Category Archives: OLEDs

Solid State Technology announced today that its premier semiconductor manufacturing conference and networking event, The ConFab, will be held at the iconic Hotel del Coronado in San Diego on May 14-17, 2017. A 30% increase in attendance in 2016 with a similar uplift expected in 2017, makes the venue an ideal meeting location as The ConFab continues to expand.


For more than 12 years, The ConFab, an invitation-only executive conference, has been the destination for key industry influencers and decision-makers to connect and collaborate on critical issues.

“The semiconductor industry is maturing, yet opportunities abound,” said Pete Singer, Editor-in-Chief of Solid State Technology and Conference Chair of The ConFab. “The Internet of Things (IoT) is exploding, which will result in a demand for “things” such as sensors and actuators, as well as cloud computing. 5G is also coming and will be the key technology for access to the cloud.”

The ConFab is the best place to seek a deeper understanding on these and other important issues, offering a unique blend of market insights, technology forecasts and strategic assessments of the challenges and opportunities facing semiconductor manufacturers. “In changing times, it’s critical for people to get together in a relaxed setting, learn what’s new, connect with old friends, make new acquaintances and find new business opportunities,” Singer added.

Dave Mount

David Mount

Solid State Technology is also pleased to announce the addition of David J. Mount to The ConFab team as marketing and business development manager. Mount has a rich history in the semiconductor manufacturing equipment business and will be instrumental in guiding continued growth, and expanding into new high growth areas.

Mainstream semiconductor technology will remain the central focus of The ConFab, and the conference will be expanded with additional speakers, panelists, and VIP attendees that will participate from other fast growing and emerging areas. These include biomedical, automotive, IoT, MEMS, LEDs, displays, thin film batteries, photonics and advanced packaging. From both the device maker and the equipment supplier perspective, The ConFab 2017 is a must-attend networking conference for business leaders.

The ConFab conference program is guided by a stellar Advisory Board, with high level representatives from GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Texas Instruments, TSMC, Cisco, Samsung, Intel, Lam Research, KLA-Tencor, ASE, NVIDIA, the Fab Owners Association and elsewhere.

Details on the invitation-only conference are at: For sponsorship inquiries, contact Kerry Hoffman at [email protected]. For details on attending as a guest or qualifying as a VIP, contact Sally Bixby at [email protected].

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. today announced “H-series Gen 3,” a new line-up of LED linear modules that features high efficacy and enables easy replacement of fluorescent lights with LED lamps.

New Samsung LED H-series linear module for indoor lighting (Graphic: Business Wire)

New Samsung LED H-series linear module for indoor lighting (Graphic: Business Wire)

“With our new H-series, Samsung continues to lead the high-end industry segment for LED components through constant technology innovation,” said Jacob Tarn, executive vice president, LED Business Team, Samsung Electronics. “We are directing our technology expertise to improving the quality of LED lighting by significantly enhancing our LED components’ performance and overall competitiveness.”

Samsung’s H-series Gen 3 provides light efficacy reaching up to 187 lumen per watt (lm/W) at 4000K, which allows LED luminaires using the modules to achieve light efficacy above 140lm/W, delivering an optic efficiency level of about 86 percent and LED driver efficiency of approximately 88 percent.

Currently, Samsung offers several linear LED module line-ups: the V-series for cost-effective applications; the M-, S- and F-series for standard LED lighting segments; and now the H-series for high-performance LED products.

Samsung’s H-series Gen 3 uses the LM561C, the mid-power LED package with the highest efficacy in its LM561-series line-up. As a result, the H-series Gen 3 has obtained 18 to 26 percent higher efficacy than the company’s M-series Gen 2 modules. This feature makes the H-series Gen 3 line-up well-suited to meet DLC Premium standards – technical requirements for LED lighting solutions suggested by DesignLights Consortium™. DLC standards are well recognized in the North American region as a preferred means of evaluating LED lighting products in terms of performance and quality.

The H-series comes in three sizes: 1120mm (4 ft.) 560mm (2 ft.) and 280mm/275mm (1 ft.). As the premium version of the company’s M-series and S-series line-ups, the H-series has the same form factors as those modules (see chart below), while providing a performance level that more than satisfies the high demands of the U.S. and EU luminaire markets.

Samsung’s M-series has been certified by UL, a product quality certification standards organization in the U.S., while the S-series has been certified by CE and ENEC, similar standards bodies in the EU. Sharing the form factors and quality certifications of Samsung’s M- and S-series, the H-series allows lighting manufacturers to select their LED modules according to the specific operating conditions of their applications.

IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO) today released its annual 2015 revenue-share ranking of the top LED suppliers in backlighting, automotive, lighting and other applications.

According to the 2016 edition of the IHS Markit Packaged LED Report, Nichia led in both lighting and mobile applications for 2015, with 12.9 percent share of the total packaged LED market. Nichia was followed by Osram and Lumileds with a combined share of 14.7 percent.

“It’s not a surprise that Nichia led in more than one application,” said Alice Tao, senior analyst, LEDs and lighting for IHS Markit. “In 2015, Nichia overtook Cree, which led the lighting category in 2014. Nichia was also very strong in mobile phone LEDs, since the company is a major supplier for Apple’s iPhone.”

Samsung was the leading supplier in backlighting, which includes LEDs used in TVs, monitors, notebook PCs and tablet PCs. Nichia followed in second position and LG Innotek ranked third.

Osram has been the leading supplier of automotive LEDs for many years. Its market share was 35 percent in 2015 for LEDs used in the total automotive market and 40 percent for those used in the automotive exterior market. It also led in the “other” application, which includes LEDs used for industrial, medical, security, projection, signage and off-specification applications.

Leading packaged LEDs suppliers
(Millions of Dollars)  

Leading supplier





Mobile phone







The IHS Markit Packaged LED Report provides detailed quantitative market sizes and supplier shares by application, region and product type. For more information about purchasing IHS Markit information, contact the sales department at [email protected].

Pixelligent Technologies, a developer of high-index advanced materials for solid state lighting and display applications and producer of PixClear products, announced today that it closed $10.4 million in new funding. The round was led by The Abell Foundation, The Bunting Family Office, and David Testa, the former Chief Investment Officer of T. Rowe Price. Funds will be used to complete the installation of additional manufacturing capacity, open new offices in Asia, and continue to drive innovation in lighting, display and optical applications.

To date Pixelligent has raised over $36.0M in equity funding and has been awarded more than $12M in U.S. government grant programs to support the development of its proprietary PixClear products and PixClearProcess. The Pixelligent nanotechnology platform includes proprietary nanocrystal synthesis, capping technology, high volume manufacturing and application engineering that supports ink jet, slot die, UV curing, spray coating, and numerous other manufacturing processes.

“We have clearly established Pixelligent as the leading high-index materials manufacturer for demanding solid state lighting and OLED display applications throughout the world. Pixelligent is partnering with leading advanced materials suppliers to deliver breakthrough performance that currently spans applications in 12 discrete markets including: lighting, displays, printed and flexible electronics, AR/VR, optically clear adhesives, MEMS, gradient index lenses, and others with a combined total over $9B in market opportunities. We have numerous commercial applications currently in the market and expect additional product introductions before the end of 2016,” said Craig Bandes, President & CEO of Pixelligent Technologies.

“We started our partnership with Pixelligent in 2011 when the company relocated to Baltimore City and have seen the company achieve all of their critical technology and manufacturing milestones, while establishing a global brand and presence. Our investment objective is to support leading edge companies that deliver breakthrough technology and products and create jobs in our local community. Pixelligent is at the forefront in delivering on the promise of the nanotechnology revolution. We are proud of what the team at Pixelligent has accomplished to date and we look forward to their continued growth and success,” said Eileen O’Rourke, CFO of The Abell Foundation.

Towards a better screen

August 9, 2016

Harvard University researchers have designed more than 1,000 new blue-light emitting molecules for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) that could dramatically improve displays for televisions, phones, tablets and more.

OLED screens use organic molecules that emit light when an electric current is applied. Unlike ubiquitous liquid crystal displays (LCDs), OLED screens don’t require a backlight, meaning the display can be as thin and flexible as a sheet of plastic. Individual pixels can be switched on or entirely off, dramatically improving the screen’s color contrast and energy consumption. OLEDs are already replacing LCDs in high-end consumer devices but a lack of stable and efficient blue materials has made them less competitive in large displays such as televisions.

The interdisciplinary team of Harvard researchers, in collaboration with MIT and Samsung, developed a large-scale, computer-driven screening process, called the Molecular Space Shuttle, that incorporates theoretical and experimental chemistry, machine learning and cheminformatics to quickly identify new OLED molecules that perform as well as, or better than, industry standards.

“People once believed that this family of organic light-emitting molecules was restricted to a small region of molecular space,” said Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, who led the research. “But by developing a sophisticated molecular builder, using state-of-the art machine learning, and drawing on the expertise of experimentalists, we discovered a large set of high-performing blue OLED materials.”

