Category Archives: OLEDs

Baltimore, MD — November 11, 2015 — Pixelligent, a leader in high-index advanced materials, today launched a new family of PixClear® materials for display and optical components and films. The PixClear product line is now available in a new solvent system — a low boiling ethyl acetate (ETA) — that delivers the same high performance while easing integration with customer manufacturing processes. Now leading manufacturing companies will have the choice of a standard, high boiling propylene glycol methyl ether acetate (PGMEA) or the low boiling ETA for their testing. These materials are available in both 20 percent and 50 percent loadings for PixClear PG and PixClear PB.

“The launch of our new PixClear ETA materials is a response to customer demand. These low boiling ETA dispersions will result in brighter, clearer devices produced at a lower cost, which directly supports reducing time to innovation for our customers in the display and adhesives space,” said Craig Bandes, President and CEO of Pixelligent. “At Pixelligent, we continue to expand our matrix of high quality, high-index nanomaterials in order to support the growth of our customers.” Matt Healy, Vice President of Product Management adds, “In August, we launched a full OLED materials family, which includes four products for testing internal light extraction structures for OLED lighting. All totaled, we have introduced 12 new products for customer testing in the past three months.”

PixClear zirconia dispersions are now available for order in two solvents, and at two different loadings, to complement the processes used for the production of displays and optical components.

Berkeley, CA, October 29, 2015 — Pixelligent, a leader in high-index materials, announced today the development of a new OLED light extraction technology that dramatically increases light output in their customer’s OLED Lighting devices. Pixelligent founder and chief technology officer, Dr. Gregory Cooper, presented the new technology at the 17th Annual OLEDs World Summit.

These new nanocomposite materials, which combine scattering particles along with PixClear® zirconia, are delivering significant improvements in light extraction and efficiency for numerous OLED lighting applications. “This class of materials represents the next generation of Pixelligent’s technology development strategy. In fact, we have seen light output double in devices that our partners and customers have tested with our PixClear® OLED products,” said Pixelligent Founder & CTO, Gregory Cooper.

Dr. Cooper’s presentation at the conference included the numerous breakthroughs Pixelligent has achieved in OLED lighting applications, derived from its proprietary light extraction nanocomposite materials. These new OLED materials will enable Pixelligent’s customers to deliver new OLED Lighting devices with unprecedented light extraction and cost efficiencies.


by Dr. Guillaume Chansin, Senior Technology Analyst, IDTechEx

Quantum dots have been developed since the early 80’s but it is only recently that they made an appearance in consumer products such as TVs and tablet computers. IDTechEx Research has published a new market report on quantum dots titled “Quantum Dots 2016-2026: Applications, Markets, Manufacturers”, and as part of this study we have looked at their impact on the display industry. Is this the technology that will enable LCD to rival OLED?

Expanding color gamut

The key selling point for quantum dots is that they enable a much wider color gamut with minimal re-engineering of the LCD panels. They do this by modifying the backlight (and to some extent the color filters) inside the LCD stack.

A conventional LCD backlight uses ‘white LEDs’ which are really blue LEDs with a yellow phosphor. As a result, the white light that is produced has a strong blue peak and much weaker red and green components.

Quantum dots can be used as “downconverters”, the same way that phosphors convert blue wavelength to longer wavelengths. They key difference is that quantum dots have very narrow emission spectra and the wavelength can be tuned by changing the size of the dots. In other words, with quantum dots it is possible to have strong emission peaks in all three primaries: red, blue, and green.

The ideal solution would be to deposit the quantum dots directly on the LED (“on-chip”). But the current generation of materials degrade quickly at high temperature so they need to be physically separated from the chip (future generation materials may enable ‘on-chip’ thanks to high heat and moisture resistance).

Two workarounds are currently available. The first one is to place a tube filled with quantum dots between the LEDs and the light guide plate. QD Vision is the company commercializing this solution. While the tube can be fitted in large displays, it is not the best solution when it comes to mobile displays. The picture below shows an iMac retrofitted with a tube by QD Vision.

Source: IDTechEx Research.

Source: IDTechEx Research.

Back in 2013, QD Vision partnered with Sony to launch the first quantum dot LCD TV. QD Vision has now found more partners, including TCL launching a range of TVs and Philips commercializing the first quantum dot monitor this year.

The other integration option is to add the quantum dots as a film, an approach designed by Nanosys. The company has partnered with 3M to offer a diffuser sheet loaded with quantum dots. Because the diffuser sheet is part of a conventional backlight anyway, the display manufacturers do not need to change anything in the design of the backlight: the 3M solution is a direct drop-in replacement. Amazon was the first customer when it launched tablets with premium displays (the Kindle HDX).

