. The core-shell quantum dots promote energy transfer, whereas the core-only quantum dots promote charge transfer.”

The scientists used the clean room in the CFN Nanofabrication Facility to make devices with the hybrid nanomaterials. To characterize the performance of these devices, they conducted scanning photocurrent microscopy studies with an optical microscope built in-house using existing equipment and the open-source GXSM instrument control software developed by CFN physicist and co-author Percy Zahl. In scanning photocurrent microscopy, a laser beam is scanned across the device while the photocurrent is measured at different points. All of these points are combined to produce an electrical current “map.” Because charge and energy transfer have distinct electrical signatures, scientists can use this technique to determine which process is behind the observed photocurrent response.

The maps in this study revealed that the photocurrent response was highest at low light exposure for the core-only hybrid device (charge transfer) and at high light exposure for the core-shell hybrid device (energy transfer). These results suggest that charge transfer is extremely beneficial to the device functioning as a photodetector, and energy transfer is preferred for photovoltaic applications.

“Distinguishing energy and charge transfers solely by optical techniques, such as photoluminescence lifetime imaging microscopy, is challenging because both processes reduce luminescence lifetime to similar degrees,” said CFN materials scientist and co-corresponding author Chang-Yong Nam. “Our investigation demonstrates that optoelectronic measurements combining localized optical excitation and photocurrent generation can not only clearly identify each process but also suggest potential optoelectronic device applications suitable to each case.”

“At the CFN, we conduct experiments to study how nanomaterials function under real operating conditions,” said Cotlet. “In this case, we combined the optical expertise of the Soft and Bio Nanomaterials Group, device fabrication and electrical characterization expertise of the Electronic Nanomaterials Group, and software expertise of the Interface Science and Catalysis Group to develop a capability at the CFN that will enable scientists to study optoelectronic processes in a variety of 2D materials. The new scanning photocurrent microscopy facility is now open to CFN users, and we hope this capability will draw more users to the CFN fabrication and characterization facilities to study and improve the performance of optoelectronic devices.”

Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ: KLIC) today announced it has entered into a licensing agreement with Idaho, US based Rohinni LLC (Rohinni), to facilitate the design, commercialization and distribution of next-generation micro and mini LED solutions.

Next-generation LED technologies have the potential to further enhance performance, improve efficiency and reduce the size of existing lighting technologies. Significant high-volume end-markets including automotive, display, consumer electronics and general lighting are anticipated to drive adoption and benefit from this emerging technology. While micro and mini LED benefits are compelling, high-volume production challenges must be addressed prior to widespread market adoption of these emerging lighting solutions.

Rohinni has developed promising solutions that directly address production challenges and have enabled greater design flexibility in end-use applications. In parallel, Rohinni has also established a network of partnerships in several key segments poised to benefit from this technology.

Kulicke & Soffa’s existing market positions, R&D competencies, supply chain and manufacturing capabilities provide scale to further extend Rohinni’s leadership and its effort in driving adoption of new LED technologies.

“K&S has recently taken a much more proactive approach in targeting and identifying complementary partnerships with a clear path to value creation,” stated Chan Pin Chong, Senior Vice President of Wedge Bond and EA/APMR Business Unit. “We are very excited to work together with Rohinni’s talented team to commercialize this high-potential and innovative technology.”

“Our team has spent the past several years developing precise, high-speed placement technologies for micro and mini LED products,” stated Matt Gerber, Rohinni’s CEO. “This agreement with K&S provides capabilities to quickly scale development and global production for our customers. This is really an exciting moment for designers to be able to produce lighting products that haven’t been possible with existing production technologies.”

LCD displays incorporating these latest developments in LED backlighting technologies deliver an unparalleled High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) viewing experience and are significantly brighter than OLEDs. To produce an HDR LCD display with over 10,000 LEDs in a backlight assembly requires a completely new generation of high speed production technologies. With an estimated 220 million square meters of flat-panel displays estimated to be produced in 2018, the growth potential of new backlighting technologies is significant. The unique and highly-complementary contributions of both organizations are anticipated to accelerate the global adoption of leading micro and mini LED-based solutions.

By Walt Custer, Custer Consulting Group

Broad global & U.S. electronic supply chain growth

The first quarter of this year was very strong globally, with growth across the entire electronics supply chain. Although Chart 1 is based on preliminary data, every electronics sector expanded –  with many in double digits. The U.S. dollar-denominated growth estimates in Chart 1 have effectively been amplified by about 5 percent by exchange rates (as stronger non-dollar currencies were consolidated to weaker U.S. dollars), but the first quarter global rates are very impressive nonetheless.

