Category Archives: Metrology

By Zvi Or-Bach, President & CEO of MonolithIC

While many have recently predicted the imminent demise of Moore’s Law, we need to recognize that this actually has happened at 28nm. From this point on we will still be able to double the amount of transistors in a single device but not at lower cost. And, for most applications, the cost will actually go up.

Let’s go back to 1965 and Moore’s paper in “Electronics, Volume 38, Number 8, April 19, 1965 The future of integrated electronics”. The following figure represented Dr. Moore’s observation with regard to three consecutive technology nodes. Quoting: …”the cost advantage continues to increase as the technology evolves toward the production of larger and larger circuit functions on a single semiconductor substrate. For simple circuits, the cost per component is nearly inversely proportional to the number of components, the result of the equivalent piece of semiconductor in the equivalent package containing more components. But as components are added, decreased yields more than compensate for the increased complexity, tending to raise the cost per component. Thus there is a minimum cost at any given time in the evolution of the technology.”


“The complexity for minimum component costs has in-creased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year. Certainly over the short term this rate can be expected to continue, if not to increase. Over the longer term, the rate of increase is a bit more uncertain, although there is no reason to believe it will not remain nearly constant for at least 10 years”

The public information we now have indicates that:

a. The 28nm node is quite mature and we cannot expect that optimum integration vs. yield will double for it.

b. All that we know about the more advanced nodes (22/20nm, 16/14nm, …) indicates that the cost per transistor is not going to be reduced significantly vs. that of 28nm.

c. What we now know about embedded SRAM (“eSRAM”), I/O and other analog functions, indicates that most SoCs will end up at a higher cost as compared to 28nm.

Let’s recap using a few public charts to help tell the story of how we have reached that conclusion.

It starts with the escalating cost of lithography as illustrated in this 2013 chart from GlobalFoundries:


We should mention here that based on information released during last week’s SPIE Advanced Lithography (2014), it seems EUV is not going to be ready for the N+1 node (10nm). These costs, as well as other capital costs, increase, and thus drive up the wafer price as illustrated by the recent NVidia chart from Semicon Japan (Dec. 2013) below:


This escalating wafer cost eats away the higher transistor density gains, as articulated by NVidia and calculated by IBS’ Dr. Handel Jones and shown in the following table:


This is nicely illustrated by ASML slide from Semicon West (2013) below:


But this is just the smaller part of the problem. Advanced Integrated Circuits comprise far more than just logic gates. An SoC today contains a significant amount of embedded memories, I/Os and other support analog functions. Further, they include a large number of drivers and repeaters to reduce the RC delays that are escalating due to dimensional scaling. All of these scale very poorly.

The following chart was presented in an invited paper by Dinesh Maheshwari, CTO of Memory Products Division at Cypress Semiconductors, at ISSCC2014. It was also at the center of our recent blog “Embedded SRAM Scaling is Broken and with it Moore’s Law.”


This chart shows that eSRAM scaling is ~1.1X for decent performance as compared to ~4X for logic gates. The chart below (from Semico Research) shows that an average SoC has more than 65% of its die area allocated to eSRAM.


Consequently, the average SoC scaling to 16/14 nm could result in a significant cost increase, and hence 28nm is effectively the last node of Moore’s Law. To make things even worse, the remaining 35% of die area is not composed of only logic gates. More than 10% of the die area is allocated to I/O, pads and analog functions that either scale poorly or do not scale at all. And even in the pure logic domain scaling could not reach the potential 4X density improvements. The following chart was presented by Geoffrey Yeap, VP of Technology at Qualcomm, in his invited paper at IEDM 2013:


It illustrates the escalating interconnect RC delay with scaling – about 10X for two process nodes. This escalating RC delay eats away a significant part of the increase in gate density due to the exponential increase in buffer and driver counts and a similar increase in ‘white’ area kept for post layout buffer insertion, etc.

Final note: it seems clear that dimensional scaling has now reached negative returns, as is illustrated by the following GlobalFoundries chart:


The time is now to look for other alternatives, among which monolithic 3D seems a most compelling option. It allows us to leverage all our current silicon knowledge and infrastructure while continuing with Moore’s Law by scaling up at 28nm.