The cadmium question

Quantum dots appear to offer a simple way to dramatically improve the performance of LCD panels. But there are some challenges to get the technology adopted.

First, the cost. A quantum dot film can add a significant cost to the display panel. Using tubes from QD Vision is probably more cost effective which is probably why several Chinese TV manufacturers are adopting this solution.

Second, consumers will have to be convinced that it will be worth paying a premium. Supporters of quantum dots say that it is currently the only way to obtain TV displays that are compliant with the Rec. 2020 standard. But while the specifications are impressive, it is worth noting that most consumers are not aware of the limitations of their existing LCD devices (whether TV, laptop, or tablet).

Third, the best quantum dots are made with Cadmium, an element which is usually banned in the European Union under the RoHS regulations. QD Vision and 3M have requested an exception to introduce cadmium in TVs because of the benefits in terms of lower energy consumption (thereby reducing carbon emissions). But some organizations, including Nanoco, are calling for the exception to not be extended. Nanoco supplies indium based quantum dots so would benefit from a complete ban on cadmium. Some are quick to retort that Indium is a potential carcinogen and might also be banned in the future.

While this debate is much needed to fully assess the risks, there is no denying it has also been damaging to the whole industry. Giving quantum dots a bad reputation is not the best way to get the technology widely accepted.

Nanoco has licensed their cadmium-free quantum dots to Dow Chemicals. But the optical performance of these quantum dots is not on par with the ones made with cadmium. The company believes that eventually they will be able to offer a similar level of performance. Meanwhile, Nanosys has also started to produce cadmium-free quantum dots and has licensed their technology to Samsung.

QLED as the next generation OLED?

While the main focus is currently on enhancing backlights for LCD panels, some are already looking beyond. Quantum dots can also be used to make emissive displays. So-called quantum dot LED (QLED) are similar to OLED with an active layer made with quantum dots.

Market forecast for quantum dot devices and components (Source: IDTechEx report “Quantum Dots 2016-2026: Applications, Markets, Manufacturers”)

Market forecast for quantum dot devices and components (Source: IDTechEx report “Quantum Dots 2016-2026: Applications, Markets, Manufacturers”)

This technology is still in very early stage but promises to offer the same benefits in terms of color gamut to OLED technology. QLED will in theory provide better colors and efficiency than OLED because of the narrower emission peaks. QLED can be considered as the next generation OLED.

Whether it is for downconversion or ultimately QLED, quantum dots have the potential to significantly disrupt the display industry. IDTechEx Research forecasts that quantum dots will enables a market of devices and components worth over $11bn by 2026, with a large chunk of the revenues in display applications. Quantum dots have already made serious inroads in the industry; don’t be surprised to find them in your next TV. For more information, read the full global analysis of the technology and application landscape in the report “Quantum Dots 2016-2026: Applications, Markets, Manufacturers” at

Orlando, FLorida – At the Meeting of the International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society (IMAPS 2015), imec and CMST (imec’s associated lab at Ghent University) present a novel technology for thermoplastically deformable electronics enabling low-cost 2.5D free-form rigid electronic objects. The technology is under evaluation in Philips LED lamp carriers, a downlight luminaire and a omnidirectional lightsource, to demonstrate the potential of this technology in innovative lighting applications.

Miniature LED dome test vehicle with integrated low power LEDs. (a) Device before forming. (b) Device after vacuum forming using a 40 mm half sphere.

Miniature LED dome test vehicle with integrated low power LEDs. (a) Device before forming. (b) Device after vacuum forming using a 40 mm half sphere.

Thanks to its energy-efficiency, excellent light quality, and high output power, light emitting diode (LED) technology is becoming the sustainable light source for the 21st century. But in addition, it also allows to design unprecedented, innovative lighting solutions. Imec and CMST’s new thermoplastically deformable electronic circuits now add a new dimension to the possibilities to fabricate novel lamp designs as well as smart applications in ambient intelligence and wearables.

The innovative technology is based on meander-shaped interconnects, a robust technique to realize dynamically stretchable elastic electronic circuits including LEDs. These are then embedded in thermoplastic polymers (e.g. polycarbonate). Following production on a flat substrate, using standard printed circuit board production equipment, the circuit is given its final form using thermoforming techniques such as vacuum forming, high pressure forming or even injection molding. Upon cooling, the thermoplastic retains its shape without inducing large internal stresses in the circuits. The method, based on standard available production processes, does not require large investments, reducing the cost of fabrication. The resulting designs have a low weight and low complexity, a high resilience, a low tooling and material cost, and a higher degree of manufacturer independence due to the standard industrial practices that are used.

