Category Archives: OLEDs

Fujifilm and imec have developed a new photoresisttechnology for organic semiconductors that enables the realization of submicron patterns.

Due to their lightness, flexibility, and the possibility to manufacture them in large area, research and development on organic semiconductors has intensified in recent years. Organic semiconductors can be used in various applications such as organic solar cells, flexible displays, organic photodetectors and various other types of sensors. Current methods for patterning organic semiconductors include shadow masking and inkjet printing. However, these patterning methods are not suitable for high-resolution patterning on large-size substrates. Patterning based on photolithography6 would solve this issue. But photolithography is currently mainly adopted for patterning of silicon semiconductors. When applying it to organic semiconductors using standard photoresists, the photoresist dissolves the organic semiconductor material during processing.

Fujifilm and imec have developed a new photoresist technology that enables submicron patterning on large-size substrates without damaging the organic semiconductor materials. The new photoresist technology was developed by fusing the semiconductor processing technology of Fujifilm and imec, with Fujifilm’s synthetic-organic chemistry material design technology. Since existing i-line photolithography equipment can be used, and investment for new equipment is unnecessary, the new technology contributes to a cost-effective production of high-resolution organic semiconductor devices.

For technical verification, Fujifilm and imec developed organic photo detectors (OPD) and organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) using the new photolithography technology, and tested their performance. Organic semiconductor materials were patterned to produce OPD composed of fine light receiving elements down to 200μm×200μm size. Generally, patterning of organic semiconductor materials degrades the property of converting light into electricity (photoelectric conversion property), but the OPD developed in this case were patterned without degradation. With respect to the OLED arrays that were produced using the newly developed photolithography pattering method: 20μm pitch OLEDs emitting uniform light, were realized.

Fujifilm and imec officials say they plan to continue to contribute to industrialization of organic electronics by advancing research and development of semiconductor materials, processing technology and system integration.

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Growth of the LED industry has come initially from the small display application and has been driven forward by the LCD display application. In 2012, General lighting has surpassed all other applications, representing nearly 39 percent of total revenue of packaged LEDs. Indeed, the LED TV crisis of 2011 (following an overestimation of the market) had the benefit of decreasing LED prices and intensifying the competitive environment. As a matter of fact, LED-based lighting product prices have decreased more rapidly than expected, increasing the penetration rate of the technology.

Illustration_LED and lighting industries_YOLE DEVELOPPEMENT_September 2013

Click to view full screen.

Yole Développement estimates packaged LED will reach a market size of $13.9B in 2013 and will peak to $16B by 2018. Growth will be driven mainly by general lighting applications (45 percent to 65 percent of total revenue during this period), completed by display applications.

Other applications are still in motion

Regarding display and other applications, most products currently on the market integrate LED technology. Saturation mixed with strong price pressure and competition from OLED will make most of these markets decline starting from 2013 / 2014. Contrary to general lighting, overcapacity (inducing price pressure) has engendered a decrease in market size more rapidly than predicted.

This report presents all applications of LED and associated market metrics within the period 2008- 2020, detailing for each application: drivers & challenges, associated volume and market size (packaged LED, LED die surface), penetration rate of LEDs, and alternative technologies (…). For general lighting, a deeper analysis is developed with details on each market segment.

To keep the momentum, LED-based lighting product costs still need to be reduced

“Cost represents the main barrier LEDs must overcome to fully compete with incumbent technologies,” explained Pars Mukish, Market and technology analyst, LED at Yole Développement. “Since 2010, the price of packaged LEDs have sharply decreased, which has had the consequence of decreasing the price of LED-based lighting products.”

However, to maintain the growth trajectory, more efforts are needed in terms of price. LED still has some potential for cost reduction, but widespread adoption will also require manufacturers to play on all components of the system (drivers, heat sink, PCB…).

The report presents LED-based lighting product cost reduction opportunities, detailing: cost structure of packaged LED and LED lamp, key technologies and research areas.

Emerging substrates could change the rules in an industry dominated by sapphire

Sapphire (and SIC) remain the most widely used substrates for GaN epitaxy but many research teams are working on finding better alternatives in terms of performance and total cost of ownership. In that context, Si and GaN are the main new substrates developed in the LED industry:

Benefits of GaN-on-Si LEDs rely on decreasing manufacturing cost by using cheaper Silicon substrate but mainly by switching to an 8” substrate and using fully depreciated and highly automated CMOS fabs.