The Facilities 450mm Consortium (F450C), a partnership of nanoelectronics facility companies guiding the effort to design and build the next-generation 450mm computer chip fabrication facilities, today announced Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems as the eleventh member company to join the consortium. Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems brings over 40 years of experience in the semiconductor manufacturing industry with particular focus on energy efficient, harsh-duty vacuums pumps.

“Busch’s expertise in vacuum pumps will be a great asset to the consortium as we discuss solutions for 450mm equipment transition,” said Adrian Maynes, F450C program director.

Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems is one of the largest manufacturers of vacuum pumps in the world today, which includes a product portfolio specifically for semiconductor and related applications. Vacuum systems are a necessary component to the semiconductor manufacturing process as they remove byproduct materials following the implantation, deposition or etch processes. Busch’s next-generation vacuum pumps offer higher capacity with reduced utilities and limited downtime to support the unique demands of 450mm process platforms.

“The F450C is comprised of the top leaders in our industry, so we are honored to bring our proficiency in vacuum systems to the table,” said Charles Kane, president of Busch USA. “We have had our 450mm roadmap in place for some time, and we can now share our plans with the group to help further its 450mm vision and mission.”

The F450C is a partnership at SUNY’s College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) that is leading the global effort to design and build next-generation 450mm computer chip fabrication facilities. The collaboration includes 11 of the world’s leading nanoelectronics facility companies, including Air Liquide, Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems, CH2M HILL, CS Clean Systems, Ceres Technologies, Edwards, Haws Corporation, Mega Fluid Systems, M+W Group, Ovivo, and Swagelok. Members of F450C are working closely with the Global 450mm Consortium (G450C), to identify viable solutions required for 450mm high-volume facility construction, with initial focus areas to include reducing tool installation cost and duration and improving facility sustainability.

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) today announced that worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $26.28 billion for the month of January 2014, an increase of 8.8 percent from January 2013 when sales were $24.15 billion, marking the industry’s highest-ever January sales total and the largest year-to-year increase in nearly three years. Global sales from January 2014 were 1.4 percent lower than the December 2013 total of $26.65 billion, reflecting normal seasonal trends. Regionally, sales in the Americas increased by 17.3 percent compared to last January. All monthly sales numbers are compiled by the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization and represent a three-month moving average.

“The global semiconductor industry has built on its record revenues from 2013 with an impressive start to 2014, led largely by continued strength in the Americas market,” said Brian Toohey, president and CEO, Semiconductor Industry Association. “Sales in January were up across most regions and nearly all product categories compared to last January, which bodes well for continued growth during the rest of 2014.”

Regionally, year-over-year sales increased in the Americas (17.3 percent), Europe (11.3 percent), and Asia Pacific (8.3 percent), but decreased in Japan (-4.7 percent). Sales were flat in Europe compared to the previous month, but decreased slightly in Asia Pacific (-0.6 percent), Japan (-2.3 percent), and the Americas (-3.5 percent). January sales historically are lower than December sales due to seasonal trends.

January 2014
Month-to-Month Sales
Market Last Month Current Month % Change
Americas 5.80 5.59 -3.5%
Europe 2.96 2.96 0.0%
Japan 2.93 2.86 -2.3%
Asia Pacific 14.96 14.87 -0.6%
Total 26.65 26.28 -1.4%
Year-to-Year Sales
Market Last Year Current Month % Change
Americas 4.77 5.59 17.3%
Europe 2.66 2.96 11.3%
Japan 3.00 2.86 -4.7%
Asia Pacific 13.72 14.87 8.3%
Total 24.15 26.28 8.8%
Three-Month-Moving Average Sales
Market Aug/Sept/Oct Nov/Dec/Jan % Change
Americas 5.71 5.59 -2.1%
Europe 3.05 2.96 -3.0%
Japan 3.11 2.86 -8.0%
Asia Pacific 15.22 14.87 -2.3%
Total 27.09 26.28 -3.0%


SEMICON Europa, the region’s largest event for the microelectronics manufacturing and innovation supply chain, will be held 7-9 October 2014 in Grenoble. Now in its third decade, SEMICON Europa’s new location this year leverages the growing strengths of Grenoble’s technology businesses, academia and institutions  to showcase a diverse array of products, solutions and opportunities spanning the most advanced innovations in the European microelectronics industry.  SEMICON Europa will highlight — in addition to the traditional semiconductor manufacturing segment — new areas like electronic components and design as well as electronic applications for energy efficiency, imaging, healthcare and security. Many of these technologies are emerging from the innovative companies in and around Grenoble.

