Category Archives: OLEDs

February 14, 2012 – BUSINESS WIRE — In the company’s first use of micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS), Konica Minolta IJ Technologies Inc. developed the KM128SNG-MB high-precision inkjet printhead for manufacturing printed electronics.

KM128SNG-MB delivers 1 picoliter drop sizes. The use of MEMS technology enabled a 38mm-wide printhead with 128 nozzles in a row, as well as future nozzle integration by customer need. The ink path design, coupled with high-precision, semiconductor-style assembly technology, enable reportedly stable, high-precision printing with picoliter droplets, and ink resistance and optimization for low viscosity inks. It provides highly uniform thin film print thickness at the 100nm level. Konica Minolta’s proprietary DPN (Drive Per Nozzle) drive board and evaluation equipment are available.

KM128SNG-MB will be used to pattern organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays, deposit thin films for OLED lighting, and other industrial electronics manufacturing applications. It will be sold in sample quantities this spring.

Konica Minolta IJ Technologies, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Konica Minolta Holdings Inc. (TOKYO:4902), develops compact and high-performance inkjet printheads, high-value-added inks, complete inkjet print units and textile inkjet printers and peripheral equipments. For more information, please visit

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February 10, 2012 — The manufacturing conference at Strategies in Light focused on methods for reducing cost through the manufacturing supply chain. Presenters discussed various methods of reducing manufacturing costs, from improved automation and standards implementation, automation to new packaging technologies. Light emitting diode (LED) manufacturers must be aggressive to achieve such cost targets as the $2 per kilolumen which is highlighted in the R&D roadmap by the US Department of Energy (DOE).

This article originally appeared on LEDs Magazine,

In his keynote talk, Iain Black, vice president of manufacturing engineering and innovation at Philips Lumileds, said that one way LED manufacturers can be more efficient is to develop more flexible, scalable and responsive manufacturing processes. He said that his company is moving the differentiation of its products to the latter portions of the product flow, which allows for faster cycle times, potentially higher yields and better management of LED inventories. “This will simplify the front end processes, while also reducing the number of different die types,” he said.

Black said that manufacturing complexity is one of the greatest challenges he faces with a very diverse array of LED applications and thousands of LEDs, which need to be matched together. Philips Lumileds is moving to more standardized products that become differentiated toward the end of the manufacturing process. “We still will have custom solutions in cases of very large customers or niche products, but the practice of customizing single-die emitters for lighting is no longer practical,” he added. He said that Philips Lumileds is going to begin to emphasize LED arrays more, another strategy that will allow for product differentiation later in the process.

Black’s presentation was followed by an overview of LED fab activity by president of SEMI America, Karen Savala. SEMI has estimated that there are 142 LED fabs in operation worldwide, though some new fab tooling has been stalled recently due to the market slow down. “We see some overcapacity, but we believe this will be a short term issue,” she said. Savala also provided an update of sapphire substrate prices, which had fallen to a new low of $10 per 2" substrate by the end of 2011.

Savala talked about the some of the cost benefits that the LED industry could gain from standardization. She noted that current there are over 30 different 6" sapphire wafers products on the market, due to lack of standardization. In 2010, SEMI organized the HB-LED standards committee and there are currently four task forces for LED manufacturing. They cover the geometric standards for 6" sapphire wafers, hardware and software interfaces for automation, defect metrology for sapphire wafers and ESH (environmental, safety and health) aspects of LED manufacturing.
Jacob Tarn, president of TSMC Solid State Lighting Ltd. also discussed cost reduction strategies that TSMC has borrowed from semiconductor manufacturing and plans to apply to LED manufacturing. Tarn noted, however, critical differences between LED and semiconductor manufacturing. Most importantly, LED manufacturing requires extensive knowledge of materials engineering, bandgap engineering, defect engineering and stress management, all of which can affect LED light quality, reliability and lifetime. He said, for instance, that the understanding of defect behavior within specific materials is still being developed, as is the understanding of interface behavior between heterojunctions.