Benefits of GaN-on-GaN LEDs stem from the lower defect density in the epitaxial layers, allowing the device to be driven at higher current levels and to use a lower number of LED devices per system. 
However, several barriers need to be overcome:

GaN-on-Si LEDs are closer to GaN-on-Sapphire LED performance but increased manufacturing yields and full compatibility with CMOS fab still need to be achieved.

GaN-on-GaN LEDs suffer from GaN substrate availability and its cost. 
While GaN (GaN-on-GaN LEDs) holds some potential on specific high-end niches, we consider Silicon (GaN-on-Si LEDs) as the more serious contender as a potential alternative to the widespread use of Sapphire. But the success of GaN-on-Si LEDs will depend on the development of associated LEDs performance and development of manufacturing techniques.


By inserting platinum atoms into an organic semiconductor, University of Utah physicists were able to “tune” the plastic-like polymer to emit light of different colors – a step toward more efficient, less expensive and truly white organic LEDs for light bulbs of the future.

University of Utah physicist Z. Valy Vardeny works in a glove box where light-emitting polymers are studied under clean conditions.

University of Utah physicist Z. Valy Vardeny works in a glove box where light-emitting polymers are studied under clean conditions.

“These new, platinum-rich polymers hold promise for white organic light-emitting diodes and new kinds of more efficient solar cells,” says University of Utah physicist Z. Valy Vardeny, who led a study of the polymers published online Friday, Sept. 13 in the journal Scientific Reports.

Certain existing white light bulbs use LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, and some phone displays use organic LEDs, or OLEDs. Neither are truly white LEDs, but instead use LEDs made of different materials that each emit a different color, then combine or convert those colors to create white light, Vardeny says.

In the new study, Vardeny and colleagues report how they inserted platinum metal atoms at different intervals along a chain-like organic polymer, and thus were able to adjust or tune the colors emitted. That is a step toward a truly white OLED generated by multiple colors from a single polymer.

Existing white OLED displays – like those in recent cell phones – use different organic polymers that emit different colors, which are arranged in pixels of red, green and blue and then combined to make white light, says Vardeny, a distinguished professor of physics. “This new polymer has all those colors simultaneously, so no need for small pixels and complicated engineering to create them.”

“This polymer emits light in the blue and red spectral range, and can be tuned to cover the whole visible spectrum,” he adds. “As such, it can serve as the active [or working] layer in white OLEDs that are predicted to replace regular light bulbs.”

Vardeny says the new polymer also could be used in a new type of solar power cell in which the platinum would help the polymer convert sunlight to electricity more efficiently. And because the platinum-rich polymer would allow physicists to “read” the information stored in electrons’ “spins” or intrinsic angular momentum, the new polymers also have potential uses for computer memory.

Not quite yet an OLED

In the new study, the researchers made the new platinum-rich polymers and then used various optical methods to characterize their properties and show how they light up when stimulated by light.

The polymers in the new study aren’t quite OLEDs because they emit light when stimulated by other light. An OLED is a polymer that emits light when stimulated by electrical current.

“We haven’t yet fabricated an OLED with it,” Vardeny says. “The paper shows we get multiple colors simultaneously from one polymer,” making it possible to develop an OLED in which single pixels emit white light.

Vardeny predicts about one year until design of a “platinum-rich pi-conjugated polymer” that is tuned to emit white light when stimulated by light, and about two years until development of true white organic LEDs.

A sample of the yellowish-colored, platinum-rich polymer known as Pt-1, emits light as a laser beam hits it at a University of Utah physics laboratory.

A sample of the yellowish-colored, platinum-rich polymer known as Pt-1, emits light as a laser beam hits it at a University of Utah physics laboratory.

“The whole project is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy for replacing white light from regular [incandescent] bulbs,” he says.

The University of Utah conducted the research with the department’s Los Alamos National Laboratory. Additional funding came from the National Science Foundation’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Center program at the University of Utah, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and China’s Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.