The Grenoble region, with established and emerging technology companies, has been characterized as “one of the Top 5 most innovative areas in the world” by Forbes Magazine.  SEMICON Europa — with its Grenoble location and focus on innovation and applications — is expected by event organizers to invigorate SEMICON Europa and leverage the energy of the region.

The move to Grenoble occurs in a cyclic growth year for the industry. SEMI forecasts the market for new semiconductor manufacturing equipment to increase by 23 percent for 2014. Total spending in Europe on semiconductor equipment and materials is forecasted to top US$ 5 billion for the year. Furthermore, the aggressive growth strategy (Key Enabling Technology and 10/100/20 initiative) of the European Commission aims to support and regional industry expansion.

Key industry trends and technological advancements such as EUV, 450mm transition, and 3D-TSV (through-silicon-vias for three dimensional device architectures) are driving industry investment. The exposition’s focus on new applications, devices, manufacturing technologies, and markets represent opportunities for equipment, materials, components, systems, and services companies. More than 4,000 industry professionals that influence technology purchasing decisions attend SEMICON Europa and 70 percent of participants are engineers, fab managers, and c-level executives.

The SEMICON Europa technical conference agenda will highlight energy efficiency (low power and power electronics) and imaging segments with focused conferences, speakers who are industry experts, and dedicated exhibition areas.

The renewed format and program of SEMICON Europa 2014 will offer new opportunities for equipment, materials, components, systems, and services companies such as:

·        Semiconductor Manufacturing and Technology: Materials; Equipment; Services

·        Secondary Equipment and Services

·        Science Park for Research Institutes and Universities

·        NEW: Electronic Applications — Energy Efficiency; Imaging; Healthcare; Security

·        NEW: Electronic Components and Design — IC, MEMS, Sensors

·        NEW: Innovation Village — matching start-ups and investors

·        NEW: “Allée des Clusters” — networking European and International Clusters

·        Plastic Electronics Conference

With a broader array of materials, technologies, products, innovative solutions and opportunities spanning the most exciting developments in micro and nanoelectronics, SEMICON Europa brings new applications,  devices, and manufacturing technologies together. For more information on exhibition opportunities, visit  For more information on SEMI Europe, visit:

GLOBALFOUNDRIES and Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS today announced the extension of their long-term collaboration, focusing on 40nm and 28nm processes. GLOBALFOUNDRIES will also join the European Multi Product Wafer (MPW) Program EUROPRACTICE.

Through the collaboration GLOBALFOUNDRIES will offer its leading-edge foundry capabilities to Fraunhofer IIS as an aggregator, and Fraunhofer will enable the academic network in Europe to get access to GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ process technologies and Process Design Kits (PDK) via EUROPRACTICE.

“As one of the largest foundries worldwide and the largest wafer manufacturer in Europe we are proud to enter this prestigious program,” said Karl Lange, GLOBALFOUNDRIES Vice President of Sales for Europe. “With Fraunhofer as channel partner, combined with our broad technology portfolio and process know-how, we will add significant value to EUROPRACTICE.”

The offer of GLOBALFOUNDRIES technologies down to 28nm to Europe’s universities and research institutes is an important step for EUROPRACTICE and will stimulate education and research in IC design,” said Josef Sauerer, Head of the Integrated Circuits and Systems Department at Fraunhofer IIS. “Also, our contract research with industries will benefit from GLOBALFOUNDRIES’ advanced technology portfolio”

Fraunhofer IIS and GLOBALFOUNDRIES started their collaboration in 2004 with the successful launch of 180nm and later 55nm programs. The extended collaboration will introduce technology nodes down to 28nm in the European Wafer Shuttle Program, helping European academia and research institutes to get access and support for CAD tools and ASIC prototyping at reduced costs.

North America-based manufacturers of semiconductor equipment posted $1.28 billion in orders worldwide in January 2014 (three-month average basis) and a book-to-bill ratio of 1.04, according to the January EMDS Book-to-Bill Report published today by SEMI.   A book-to-bill of 1.04 means that $104 worth of orders were received for every $100 of product billed for the month.