Figure 1. LED manufacturing could benefit from an integrated development environment. Source: TSMC.

Tarn added that there is a need for an integrated development environment in LED manufacturing (Fig. 1) that includes device and process simulation such as that which exists in semiconductor manufacturing. “The GaN industry has not had enough databases to build the infrastructure so many developments have been empirical,” he stated.

TSMC has plans to utilize the advantages of 8" manufacturing throughputs in LED manufacturing. For instance, Tarn talked about growing epilayers on 4" or 6" substrates, then transferring the GaN epilayer to 8" wafers for further wafer processing including wafer-level packaging processes. Other mainstays of the semiconductor process control world, including run-to-run control, data mining and equipment tracking can be applied to LED manufacturing.

Tarn’s presentation was followed by a review of the DOE’s manufacturing roadmap by Jim Brodrick, the US DOE’s solid-state lighting program manager. “High first cost is the most frequently cited impediment to adoption of solid-state lighting,” said Brodrick. He added that the roadmap allows companies to identify common goals and best practices while addressing roadblocks. Two priorities in the roadmap include the development of flexible and cost-effective manufacturing methods for LED modules, light engines and luminaires as well as high-speed, non-destructive test equipment for key stages in the manufacturing process.

Brodrick emphasized that cost reduction while maintaining high-quality manufacturing all comes down to one metric: binning yield. The roadmap outlines improvements in upstream process control, non-destructive testing, manufacturing automation, and advanced packaging schemes that can lead to such higher binning yields. Some of the DOE active projects are summarized in the table.


Applied Materials Inc. Advanced epi tools for gallium nitride (GaN) LED devices
GE Global Research Roll-to-roll solution-processable small-molecule OLEDs
GE Lumination Development of advanced manufacturing methods for warm-white LEDs for general lighting
KLA-Tencor Corporation Automated yield management and defect source analysis inspection tooling and software for LED manufacturing
Philips Lumileds Lighting Company Low-cost illumination-grade LEDs
Ultratech Inc A low-cost lithography tool for high-brightness LED manufacturing
Universal Display Corporation Creation of a US phosphorescent OLED lighting panel manufacturing facility
Veeco Instruments Implementation of process-simulation tools and temperature-control methods for high-yield MOCVD growth
Veeco Process Equipment Development of production PVD-AlN buffer layer system and processes to reduce epitaxy costs and increase LED efficiency
Moser Baer Technologies Process and product yield improvements for low-cost manufacturing of OLEDs
Table. Projects and the companies working on them.

Raja Parvez, CEO of Rubicon Technology talked about the advantages of progressing to larger-diameter sapphire substrates. “I believe the LED industry will follow the same path as the semiconductor industry in progressing to larger wafers to reduce costs,” said Parvez. Interestingly, however, semiconductor manufacturers had two drivers pushing them to larger and larger wafers — increasing semiconductor die size and the need to produce more die at a lower cost. LED manufacturers only share one of these drivers because the LED die size is not increasing incrementally.

Abdul Lateef, CEO of Plasma-Therm, a maker of PECVD tools, discussed the need for different equipment platforms based on the stage of LED manufacturing. For instance, Plasma-Therm offers both single wafer PECVD systems as well as batch tools. He provided an example of how in-situ metrology is helping to automate the process. “We have equipped the tools with optical emission interferometry which uses the light from the plasma to monitor film thickness,” he said. Lateef also commented that in many instances, LED manufacturers would purchase only a single tool for a single processing step in early stages of manufacturing, which makes tool monitoring and data tracking more difficult. As LED manufacturers have ramped capacity and purchased more tools, the implementation of intelligent data analysis, centralized recipe management, tool utilization tracking and maintenance scheduling become more manageable.
Laura Peters is a Senior Technical Editor with LEDs Magazine. Contact her at [email protected].

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February 8, 2012 — Flexible electronics, now being printed, represent the future of sensors, displays, power electronics, and lighting, according to experts gathered at the FlexTech Alliance 2012 Flexible Electronics & Displays Conference & Exhibition, taking place this week in Phoenix, AZ. 

