Category Archives: OLEDs

With a recent sharp rise in the number of patent applications for flexible display technologies, the market for various types of flexible displays is expected to broaden. According to IHS, 312 patents for flexible displays were filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office in 2014; user-interface technology was the most active sector for patent applications. Flexible displays accounted for 62 percent of US display patent applications last year.

“Flexible displays are next-generation display panels fabricated on a paper-thin and flexible substrate, so that they can be bent and rolled without damage,” said Ian Lim, Senior Analyst of Intellectual Property for IHS Technology. “These types of displays, which lend themselves to far wider applications than conventional rigid displays, are projected to create an entirely new display market and replace existing non-flexible display solutions.”

Based on the latest information from the IHS Flexible Display Patent Report–which covers patents related to flexible displays issued in the US, in 2014, focusing on materials, manufacturing technology and applied devices–Samsung Electronics filed half of all new flexible display patents in the United States, followed by LG Electronics at 17 percent. Most of these patent applications focus on preventing image degradation, reducing device distortion and providing a range of user interfaces for bendable and foldable displays. Patents on parts and manufacturing technologies that primarily focus on the use of polyimide flexible substrates and metal nanowire in organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays were also popular.

“Patents for flexible display device technologies outnumber those for flexible display parts and manufacturing technologies in recent patents, indicating that the flexible display market is entering a period of maturing growth,” Lim said. “As manufacturer requirements for flexible displays grow, battles to acquire relevant patents will only become fiercer.”


Until now, transparent electrode materials for OLEDs have mainly consisted of indium tin oxide (ITO), which is expected to become economically challenging for the industry due to the shrinking abundance of indium. Therefore, scientists are intensively looking for alternatives. One promising candidate is graphene, whose application fields are more closely investigated in the project GLADIATOR (“Graphene Layers: Production, Characterization and Integration”).

The project GLADIATOR, which is funded by the European Commission, has reached its midterm and has already achieved some successes. The aim of the project is the cost-effective production of high quality graphene at large area, which can then be used for numerous electrode applications. The usability of such applications will be demonstrated at the Fraunhofer FEP by integrating this graphene in OLEDs.

With graphene as an electrode, the researchers at the Fraunhofer FEP hope for flexible devices with higher stability. Beatrice Beyer, project coordinator, says: “Graphene is a very interesting material with many possibilities. Because of its opto-electrical properties and its excellent mechanical stability, we expect that the reliability of flexible electronics will be improved many times over.”

Graphene is a rediscovered modification of carbon with two-dimensional structure, which has gained enormously in popularity since its successful isolation in 2004. Such so-called “monolayer” graphene is synthesized on a metal catalyst via a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process and transferred by a further process step to a target substrate, such as thin glass or plastic film. Here, it is very important that no defects are added which might reduce the quality of the electrode. In order to compete with the reference material ITO, the transparency and conductivity of graphene must be very high. Therefore, not only is the process of electrode manufacturing being optimized, but also different ways of doping graphene to improve its properties are being examined.

At the same time, the developed process steps must be easily scalable for later industrial use. These many challenges are faced by a project consortium consisting of 16 partners from six EU member states and Switzerland.

The Fraunhofer FEP is coordinating the GLADIATOR project and acts as an end-user of the graphene electrode. Scientists examine the integration of graphene and compare it to the reference material ITO. The sophisticated material properties of graphene must be maintained during the integration in organic devices. To this end, several methods for cleaning and structuring the graphene must be modified. In addition, the processes for different target substrates such as glass or flexible foil must be adapted and optimized. The first hurdles have been overcome thanks to a close cooperation between the consortium partners and the first defect-free OLEDs on transparent graphene electrodes have been realized on small areas. The target of the next one and a half years is to successfully illuminate large area OLEDs.

The GLADIATOR project will run until April 2017. By this time several types of OLED will have been made using graphene electrodes: a white OLED with an area of about 42 cm2 to demonstrate the high conductivity, and a fully-flexible, transparent OLED with an area of 3 cm2 to confirm the mechanical reliability.

Individual transistors made from carbon nanotubes are faster and more energy efficient than those made from other materials. Going from a single transistor to an integrated circuit full of transistors, however, is a giant leap.

“A single microprocessor has a billion transistors in it,” said Northwestern Engineering’s Mark Hersam. “All billion of them work. And not only do they work, but they work reliably for years or even decades.”