The three-month average of worldwide bookings in January 2014 was $1.28 billion. The bookings figure is 7.2 percent lower than the final December 2013 level of $1.38 billion, and is 19.1 percent higher than the January 2013 order level of $1.08 billion.

The three-month average of worldwide billings in January 2014 was $1.24 billion. The billings figure is 8.3 percent lower than the final December 2013 level of $1.35 billion, and is 27.9 percent higher than the January 2013 billings level of $968.0 million.

“Both bookings and billings are at values higher than reported one year ago and are good indications of growth in the 2014 equipment market,” said Denny McGuirk, president and CEO of SEMI. “Device makers are investing in 20nm technology and advanced device structures, while leading packaging houses focus their investments on flip chip, wafer-level, and 3-D packaging.”

The SEMI book-to-bill is a ratio of three-month moving averages of worldwide bookings and billings for North American-based semiconductor equipment manufacturers. Billings and bookings figures are in millions of U.S. dollars.


(3-mo. avg)

(3-mo. avg)


August 2013




September 2013




October 2013




November 2013




December 2013 (final)




January 2014 (prelim)




Source: SEMI, February 2014
The data contained in this release were compiled by David Powell, Inc., an independent financial services firm, without audit, from data submitted directly by the participants. SEMI and David Powell, Inc. assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the underlying data.

The data are contained in a monthly Book-to-Bill Report published by SEMI. The report tracks billings and bookings worldwide of North American-headquartered manufacturers of equipment used to manufacture semiconductor devices, not billings and bookings of the chips themselves. The Book-to-Bill report is one of three reports included with the SEMI Equipment Market Data Subscription (EMDS).

SEMI is the global industry association serving the nano- and micro-electronic manufacturing supply chains.

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing and design, announced that worldwide semiconductor sales for 2013 reached $305.6 billion, the industry’s highest-ever annual total and an increase of 4.8 percent from the 2012 total of $291.6 billion. Global sales for the month of December 2013 reached $26.6 billion, marking the strongest December on record, while December sales in the Americas increased 17.3 percent year-over-year. Fourth quarter global sales of $79.9 billion were 7.7 percent higher than the total of $74.2 billion from the fourth quarter of 2012. Total sales for the year narrowly exceeded expectations from the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization’s industry forecast. All monthly sales numbers are compiled by WSTS and represent a three-month moving average.

“The global semiconductor industry exceeded $300 billion in sales for the first time ever in 2013, spurred by consistent, steady growth across nearly all regions and product categories,” said Brian Toohey, president and CEO, Semiconductor Industry Association. “The industry finished the year on a strong note with its best December on record, indicating that recent momentum is likely to carry over into 2014.”

The industry saw strong demand in several product segments during 2013. Logic was the largest semiconductor category by sales, reaching $85.9 billion in 2013, a 5.2 percent increase compared to 2012. Memory at $67.0 billion and MOS micro-ICs at $58.7 billion rounded out the top three segments in terms of sales revenue. Memory was the fastest growing segment, increasing 17.6 percent in 2013. Within memory, DRAM performed particularly well, increasing by 33.3 percent year-over-year, while NAND flash experienced strong growth of 8.1 percent. Other positively performing product segments include optoelectronic products, which reached $27.6 billion in sales (5.3 percent annual increase) and analog, which reached $40.1 billion in sales (2.1 percent annual increase).

Related news: Silicon wafer revenues decline in 2013

Regionally, the Americas market continued to show signs of strength, increasing annual sales by 13.1 percent in 2013. Annual sales also increased in Asia Pacific (7.0 percent) and Europe (5.2 percent), but fell sharply in Japan (-15.2 percent) in part due to the devaluation of the Japanese yen. Sales trend lines for Europe and Japan are pointed in the right direction, perhaps indicating that 2014 could be a stronger year for both regions. Although semiconductor sales in Q3 are often stronger than Q4, sales in the Americas grew by 4.5 percent in Q4, defying seasonal trends.

“The U.S. semiconductor market grew nearly three times faster than the global semiconductor market, despite lingering macroeconomic headwinds,” continued Toohey. “Policymakers can help maintain and expand this growth by enacting policies that promote innovation and open markets. President Obama expressed support for several pro-growth policies – including basic research funding, immigration reform, and meaningful trade agreements – during his State of the Union Address last week. For the Administration and Congress, now is the time for action on these critical policy priorities.”