The production process was developed in collaboration between the industrial and academic partners involved in the FP7 project TERASEL: imec, CMST (Ghent University), ACB, Holst Centre, Niebling Formtechnologie; Sintex NP and Philips Lighting BV. TERASEL is a European effort focusing on the development, industrial implementation and application of large-area, cost-effective, randomly shaped electronics and sensor circuit technologies.

When University of Oregon associate professor Ramesh Jasti began making tiny organic circular structures using carbon atoms, the idea was to improve carbon nanotubes being developed for use in electronics or optical devices. He quickly realized, however, that his technique might also roll solo.

In a new paper, Jasti and five University of Oregon colleagues show that his nanohoops — known chemically as cycloparaphenylenes — can be made using a variety of atoms, not just those from carbon. They envision these circular structures, which efficiently absorb and distribute energy, finding a place in solar cells, organic light-emitting diodes, or as new sensors or probes for medicine.

Though barely one-nanometer, nanohoops offer a new class of structures for use in energy or light devices. (Courtesy of Ramesh Jasti)

Though barely one-nanometer, nanohoops offer a new class of structures for use in energy or light devices. (Courtesy of Ramesh Jasti)

The research, led by Jasti’s doctoral student Evan R. Darzi, was described in a paper placed online ahead of print in ACS Central Science, a journal of the American Chemical Society. The paper is a proof-of-principle for the process, which will have to wait for additional research to be completed before the full impact of these new nanohoops can be realized, Jasti said.

These barely one-nanometer nanohoops offer a new class of structures — sized between those made with long-chained polymers and small, low-weight molecules — for use in energy or light devices, said Jasti, who was the first scientist to synthesize these types of molecules in 2008 as a postdoctoral fellow at the Molecular Foundry at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

“These structures add to the toolbox and provide a new way to make organic electronic materials,” Jasti said. “Cyclic compounds can behave like they are hundreds of units long, like polymers, but be only six to eight units around. We show that by adding non-carbon atoms, we are able to move the optical and electronic properties around.”

Nanohoops help solve challenges related to materials with controllable band gaps — the energies that lie between valance and conduction bands and is vital for designing organic semiconductors. Currently long materials such as those based on polymers work best.

“If you can control the band gap, then you can control the color of light that is emitted, for example,” Jasti said. “In an electronic device, you also need to match the energy levels to the electrodes. In photovoltaics, the sunlight you want to capture has to match that gap to increase efficiency and enhance the ability to line up various components in optimal ways. These things all rely on the energy levels of the molecules. We found that the smaller we make nanohoops, the smaller the gap.”

To prove their approach could work, Darzi synthesized a variety of nanohoops using both carbon and nitrogen atoms to explore their behavior. “What we show is that the charged nitrogen makes a nanohoop an acceptor of electrons, and the other part becomes a donator of electrons,” Jasti said.

“The addition of other elements like nitrogen gives us another way to manipulate the energy levels, in addition to the nanohoop size. We’ve now shown that the nanohoop properties can be easily manipulated and, therefore, these molecules represent a new class of organic semiconductors — similar to conductive polymers that won the Nobel Prize in 2000,” he said. “With nanohoops, you can bind other things in the middle of the hoop, essentially doping them to change properties or perhaps sense an analyte that allows on-off switching.”

His early work making nanohoop compounds was carbon-based, with the idea of making them different diameters and then combining them, but his group kept seeing unique and unexpected electronic and optical properties.

Jasti, winner of a National Science Foundation Career Award in 2013, brought his research from Boston University to the UO’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in 2014. He said the solar cell research being done by his colleagues in the Materials Science Institute, of which he is a member, was an important factor in his decision to move to the UO.

“We haven’t gotten very far into the application of this,” he said. “We’re looking at that now. What we were able to see is that we can easily manipulate the energy levels of the structure, and now we know how to exchange any atom at any position along the loop. That is the key discovery, and it could be useful for all kinds of semiconductor applications.”

Co-authors with Darzi and Jasti were: former BU doctoral student Elizabeth S. Hirst, who now is a postdoctoral fellow at the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center; UO doctoral student Christopher D. Weber; Lev N. Zakharov, director of X-ray crystallography in the UO’s Advanced Materials Characterization in Oregon center; and Mark C. Lonergan, a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

The NSF (grant CHE-1255219), Department of Energy (DE-SC0012363), Sloan Foundation and Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation supported the research.

