Category Archives: OLEDs

Revenues for flat panel display (FPD) manufacturing equipment are expected to grow for the third consecutive year to reach $9.1 billion, according to IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS), a global source of critical information and insight. This level of FPD equipment spending, the highest level since 2011, is being driven by new liquid crystal display (LCD) and active-matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED) panel factories targeting both large-area television and smartphone applications.

In terms of technology, spending will be split nearly evenly between amorphous silicon (a-Si) TV and low-temperature polycrystalline silicon (LTPS) smartphone plants, according to the latest IHS Quarterly FPD Supply/Demand and Capital Spending ReportLTPS investments in both 2015 and 2016 are expected to exceed all-time highs. 

“Over the past five years, spending on new LTPS LCD and AMOLED factories has been even more volatile than the overall FPD equipment market,” said Charles Annis, senior director at IHS. “LTPS-related equipment expenditures are now expected to peak in 2015 and 2016, before dropping off again in 2017, Recently announced projects are generating unprecedented levels of LTPS equipment expenditures, including new fab plans for JDI in Japan and Foxconn in Taiwan; expansions of current lines at both Samsung and LG Display in Korea; and new LTPS plants in China being built by AUO, BOE, Tianma and China Star.”

In addition to all the current LTPS fab activity, in 2015 makers continue to invest in a-Si Gen 8 factories targeted at TV applications, mainly in China. Much of this investment is the result of growing demand for large-area panels, which increased 14 percent last year – significantly outstripping capacity growth of 6 percent. This increased demand caused tight supply and firm prices last year, encouraging panel makers to extend capacity expansions. This year large-area demand and supply are forecast to grow at similar rates of 6 percent. Although factory utilization remains at relatively high levels, and there are concerns that growing set inventories will continue to push prices down in the third quarter (Q3) of this year, large-area supply and demand will be balanced for the year.

“Despite the maturing TV market, along with various concerns about the ability of all the new LTPS plants in China to ramp-up smoothly, FPD investment activity remains dynamic,” Annis said. “FPD equipment spending in 2016 is currently forecast to be flat or slightly down. BOE’s recent announcement to build a future Gen 8 factory in Fuzhou, and the world’s first Gen 10.5 fab in Hefei China, suggests that FPD makers still believe that building new factories will continue to lower costs and expand the range of applications.”

Discussion of these topics and more can be found in the IHS Quarterly FPD Supply/Demand and Capital Spending ReportThe report covers the most important metrics used to evaluate supply, demand, and capital spending for all major FPD technologies and applications.

FUJIFILM Corporation and nano-electronics research institute, imec have demonstrated full-color organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) by using their jointly-developed photoresist technology for organic semiconductors, a technology that enables submicron patterning. This breakthrough result paves the way to producing high-resolution and large organic Electroluminescent (EL) displays and establishing cost-competitive manufacturing methods.

Organic EL displays are increasingly used for televisions, mobile devices including smartphones as well as wearable devices. Since they can be made thin and flexible, while also offering excellent response time and contrast ratio. It is said that today’s products require organic EL displays of high pixel density, i.e. around 200ppi for 4K televisions, 500ppi for full HD mobile devices and even higher density for compact displays for wearable devices. There has been active R&D for organic semiconductors to develop a high-resolution patterning method for organic EL materials to be used in these products.

In 2013, Fujifilm and imec jointly developed photoresist technology for organic semiconductors that enables submicron patterning without damaging the organic semiconductor materials, based on photolithography capable of high-resolution patterning on large substrates. There is no need for additional capital investment since an existing i-line exposure system can be used for the new technology. This is why the technology has attracted wide attention since the development announcement with anticipation of a cost-effective way of manufacturing high-resolution organic semiconductor devices.

In the latest achievement, Fujifilm and imec produced full-color OLEDs with the photoresist technology for organic semiconductors and successfully verified their performance.  Red, green and blue organic EL materials were patterned, each in the subpixel pitch of 20μm, to create full-color OLEDs. An OLED array of 40 x 40 dots at the resolution of 640ppi was realized and illuminated with UV rays to confirm that red, green and blue dots separately emitted light. The emission of red, green and blue lights was also confirmed in a test involving the application of voltage rather than illumination, confirming its correct performance.

These results open new opportunities, such as using the novel photolithography in a multiple patterning process. An example would be creating an OLED array that adds a fourth color to red, green and blue, as well as developing previously-unseen devices such as a new sensors that integrate OLED with the organic photodetector.