The research is described in the current issue of Nature Materials.

The biggest challenge in manufacturing affordable OLEDs is emission of the color blue.

Like LCDs, OLEDs rely on green, red and blue subpixels to produce every color on screen.  But it has been difficult to find organic molecules that efficiently emit blue light. To improve efficiency, OLED producers have created organometallic molecules with expensive transition metals like iridium to enhance the molecule through phosphorescence. This solution is expensive and it has yet to achieve a stable blue color.

Aspuru-Guzik and his team sought to replace these organometallic systems with entirely organic molecules.

The team began by building libraries of more than 1.6 million candidate molecules. Then, to narrow the field, a team of researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), led by Ryan Adams, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, developed new machine learning algorithms to predict which molecules were likely to have good outcomes, and prioritize those to be virtually tested. This effectively reduced the computational cost of the search by at least a factor of ten.

“This was a natural collaboration between chemistry and machine learning,” said David Duvenaud, a postdoctoral fellow in the Adams lab and coauthor of the paper. “Since the early stages of our chemical design process starts with millions of possible candidates, there’s no way for a human to evaluate and prioritize all of them. So, we used neural networks to quickly prioritize the candidates based on all the molecules already evaluated.”

“Machine learning tools are really coming of age and starting to see applications in a lot of scientific domains,” said Adams.  “This collaboration was a wonderful opportunity to push the state of the art in computer science, while also developing completely new materials with many practical applications. It was incredibly rewarding to see these designs go from machine learning predictions to devices that you can hold in your hand.”

“We were able to model these molecules in a way that was really predictive,” said Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli, a postdoctoral fellow in the Aspuru-Guzik lab and first author of the paper.  “We could predict the color and the brightness of the molecules from a simple quantum chemical calculation and about 12 hours of computing per molecule. We were charting chemical space and finding the frontier of what a molecule can do by running virtual experiments.”

“Molecules are like athletes,” Aspuru-Guzik said. “It’s easy to find a runner, it’s easy to find a swimmer, it’s easy to find a cyclist but it’s hard to find all three. Our molecules have to be triathletes. They have to be blue, stable and bright.”

But finding these super molecules takes more than computing power — it takes human intuition, said Tim Hirzel, a senior software engineer in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and coauthor of the paper.

To help bridge the gap between theoretical modeling and experimental practice, Hirzel and the team built a web application for collaborators to explore the results of more than half a million quantum chemistry simulations.

Every month, Gómez-Bombarelli and coauthor Jorge Aguilera-Iparraguirre, also a postdoctoral fellow in the Aspuru-Guzik lab, selected the most promising molecules and used their software to create “baseball cards,” profiles containing important information about each molecule. This process identified 2500 molecules worth a closer look.  The team’s experimental collaborators at Samsung and MIT then voted on which molecules were most promising for application. The team nicknamed the voting tool “molecular Tinder” after the popular online dating app.

“We facilitated the social aspect of the science in a very deliberate way,” said Hirzel.

“The computer models do a lot but the spark of genius is still coming from people,” said Gómez-Bombarelli.

“The success of this effort stems from its multidisciplinary nature,” said Aspuru-Guzik. “Our collaborators at MIT and Samsung provided critical feedback regarding the requirements for the molecular structures.”

“The high throughput screening technique pioneered by the Harvard team significantly reduced the need for synthesis, experimental characterization, and optimization,” said Marc Baldo, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT and coauthor of the paper. “It shows the industry how to advance OLED technology faster and more efficiently.”

After this accelerated design cycle, the team was left with hundreds of molecules that perform as well as, if not better than, state-of-the-art metal-free OLEDs.

Applications of this type of molecular screening also extend far beyond OLEDs.

“This research is an intermediate stop in a trajectory towards more and more advanced organic molecules that could be used in flow batteries, solar cells, organic lasers, and more,” said Aspuru-Guzik. “The future of accelerated molecular design is really, really exciting.”

In addition to the authors mentioned, the manuscript was coauthored by Dougal Maclaurin, Martin A. Blood-Forsythe, Hyun Sik Chae, Markus Einzinger, Dong-Gwang Ha, Tony Wu, Georgios Markopoulos, Soonok Jeon, Hosuk Kang, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Masaki Numata, Sunghan Kim, Wenliang Huang and Seong Ik Hong.

The research was supported by the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology.