When trying to make the leap from an individual, nanotube-based transistor to wafer-scale integrated circuits, many research teams, including Hersam’s, have met challenges. For one, the process is incredibly expensive, often requiring billion-dollar cleanrooms to keep the delicate nano-sized components safe from the potentially damaging effects of air, water, and dust. Researchers have also struggled to create a carbon nanotube-based integrated circuit in which the transistors are spatially uniform across the material, which is needed for the overall system to work.

Now Hersam and his team at Northwestern University have found a key to solving all these issues. The secret lies in newly developed encapsulation layers that protect carbon nanotubes from environmental degradation.

Supported by the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation, the research appears online in Nature Nanotechology on September 7. Tobin J. Marks, the Vladimir N. Ipatieff Research Professor of Chemistry in Northwestern’s Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and professor of materials science and engineering in the McCormick School of Engineering, coauthored the paper. Michael Geier, a graduate student in Hersam’s lab, was first author.

“One of the realities of a nanomaterial, such as a carbon nanotube, is that essentially all of its atoms on the surface,” said Hersam, the Walter P. Murphy Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. “So anything that touches the surface of these materials can influence their properties. If we made a series of transistors and left them out in the air, water and oxygen would stick to the surface of the nanotubes, degrading them over time. We thought that adding a protective encapsulation layer could arrest this degradation process to achieve substantially longer lifetimes.”

Hersam compares his solution to one currently used for organic light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which experienced similar problems after they were first realized. Many people assumed that organic LEDs would have no future because they degraded in air. After researchers developed an encapsulation layer for the material, organic LEDs are now used in many commercial applications, including displays for smartphones, car radios, televisions, and digital cameras. Made from polymers and inorganic oxides, Hersam’s encapsulation layer is based on the same idea but tailored for carbon nanotubes.

To demonstrate proof of concept, Hersam developed nanotube-based static random-access memory (SRAM) circuits. SRAM is a key component of all microprocessors, often making up as much as 85 percent of the transistors in the central-processing unit in a common computer. To create the encapsulated carbon nanotubes, the team first deposited the carbon nanotubes from a solution previously developed in Hersam’s lab. Then they coated the tubes with their encapsulation layers.

Using the encapsulated carbon nanotubes, Hersam’s team successfully designed and fabricated arrays of working SRAM circuits. Not only did the encapsulation layers protect the sensitive device from the environment, but they improved spatial uniformity among individual transistors across the wafer. While Hersam’s integrated circuits demonstrated a long lifetime, transistors that were deposited from the same solution but not coated degraded within hours.

“After we’ve made the devices, we can leave them out in air with no further precautions,” Hersam said. “We don’t need to put them in a vacuum chamber or controlled environment. Other researchers have made similar devices but immediately had to put them in a vacuum chamber or inert environment to keep them stable. That’s obviously not going to work in a real-world situation.”

Hersam imagines that his solution-processed, air-stable SRAM could be used in emerging technologies. Flexible carbon nanotube-based transistors could replace rigid silicon to enable wearable electronics. The cheaper manufacturing method also opens doors for smart cards — credit cards embedded with personal information to reduce the likelihood of fraud.

“Smart cards are only realistic if they can be realized using extremely low-cost manufacturing,” he said. “Because our solution-processed carbon nanotubes are compatible with scalable and inexpensive printing methods, our results could enable smart cards and related printed electronics applications.”

Imagine illuminating your home or business with flat, inexpensive panels that are environmentally friendly, easy on your eyes, and energy-efficient because they create minimal heat.

Now imagine how those panels could be used if they were as flexible as paper or cloth; the technology could be bent into shapes, fit the interior or exterior curves of vehicles, even be incorporated into clothing.

In “Flexible organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) for solid-state lighting” a team of researchers at Pohang (Republic of Korea) University of Science and Technology reports on advances in three key areas — flexible electrodes, flexible encapsulation methods, and flexible substrates — that make commercial use of such technology more feasible and closer to implementation. The article appears in the current issue of the Journal of Photonics for Energy, published by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics.

Figure 9 from a new article in the Journal of Photonics for Energy is a schematic illustration of OLED structures with encapsulation: (a) conventional glass lid and (b) thin-film encapsulation. Credit: Min-Ho Park et al., Pohang University

Figure 9 from a new article in the Journal of Photonics for Energy is a schematic illustration of OLED structures with encapsulation: (a) conventional glass lid and (b) thin-film encapsulation. Credit: Min-Ho Park et al., Pohang University

OLEDs show promise as a future light source because of their thinness, light weight, energy efficiency, and use of environmentally benign materials. Companies such as Philips and LG Chemical have begun producing flat OLED panels that produce non-glare, UV-free light but very little heat, with no need for lamp shades or diffusers.