This research result is to be presented at the SID Display Week, one of the world’s largest international exhibitions for information displays, held in San Jose, California from May 31 to June 5, 2015.

Since the commencement of joint research in November 2012, Fujifilm and imec have broken through the boundary of conventional technology to contribute to the progress of technology associated with organic semiconductors, e.g., developing the photoresist technology for organic semiconductors that enables the realization of high-resolution submicron patterns.  The two companies will continue to undertake cutting-edge R&D involving semiconductor materials, process technology and system integration, thereby contributing to resolving challenges faced by the organic electronics industry.

Quantum dots are finally ready for prime time and will exceed traditional phosphor revenue by 2020 by allowing LCD to compete with OLED in the race for the next display generation.
Yole Développement (Yole), the “More than Moore” market research and strategy consulting company releases a LED downconverters technology & market report, entitled “Phosphors & Quantum Dots 2015: LED Downconverters for Lighting & Displays”. Under this new report, the company proposes a deep review of the industry, especially the impact of the quantum dots development on the display and traditional phosphors industry. Are the quantum dots a real competitor of OLEDs technology?

After the lukewarm reception of 3D and 4K, the display industry needs a new and disruptive experience improvement to bring consumers back to the store. Image quality perception increases significantly when color gamut and dynamic contrast ratio are improved. Leading movie studios, content providers, distributors and display makers gathered and formed the “UHD Alliance” to promote those features.

“OLED was believed to be the technology of choice for this next generation of displays. But production challenges have delayed the availability of affordable OLED TVs. LCD TVs with LED backlights based on quantum dots downconverters can deliver performance close to, or even better than OLED in some respects, and at a lower cost,” said Dr. Eric Virey, Senior Analyst, LEDs at Yole.

Until OLEDs are ready, QD-LCD have a unique window of opportunity to try to close enough of the performance gap that the majority of the consumers won’t perceive the difference between the two technologies and price would become the driving factor in the purchasing decision. Under this scenario, QD-LCD could establish itself as the dominant technology while OLED would be cornered into the high end of the market. OLED potentially offers more opportunities for differentiation but proponents need to invest massively and still have to resolve manufacturing yield issues. For tier-2 LCD panel makers who can’t invest in OLED, QDs offer an opportunity to boost LCD performance without additional CAPEX on their fabs. At the 2015 CES, 7 leading TV OEMs including Samsung and LG showed QD-LCD TVs.

With tunable and narrowband emissions, QDs offer unique design flexibility. But more is needed to enable massive adoption, including the development of further improved Cd-free compositions.

And traditional phosphors haven’t said their last word. If PFS could further improve in term of stability and decay time and a narrow-band green composition was to emerge, traditional phosphors could also be part of the battle against OLED.

“… LCD TVs with LED backlights based on quantum dots downconverters can deliver performance close to, or even better than OLED in some respects, and at a lower cost.” said Dr. E. Virey, Yole.

Yole’s analysis, “Phosphors & Quantum Dots 2015: LED Downconverters for Lighting & Displays”, presents an overview of the quantum dot LED market for display and lighting applications including quantum dot manufacturing, benefits and drawbacks, quantum dots LCD versus OLED and detailed market forecast.

Despite the inventory adjustment caused by LCD TV brands reducing their panel orders in the first quarter (Q1) of 2015, the strong demand for leading TV brands to fulfill their panel facilitation plans — combined with a strong cross-marketing push by TV panel makers — helped LCD TV panel shipments reach a record monthly high in March 2015. According to the latest Monthly TFT LCD Shipment Databasefrom IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS), a global source of critical information and insight, LCD TV panel shipments from global panel makers reached 23.9 million in March 2015, growing 20 percent month over month and 11 percent year over year.

Panel shipments declined seasonally in Q1 of this year, because most LCD TV modules are manufactured in China and the Chinese New Year holidays in February meant fewer working days in LCD cell fabs in Asia and LCD module lines in China. Meanwhile, as the LCD TV panel supply-demand balance shifted from tightness to oversupply, TV makers have started to reduce orders, especially for older models. However, positive year-over-year growth is still expected, especially since there was such a strong rebound for LCD TV panel shipments in March.

“Although the LCD TV panel demand has shown signs of slowing after the holidays, leading TV brands are preparing their new models for launch, so orders are not diminished,” said Yoonsung Chung, director of large area display research for IHS.  “Meanwhile, panel makers are aggressively introducing 4K resolution, wide color gamut, ultra-slim bezels and other new features, to improve panel shipment growth”

While LCD TV panel shipments reached 253 million units in 2014, panel makers are aggressively targeting 261 million units this year. “Demand will slow, beginning in the second quarter of 2015, and panel prices are already starting to fall, so TV panel shipments may face some growth challenges in the coming months,” Chung said.