Walt Custer Chart 1

U.S. growth was also good (Chart 2) with Quarter 1 2018 total electronics equipment shipments up 7.2 percent over the same period last year. Since all the Chart 2 values are based on domestic (US$) sales, there is no growth amplification due to exchange rates.

Walt Custer Chart 2

We expect continued growth in Quarter 2 but not at the robust pace as the first quarter.

Chip foundry growth resumes

Taiwan-listed companies report their monthly revenues on a timely basis – about 10 days after month end. We track a composite of 14 Taiwan Stock Exchange listed chip foundries to maintain a “pulse” of this industry (Chart 3).

Walt Custer Chart 3

Chip foundry sales have been a leading indicator for global semiconductor and semiconductor capital equipment shipments. After dropping to near zero in mid-2017, foundry growth is now rebounding.

Chart 4 compares 3/12 (3-month) growth rates of global semiconductor and semiconductor equipment sales to chip foundry sales. The foundry 3/12 has historically led semiconductors and SEMI equipment and is pointing to a coming cyclical upturn. It will be interesting to see how China’s semiconductor industry buildup impacts this historical foundry leading indicator’s performance.

Walt Custer Chart 4

Passive Component Shortages and Price Increases

Passive component availability and pricing are currently major issues. Per Chart 5, Quarter 1 2018 passive component revenues increased almost 25 percent over the same period last year. Inadequate component supplies are hampering many board assemblers with no short-term relief in sight.

Walt Custer Chart 5

Peeking into the Future

Looking forward, the global purchasing managers index (a broad leading indicator) has moderated but is still well in growth territory.

Walt Custer Chart 6

The world business outlook remains positive but requires continuous watching!

Walt Custer of Custer Consulting Group is an  analyst focused on the global electronics industry.

Originally published on the SEMI blog.

A chemical reactor that operates at extremely high temperatures is being developed by KAUST and could improve the efficiency and economy of a commonly used process in the semiconductor industry, with flow-on benefits for Saudi Arabia’s chemical industry.

The production of semiconductors relies on epitaxy: a process that creates high-quality single-crystal materials by depositing atoms on to a wafer layer by layer, controlling thickness with atomic precision.

The most common method of epitaxy is metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, or MOCVD. Pure vapors of organic molecules containing the desired atoms–for example, boron and nitrogen in the case of boron nitride–are injected into a reaction chamber. The molecules decompose on a heated wafer to leave the semiconductor’s atoms behind on the surface, which bond both to each other and the wafer to form a crystal layer.

Ph.D. student Kuang-Hui Li and a team led by Xiaohang Li at KAUST are developing an MOCVD reactor that can efficiently operate at extremely high temperatures to create high-quality boron nitride and aluminum nitride materials and devices particularly promising for flexible electronics, ultraviolet optoelectronics and power electronics.

The epitaxy of high-quality boron nitride and aluminum nitride have been a huge challenge for the conventional MOCVD process, which usually operates below 1200 degrees Celsius. Epitaxy of these materials responds best to temperatures over 1600 degrees Celsius; however, the most common resistant heaters are not reliable at these temperatures.

Although induction heaters can reach these temperatures, the heating efficiency of the conventional design is low. Because the wasted energy can overheat the gas inlet, it must be placed far away from the wafer, which is problematic for high-quality boron nitride and aluminum nitride due to particle generation and low utilization of organic molecules.

The KAUST team has developed an innovative and low-cost induction heating structure to solve these problems. “Our design can help greatly improve uniformity for up to 12-inch wafers and reduce particle generation, which is crucial for high-quality material and device fabrication,” says Kuang-Hui. “It also allows us to discover new materials.”

The results show significant increase in heating efficiency and reduction in wasted energy. “This equipment research involves many disciplines and is highly complex. However, history has shown that equipment innovation is the key to scientific breakthroughs and industrial revolution,” says Xiaohang Li. “A goal of the research is to set up MOCVD manufacturing activities that can be integrated into the huge chemical industry of Saudi Arabia.”

Pixelligent, the high-index advanced materials manufacturer, today announces $7.6M in new funding to help further drive product commercialization and accelerate global customer adoption.

This round of funding includes strategic investments from two new strategic partners, Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co., LTD. (“TOK”) a leading Japanese advanced materials manufacturer, and Kateeva, Inc. a leading provider of inkjet deposition equipment for the rapidly growing OLED and HD Display markets. This latest investment was led by The Abell Foundation, with strong support from other Baltimore-based investors, including participation from TCP Venture Captial’s – Propel I and Propel II venture funds.

“The partnership with TOK will provide Pixelligent access to TOK’s vast and highly respected formulation expertise, helping us to accelerate product development and customer adoptions on a global basis. As our leading display customers are also requesting that our materials are compatible with inkjet manufacturing equipment, the partnership with Kateeva is a critical step in accessing the expertise and knowledge required to meet this requirement,” said Craig Bandes, President & CEO Pixelligent Technologies.