Using platinum to tune polymer color emissions

Inorganic semiconductors were used to generate colors in the original LEDs, introduced in the 1960s. Organic LEDs, or OLEDs, generate light with organic polymers which are “plastic” semiconductors and are used in many of the latest cell phones, digital camera displays and big-screen televisions.

Existing white LEDs are not truly white. White results from combining colors of the entire spectrum, but light from blue, green and red LEDs can be combined to create white light, as is the case with many cell phone displays. Other “white” LEDs use blue LEDs, “down-convert” some of the blue to yellow, and then mix the blue and yellow to produce light that appears white.

The new platinum-doped polymers hold promise for making white OLEDs, but can convert more energy to light than other OLEDs now under development, Vardeny says. That is because the addition of platinum to the polymer makes accessible more energy stored within the polymer molecules.

Polymers have two kinds of electronic states:

A “singlet” state that can be stimulated by light or electricity to emit higher energy, fluorescent blue light. Until now, OLEDs derived their light only from this state, allowing them to convert only 25 percent of energy into light – better than incandescent bulbs but far from perfect.

A normally inaccessible “triplet” state that theoretically could emit lower energy phosphorescent red light, but normally does not, leaving 75 percent of electrical energy that goes into the polymer inaccessible for conversion to light.

Vardeny says he and his colleagues decided to add platinum atoms to a polymer because it already was known that “if you put a heavy atom in molecules in general, it can make the triplet state more accessible to being stimulated by light and emitting light.”

Ideally, a new generation of white OLEDs would not only produce true white light, but also be much more energy efficient because they would use both fluorescence and phosphorescence, he adds.

For the study, the researchers used two versions of the same polymer. One version, Pt-1, had a platinum atom in every unit or link in the chain-like semiconducting polymer. Pt-1 emitted violet and yellow light. The other version, Pt-3, had a platinum atom every third unit, and emitted blue and orange light.

By varying the amount of platinum in the polymer, the physicists could create and adjust emissions of fluorescent and phosphorescent light, and adjust the relative intensity of one color over another.

“What is new here is that we can tune the colors the polymer emits and the relative intensities of those colors by changing the abundance of this heavy atom in the polymer,” Vardeny says. “The idea, ultimately, is to mix this polymer with different platinum units so we can cover the whole spectrum easily and produce white light.”

Vardeny conducted the new study with former University of Utah postdoctoral researcher Chuanxiang Sheng, now at Nanjing University of Science and Technology in China; Sergei Tretiak of Los Alamos National Laboratory; and with University of Utah graduate students Sanjeev Singh, Alessio Gambetta, Tomer Drori and Minghong Tong. The physicists hired chemist Leonard Wojcik to synthesize the platinum-rich polymers.

Following Samsung’s introduction of the first flexible organic light-emitting diode (OLED) products this year, demand for these elastic displays is expected to grow by more than a factor of four next year, with sales reaching nearly $100 million in 2014.
Global market revenue for flexible OLEDs will rise to $94.8 million in 2014, up from $21.9 million in 2013, according to a new report entitled “In-depth analysis for Technical Trends of Flexible OLED” from IHS Inc., a global source of critical information and insight.

The projected growth next year will equate to a 334 percent expansion from this year, as presented in the figure below, paving the way for much larger sales in the future.

Click image to see full screen.

Click image to see full screen.

OLEDs represent a major segment of the larger flexible display market, which in the coming years will also include liquid-crystal display (LCD) and electronic paper (e-paper) technology.

“The buzz about flexible displays has been growing louder, ever since Samsung Display demonstrated its Youm line of bendable OLED products at the Consumer Electronics Show in January,” said Vinita Jakhanwal, director of mobile and emerging displays and technology at IHS. “Samsung is expected to begin shipping its first flexible OLED display—a 5-inch screen—in the second half of this year.”

Samsung’s initial product is likely to be a first-generation flexible display, employing a non-glass substrate that yields superior thinness and unbreakable ruggedness. However, such displays are flat and cannot be bent or rolled. Flexible displays are expected to eventually evolve into rollable and foldable OLED screens that are likely to be introduced after 2016.

Even so, it is too early for flexible OLED panels to fully replace conventional OLED screens. This is because the plastic substrate, thin-film encapsulation and other related technologies for flexible OLED remain immature for immediate application. Moreover, manufacturing processes are still being tested.