“The future trend in OLEDs is to make them on plastic substrates for flexibility, durability, and light weight. In this work, the authors review the technical challenges and solutions in this important subject,” said Franky So, Walter and Ida Freeman Distinguished Professor in Materials Science and Engineering at North Carolina State University, and an associate editor of the journal.

Min-Ho Park and other researchers at Pohang tested a variety of transparent electrodes as flexible alternatives to currently available devices based on indium tin oxide (ITO), which is brittle and increasingly expensive, and identified next steps toward making flexible solid-state lighting commercially feasible:

  • development of a flexible electrode that has high electrical conductivity, high bending stability, few defects, smooth surface texture, and high work function
  • reduction in the water-vapor transmission rate of materials used, to counter the vulnerability of OLEDs to moisture.

OLEDs produce light by sending electricity through one or more thin layers of an organic semiconductor, which may be composed of any of a variety of materials and as small a as a molecule. The semiconductor is sandwiched between a positively charged electrode and a negatively charged one. These layers are deposited on a supporting surface called a substrate, and protected from exposure to the air by a thin layer of encapsulants (traditionally glass).

The Pohang team demonstrated good electrical, optical, and mechanical performance with flexible electrodes fabricated using graphene, conducting polymers, silver nanowires (AgNWs), and dielectric-metal-dielectric (DMD) multilayer structures.

However, various obstacles still remain with these devices’ durability, conductivity, surface roughness, and fabrication cost. Current flexible substrates and encapsulation methods are being explored, with the goal of reducing cost and processing time, and increasing durability.

Electronic materials play a key role in touch panel technologies, such as new flexible touch technologies. Equally application know-how plays a vital part in the success of the new material to be used in device manufacture.

Together with ITRI, Taiwan, Heraeus, demonstrated the integration of Clevios conductive polymer based touch panel with AM OLED technology in a highly flexible device. The device was prepared using Clevios PEDOT conductive polymer material (formulated by EOC, Taiwan) patterned on ITRI’s FlexUp substrate. Solution processable and printable Clevios PEDOT: PSS is used as the transparent electrode in this device. In the project a 7 inch flexible Touch Panel / AM OLED device was produced.

Heraeus has been collaborating with ITRI since 2013.

“In this latest development project with ITRI, we have produced a reliable, flexible, advanced touch panel and integrated it with an AM OLED display, opening up new possibilities in flexible, foldable and wearable technologies” said Dr. Stephan Kirchmeyer, Global Marketing Director for the Display & Semiconductor Business at Heraeus. Dr. Janglin Chen, Vice President and General Director of ITRI’s Display Technology Center added, “The co-operation with Heraeus has shown the options for touch panel makers are broader than just metallic based ITO-alternatives.”

Further projects with the ITRI Group and Heraeus in the application of displays are ongoing. The touch sensor electrodes are based on a Clevios PEDOT. The experts at ITRI subsequently patterned the film using Heraeus invisible etch technology. A key element is flexibility which was tested 10,000 times at a bending radius of 5mm. The touch panel is laminated on the AM OLED display. The final product has 5 interactive functions within the display including touch controllable zoom in/out and rotation functions.

The Clevios PEDOT:PSS range from the Display & Semiconductor Business Unit of Heraeus consists of materials for antistatic through to highly conductive applications. Materials are modified for their application method, usually printing or coating, and for their end application requirements. Typically Clevios coatings can reach 100 -250 Ohm/sq. at a transparency of 90 percent (excluding substrate film). Clevios is increasingly finding applications in touch panels and sensors, as well as OLEDs, organic solar cells and security coatings.

Starting in the second half of 2015, the overall consumption of active-matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED) materials will surge, as LG Display increases the production of white organic light-emitting diode (WOLED) TV panels. In the first half of 2015, the WOLED organic materials market reached $58 million; however, in the second half of the year the market will increase nearly threefold, reaching $165 million. The WOLED organic materials market is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 79 percent from 2014 to 2019, according to IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS), a global source of critical information and insight.

“Although the WOLED organic materials market is still at a fledgling state, it will grow considerably in tandem with a rise in WOLED panel production, beginning in the second half of 2015,” said Kihyun Kim, senior analyst for display chemical and materials at IHS Technology. “Since WOLED technology is mainly used for large-area AMOLED displays, particularly TVs, this rapid growth in the WOLED market will lead the continued growth in the overall AMOLED materials market.”

