Category Archives: OLEDs

(November 6, 2008) EINDHOVEN, the Netherlands &#151 DuPont Teijin Films joined the systems-in-foil program of Holst Centre, a research initiative of the Flemish and Dutch research centers IMEC and TNO. DuPont Teijin, as a major substrate vendor, completes the ecosystem of industrial players for its systems-in-foil program line.

Flexible, large-area, low-cost electronics are seen as having huge market potential. Studies indicate that the organic electronics market will exceed the size of the silicon semiconductor market as it is today. One of the two program lines at Holst Centre in the Netherlands focuses on processes and technologies for systems-in-foil, such as large-area printing, electrodes, and barriers. A.o. organic LEDs (OLEDs) are used to demonstrate the progress and possibilities of the investigated technologies.

Dupont Teijin Films joins the Holst Centre program on flexible organic lighting and signage, bringing in knowledge on foil production. The aim of this Holst Centre program is to design and optimize OLED device concepts and processes that are compatible with roll-to-roll (R2R) fabrication. The project brings together equipment and materials suppliers with system integrators and device manufacturers around a well-defined roadmap. The agreement was signed between Dupont Teijin Films and TNO, coordinator of the activities.

Others in the systems-in-foil program include Philips, Solvay, Akzo Nobel, and Agfa.

DuPont Teijin Films is a 50/50 joint venture (JV) between DuPont and Teijin Limited.

For more information, visit

Mar. 18, 2008 – The market for transparent semiconductors used in display, photovoltaics, and lighting markets will surge to ~$9.4B by 2015, according to a study from analysis firm NanoMarkets. And a key element in the devices, indium tin oxide (ITO), will continue to be in heavy demand despite surging prices and other limitations.

ITO will continue to take a large share of the transparent conductor market over the next decade, and demand for the material will grow even if indium prices go up. by 2015, the firm says ITO-coated substrate sales will top $8.0B, while ITO inks and pastes achieve commercialization and surge to $600M in sales.

Many materials explored at ITO replacements — including other transparent conducting oxides such as AZO and IZO as well as organic conductors and materials using carbon nanotubes and other nanomaterials — fall short in terms of conductivity and transparency, the firm notes. But work continues to improve formulations utilizing nanotubes and other nanomaterials, and these nanoengineered transparent conductors could end up taking a bigger chunk of the market, possibly worth $750M by 2015.

The main application entry-point for ITO replacements will be in touch-screen displays, where transparency and conductivity are less important than long-term resilience, an area in which ITO substitutes such as PEDOT and carbon nanotube formulations fare well. NanoMarkets forecasts a $400M market by 2015 for such transparent conductors used in touch screen displays.

Two other emerging markets for ITO replacement technologies include OLED lighting and flexible displays, areas that are not well suited for classical ITO for various reasons, notably flexibility with resistance to high-temperature manufacturing approaches typically associated with conventional ITO deposition. The analysis firm reports the market for transparent conductors for OLED lighting alone will total $670 million in 2015, with 70% of that derived from alternatives to the classic ITO approach.

by Dr. Paula Doe, Contributing Editor, Solid-State Technology

Revealing the first details on its CIGS technology, Honda Soltec Co. Ltd. says it’s averaging 11.1% efficiency from its new solar module line. Other leading Japanese photovoltaic suppliers also described technologies for improved efficiencies now starting to move into production, reports SST partner Nikkei Microdevices, from the 17th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference in Fukuoka, Japan, in December.

Honda’s solar subsidiary said the key to its relatively high-efficiency volume CIGS thin-film production (see Fig. 1, below) is increasing the selenization temperature to more than 500°C for better crystal quality. This requires low-alkali, high-temperature glass, though it lacks the sodium that typically aids in crystallization. But, it turns out that the auto paint guns in Honda’s new plant are being used to spray a sodium solution on the glass, to add back the Na to enhance the crystallization process. Honda also bypasses Cd issues by replacing the usual CdS buffer layer with InS. The company notes best results from its pilot line are 12.2% efficiency.