By Zvi Or-Bach, President and CEO of MonolithIC, and Ben Louie, Zeno Semiconductors

ISSCC 2014 illuminates the impeding problem – embedded SRAM scaling. The following two slides are taken from the Dinesh Maheshwari, CTO, Memory Products Division at Cypress Semiconductors, presentation. The first slide clearly illustrates that embedded SRAM scaling is broken. Instead of 4X density improvement for a large memory block for two nodes scaling the improvement range is only 1.6X for low performance to 1.1X at good performance.


Maheshwari’s following slide assesses the implications for 400G ASSP/ASIC. He concludes that it impractical to have the eSRAM integrated; which mean that Moores’ Law is actually broken for these type of applications.


Taking in account that 16/14nm silicon area is almost twice as expensive as that of 28nm, it implies that the embedded SRAM within 16/14nm ASSP/ASIC will become the most expensive SRAM in the world. Interestingly, the title we used in a blog in mid 2011  “The most expensive SRAM in the world” was made in reference to the embedded SRAM in Intel’s processors.

The percent of the die area used for embedded SRAM is growing with scaling and already exceeds 50%. The following two charts from Semico, which were recently updated, illustrates this for an advanced SoC and the average SoC.



Following the previous ISSCC 2013 we wrote a blog –One Thing that ISSCC 2013 Highlighted to Us, which identified the problems associated with embedded SRAM scaling. This year’s ISSCC 2014 just added additional validation to the issue.

It interesting to look at the following chart which presents the prior belief that SRAM will keep scaling at 50% per node:


*from the book by: M. H. Abu-Rahma and M. Anis, Nanometer Variation-Tolerant SRAM,  © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

The above chart was about right all the way to 28nm, but scaling has broken since then. Already at 22/20 nm node the best bitcell size was about 0.09µm². But as TSMC reported at IEDM 2013 their bitcell for 16nm is 0.07µm². And now at ISSCC2014, Samsung presented similar results for 14nm FinFet as shown in the slide below.


And it seems that these metrics become far worse when comparing the size of high performance block RAM between technology nodes as been presented above by Maheshwari.

This does not even take into consideration die size impacts required for implementing a new technology such as FinFETs.  In their ISSCC 2014 paper, Samsung identified complications involved with the transition from Planar to finFET transistors including quantized width, strong PMOS and a lack of the body bias effect.  Samsung disclosed a die size impact of 0.87% in order to add a Disturbance Noise Reduction (DNR) scheme to deal with the large more stable High Performance (HP) bit-cell.  Samsung did not disclose the area impact of their proposed Negative Bitline write assist scheme used with their high density HD bit-cell but we can probably assume it is most likely significantly larger than the proposed scheme for the HP bit-cell.

It is not too surprising to see the following slide presented by Intel at ISSCC 2014.


So while Moore’s Law is about the optimal integration into one IC, Intel has chosen to forgo single IC integration and is instead turning to external memory to provide their needs.

We can see from the following slide from ISSCC 2014 their motivation for adding the off chip embedded eDRAM is based on their need for a higher bandwidth Memory.  Clearly SRAM scaling is not satisfying their requirements as they state “A high-density, high BW In Package Memory is needed.”


From what we have learned there are few issues that hold back the SRAM bitcell scaling:

A. Lithography, the continuous delays in EUV force the industry to keep pushing with double and quad processes. The following chart by ASML illustrates the limitation effects on SRAM scaling:


B. Increase random variations as transistors are getting smaller


*from Prof Nam Sung Kim presentation titled: SRAM Scaling Limit: Its Circuit & Architecture Solutions

C. Decreasing VCC

As seen in the above slide, and the slide presented by Samsung below, the trend is definitely clear.  The minimum Vdd require to operate SRAM (Vmin) is not scaling as fast as the Vdd in the rest of the logic on die.


D. Other issues such as increased Soft Error Rate with reduce transistor sizes, and increases in overall wire capacitance and resistance.

Bitcell scaling is getting harder, much harder, and even more so is the ability to scale large bocks of embedded SRAM. Adding to that the trend of growing the amount of embedded memory faster than the amount of logic cells and one could predict dark clouds for SoC scaling beyond 28nm. It seems that brute-force scaling is not practical anymore but two technology innovation breakthroughs could solve the SRAM memory scaling problem and provide a scalable high density memory if adopted soon by the industry.