Flexible, printed electronics will usher in the “Organic Age” predicted Dr. Jennifer Ricklin, chief technologist at the US Air Force Research Laboratory and the opening speaker of the 2012 FlexTech Alliance Flexible Electronics & Displays Conference & Exhibition. Dr. Ricklin stated, “Flex electronics is a revolution, following in line with previous electronics industry innovations. It is a disruptive technology that will create, change and disturb markets.” Ricklin further explained that disruptive technology takes decades to mature, and we are now entering the Organic Age — the coming together of nanotechnology, biology, and information technologies to enable multiple applications in commercial and defense markets.

Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) are a common demonstration of organic electronics, with displays and lighting the most visual applications. Steven Abramson, president and CEO of Universal Display Corporation (UDC), noted that OLED displays will challenge the liquid crystal display (LCD) supremacy because they have fewer parts, a lower bill of materials, and a superior image. OLEDs, which just passed $1 billion in sales, are increasingly found in mobile formats, while large consumer electronics manufacturers are prototyping 50”+ OLED TVs.  Also read: AMOLED TV manufacturing status, price trends

Flexible organic photovoltaics (OPV) demonstrate how energy can be harvested from earth-abundant materials. Jim Buntaine of Konarka presented working examples of off-grid applications of flexible PV such as bus stations in San Francisco and green houses in the Middle East. The large off-grid population opens new markets for this technology.      

In many respects, flexible, printed electronics products will be enabled by advancements in materials technology. A primary example is the e-reader, which has become a huge market based on electronic ink developed and commercialized by E Ink. The e-reader occupies most of the top sales slots on Future advances in this sector will include a color e-reader recently launched in China, large area signage, and stretchable substrates.

The printing industry is increasingly engaged with the electronics industry, and this merger of capabilities was explained by John McCooey of DuPont MCM and Kevin Manes of Mark Andy. Both noted that there are multiple printing mechanisms that will print electronic circuitry, with gravure and flexography as the most likely contenders. Manes indicated that the printing industry has significant experience in this area for graphics printing which needs to be adapted to functional printing. He commented that “it is possible to fool the eye, but you cannot fool electrons.”   

Can glass be made flexible?  That question was answered affirmatively by Corning Inc., which demonstrated very thin glass moving over rollers and through processing tools. Flexible glass offers significant advancements in optical transmission, dimensional stability, and prevention of water vapor and oxygen permeation; it’s a true “game-changer.” Corning shared a glimpse into the future with a showing of their video — A Day in Glass 2 — illustrating how flexible glass can improve quality of life.  Also read: Corning ultra-thin glass could enable new displays, roll-to-roll fab

David Barnes of Biz Witz offered product packaging and wearables as targets of flexible electronics opportunities. Furthermore, Barnes advised that sharing the risk in developing and deploying new technology, as well as collaboration, can propel an emerging industry to success.       

“Collaboration was a strong theme being echoed throughout the opening day presentations,” said Michael Ciesinski, CEO of FlexTech Alliance. “FlexTech Alliance has long been facilitating this collaboration by developing the flexible supply chain with an R&D funding program and providing forums to exchange ideas. The Flex Conference, now in its 11th year, has shown steady growth in the number of exhibitors and attendees as well as the diversity of products and technology being presented. This year’s conference has experienced record breaking attendance, up 15% over 2011, and a 30% increase in exhibiting companies.”

The FlexTech Alliance is an organization, headquartered in North America, devoted to fostering the growth, profitability and success of the electronic display and flexible, printed electronics supply chain. Learn more at

February 8, 2012 — The global high-brightness light-emitting diode (HB-LED) market grew from $11.3 billion in 2010 to $12.5 billion in 2011, surging 9.8%, according to Strategies Unlimited. 10 companies accounted for more than 68% of the global LED supply.

Demand for LED components in the lighting market grew 44% from 2010 to 2011, from $1.2 billion to $1.8 billion.