LCD shipment growth also varied by size in March, representing a shift in LCD TV size trends. The 23.6-inch display, which is primarily available in emerging regions, shipped a record 2.1 million units. Other display sizes setting records last month were 40-inch displays (3.3 million), 43-inch displays (1.2 million), 49-inch displays (0.9 million), and 65-inch displays (0.4 million).

Led by Samsung Display and LG Display, 4K LCD TV panel shipments grew from 1.7 million in February to a record-setting 2.6 million units in March 2015. Red-green-blue-white (RGBW) pixel-layout technology, which can help reduce power consumption, is expected to rise rapidly in 2015 as the industry’s acceptance of this technology has gradually extended from the Chinese market to the global market.

The Monthly TFT LCD Shipment Database provides the latest panel shipment numbers, surveyed from all large-area panel makers.

C3nano, Inc. announced today that it has acquired the major supplier of silver nanowire (AgNW) in Asia, Aiden Co. Ltd. of Korea. Recognized as the quality and manufacturing leader in AgNWs, Aiden’s breakthroughs in synthesizing uniform AgNWs at large scale is fueling important innovations in touch sensor applications. In addition to establishing a vertically integrated AgNW supply, the acquisition provides C3nano a gateway to the critical display market in Korea and greater Asia.

“This deal positions C3nano with a global footprint to provide the industry’s highest performing transparent conductive ink at manufacturing volumes. We are at scale today,” said Cliff Morris, C3nano’s CEO. “Our partnership means C3nano’s Silicon Valley operations can continue to focus on ink production and R&D for advanced formulations while Aiden focuses on what they do better than anyone else—produce at volume the best AgNWs in the world.”

“Our two companies coming together is a perfect fit because of the clear synergies between Aiden’s production capacity and C3nano’s formidable IP on ink formulations, thin films, processing and devices,” said Mr. Jinhaeng Lee, founder and CEO of Aiden Co. Ltd. “Both of our companies share a commitment to maintain the highest standard of product excellence with a united vision to deliver new and unique technologies to the consumer electronics industry and beyond.”

The Aiden acquisition solidifies C3nano’s position as a complete solution provider of premium TCFs for the flexible display, touch sensor, photovoltaic and organic light-emitting diode (OLED) industries.

Achieving precise registration accuracy is a factor of two related variables: web tension and transport velocity.

BY BIPIN SEN, Bosch Rexroth, Hoffman Estates, IL

One of the brightest developments in electronics is Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) TVs, which are attracting consumers with their eye-popping colors and super- thin designs. Unlike the components found in traditional flat-screen display technology, OLEDs use thin, flexible sheets of material that emit their own light and are produced using a technique similar to inkjet or sheet-feed printing.

Introduced to the consumer market only a few years ago, OLEDs are still relatively costly to manufacture in large sizes due to limitations in both shadow-mask deposition methods, and in newer laser annealing and inkjet printing techniques. To scale up large area display production economically, printed electronics manufacturers are seeing the benefits of another production method — namely, digital roll-to-roll web processing.

Like an inkjet printer deposits ink on sheets of paper, a digital roll-to-roll press patterns thin-film transistors and other devices directly onto large organic, flexible substrates. But unlike slower sheet-fed digital printing, the substrate in a roll-to-roll press is supplied from an infeed reel through the printing section onto an outfeed reel in one continuous inline web. An array of piezo- electric printheads deposit the ink — comprised of a conductive organic solution — on the substrate at precise locations. In roll-to-roll web processing, electroluminescent materials or other microcrys- talline layers are deposited on substrate at slower speeds, on the order of 10 to 100 feet (3 to 30 meters) per minute.

The speed of the roll-to-roll process reduces the cost of fabrication dramatically—but several challenges must be overcome to make it pay off.

Fast speeds create big challenges

Similar to how Sunday newspaper comics require precise color registration to keep images from blurring, printed electronics require far tighter registration. Tolerances for applications such as Thin-Film Transistors (TFTs) or OLEDs require registration smaller than 10 microns. High-speed, high-resolution cameras measure registration accuracy and provide input to the control system. To ensure that degree of accuracy, precise web tension control is required.

Achieving precise registration accuracy is a factor of two related variables: web tension and transport velocity.