A collaboration of researchers from Kumamoto, Yamaguchi, and Osaka Universities in Japan have discovered a new method of drastically changing the color and fluorescence of a particular compound using only oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2) gases. The fully reversible reaction is environmentally friendly since it produces only water as a byproduct. Rather than using electrical or photo energy, the discovery uses energy from the gases themselves, which is expected to become a future trend, to switch the color and fluorescence properties. The technique could be used as a detection sensor for hydrogen or oxygen gases as well as for property controls of organic semiconductors and organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs).

An efficient chemical synthesis method for picene-13, 14-dione. Credit: Dr. Hayato Ishikawa

An efficient chemical synthesis method for picene-13, 14-dione. Credit: Dr. Hayato Ishikawa

Polyaromatic compounds (PACs) are widely used in fluorescent materials, semiconductor materials, organic EL devices, and organic solar-cell devices. The research performed at Kumamoto University focused on using energy from gases to trigger a molecular switch in a PAC. In particular, focus was placed on H2 as a reductant and O2 as an oxidant.

“We tried to determine the most attractive compounds that could freely and dramatically change the optical properties of the PAC with a redox reaction,” said Associate Professor Hayato Ishikawa from Kumamoto University. “Specifically, we introduced an orthoquinone moiety to the PAC that possessed the most ideal switching properties under a redox reaction with hydrogen and oxygen gases.”

To determine the candidates with the best switching properties, researchers screened several orthoquinone-containing aromatic compounds in a computational study. The ideal molecules clearly showed switching between fluorescence emission and quenching, and between a colored and colorless state.

Picene-13, 14-dione was nominated as the most promising candidate from the computational analysis. The researchers then developed an original protocol to efficiently synthesize the compound from commercially available petroleum raw materials. The key steps for the synthesis were the transition metal-catalyzed coupling reaction and the ring construction reaction by an organocatalyst. This synthetic methodology is also applicable to the synthesis of various other similar compounds or derivatives.

A palladium nanoparticle catalyst was added to the synthesized picene-13, 14-dione and then H2 gas was bubbled into the solution. As predicted by the computational study, a dramatic change in color and fluorescence of the solution was observed; its color and fluorescence changed from yellow to colorless, and from non-fluorescent to blue fluorescent respectively. The subsequent reverse oxidation proceeded smoothly when H2 gas was exchanged for O2 gas, and the solution reverted back to its original state.

“When we performed a detailed analysis, it was revealed that the resultant changes in color and fluorescence were caused by two different molecular states. The prediction of these states, and our ideas about this phenomenon, were strongly supported by both the computational analysis and the experimental results,” said Associate Professor Ishikawa. “This molecular switching technology of an aromatic compound using an orthoquinone moiety is a new insight that appears to have been reported first by our research team.”

An important advantage of this technology is that it is environmentally friendly since the byproduct of the reaction is simply water. Additionally, the synthetic PACs don’t experience very much damage after each reaction meaning that the molecular switch has excellent reusability.

“We have considered a wide range of future applications for this molecular technique,” said Associate Professor Masaki Matsuda, a research collaborator from Kumamoto University. “For example, we can put this molecular sheet into a package of food filled with an inert gas to check whether oxygen, which promotes the spoilage of food, has entered the package. All that would be required is a simple check under a UV light; the package wouldn’t even have to be opened. Organic semiconductors and OLEDs could also benefit from the ability to control optical properties using energy from gases. For example, organic semiconductors could be made to change their electrical properties, and OLEDs could show on/off switching characteristics by using the energy from gas that is supplied to it. The applications for this technology are numerous.”

The findings of this research were published in the Angewandte Chemie International Edition, online edition, on May 4th, 2016.

By Shannon Davis, Web Editor

Kateeva is out to change the way displays are being made, and during Tuesday’s Silicon Innovation Forum keynote, Kateeva President and COO Conor Madigan, PhD, laid out how their YIELDJet inkjet system is making that happen.

In recent years, OLED displays have captured the imagination of the industry because of the materials’ capability to enable new kinds of form factors, specifically flexible displays. One of the compelling characteristics of OLED is designers can make a display on a thin piece of plastic, freeing them from rigid glass.

Another compelling aspect, Madigan explained, is that OLED displays have fewer subcomponents than their LCD counter parts, so manufacturing cost can be lower. And he believes inkjet technology will play a key role in making OLED more affordable. His company, Silicon Valley-based Kateeva, has focused their efforts on developing an inkjet platform for OLED manufacturing called YIELDJet, a completely different style of inkjet system.

Kateeva’s YIELDJet inkjet printing platform.