Table. Top 10 LED suppliers for 2011, by revenue of packaged LED components.*
1 Nichia
2 Samsung LED
3 Osram Opto Semiconductors
4 LG Innotek
5 Seoul Semiconductor
6** Cree
6** Philips Lumileds
7 Sharp
8 TG
9 Everlight
*Strategies Unlimited arrived at these figures after analyzing market demand as well as the supply-side activity of more than 54 LED component suppliers.
**Companies have the same ranking when the difference in revenue is within the margin of error. Revenue includes packaged LED sales only.

Taiwanese and Chinese suppliers gained market share at the expense of the other regions in 2011. China leapt from 2% to 6% market share on the strength of its domestic market, as well as improvements in LED quality. Korean companies lost share, despite aggressively increasing capacity during the ramp-up in 2010. Japan trended down or flat, although Nichia and TG are tapping into tablet growth.

Philips Lumileds, Cree, and Osram Optoelectronics’ expansion into 6" wafers slowed, with excess capacity available on their 4" wafer lines. Osram Optoelectronics gained a major design win, which propelled its visible LED component business to more than $1 billion.

Figure. 2011 worldwide distribution of LED supply. SOURCE: Strategies Unlimited.

The revenues for the LED packaging industry are expected to be flat in the next five years. With excess capacity in the industry there is a threat of unsustainable prices.  Consolidation, vertical, and horizontal can help improve margins. To further improve profit margin, product strategies such as LED packages tested for high temperature, narrow binning, high CRI, directional /multidirectional LEDs, and embedded controls are being tried by the market.

Mobile. This segment stayed flat, at $3.4 billion. The overall decrease in the mobile phones market was offset by a sharp rise in tablet display and flash applications. A major development in this segment is the move to organic LED (OLED) displays. Approximately 50% of smartphone displays are expected to be OLEDs by 2016.

TV/monitor backlight. The LED revenue for TV and monitor backlights was $3 billion in 2011, but it is projected to drop substantially by 2016. The key disruptive factor in this segment is the introduction of low-cost direct backlit technology, targeted at sub-42-inch LCD TVs. This new technology can result in significant savings in the BOM, reducing the gap between LED and CCFL backlit TVs. These TVs are known as “Chubby TVs” since they are thicker than the slim edge-lit design the industry has been touting for the past few years.

Lighting. The same supply conditions that reduced the price of LEDs increased the demand for packaged LED in lighting applications from $1.2 billion in 2010 to $1.8 billion in 2011. System efficacy, rather than LED efficacy, was the gating factor in 2011. The LED luminaire and replacment lmap market was $9.3 billion in 2011, an increase of 45% over 2010. The market for LEDs in lighting is expected to demonstate substantial unit growth over the next five years, but revenue growth will be much lower due to pricing pressure.

Automotive. Revenue reached $1 billion in 2011 We expect a 5-year CAGR of 34% for LED headlamps. In addition to the styling issues, this is part of the trend to convert all front lighting to LEDs, as it will provide more front-end room for the car designer and reduce the overall system cost. Revenue for interior automotive lighting will show a modest decline over the next five years as instrument panel adoption reaches saturation and the market declines with prices.

Strategies in Light Conference & Exhibition 2012 is taking place this week in Santa Clara, CA. For more information, contact Strategies Unlimited at +1 650 941-3438 (voice) or e-mail at info@strategies, or visit

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February 7, 2012 – BUSINESS WIRE — eMagin Corporation (NYSE Amex:EMAN), organic light-emitting diode (OLED) microdisplay and virtual imaging technologies company, was awarded a $1.12 million Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract from the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). eMagin is tasked with optimizing its WUXGA OLED micro display for mass production.

The SBIR project aims to make the 1920 x 1200 pixel OLED microdisplay affordable for commercial and military applications, such as high-performance simulation and training, gaming, electronic viewfinders (EVFs) in digital cameras, entertainment, and more. The contract includes a $435k option. The base period of the SBIR project is scheduled for 7 months, beginning in February 2012, with an additional 6-month option period to further optimize the display.