Web transport control ensures proper uniform tension on the substrate web as it travels through the process. Because the substrate changes properties in response to force loading, changes in tension affect the stability of deposited materials. Substrate expansion causes cracks, broken traces, short circuiting and layer delamination. Changes in web velocity in the print zone affect registration, thickness and resolution of fine lines.

As the web travels downstream, constant tension must be maintained in each tension zone, which
is defined as an isolated area in a machine where constant tension must be maintained appropriate to the process being performed in that area. A roll- to-roll press has several tension zones. Problems occur when a change is made in one tension zone and no change is needed in other areas. When tension control is coupled between all zones, a change in one creates a cascade of changes in others, impacting the stability of the entire web.

FIGURE 1 shows how instability affects a web traveling at five meters per second with two successive tension controllers for two tension zones. A command for a step change tension reduction is sent to the green zone controllers.

FIGURE 1. Tension instability.

FIGURE 1. Tension instability.

No change is required in the upstream blue zone. But because the web is continuous, the tension disturbance is carried back to the blue zone, which causes the blue controller to compensate. In turn, this change affects the downstream green zone, sending jitter back to the blue zone. This back and forth jitter takes about 85 seconds to settle down. The web tension finally stabilizes in about 90 seconds. During that time, the machine is yielding waste product.

The challenge of tension adjustment

In an ideal world, web instability would never occur because tension adjustment would never be needed. But tension adjustment is necessary due to several mechanical factors:

  • Oscillations caused by mechanical misalignments
  • Differing inertial response (lag) of mechanical elements during web acceleration
  • Out-of-round unwind and tension rolls
  • Slipping through nip rolls
  • Over aggressive web-guide correction

Several technical process and control issues also affect tension: tension set point changes, phase offset on driven rolls, tension bleed from one zone to another, and, of course, thermal effect (contraction/expansion) as the substrate passes through various processes.

The factors requiring tension adjustment cannot all be eliminated. Variance in any one factor in a zone necessitates changes in tension control and web speed. Consequently, with coupled tension zone control, jitter is inevitable in a continuous web where the controllers cause a feedback loop.

The benefits of decoupled controllers

There is a solution: Decouple each tension zone, allowing each controller to operate independently.
This has been accomplished in digital printing applications using Bosch Rexroth controllers incor- porating a unique tension decoupling function block. As the name implies, the function block allows tension control for each zone to operate independently. As a result, tension changes can be isolated in one zone without affecting tension change in other areas.

The result can be seen in FIGURE 2. In this example, the press uses two successive controllers. But now the step change signaled by the green section controller doesn’t create a cascade effect upstream. Along with decoupling to prevent feedback, the Rexroth controller initiates a response to step reduction in tension control in one-fourth the time compared to typical controllers.

FIGURE 2. Improved tension control.

FIGURE 2. Improved tension control.

With the Rexroth solution, tension can be controlled for up to eight axes. One or multiple points can be selected to be left uncontrolled. At the selected axis, line speed is held constant. At a standstill, web tension can be maintained. In fact, Rexroth multi-axis tension control increases stand-still web tension accuracy by a factor of two to four. Achieving the desired standstill web tension is also much faster. Without decoupling, a setpoint can be achieved in 13-14 seconds; with decoupling, it takes three to four seconds.

During acceleration, tension control decoupling ensures the web is stable as soon as full production speed is reached, compared to a delay of five seconds or longer with coupled control. And when tension setpoint changes occur during runtime, the transient response with decoupling takes about one second, compared to about four seconds with coupled control.

Not unlike digital printing, the adoption of roll-to-roll web printing will accelerate as the technology demonstrates its ability to provide high accuracy at high speeds.

C3Nano, Inc., a developer and supplier of solution-based, transparent conductive inks and films announced today that it has entered into a partnership with Kimoto, Ltd. Japan. This alliance has important commercial implications for the future of the display and touch sensor industry. The two companies will cooperate in delivering transparent conductive films into the fast-growing flexible display and touch sensor market.

As a global market leader in roll-to-roll, hard-coated films for the display and touch panel industry, Kimoto, Ltd. offers a wide variety of innovative products to protect and optimize the use of devices in touch screens and display applications.  “Our company is excited to have a great partner such as Kimoto to collaborate with, especially since they are the industry leader in hard-coated films,” said Cliff Morris, CEO of C3Nano, Inc.

“This alliance responds to the industry’s unmet need to deliver 50 Ohms per square films at far less than 1 percent haze.  We can deliver that product today at high volume.”