LG Display, the leader in the WOLED panel market, began manufacturing WOLED TV panels in their E3 line in Paju, South Korea, in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2012. To mass produce WOLED panels, the company installed 8th generation mother glass processing in its E4 line in February 2014. While the line became operational in Q4 2014, the line yield has been low to date; however, full operation is set to begin in earnest in the second quarter (Q2) 2015. “Most AMOLED TV panel makers, especially in China, are focusing on WOLED technology, which supports future WOLED material market growth,” Kim said.


The total AMOLED materials market, including both the fine-metal mask red-green-blue (FMM RGB) and WOLED types, will grow 54 percent year over year to reach $658 million in 2015, according to the latest IHS OLED Materials Market Tracker forecast. The AMOLED materials market is expected to reach $2.0 billion in 2019, growing at a CAGR of 37 percent from 2014 to 2019.

Pixelligent Technologies, a manufacturer of high index materials for demanding optoelectronics applications, announces the addition of four new OLED lighting products to its PixClear Zirconia nanocrystal family. These new products will deliver light extraction and efficiency for a wide variety of OLED lighting applications.

“Our new family of high index products for OLED lighting expands upon Pixelligent’s leadership position in the solid state lighting market, and we believe it will help accelerate the adoption of OLED lighting,” said Craig Bandes, President and CEO of Pixelligent.

The new PixClear for OLED products can be incorporated into OLED lighting panels as an internal light extraction and smoothing layer, delivering more than twice the amount of light currently extracted in OLED lighting devices. The product line includes two solvent-based and two formulated materials, available both as samples and at commercial scale.

“The OLED lighting market is ripe for accelerated growth and broad-user adoption and Pixelligent is delivering the functionality required to help OLED lighting manufacturers deliver substantially more lumens-per-watt,” added Bandes.

The latest research from the Niels Bohr Institute shows that LEDs made from nanowires will use less energy and provide better light. The researchers studied nanowires using X-ray microscopy and with this method they can pinpoint exactly how the nanowire should be designed to give the best properties. The results are published in the scientific journal, ACS Nano.

Nanowires are very small – about 2 micrometers high (1 micrometer is a thousandth of a millimetre) and 10-500 nanometers in diameter (1 nanometer is a thousandth of a micrometer). Nanowires for LEDs are made up of an inner core of gallium nitride (GaN) and a layer of indium-gallium-nitride (InGaN) on the outside, both of which are semiconducting materials.

“The light in such a diode is dependent on the mechanical strain that exists between the two materials and the strain is very dependent on how the two layers are in contact with each other. We have examined a number of nanowires using X-ray microscopy and even though the nanowires should in principle be identical, we can see that they are different and have very different structure,” explains Robert Feidenhans’l, professor and head of the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.

The X-ray images of each nanowire show the distribution of the scattering intensity and the mechanical strain in the core of gallium-nitride and the shell of indium-gallium-nitride. The strain shows that the shell fits perfectly with the core. Credit: Tomas Stankevic, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.

The X-ray images of each nanowire show the distribution of the scattering intensity and the mechanical strain in the core of gallium-nitride and the shell of indium-gallium-nitride. The strain shows that the shell fits perfectly with the core.
Credit: Tomas Stankevic, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.

Surprisingly efficient 

The studies were performed using nanoscale X-ray microscopy in the electron synchrotron at DESY in Hamburg, Germany. The method is usually very time consuming and the results are often limited to very few or even a single study subject. But here researchers have managed to measure a series of upright nanowires all at once using a special design of a nanofocused X-ray without destroying the nanowires in the process.

“We measured 20 nanowires and when we saw the images, we were very surprised because you could clearly see the details of each nanowire. You can see the structure of both the inner core and the outer layer. If there are defects in the structure or if they are slightly bent, they do not function as well. So we can identify exactly which nanowires are the best and have the most efficient core/shell structure,” explains Tomas Stankevic, a PhD student in the research group ‘Neutron and X-ray Scattering’ at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.

The nanowires are produced by a company in Sweden and this new information can be used to tweak the layer structure in the nanowires. Professor Robert Feidenhans’l explains that there is great potential in such nanowires. They will provide a more natural light in LEDs and they will use much less power. In addition, they could be used in smart phones, televisions and many forms of lighting.

The researchers expect that things could go very quickly and that they may already be in use within five years.

Pixelligent Technologies, producer of PixClear, a producer of nanocrystal dispersions for demanding applications in LED lighting, OLED Lighting, and Optical Coatings & Films markets, announced today that it closed $3.4 million in new funding. The funds will be used to support accelerating customer growth throughout the world and to increase its manufacturing capacity to 40+ tons per year starting in 2016.