Also read: OLED displays gain on LCDs

The WUXGA OLED microdisplay development was originally funded through the U.S. Army Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) and the display is currently available as an engineering sample to commercial OEM customers and military contractors. It boasts the highest resolution produced on a full-color microdisplay. “With HD 1080P and higher resolution, extremely high-contrast (>10,000 to 1), and low power (<350 mW), the WUXGA microdisplay is our most advanced OLED product,” said Andrew Sculley, eMagin president and CEO.

eMagin integrates high-resolution OLED microdisplays with magnifying optics to deliver virtual images comparable to large-screen computer and television displays in portable, low-power, lightweight personal displays. More information about eMagin is available at

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February 3, 2012 – BUSINESS WIRE — Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) and Samsung Mobile Display Co. Ltd. will establish a new equity venture for the manufacture of specialty glass substrates for organic light emitting diode (OLED) devices. The new business will be located in Korea.

The entity combines Corning’s Lotus Glass substrate technology and Samsung Mobile Display’s OLED display expertise to meet the OLED needs for handheld and IT devices, large TVs, and other applications. It will supply OLED backplane glass substrates for Samsung Mobile Display, as well as for the broader Korean market. Corning’s Lotus Glass substrates deliver the higher processing temperatures and improved dimensional stability needed to produce next-generation high-performance displays.

Samsung uses OLED technology in its Galaxy mobile device products and Super OLED TVs.

Corning and Samsung have partnered in the display industry for almost 40 years, noted Wendell P. Weeks, Corning’s chairman, chief executive officer, and president. The parent companies Corning and Samsung recently renewed major agreements related to LCD glass substrates.

Samsung Mobile Display Co., Ltd. (SMD) was established in January 2009 as a core Samsung company that provides cutting-edge display solutions. With highly advanced technological capabilities, SMD offers a comprehensive range of displays including those featuring AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) and LCD technologies.

SMD has become a global leader in visual technology and its state-of-the-art AMOLED displays are being widely applied to smartphones, digital cameras, gaming devices and media players.

As a total solution provider, SMD strives to advance the future with next-generation technologies including flexible, foldable and transparent displays. Recognized as a catalyst for visual innovation, SMD continually works to change how we view our world.

For more information about Samsung Mobile Display, visit

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February 1, 2012 – BUSINESS WIRE — Novaled AG has been certified according to the ISO 9001:2008 international quality management standard by external auditors DQS GmbH. Novaled develops and manufactures organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs).

DQS auditors reviewed all of Novaled’s quality-related aspects as to compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 international quality management standard over the course of several days. “Novaled AG has…high internal and external quality standards,” noted Thomas John, DQS GmbH auditor, adding that the company has a high level of customer satisfaction.

Novaled has been following the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) Business Excellence Model for many years. The assessment was conducted throughout Europe in January 2011. The company received the “Recognized for Excellence” award with a 5-star rating.

In 2011, Novaled also won the Deutscher Zukunftspreis, Germany’s Federal President’s Award for Innovation and Technology, an annual prize honoring teams of creative people that realize breakthroughs in science and commercialize the results.

Novaled AG is an expert in the organic light emitting diode (OLED) field and specializes in high efficiency long lifetime OLED structures and organic electronics. Learn more at

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January 31, 2012 – BUSINESS WIRE — Cambrios Technologies Corporation, transparent conductor developer, appointed John LeMoncheck as president and CEO, and announced a $5 million Series D-3 financing round from Samsung Venture Investment Corporation. Dr. Michael R Knapp, Cambrios founding president and CEO, led the CEO search and will now become chairman.

Cambrios will use the funding and strategic leadership to accelerate product introductions and commercial growth in multiple consumer electronic device markets.