The company developed its own PV technology in-house, initially aiming primarily to be able to efficiently generate the energy for making hydrogen to power its fuel cell vehicles, and to power its own factories. In fact, the solar cells have been installed at Honda’s demonstration hydrogen refueling station Los Angeles, and at some of its factories. Residential solar modules also are being marketed in Japan from its new plant in Kumamoto, slated to ramp production to 27.5MW by this spring.

Honda’s CIGS process relies on high temperature selenization, a sodium spray coat, and a buffer of InS. (Source: Honda Soltec, Nikkei Microdevices)

Mitsubishi Electric Corp., meanwhile, reported increasing its polycrystalline silicon cell efficiency to 18% with a cluster of innovations moving into production. It roughs up the surface to cut reflectivity and increase absorption of light by reactive ion etching through a quick and cheap mask layer of a coating of 3μm silica particles in solution that self assemble into the texture pattern. The company also terminates the dangling silicon bonds with hydrogen, and uses an undisclosed new circuit material and modified screens to reduce the size of the circuit lines on the cell surface, reportedly cutting metallization time about in half and reducing shading loss by 40%.

Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd. reported its cells made with its heterojunction with intrinsic thin layer technology (HIT) are now up to 19.7% efficiency in production, and 22.3% in the lab, and said it has developed a 20%-efficient version using 70μm thin wafers. These cells, made with a low-temperature 200°C process, coat a crystalline silicon wafer with thin amorphous silicon layers on both sides, which reportedly improves boundary characteristics and reduces power losses by forming impurity-free i-type silicon layers between the crystalline base and the n- and p-type amorphous silicon layers, while allowing use of thinner wafers. Sanyo said it plans to increase its production from the current 260MW to 650MW by 2010.

The company also noted progress on its thin-film deposition technology, claiming its localized plasma confinement CVD method was now depositing multicrystalline silicon film on 550mm x 650mm substrates at 2nm/sec, with +/-3.3% uniformity. Key was miniaturizing the pyramidal nozzles to create a uniform plasma. Though the company did not disclose efficiencies on the larger substrates, it has previously reported efficiencies of 7.6% in polysilicon films made by the process on smaller substrates.

Sharp Corp. showed off a 1cm2 organic cell rated at 3.8% efficiency by Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Some other organic photovoltaics have reached 5% or so, but only over areas of <e;0.2cm2. The researchers used P3HT (poly (3-hexylthiophone) ) for the p-type semiconductor, PCBH ( [6,6]-phenyl C61 butyric acid methyl ester) for the n-type. Key to the improved performance, they said, was improving the alignment of the P3HT polymer chains.

Sanyo also released the first details of its work on organic solar cells, where it is getting 3.6% efficiencies using small molecules and fullerenes, albeit on tiny 0.033cm2 samples. Though much work on organic photovoltaics has focused on polymers that presumably could be very cheaply applied by wet coating, the Sanyo researchers argued that work in OLED displays had convinced them that small molecules will be the more effective material. It’s using its OLED material DBP (tetra- phenyldibenzoperiflanthene) for the p-type semiconductor and C60 for the n-type.

Sharp claimed a major improvement in a concentrating solar cell system as well, with 40% efficiency in a 1000x concentration system, using a 4.5mm2 InGaPAS heterojunction cell. It said 40% efficiency has previously been reported only up to 200x concentration.

Separately, Tokyo Electron chairman Tetsuro Higashi told Nikkei Microdevices that his company planned to enter the solar equipment business with a thin-film deposition system, rather than the turnkey lines currently supplied by most equipment makers. “The technology is changing so fast now that one really needs to work with the users to understand the product to improve the process,” he said. “We’ll work closely with users to move gradually into the market.” Higashi told NMD that the company “decided to focus first on strengthening our core business before investing in solar, “seeing an opportunity to grow the semiconductor business to catch up with AMAT.” — P.D.