As a result of this relationship, C3Nano is positioned to be a complete solution provider to the flexible display, touch panel, and OLED industries.

Founded in 2010 as a spinout from Professor Zhenan Bao’s chemical engineering laboratory at Stanford University, C3Nano is the developer of the solution-based, transparent conductive inks and films as direct replacements for indium tin oxide (ITO).  C3Nano has raised more than $20 million in funding to date, which has enabled the company to quickly achieve ink formulations and expanded production capabilities.

Kimoto, headquartered in Saitama, Japan, is a developer of processing optical hard-coated films for the display, touch and auto industries.  Their films are used in the production of many high quality displays and touch panels used in mobile phones, tablets, computers and navigation systems.

Global mobile phone display module shipments in 2015 are expected to rise just 4 percent year-over-year to reach two billion units, leading to even stronger competition among mobile phone display manufacturers. According to a new report from IHS, Chinese display module makers have resolved to increase their share of global mobile-phone display shipments. In fact in the third quarter (Q3) of 2014, BOE unseated Samsung Display to become the leading global mobile phone display module supplier.

“BOE has benefitted not only from Samsung’s LCD outsourcing strategy, but also by aggressively developing direct relationships with Chinese mobile phone makers,” said Terry Yu, senior analyst for small and medium displays and display technologies for IHS Technology, formerly DisplaySearch. “BOE, Tianma and InfoVision are all focusing their G5 capacity on the mobile phone market, placing strong emphasis on a-Si based mobile phone displays.”

Display module makers in China also intend to improve their market share in the high-end mobile phone display market. For example in 2014, BOE, Tianma and China Star attracted industry attention, when they announced their G6 LTPS investment plans. Truly, a local traditional Chinese LC module maker, also announced it was investing in G4 AMOLED manufacturing capabilities. “Until these capacities are ready in China, however, stronger competition in the high-end mobile phone display market will be primarily centered on panel makers in other parts of Asia, especially among Japan Display, Sharp, and Samsung Display, all of which have aggressive plans for the Chinese smartphone market in 2015,” Yu said.

Reacting to lowered demand for handsets, OLED module makers have been aggressively promoting AMOLED products in China, but they still face competitive pricing pressure. For example, the average price for 5-inch HD (1280 x 720 294 PPI) AMOLED modules in China’s open market, excluding cover glass and lamination cost, has fallen from $43 in the first quarter (Q1) of 2014 to $25 in the Q1 2015; however, 5-inch HD display modules are widely used in handsets with high cost-performance (CP) value ratios, with retail prices that vary from $95 (599 CNY) to $160 (999 CNY). With increased competition, low-end high-CP value handset prices are expected to fall as low as $80 (499 CNY) in 2015, so $25 AMOLED module costs will still face bill of materials (BOM) cost-control challenges.

On the other hand, in order to differentiate their products, local Chinese brands plan to adopt FHD (1920 x 1080, normally over 400 PPI) displays on the higher-end of high-CP value handsets, with average prices of $160. In fact, local smartphone brand Meizu has already launched its first sub-brand handset, Noblue Note, which is equipped with a 5.5-inch FHD display, selling for $160 (999 CNY). According to Yu, “the pricing pressure of these FHD displays will lead to the even more intense competition among FHD resolution display module makers in 2015.”

“Local Chinese brands are now simplifying their handset models, in order to achieve better revenue performance,” Yu said. “Larger orders for each handset model will drive stronger competition among leading global panel makers.”


Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), which are made from carbon-containing materials, have the potential to revolutionize future display technologies, making low-power displays so thin they’ll wrap or fold around other structures, for instance.

Conventional LCD displays must be backlit by either fluorescent light bulbs or conventional LEDs whereas OLEDs don’t require back lighting. An even greater technological breakthrough will be OLED-based laser diodes, and researchers have long dreamed of building organic lasers, but they have been hindered by the organic materials’ tendency to operate inefficiently at the high currents required for lasing.

Now a new study from a team of researchers in California and Japan shows that OLEDs made with finely patterned structures can produce bright, low-power light sources, a key step toward making organic lasers. The results are reported in a paper appearing this week on the cover of the journal Applied Physics Letters, from AIP Publishing.

The key finding, the researchers say, is to confine charge transport and recombination to nanoscale areas, which extends electroluminescent efficiency roll off the current density at which the efficiency of the OLEDs dramatically decreases — by almost two orders of magnitude. The new device structures do this by suppressing heating and preventing charge recombination.