LeMoncheck’s background includes technology and consumer electronics industries and forging commercial partnerships. As president and CEO of SiBEAM, a pioneer in 60 GHz-based millimeter wave wireless technology, LeMoncheck developed the company into a leader in multi-gigabit communications for the consumer electronics market and successfully led the acquisition of the company by Silicon Image (NASDAQ:SIMG). Prior to SiBEAM, he was vice president of Consumer Electronics and PC/Display Products for Silicon Image, where he led to the company’s successful launch and commercialization of the HDMI standard, now used in over 2 billion devices as the preferred digital conductivity solution for consumer devices. He’s also served in roles at TeraLogic, Arithmos Inc., and Synaptics. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from UC San Diego and researched VLSI for imaging and pattern recognition applications at Caltech.

Cambrios’ transparent conductor solutions offer leading-edge optical and conductive properties for the touch, display, photovoltaic and lighting markets, LeMoncheck said.  

Samsung Venture Investment Corporation’s $5 million investment follows close discussions for collaboration on important and valuable projects with the Samsung Group over the past several years. "This is a very important milestone for the overall penetration of ClearOhm materials in our target markets," said LeMoncheck.

Cambrios ClearOhm is a coating material for plastic or glass, and an alternative to vacuum-deposited ceramic materials such as indium tin oxide (ITO). It can consistently achieve better transmission and resistance than ITO, Cambrios asserts. The product is available already deposited on PET film or another substrate, or as a transfer film.

Cambrios makes nanotechnology-based transparent electrodes for consumer device electronics. Learn more at

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January 27, 2012 — Near-eye micro-display maker MicroOLED introduced a 5.4-million-pixel-density, 0.61"-diagonal, low-power-consumption organic light-emitting diode (OLED) microdisplay on silicon.

The ultra-compact 5.4 million-pixel microdisplay with a sub-pixel pitch of 4.7µm2 doubles the pixel density of comparable products, MicroOLED reports. The company eliminates the gap between pixels, which means no black matrix. This increases image quality to levels suitable for defense, medical, and professional camera applications. High contrast (maximum 100,000:1) and high uniformity (96%) also generate high picture quality. The micro-display can operate on as low as 0.2W, even when the fully digital video input is embedded.

"The current trend in replacing optics with electronics components fits excellently with our ability to produce this exceptional picture quality in miniature format," said Eric Marcellin-Dibon, CEO of MicroOLED. It can be used in imaging applications including medical head-mounted displays, professional cameras, night-vision googles for military apps, and more.
The 5.4 million-pixel density microdisplay comes in full color (16 million colors), SXGA or monochrome formats (2,560 by 2,048 pixels), both with digital video input.   

MicroOLED makes highly power-efficient micro-displays with superior image quality for mobile near-to-eye viewing devices used by consumers, medical professionals, and the defense and security industry. MicroOLED is a privately held company with headquarters, R&D and a new 300,000-unit production facility located in Grenoble, a renowned center of excellence in France for chipset and nanotechnology development. The company is led by a management team highly experienced in advanced technologies, including several years’ research & development in OLED technology from CEA-LETI, a leading European micro-and nanotechnology research center. Learn more at

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January 24, 2012 — Active matrix organic light emitting diode (AMOLED) TVs drew a crowd at International CES 2012 in Las Vegas this month, but manufacturing challenges and expensive fab materials will limit global shipments of the sets for several years, says IHS iSuppli. IHS compares the 55" AMOLED TVs from LG Display and Samsung, each using different manufacturing technologies for the OLED displays.

In 2012, 34,000 AMOLED TVs will ship. Global AMOLED TV shipments will hit 2.1 million units in 2015, just 1% of the total flat-panel market, shows a new IHS iSuppli Small and Medium Displays service.

Figure. IHS iSuppli AMOLED TV shipment forecast.
  2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Thousands of Units 20 22 34 321 935 2,107

Manufacturing yield is too low for AMOLED TVs, keeping prices "dramatically higher than those of liquid crystal display (LCD) TVs," said Vinita Jakhanwal, director of small/medium and OLED displays at IHS. AMOLED manufacturing efficiencies and output yields are unlikely to match those of LCDs for the next three years. Large-sized AMOLED panel production faces issues with scaling manufacturing to newer-generation fabs. And the small pool of materials suppliers is keeping materials costs high.