Kateeva’s YIELDJet inkjet printing platform.

When the concept of flexible OLEDs was first catching on, designers had some significant manufacturing obstacles to overcome, Madigan explained. Designers in R&D were using vacuum-based technique for depositing the films in the OLED structure.

“It was very slow; it required planarization to make a smooth surface, and this didn’t do that well,” said Madigan. “There were many particle defects, and the cost was high.”

Kateeva worked with adapting inkjet technology to this process. Madigan explained that YIELDJet uses individual droplets of ink in a pattern, merges that ink together, and then uses UV lights to cure into a single layer, which has improved the quality of the films.

“Nowadays, we’re focused on broadly enabling low cost, mass production OLEDs with inkjet printing,” Madigan said. “What we’re working on now is a general deposition platform for putting down patterned films at high speed over large areas, realizing the full potential of inkjet technology for the display industry.”

In developing Kateeva’s YIELDJet, Madigan said they focused on how the glass would be handled, how to perform maintenance on a printer system that would be completely enclosed in a nitrogen environment, and managing particle decontamination.

YIELDJet employs a technique that floats a panel of glass on a vacuum and pressure holds, holding it at the very edge, which significantly reduces the size of the system when compared to conventional system which requires glass be moved on a large, often bulky holder. To address accessibility of their complicated system, Kateeva engineers made the system fully automated and able to recover quickly if it needed to be opened up to air.

“It was a new thing to make a printer that was low particle contaminating,” said Madigan. “In one of these printers, you have about ten thousand nozzles, to do fast coating.”

Kateeva was able to develop techniques to monitor all of these nozzles simultaneously, resulting in completely uniform coatings and films.

“The analysis that we’ve done with our customers is that, once they can move to inkjet printing, then you’ll quickly see OLED come down to cost parity and even be below LCD in cost,” Madigan concluded.

9:00 am – 10:00 am
“CONNECT” Executive Summit
SEMI’s Denny McGuirk moderates a panel of execs from Lam, Qualcomm, Intel and Entegris
Keynote Stage

9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Women in Technology Forum
Room 304, Esplanade

12:30 am –2:00 pm
The Business Case for Supplier Diversity: Why it Matters to You
Intel presentation and panel discussion
Rm 308, Esplanade

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
From Collision to Convergence: Co-creating Soutions in the Semiconductor and MEMS/Sensors Industries
San Francisco Marriott Marquis

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
World of IoT Innovation
Innovation and IoT Theater

3:00 pm –4:30 pm
Bulls & Bears Panel
W Hotel

200mm fabs reawakening

July 13, 2016

By David Lammers, Contributing Editor

Buoyed by strong investments in China, 200mm wafer production is seeing a re-awakening, with overall 200mm capacity expected to match its previous 2006 peak level by 2019 (Figure 1).

Figure 1. By 2019, 200mm fab capacity should be close to the previous peak seen in 2006, according to SEMI. Several new 200mm fabs are expected to  open in China. (Source: SEMICON West presentation by Christian Dieseldorff).

Figure 1. By 2019, 200mm fab capacity should be close to the previous peak seen in 2006, according to SEMI. Several new 200mm fabs are expected to open in China. (Source: SEMICON West presentation by Christian Dieseldorff).

Speaking at a SEMI/Gartner market symposium at SEMICON West, SEMI senior analyst Christian Dieseldorff said over the next few years “we don’t see 200mm fabs closing, in fact we see new ones beginning operation. To me, that is just amazing.”

The numbers back up the rebound. Excluding LEDs, the installed capacity of 200mm fabs will reach about 5.3 million wafers per month (wspm) in 2018, almost matching the 2007 peak of 5.6 million wspm. As shown in Figure 1, By 2019 as new 200mm fabs start up in China, 200mm wafer production will surge beyond the previous 2007 peak, a surprising achievement for a wafer generation that began more than 25 years ago. Figure 2 shows how capacity, which held steady for years, is now on the increase.

Figure 2. 200mm fab capacity, which remained relatively constant for years, is now increasing.

Figure 2. 200mm fab capacity, which remained relatively constant for years, is now increasing.

Case in point: On the opening day of Semicon West, Beijing Yangdong Micro announced a new OLED 200mm fab that will be opening in the second half of 2018 to make OLED drivers, according to Dieseldorff.

Over the past few years, Japan-based companies have closed 10 200mm fabs, mostly outdated logic facilities, while expanding production of discrete power and analog ICs on 200mm wafers. But with China opening several new 200mm fabs and the expansions of existing 200mm fabs worldwide, SEMI sees an additional 274,000 wafer starts per month of 200mm production over the 2015-2018 period, adding expansions and additional fabs, and subtracting closed facilities.