Applied Materials, Inc. today unveiled two new systems that enable the volume production of high-resolution, thin and lightweight flexible OLED displays for mobile products and TVs. The Applied AKT-20K (TM) TFE PECVD (thin-film encapsulation; plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition) and Applied AKT-40K (TM) TFE PECVD tools deliver breakthroughs in materials engineering to deposit thin-film encapsulation barrier layers that are crucial for protecting extremely sensitive OLED devices. These systems allow display makers to replace the rigid insulating front glass on the devices and bring to market bendable and curved displays for a new generation of consumer products.

The vibrant color and low power consumption of OLED displays have driven their rapid adoption in smartphones, with flexible OLED now the fastest growing display segment in the mobile industry. The new TFE systems (20K for 925 x 1500mm and 40K for 1250 x 2200mm) address different display market segments to meet the growing demand for more versatile, thinner and lighter small- and large-area flexible OLEDs.

“The advances in size, resolution, picture quality and form factor creates considerable market opportunities for display makers to bring new flexible products to market,” said Dr. Brian Shieh, vice president and general manager of Applied’s Display Products Group. “Flexible OLEDs must be robust enough to meet the real-life demands of consumers, and the Applied AKT-20K TFE system, already in production, allows panel makers to accelerate the introduction of flexible and curved mobile applications that will change the shape of the screens we use every day.”

Key to the Applied AKT TFE product line is the capability to extend the lifetime of flexible OLEDs by offering diffusion barrier films with very low water and oxygen penetration. These high-performance films, deposited at low temperatures of <100°C, address the susceptibility of OLED material to degrade when exposed to environmental elements. In addition, the systems’ unique vision alignment technology ensures accurate and precise mask positioning and deposition, allowing display manufacturers to eliminate photolithography and etch process steps and reduce production costs.

The work, published this week in Nature Communications, details how electronic properties at the edges of organic molecular systems differ from the rest of the material.

Organic materials — plastics — are of great interest for use in solar panels, light emitting diodes, and transistors. They’re low-cost, light, and take less energy to produce than silicon. Interfaces — where one type of material meets another–play a key role in the functionality of all these devices.

“We found that the polarization-induced energy level shifts from the edge of these materials to the interior are significant, and can’t be neglected when designing components,” says UBC PhD researcher Katherine Cochrane, lead author of the paper.

‘While we were expecting some differences, we were surprised by the size of the effect and that it occurred on the scale of a single molecule,” adds UBC researcher Sarah Burke, an expert on nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic materials and author on the paper.

The researchers looked at “nano-islands” of clustered organic molecules. The molecules were deposited on a silver crystal coated with an ultra-thin layer of salt only two atoms deep. The salt is an insulator and prevents electrons in the organic molecules from interacting with those in the silver — the researchers wanted to isolate the interactions of the molecules.

Not only did the molecules at the edge of the nano-islands have very different properties than in the middle, the variation in properties depended on the position and orientation of other molecules nearby.

The researchers, part of UBC’s Quantum Matter Institute, used a simple, analytical model to explain the differences which can be extended to predict interface properties in much more complex systems, like those encountered in a real device.

“Herbert Kroemer said in his Nobel Lecture that ‘The interface is the device’ and it’s equally true for organic materials,” says Burke. “The differences we’ve seen at the edges of molecular clusters highlights one effect that we’ll need to consider as we design new materials for these devices, but likely they are many more surprises waiting to be discovered.”

Cochrane and colleagues plan to keep looking at what happens at interfaces in these materials and to work with materials chemists to guide the design rules for the structure and electronic properties of future devices.


The experiment was performed at UBC’s state-of-the-art Laboratory for Atomic Imaging Research, which features three specially designed ultra-quiet rooms that allow the instruments to sit in complete silence, totally still, to perform their delicate measurements. This allowed the researchers to take dense data sets with a tool called a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) that showed them the energy levels in real-space on the scale of single atoms.

DuPont Displays today announced the opening of a state-of-the-art, scale-up manufacturing facility designed to deliver production scale quantities of advanced materials that enable large-format, solution-based printed Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) displays. These materials are designed to help manufacturers develop OLED displays that are brighter, more vivid, longer lasting and significantly less expensive than the OLED TVs on the market today. The facility is located at the DuPont Stine-Haskell Research Center (Stine-Haskell) in Newark, Del., near DuPont’s global headquarters in Wilmington.

“Materials are critical to the performance of an OLED TV and we are confident that DuPont has the best performing solution OLED materials available in the market today,” said Avi Avula, global business director, DuPont Displays. “Our vision is that OLEDs will become the display standard and to make that vision a reality, we are focused on helping our customers bring the cost of large sized OLED TVs down to less than $1000 by 2020.”