Also read: OLED trends: Materials, color patterning advances and the display race

Billions of dollars have been invested in large-panel AMOLED display technology, by companies like LG Display and Samsung Electronics, which brought 55" units to CES. Recent innovations in AMOLED backplane technology, materials and equipment and suppliers’ investments in newer-generation AMOLED fabs have made these AMOLED TVs possible. However, pricing remains much higher compared to current LCD TVs in the market. In 2012, 55" AMOLED TVs ($8000) will cost about $4300 more than equivalent LCD TVs. The display improvements realized by AMOLED TVs are unlikely to sway consumers until this price gap drops to about 20%, Jakhanwal reports.

IHS iSuppli expects AMOLED display suppliers, equipment makers, material makers and TV makers to cooperate in developing more efficient and cost effective ways in order to make large-sized AMOLED panels, eventually pushing prices down.

Early production of 55" AMOLED panels is likely to be conducted at existing Gen-8 amorphous silicon (a-Si) LCD fabs that will be converted to make the oxide silicon backplanes needed for AMOLEDs. Both LGD and Samsung plan to move mass production to eighth-generation AMOLED lines in the future.

LG Display’s 55" 3D, 3840 by 1260 definition AMOLED TV boasts of features that exceed any other flat-panel TV now on the market. The television is only 4 millimeters thick and weighs 17 pounds. It also has a pixel speed that is 1,000 times faster and consumes only one-third of the power compared to conventional LCDs. LG Display indicated the price for its 55" AMOLED TV is expected to decline to $4,000 by 2013 (comparable LCD TVs will likely cost less than $1,000). Samsung also showcased a 55-inch 3-D AMOLED television with similar specifications. LGD and Samsung are expected to begin shipping their OLED TVs to the market by the third quarter of 2012, in time for the 2012 London Summer Olympics.

Table. A comparison of AMOLED and LCD televisions specifications. SOURCE: IHS iSuppli.

Specification AMOLED LED
Size 55-inches 55-inches 55-inches
Display Resolution 3840×2160
(Ultra Definition)
(Full HD)
(Full HD)
Contrast Ratio 100,000,000:1 10,000,000:1 150,000:1
Response Time 1 millisecond 1 sec. 2 sec.
Wide Viewing Angle 178°x178° 178°x178° 178°x178°
Thickness 4mm 1.2in 3.8in
Power Consumption (Max.) 74W 230W 310W
Weight 17 lb. 62 lb 66 lb.
Price $8,000 $3,700 $1,000

LG Display and Samsung used different AMOLED technology in the TV sets they brought to CES.

Samsung’s AMOLED TV panel uses a horizontal red/green/blue (RGB) pixel structure, which requires a fine metal mask (FMM) for the AMOLED material patterning. This is challenging to implement on large substrates, due to fine-pitch alignment requirements for the FMM and glass substrate.

Samsung’s AMOLED technology mainly uses low-temperature polysilicon (LTPS) LCD as the backplane. However, for larger fabs, the company may consider working with oxide silicon backplanes as an intermediary step before new-generation low-temperature polysilicon (LTPS) backplanes are available.

LGD’s AMOLED panel used a vertical white-OLED (WOLED) pixel structure with a color filter, eliminating the need for an RGB mask and associated alignment. However, this approach needs an additional color filter. The oxide silicon backplane of LGD’s 55-inch TV likely will be manufactured at LGD’s existing eighth-generation a-Si LCD fab. LGD indicated that such a conversion of an existing a-Si fab to make oxide silicon backplanes will require almost 50% less investment than a new LTPS LCD fab. This fab, according to LGD, is able to do three half-cuts of 55" displays from one substrate.

Access the IHS iSuppli Small and Medium Displays service.

IHS (NYSE: IHS) provides analysis on energy and power; design and supply chain; defense, risk and security; environmental, health and safety (EHS) and sustainability; country and industry forecasting; and commodities, pricing and cost. Learn more at

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