“One message from our research is that we believe the existing 200mm fabs are full. Companies have done what they can to expand and move tools around, and that is coming to an end,” he said. SEMI reckons that 19 new 200mm fabs have been built since 2010, at least six of them in China.

SEMI’s Christian Dieseldorff.

SEMI’s Christian Dieseldorff.

Dieseldorff touched on a vexing challenge to the 200mm expansion: the availability of 200mm equipment. “People have problems getting 200mm equipment, used and even new. The (200mm) market is not well understood by some companies,” he said. With a shortage of used 200mm equipment likely to continue, the major equipment companies are building new 200mm tools, part of what Dieseldorff described as an “awakening” of 200mm manufacturing.


China is serious

Sam Wang, a research vice president at Gartner who focuses on the foundry sector, voiced several concerns related to 200mm production at the SEMI/Gartner symposium. While SMIC (which has a mix of 200mm and 300mm fabs) has seen consistently healthy annual growth, the five second-tier Chinese foundries – — Shanghai Huahong Grace, CSMC, HuaLi, XMC, and ASMC — saw declining revenues year-over-year in 2015. Overall, China-based foundries accounted for just 7.8 percent of total foundry capacity last year, and the overall growth rate by Chinese foundries “is way below the expectations of the Chinese government,” Wang said.

The challenge, he said, is for China’s foundries which rely largely on legacy production to grow revenues in a competitive market. And things are not getting any easier. While production of has shown overall strength in units, Wang cautioned that price pressures are growing for many of the ICs made on 200mm wafers. Fingerprint sensor ICs, for example, have dropped in price by 30 percent recently. Moreover, “the installation of legacy nodes in 300mm fabs by large foundries has caused concern to foundries who depend solely on 200 mm.”

But Wang emphasized China’s determination to expand its semiconductor production. “China is really serious. Believe it,” he said.

New markets, new demand

The smart phone revolution has energized 200mm production, adding to a growing appetite for MEMS sensors, analog, and power ICs. Going forward, the Internet of Things, new medical devices, and flexible and wearable products may drive new demand, speakers said at the symposium.

Jason Marsh, director of technology for the government and industry-backed NextFlex R&D alliance based in San Jose, Calif., said many companies see “real potential” in making products which have “an unobtrusive form factor that doesn’t alter the physical environment.” He cited one application: a monitoring device worn by hospital patients that would reduce the occurrence of bed sores. These types of devices can be made with “comparatively yesteryear (semiconductor) technology” but require new packaging and system-level expertise.

Legacy devices made on 200mm wafers could get a boost from the increasing ability to combine several chips made with different technologies into fan out chip scale packages (FO CSPs). Bill Chen, a senior advisor at ASE Group, showed several examples of FO CSPs which combine legacy ICs with processors made on leading-edge nodes. “When we started this wafer-level development around 2000 we thought it would be a niche. But now about 30 percent of the ICs used in smart phones are in wafer-level CSPs. It just took a lot of time for the market forces to come along.”

More coverage from this year’s SEMICON West can be found here.

Shipment area of wide color gamut (WCG)  displays is expected to reach 32 million square meters in 2018, which represents 17 percent of total display shipment area, according to IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS),the leading global source of critical information and insight. WCG displays include organic light-emitting diode (OLED) and quantum dot technologies.

“As competition in the display market intensifies, display and TV manufacturers are looking for new and emerging technologies to differentiate their offerings from competitors and to provide consumers with higher screen resolution,” said Richard Son, senior analyst, IHS Technology. “WCG technologies are therefore becoming more popular.”

There are two different kinds of quantum dot materials. One is cadmium-included quantum dot and the other is cadmium-free (Cd-free) quantum dot. Since cadmium is an unsafe and toxic element, the display industry developed Cd-free quantum dot technology to replace it. Cd-free quantum dot displays are forecast to comprise 80 percent of the total quantum dot display market in 2016. Quantum dot is just beginning to be used in TV displays to compete against OLED displays. Active-matrix-OLED (AMOLED), by comparison, is primarily used in smartphone displays.

OLED WCG display shipment area is forecast to reach 4.4 million square meters in 2016, growing to 9.2 million square meters in 2018. Quantum-dot WCG display shipment area will reach 13.4 million square meters in 2018, rising from 6.1 million square meters in 2016.

wide color gamut