DuPont’s new scale-up facility is sized to meet the future growth expectations of the OLED TV industry, which analysts predict will increase by over 70 percent for the next several years and will require large quantities of highly sophisticated OLED materials. DuPont has been developing its suite of advanced OLED materials for the last 15 years. These materials are highly regarded for both solution and evaporative applications due to their long lifetime and deep color. In addition to its recently announced collaboration with an inkjet equipment maker to advance solution printed displays, DuPont is actively engaged with the leading OLED display manufacturers to bring solution printed OLED technology to market as quickly as possible.

DuPont’s new OLED facility at Stine-Haskell has large-scale formulation systems and can support simultaneous production of multiple product lines. It was designed with a focus on employee safety, environmental responsibility and producing superior quality materials with the highest possible purity. The project was partially funded by a grant from the state of Delaware in 2012, with DuPont investing more than $20 million in the facility.

DuPont Displays brings more than 15 years of experience in enabling evaporative and solution-based OLED technologies through advanced materials that deliver the color, efficiency and lifetime performance that display manufacturers and consumers demand. DuPont offers highly engineered, next-generation OLED materials as well as solution process know-how that makes the promise of lower cost OLED technology commercially feasible for TVs and other large-format displays.

A screen-printable functionalized graphene ink supplied by Goodfellow performs better than normal carbon-based ink, opening the door to innovative applications that require exceptional electrical conductivity, excellent ink coverage, and high print resolution. Such applications are found in light flexible displays, plastic electronics, printed circuit boards, thin film photovoltaics, sensors, electrodes, and OLEDs.

The ink is made with HDPlas (R) functionalized graphene nanoplatelets and is optimized for the viscosity and solid contents required of semi-automatic and manual screen-printing equipment. Substrates that can be printed include but are not limited to polymers, ceramics, and papers.

In addition to the distinguishing characteristics stated above, functionalized graphene ink is:

  • Flexible on appropriate substrates
  • Metal-free, 100% organic (non-tarnishing)
  • Curable at low temperatures
  • Environmentally friendly

The ink is fully customizable and can be modified for specific applications. Scientists and printers running trials with the small quantities available from Goodfellow (100g to 1000g) can, if desired, consult with Goodfellow to further tailor performance in order to meet individual needs.

Transparency Market Research (TMR), a market intelligence company based in the U.S., projects the global organic electronics market to grow at a CAGR of 32.6% from 2012 to 2018. The report, titled “Organic Electronics Market – Global Industry Analysis, Market Size, Share, Growth and Forecast 2012-2018”, is available on the company website for sale. The TMR study points out that the organic electronics market has tremendous potential in the fields of display technologies and electronic circuits, and is expected to register high growth rates in the coming years. The growth of the organic electronics market will be boosted by a combination of OLED lighting, OLED displays, OFRID, and organic photovoltaics.

As per the TMR study, the displays segment held the largest share of the organic electronics market. For the purpose of the study, the displays segment is segregated into electrophoretic, OLED displays, and other displays. Of these, OLED displays are projected to lead the organic electronics market and are projected to be worth US$10,450 million by 2018. This is due to their low energy consumption, high-speed performance, and sharp display features. Further, the study found the electrophoretic sub-segment is projected to be worth US$3,950 million by 2018, growing at a CAGR of 58.4% for the study period. Additionally, the continuous expansion of end-use applications beyond OLED lighting, OLED displays, and organic photovoltaics (OPV) is responsible for the robust growth of the global organic electronics market, as per the study analysis. Moreover, RFID labels and logic and memory are increasingly becoming the prime focus for OE manufacturers due to the high usage of these segments in the organic electronics market.

TMR’s findings show organic electronics will mostly be newly created rather than used as a replacement for other existing electronics, which will drive the growth of the market. Moreover, organic electronics, in spite of being capable of complemented with conventional silicon electronics, have the ability to produce flexible circuits. Owing to this trait, organic electronics have a rapidly increasing application base for flexible displays such as intelligent textiles, RFID labels, e-paper, bio-sensors, and intelligent packaging.

For the purpose of the study, the global organic electronics market is segmented into Asia Pacific, the U.S., Europe, and Rest of the World (RoW). In the geographical scenario, Asia Pacific is expected to lead the organic electronics market by revenue till 2018. As per the TMR research findings, Asia Pacific will boast a 50% share of the total revenue of the global organic electronics market in 2018 and will be followed by Europe.