“An important effect of suppressing roll-off is an increase in the efficiency of devices at high brightness,” said Chihaya Adachi of Kyushu University, who is a co-author of the paper. “This results in lower power to obtain the same brightness.”

“For years scientists working in organic semiconductors have dreamed of making electrically-driven organic lasers,” said Thuc-Quyen Nguyen of the University of California, Santa Barbara, another co-author. “Lasers operate in extreme conditions with electric currents that are significantly higher than those used in common displays and lighting. At these high currents, energy loss processes become stronger and make lasing difficult.

“We see this work, which reduces some loss processes, as one step on the road toward realizing organic lasers,” Nguyen added.

How OLEDs Work

OLEDs operate through the interaction of electrons and holes. “As a simple visualization,” Adachi said, “one can think of an organic semiconductor as a subway train with someone sitting in every seat. The seats represent molecules and the people represent energetic particles, i.e., electrons. When people board the train from one end, they have extra energy and want to go to the relaxed state of sitting. As people board, some of the seated people rise and exit the train at the other end leaving empty seats, or ‘holes,’ for the standing people to fill. When a standing person sits, the person goes to a relaxed state and releases energy. In the case of OLEDs, the person releases the energy as light.”

Production of OLED-based lasers requires current densities of thousands of amperes per square centimeter (kA/cm2), but until now, current densities have been limited by heating. “At high current densities, brightness is limited by annihilation processes,” Adachi said. “Think of large numbers of people on the train colliding into each other and losing energy in ways other than by sitting and releasing light.”

In previous work, Adachi and colleagues showed OLED performance at current densities over 1 kA/cm2 but without the necessary efficiency required for lasers and bright lighting. In their current paper, they show that the efficiency problem can be solved by using electron-beam lithography to produce finely-patterned OLED structures. The small device area supports charge density injection of 2.8 kA/cm2 while maintaining 100 times higher luminescent efficiency than previously observed. “In our device structure, we have effectively confined the entrance and exit to the middle of the train. People diffuse to the two less crowded ends of the train and reduce collisions and annihilation.”

Once focused on unit growth, the entire global flat-panel display (FPD) industry is now shifting to focus on area-demand growth. According to IHS (NYSE: IHS), the leading global source of critical information and insight, display panel shipments for all FPD applications grew 9 percent, year over year, to reach 168.9 million square meters in 2014. Total FPD display area demand is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5 percent from 2012, reaching 223.6 million square meters in 2020.

“The trend toward bigger displays continued in the flat panel display industry in 2014,” said Yoshio Tamura, director of display research for IHS Technology, formerly with DisplaySearch. “There were four major driving forces leading to a strong upgrade of the average FPD display sizes: consumer demand for larger LCD TVs, soaring demand for 5-inch-and-larger smartphones, larger automotive display screens, and larger tablet PCs.”

The annual area growth demand rate for major FPD applications in 2015 is forecast to reach 5 percent, which is down from 9 percent in 2014. Slowing growth is mainly caused by the maturity of some FPD applications, and a slowdown in the trend toward larger size screens for LCD TVs and smart handheld devices.

“New TV sizes launched by LCD and OLED panel makers mean that consumers now have more chances to trade up to larger sizes,” Tamura said. “For smartphones, especially in the Chinese market and developing countries, bigger screens have been triggered by higher resolution requirements, longer battery life, and shifts in user behavior.”

Apple, HP, Lenovo, Acer, ASUS and other mobile PC brands have begun to launch products with larger screens. New operating systems and convertible form factors are leading to displays growing from 10 inches to 12.9 inches in 2015, which will also add to FPD area demand.

For each FPD product category, IHS noted several reasons for the increase in the total FPD area base, including the following:

  1. LCD TV – 4K, 8K, ultra-slim type, slim bezel, better picture quality by wider color gamut and dynamic contrast ratio, new sizes launched by the panel makers, new smart TV platform
  2. Smartphone – higher resolution, slim design, bezel-less design, abundant ecosystem, component integration
  3. Mobile PC – higher resolution, better screen performance with the introduction of OLED, entry into the commercial and educational market
  4. Automotive – better user interface and touch performance, growing numbers of hybrid energy and electronic cars equipped with a larger and better screens, full dashboard digitalization, demand for bigger central information displays (CIDs), and the introduction of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) for smart cars

The Quarterly Worldwide FPD Shipment and Forecast Report covers worldwide shipments and forecasts for all major FPD applications, including details from more than 140 FPD producers, covering more than 10 countries.