“We have been working with Pixelligent for a significant period of time now and feel confident that they have the best and most compatible high refractive index nanodispersions for improving the efficiency and performance for some very important optical device applications. Combining Pixelligent’s PixClear® materials with TOK’s world-class high-value added formulations will enable us to address many demanding applications in fast growing markets. These new materials will be formulated to enable application by a variety of methods — nanoimprint, photolithography and inkjet, to name a few — and will enable us to deliver the expanded functionality and performance to all of our customers demanding ultra-high refractive index coatings,” said Katsumi Ohmori of TOK.

“Kateeva has been working with Pixelligent for the past 18 months as our OLED Display customers are actively looking for ways to improve the efficiency and performance of their displays. Incorporating Pixelligent’s PixClear® nanoadditives to increase the refractive index of numerous layers inside the OLED display stack has the potential to deliver significant increases in light extraction and improve the overall performance of our customers’ display products,” said Alain Harrus, Kateeva’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

“Both of these companies are industry leaders in markets that are critically important to Pixelligent. Having companies of this caliber invest in, and partner with Pixelligent is a great validation of value we have created and the value we are delivering,” said Bandes.

This latest financing builds on the momentum of the past twelve months, where the company dramatically increased its product development efforts in the rapidly growing OLED Display, HD Display, and AR/VR markets, was named the 2017 Manufacturer of the Year by Frost & Sullivan, and increased its manufacturing yields by over 100%. Collectively the OLED Display, HD Display, AR/VR, and Solid State Lighting target markets represent an estimated $11 billion of advanced materials sales in 2018 growing to nearly $18 billion by 2023.

Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. has achieved state-of-the-art high current operation1 in a vertical GaN power semiconductor developed using gallium nitride (GaN), a main material in blue LEDs.

Power semiconductors are widely used in power converters2 such as power sources and adaptors for electronic devices. However, simultaneous achievement of both high breakdown voltage3 and low loss4 (low conduction loss and switching loss) at high levels has been difficult with conventional silicon due to its material properties.

In its power semiconductors, Toyoda Gosei uses GaN, which has material properties of high breakdown voltage and low loss, and employs a vertical device structure in which electrical current flows vertically from or to a substrate. These changes have enabled a GaN power transistor chip with operating current of over 50A, highest ever reported for vertical GaN transistors2, and high-frequency (several megahertz) operation. Some prospective applications are shown below.

Promising areas of use (examples)

Power converters
More compact & lighter weight, higher efficiency

Power control units (PCUs) for automobiles, etc.
DC-DC converters

High frequency power sources
Higher output

Wireless power supply

Toyoda Gosei will continue development of these power semiconductors for improved reliability, aiming to achieve practical applications in cooperation with semiconductor and electronics manufacturers.

The newly developed vertical GaN power transistors (MOSFET)5 and Schottky barrier diodes6 will be presented on panel displays at the Techno-Frontier 2018 Advanced Electronic & Mechatronic Devices and Components Exhibition, held at Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan from April 18 to April 20. The world’s first full vertical-GaN DC-DC converter equipped with these devices will also be demonstrated at the company’s booth (6F-11, Hall 6).

1 According to internal Toyoda Gosei survey (as of April 2018).
2 Power conversion refers to conversion between direct and alternating current, direct current transformation, alternating current frequency conversion, etc.
3 The property of withstanding the high breakdown voltage during power conversion and not allowing current flow during off operation (non-conductance).
4 Heat loss generated by electrical resistance during electric conduction or when switching on/off.
5 Semiconductor used in power on/off.
MOSFET: Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor.
6 Semiconductor used in converting (rectification) from alternating current to direct current. Toyoda Gosei uses a trench MOS structure, in which trenches are formed at fixed intervals in the chip surface of the diode, achieving low leakage current operation at high temperatures.

Cree, Inc. (NASDAQ: CREE) announces that it signed a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-bearing patent license agreement with Nexperia BV, a Dutch company. The agreement provides Nexperia access to Cree’s extensive gallium nitride (GaN) power device patent portfolio, which includes over 300 issued U.S. and foreign patents that describe inventive aspects of high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) and GaN Schottky diode devices. The portfolio addresses novel device structures, materials and processing improvements, and packaging technology. The patent license involves no transfer of technology.

“Cree was founded to develop novel compound semiconductor materials like GaN and SiC and to create devices that capitalize on their unique properties,” said John Palmour, Cree co-founder and CTO of Wolfspeed, a Cree company. “Cree’s decades of innovation are now yielding devices that enable market introductions of new power management and wireless systems. To help facilitate the growth of these new markets, Cree is licensing its GaN power device patents for GaN power-management systems.”