The first innovation is the 1 Transistor SRAM (1T SRAM) developed by Zeno Semiconductor. This 1T SRAM, utilizes existing fab process and provides a 90% bitcell size reduction vs. conventional 6T SRAM and will keep scaling beyond 28nm.

The second is monolithic 3D, which enables a very effective heterogeneous integration scheme, allowing for the SRAM layer to be optimized for memory while the logic layer could be optimized for logic – Monolithic 3D eDRAM on Logic

The most expensive SRAM in the world doesn’t need to come to pass.

Honeywell announced today that it has introduced new copper manganese (CuMn) sputtering targets for semiconductor manufacturing based on patented technology offering customers higher strength, longer life, and better performance.

The new targets are based on Honeywell’s Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE) technology, an advanced manufacturing process Honeywell originally developed for Aluminum (Al) and Al alloys.
“Honeywell Electronic Materials has amassed nearly a half century of metallurgical experience and expertise,” said Chris LaPietra, product line director for Honeywell’s targets business. “We apply that knowledge to develop technologies that benefit our customers and these new ECAE CuMn targets are evidence of that.”

Targets processed with ECAE technology have superfine grain size, which results in extremely homoge­neous microstructure, high mechanical strength, and particle reduction. While grain size for standard targets can range from approximately 50 to 80 microns, the new ECAE CuMn targets exhibit sub-micron grain size. Fine grain structure produced by ECAE technology eliminates a plasma drop out issue that effected semiconductor manufacturers when using standard bonded targets. This issue caused arcing and particles, and necessitated scrapped wafers and target change-outs, which all contribute to unwanted higher costs.

Increased strength allows for the entire target to be made from the same metal (monolithic). This essentially doubles overall life expectancies for the targets from the standard 1,800 kWh (kilowatt hours) to 3,600 kWh.  Extended product lifetimes means producers can purchase fewer targets, spend less time and resources changing out the target and cleaning the chamber, and have more uptime for their production processes.  All of this helps decrease total cost of ownership (CoO) for semiconductor manufacturers.

Honeywell Electronic Materials, part of Honeywell Performance Materials & Technologies, supplies microelectronic polymers, electronic chemicals, and other advanced materials along with an extensive set of product offerings under its metals business segment, including physical vapor deposition (PVD) targets and coil sets, precious metal thermocouples, and low alpha emissivity plating anodes and advanced heat spreader materials used during back-end packaging processes for thermal management and electrical interconnect.

Rudolph Technologies, Inc. announced today the sale of its first NSX 320 TSV Metrology System to CEA-Leti, a research organization based in Grenoble, France, which, in the frame of the Nanoelec Research Technology Institute (Nanoelec RTI) program, is developing three-dimensional integrated circuit (3DIC) technologies that use through silicon vias (TSVs) to conduct signals among vertically-stacked chips. The new NSX 320 TSV system includes integrated 3D metrology that enables specialized measurements critical to the TSV process.

“Controlling the processes used to create TSVs requires a number of specialized measurements, such as the total thickness variation (TTV) of the wafer bonded to the carrier, or the remaining silicon thickness after thinning,” said Séverine Cheramy, CEA-Leti’s director of 3D integration development in the Nanoelec RTI program. “The NSX system’s 3D metrology capabilities, which combine accurate 2D measurements with the ability to see and measure front, back and internal interface surfaces, will provide critical information for our TSV development program.”

Matt Wilson, Rudolph’s NSX Series product manager adds, “Three-dimensional integration using TSVs is widely expected to be a key technology enabling our industry to maintain the incredible pace of development and innovation first described as Moore’s Law nearly 50 years ago. Ultimately we see the potential for rapid growth in this segment and are pleased to be part of the pioneering efforts of a leading research organization like CEA-Leti.”

Rudolph’s NSX TSV metrology systems combine the NSX family’s 2D inspection capabilities with an advanced 3D metrology that was developed at recently-acquired Tamar Technology. Together, they allow the NSX metrology system to perform a wide variety of measurements needed to characterize and control TSV processes, including TSV depth measurements, bottom CD measurements, pre- and post-thinning remaining silicon thickness measurements during the reveal process, copper nail height measurements, edge trim monitoring, adhesive TTV of bonded pairs and product wafers, and traditional defect inspection throughout the entire process.