“A wide range of complementary technologies are under development to accelerate the advancement of flexible displays,” Jakhanwal said. “The success of the flexible OLED market will ultimately be determined by the maturity of the materials and manufacturing processes that will enable large-volume production at reasonable costs.”

OLED, a self-light-emitting diode, has been touted as the next big thing in display technology for its exceptional properties including no need for a backlight, wide viewing angle, quick responding speed and low current consumption. In particular, LG unveiled the world’s first 55-inch flat OLED TV in early 2013 followed by 55-inch curved OLED TV in April. With Samsung joining the fray with its latest 55-inch curved OLED TV, a fierce competition is expected in the OLED TV industry.

In anticipation of the OLED TV market coming into full bloom next year and encroaching the LCD TV market, developing mass production technology for OLED panels will soon emerge as a major issue. Extensive R&D efforts are under way to refine the OLED manufacturing process, namely, TFT backplane, color patterning, encapsulation and driving circuit. Especially, a lot of research has centered on the development of compensation circuit, as threshold voltage and IR-drop reduce the luminance of a driving TFT for an AMOLED display.

Read more: AMOLED panel shipments get boost from premium smartphones

OLED is a current driving circuit whose luminance properties are extremely sensitive to current changes. Driving TFTs for each pixel circuit of an AMOLED display can have different threshold voltages, which undermines the consistency of luminance of the panel.

In addition, when a VDD line passes each pixel circuit, it creates an IR-drop, resulting in a gradual decrease in pixel luminance towards the bottom of the panel that requires compensation.

Displaybank now offers a report examining a number of selected U.S. patents, analyzes patent application trends and patents filed by major companies and pinpoints key patents and new technology patents, offering a wide array of in-depth analyses. These analyses are expected to help keep pace with development trends for an AMOLED pixel driving circuit technology that compensates the threshold voltage and IR-drop as well as key patented technologies.

amoled shipments

Patent Application Trends
The number of U.S. patent applications for AMOLED pixel driving circuit (Vth and IR-drop compensation) technology is generally on the rise, with threshold voltage (Vth) compensation taking the biggest share. Top assignees are Samsung Display, Global OLED Technology, LG Display, Chimei Innolux, and Sharp, in the order of the number of applications.

amoled patent analysis

Key Patent Analysis
Out of 244 U.S. patents, those listed in the top 50 issued patents in terms of the number of forward citations were selected as key patents and subjected to an in-depth analysis: technology development trends, overview of key patents and case analysis.

After experiencing runaway growth in recent years, the OLED display market is gearing up to make another big leap. Flexible OLED technology is expected to bring about an unprecedented change in flat displays which have ruled the display market for the last 20 years since the emergence of a liquid crystal display. Flexible OLED technology has already been introduced in a series of exhibitions and conferences for the last few years, and it is expected to make an innovative change in the conventional display industry structure once commercialized.

Unlike the conventional rigid OLED screen, the flexible OLED panel refers to the OLED display with flexibility. It is a very attractive product concept in that flexible OLED technology enables consumer goods manufacturers to develop applications in a variety of shapes to maximize its usability. For panel makers, the technology can cut manufacturing costs and simplify manufacturing processes by minimizing the use of glass substrates.

More Flexible Displays news

In order to produce a flexible OLED display, alternative substrate materials and encapsulation process to a conventional glass substrate are required. Until before 2010, most prototypes had used a metal foil substrate. But the trend recently shifted to a flexible OLED panel using a plastic substrate because the metal foil substrate has a rough surface and lacks flexibility. A wide range of methods are also being studied to develop alternative encapsulation techniques encompassing the use of plastic film and thin-film deposition technologies.

Read more: Flexible substrate market to top $500 million in 2020

Still, technological approaches vary depending on panel makers. Performance of a flexible OLED display, productivity and costs change significantly depending on flexible materials and manufacturing techniques which could also determine the marketability of flexible OLED displays. Therefore, there is a big difference in the time frames under which each panel maker plans to enter the flexible OLED market.

At this point of time, the “Flexible OLED Competitiveness and Market Forecasts” report from Displaybank, now part of IHS Inc., analyzes strategies taken by each panel maker for a flexible OLED display to take root in the display panel market, as well as various relevant technological issues. It discusses the growth potential of flexible OLED panels in the existing display market at the current point in time. This report is expected to help panel makers set a plan on how to approach the flexible OLED market in terms of technologies and come up with appropriate strategies to make a successful foray into the conventional display market with flexible OLED technology.