“Pixelligent continues to realize increased demand for its nanocrystal dispersions, predominantly driven by the leading LED package manufacturers and the leading OLED lighting producers. Pixelligent’s high-index and transparent zirconia nanocrystals are considered the best in the world by numerous experts and are becoming increasingly important in delivering more light from next generation Solid State Lighting as well as additional efficiencies in Display applications,” said Craig Bandes, President & CEO of Pixelligent.

To date, Pixelligent has raised over $26.0M in equity funding and has been awarded more than $12M in U.S. government grant programs.

Pixelligent Technologies is an advanced materials company that is leveraging nanotechnology to deliver the next generation of high index materials for solid-state lighting and optical components and films applications

They are thin, light-weight, flexible and can be produced cost- and energy-efficiently: printed microelectronic components made of synthetics. Flexible displays and touch screens, glowing films, RFID tags and solar cells represent a future market. In the context of an international cooperation project, physicists at the Technische Universität München (TUM) have now observed the creation of razor thin polymer electrodes during the printing process and successfully improved the electrical properties of the printed films.

Solar cells out of a printer? This seemed unthinkable only a few years ago. There were hardly any alternatives to classical silicon technology available. In the mean time touch screens, sensors and solar cells can be made of conducting polymers. Flexible monitors and glowing wall paper made of organic light emitting diodes, so-called OLEDs, are in rapid development. The “organic electronics” are hailed as a promising future market.

However, the technology also has its pitfalls: To manufacture the components on an industrial scale, semiconducting or insulating layers – each a thousand times thinner than a human hair – must be printed onto a carrier film in a predefined order. “This is a highly complex process, whose details need to be fully understood to allow custom-tailored applications,” explains Professor Peter Müller-Buschbaum of the Chair of Functional Materials at TU München.

A further challenge is the contacting between flexible, conducting layers. Hitherto electronic contacts made of crystalline indium tin oxide were frequently used. However, this construction has numerous drawbacks: The oxide is more brittle than the polymer layers over them, which limits the flexibility of the cells. Furthermore, the manufacturing process also consumes much energy. Finally, indium is a rare element that exists only in very limited quantities.

Polymers in X-ray light 

A few months ago, researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California for the first time succeeded in observing the cross-linking of polymer molecules in the active layer of an organic solar cell during the printing process. In collaboration with their colleagues in California, Müller-Buschbaum’s team took advantage of this technology to improve the characteristics of the polymer electronic elements.

The researchers used X-ray radiation generated in the Berkley synchrotron for their investigations. The X-rays are directed to the freshly printed synthetic layer and scattered. The arrangement and orientation of the molecules during the curing process of the printed films can be determined from changes in the scattering pattern.

“Thanks to the very intensive X-ray radiation we can achieve a very high time resolution,” says Claudia M. Palumbiny. In Berkeley the physicist from the TUM investigated the “blocking layer” that sorts and selectively transports the charge carriers in the organic electronic components. The TUM research team is now, together with its US colleagues, publishing the results in the trade journal Advanced Materials.

Custom properties

“In our work, we showed for the first time ever that even small changes in the physico-chemical process conditions have a significant influence on the build-up and properties of the layer,” says Claudia M. Palumbiny. “Adding solvents with a high boiling point, for example, improves segregation in synthetics components. This improves the crystallization in conducting molecules. The distance between the molecules shrinks and the conductivity increases.

In this manner stability and conductivity can be improved to such an extent that the material can be deployed not only as a blocking layer, but even as a transparent, electrical contact. This can be used to replace the brittle indium tin oxide layers. “At the end of the day, this means that all layers could be produced using the same process,” explains Palumbiny. “That would be a great advantage for manufacturers.”

To make all of this possible one day, TUM researchers want to continue investigating and optimizing the electrode material further and make their know-how available to industry. “We have now formed the basis for pushing ahead materials development with future investigations so that these can be taken over by industrial enterprises,” explains Prof. Müller-Buschbaum.

The research was supported by the GreenTech Initiative “Interface Science for Photovoltaics” (ISPV) of the EuroTech Universities together with the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) at TUM and by the Cluster of Excellence “Nanosystems Initiative Munich” (NIM). Further support came from the Elite Network of Bavaria’s International Doctorate Program “NanoBioTechnology” (IDK-NBT) and the Center for NanoScience (CeNS) and from “Polymer-Based Materials for Harvesting Solar Energy” (PHaSE), an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences. Portions of the research were carried out at the Advanced Light Source which receives support by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the U.S. Department of Energy.