PV suppliers planned capacity update

(Source: Nikkei Microdevices)

(October 22, 2007) DRESDEN, Germany & SUWON, South Korea— Sunic System, a producer of vacuum deposition equipment for OLED, and Novaled, a provider of doping technology and materials for organic electronics, will work together to build up the next generation of thin-film encapsulation (TFE) tools, technologies, and materials.

September 5, 2007 – Synova SA and Manz Automation say they’ve created a hybrid tool combining their technologies: an inline laser edge isolation system for photovoltaic manufacturing of mono- and multi-crystalline solar cells.

The ILE 2400, integrated with Synova’s “laser microjet” water jet-guided laser technology, targets edge isolation — a technique used to prevent parasitic shunts between the front- and back-sides of the cell, preventing short circuits and improving cell efficiency. Secondary applications include cutting and drilling, the companies noted. The system will be “production ready” by year’s end.

Earlier this year the two companies inked a licensing deal to integrate their technologies for PV applications, with Synova heading up R&D efforts and Manz driving manufacturing, sales, and service operations.

The deal expands markets for Synova’s flagship “laser microjet,” which replaces traditional cutting technologies such as conventional lasers and diamond blade saws, for applications in inkjet print head MEMS, HDDs, and OLEDs. The company already has licensing deals in other markets including medical instrumentation and automotive devices.

August 1, 2007 – OSRAM Opto Semiconductors says it will stop making its “Pictiva” organic LEDs (OLEDs) for passive matrix displays by year’s end, instead focusing on its OLED activities for “market-ready” lighting solutions. The shift means closing a display manufacturing facility in Penang, Malaysia, transferring the 270 employees to a new LED chip production facility at the same site.

Global demand for the displays has lagged far behind the company’s expectations, the company said in a statement. CEO Rudiger Muller noted the company will turn its attention to its core business of lighting solutions with OLEDs (e.g. area lighting), and expects to have first “market-ready” products “in the next few years,” adding that experience from the display business “will speed up the process considerably.”

(May 25, 2007) ROCHESTER, NY and TAINAN, Taiwan &#151 Eastman Kodak Company (Rochester) will cross license its active matrix organic LED (OLED) intellectual property (IP) and manufacturing processes to Chi Mei Optoelectronics (CMO) and its subsidiary Chi Mei EL (CMEL), both based in the South Taiwan Science Park (Tainan). CMEL expects to use the technology for small-panel mobile displays.

May 15, 2007 — Multinational chemical giant BASF has announced the opening of a $2.6 million (S$4 million) R&D center for organic electronics in Singapore that will focus on nanotechnology and energy management, two important growth clusters for the company. The opening is part of BASF’s plan to expand global research activities and investments, especially in Asia Pacific.

The new center augments the April 2006 opening of BASF’s first nanotechnology research center in Asia, the Competence Center for Nanostructured Surfaces.

The total research expenditure for both centers between 2006 and 2009 is expected to be $19.8 million (S$30 million). BASF plans to hire a total of 40 employees for both research centers by end 2007.

BASF has embarked on a new project on organic photovoltaics with the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) in the center.

The organics electronics lab is a shared technology platform that cuts across BASF’s growth clusters energy management and nanotechnology. it will undertake research activities in the areas of printed electronics, OLEDs (organic light emitting diodes), organic biosensors and organic photovoltaics.

(March 5, 2007) NISKAYUNA, N.Y. &#151 GE Global Research and OLED-manufacturing equipment supplier TOKKI Corporation (Tokyo) partnered to use plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) film encapsulation technology and manufacturing equipment to build organic electronics, such as OLED flat panel displays, in thinner and more cost-effective packages.

(January 18, 2007) EINDHOVEN, The Netherlands &#151 OTB Display, a subsidiary of OTB Group BV, created a method of producing thin-film-encapsulated organic light-emitting diode (OLED) devices for commercial applications. The process of multilayer thin-film stacking eliminates clean room equipment, facilitating mass production.