Displaybank’s recent market report on the cost competiveness of LED chips. This report conducts a thorough analysis on the supply price history, trends and forecast of main materials that compose packaged LEDs across the entire LED value chain. The key materials include sapphire ingot, substrate, LED chip (or die), frame (PCB, lead frame, ceramic), phosphor (YAG, silicate, nitride), and encapsulation. The supply price of the key materials used in the production of a packaged LED was assumed as the production cost. In addition, IHS has researched the average selling price (ASP) of a packaged LED every quarter since 2010, aside from this report.

In 2012, the 4-inch ingot/substrate lost its price premium compared to the 2-inch product, and the 6-inch product had to lower its margin because of excess supply in 2013. However, such drastic fluctuations in price are not expected to occur after 2014.

The LED chip suppliers have reaped great benefits with the falling production cost of 4-inch-substrate-based LED chips. However, it is expected that they will convert their production systems over to 6-inch or 8-inch substrates in the near future, with the falling prices of 6-inch substrates and enhanced yield rates. According to the report, the production cost competitiveness of LED chips produced on 6-inch substrates will outstrip that of 4-inch, by as early as 2015.

In addition, the report compares the production cost and selling price of packaged LEDs by application; analyzes the margin and cost structure; and forecasts for the cost and price until 2020.

Global demand for precursor, a material used in manufacturing of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), is set to more than double from 2012 to 2016, as the market for LED lighting booms, according to a new report entitled “Precursor for LED MOCVD–Market and Industry Analysis,” from Displaybank, now part of IHS.

The market for precursor used in the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) manufacturing process for making LEDs will rise to 69 tons in 2016, up a notable 114 percent from 32 tons in 2012.

“The boom in the precursor market reflects the rising operating rate of MOCVD as the LED lighting market grows,” said Richard Son, senior LED analyst at IHS.

Precursor is a core material that ensures the optimal light efficiency for each LED epi layer. It is used in the MOCVD process, which is the most important process in manufacturing LED chips. Major precursors include trimethylgallium (TMGa), trimethylindium (TMIn), trimethyl aluminum (TMA), triethylgallium (TEGa) and C2Mg2. Among these, TMGa is the most widely used and commands about 94 percent of total demand.

Read more: Epi-wafer market to grow to $4 billion in 2020 as LED lighting zooms to $80 billion

Global shipments of MOCVD equipment are on the rise, with shipments expected to climb by 17 percent in 2013.

The largest buyers of MOCVD equipment—South Korea, Taiwan and China—account for about 80 percent of the global demand of precursors. China, which is generating the highest growth in installation of MOCVD equipment among the three countries, is expected to make up 45 percent of the global demand of precursors in 2016.

In the nascent stage of the LED market, Dow Chemical Co. was the unrivaled leader in the precursor market. However, with the recent growth in precursor demand, new players have been investing in R&D and manufacturing facilities while aggressively breaking into the market with low prices for similar-quality product. Such developments will intensify competition further among precursor makers.

Despite a major surplus in the light-emitting diode (LED) market, top suppliers are increasing their capital spending and production because of government incentives and in order to cash in on an expected boom in the lighting business.

Global shipments of metal organic chemical vapor-deposition (MOCVD) equipment—tools that are essential for LED manufacturing—are expected to rise by 17 percent in 2013, according to Alice Tao, senior analyst, LEDs and lighting for IHS. This will be the first annual growth for the MOCVD market since 2011, and will represent a major turnaround from the 70 percent plunge of 2012.

At the same time that growth is being projected, factory utilization rates are increasing for major LED companies in Asia. In South Korea, for instance, utilization rose to about 75 percent in the second quarter, up from 60 percent in 2012. Meanwhile, utilization for some Taiwanese and Chinese companies reached 90 percent in the second quarter.

The spending and boosting of utilization rates alike are occurring despite a glut of supply that has plagued the market since 2010. The surplus started when LED suppliers made major investments in capacity in 2010 and 2011, stemming from the efforts of local governments in China to subsidize MOCVD purchasing. Governments are helping fund the procurement of MOCVD by to 80 percent of the total price of the equipment.

Many of these companies also are increasing production in the belief that they can capitalize on upcoming fast growth in the market for LEDs used in lighting.

“The global market for LED lighting is expected to double during the next three years,” noted Tao. “The prospect of this massive growth is irresistible to LED suppliers, who don’t want to be caught short of supply during this expected boom. But given the rising investments in manufacturing equipment, the acute LED oversupply already in existence is expected to continue through 2016.”

The supply of LEDs, measured in terms of manufactured die, is expected to exceed demand by 69 percent in 2013 and in 2014. The glut will decline slightly to 61 percent in 2015 and then to 40 percent in 2016.

Major LED suppliers include San’an, Elec-tech of China, Samsung and Seoul Semiconductor of South Korea, Epistar of Taiwan, and other companies including Philips Lumileds of the United States and Osram of Germany.

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) researchers report considerable improvement in device performance of polymer-based optoelectronic devices. Published in Nature Photonics, the new plasmonic material, can be applied to both polymer light-emitting diodes (PLEDs) and polymer solar cells (PSCs), with world-record high performance, through a simple and cheap process.

The contrary demands of these devices mean that there are few metal nanoparticles that can enhance performance in PLEDs and PSCs at the same time.

Most semiconducting optoelectronic devices (OEDs), including photodiodes, solar cells, light emitting diodes (LEDs), and semiconductor lasers, are based on inorganic materials. Examples include gallium nitride for light-emitting diodes and silicon for solar cells.

Due to the limited availability of raw materials and the complex processing required to manufacture OEDs based on inorganic materials, the cost of device fabrication is increasing. There is great interest in thin-film OEDs that are made from alternative semiconductors.

Among these materials, organic semiconductors have received much attention for use in next-generation OEDs because of the potential for low-cost and large-area fabrication using solution processing.

Despite extensive efforts to develop new materials and device architectures enhancing the performance of these devices, further improvements in efficiency are needed, before there can be widespread use and commercialization of these technologies.

The material prepared by the UNIST research team is easy to synthesize with basic equipment and has low-temperature solution processability. This low-temperature solution processability enables roll-to-roll mass production techniques and is suitable for printed electronic devices.

“Our work is significant also because it anticipates the realization of electrically driven laser devices by utilizing carbon dot-supported silver nanoparticles (CD-Ag NPs) as plasmonic materials.” says said Prof. Byeong-Su Kim. “The material allows significant radiative emission and additional light absorption, leading to remarkably enhanced current efficiency.”

Surface Plasmon resonance is an electro-magnetic wave propagating along the surface of a thin metal layer and the collective oscillation of electrons in a solid or liquid stimulated by incident light. SPR is the basis of many standard tools for measuring adsorption of materials onto planar metal (typically gold and silver) surfaces or onto the surface of metal nanoparticles.

The team demonstrated efficient PLEDs and PSCs using surface Plasmon resonance enhancement with CD-Ag NPs. The PLEDs achieved a remarkably high current efficiency (from 11.65 to 27.16 cd A-1) and luminous efficiency (LE) (from 6.33 to 18.54 lm W-1).

PSCs produced in this way showed enhanced power conversion efficiency (PCE) (from 7.53 to 8.31 percent) and internal quantum efficiency (IQE) (from 91 to 99 percent at 460nm). The LE (18.54 lm W-1) and IQE (99 percent) are among the highest values reported to date in fluorescent PLEDs and PSCs, respectively.

“These significant improvements in device efficiency demonstrate that surface Plasmon resonance materials constitute a versatile and effective route for achieving high performance polymer LEDs and polymer solar cells,” said Prof. Jin Young Kim. “This approach shows promise as a route for the realization of electrically driven polymer lasers.”

The fellow researchers include Hyosung Choi, Seo-Jin Ko, Yuri Choi, Taehyo Kim, Boram Lee, and Prof. Myung Hoon Song from UNIST, and researchers from Chungnam National University, Pusan National University, and Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology.

This research was supported by a WCU (World Class University) program through the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant, the Korea Healthcare technology R&D Project, the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Korea and the International Cooperation of the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) grant funded by the Korean government Ministry of Knowledge Economy.