Category Archives: Wafer Processing

IC Insights’ November Update to The 2018 McClean Report will present an in-depth analysis and detailed five-year forecast for the IC Industry, which is expected to enter a period of cyclical “cooling” after an extended period of very strong growth.

Figure 1 illustrates the worldwide quarterly year-over-year IC market increases from 1Q through 3Q and IC Insights’ forecast for 4Q of this year.  As shown, the first half of 2018 started out with strong quarterly year-over-year growth for the IC market.  However, year-over-year IC market growth dropped to 14% in 3Q.  Moreover, with the softening of the memory market, IC Insights projects that year-over-year IC market growth in 4Q will be only 6%.

Figure 1

Third quarter sequential growth confirms the slowing year-over-year trend. In 2017, 3Q/2Q IC market growth was 11%.  This year, 3Q/2Q growth slowed to a 6% increase (the same rate as the long term average).  As mentioned, the softening memory market has started to become a “headwind” on total IC market growth.  It is interesting that in 2017, the 3Q/2Q memory market growth rate was a very strong 18%.  In contrast, the 3Q/2Q memory market increase in 2018 was 8%, less than half of last year’s rate.

Rudolph Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: RTEC) today announced the availability of its NovusEdge™ system for edge, notch and backside inspection of unpatterned wafers. The company plans to ship multiple systems totaling more than $3M by year end to fill existing orders from two customers. The new system is the result of a multi-year collaboration with bare wafer manufacturing partners that require one inspection tool capable of detecting defects near the wafer’s edge, bevel, back-side and notch. The NovusEdge system meets the stringent new requirements for defect control at the edge and backside of wafers being manufactured for 10nm process nodes. The system provides up to 50 percent faster throughput and two orders of magnitude better edge sensitivity than incumbent technology.

“Gartner estimated the unpatterned wafer inspection market at over $400M in 2017,” Tim Kryman, senior director of product marketing explained. “The bulk of this is focused on finding front surface defects as small as 10nm. However, our development partners also required tighter defect control at the wafer bevel and backside, to ensure the stringent quality standards required for these process nodes.  We estimate the NovusEdge system’s addressable market at 15 – 20 percent of the overall unpatterned market.”

The NovusEdge system uses multiple cameras and advanced imaging technologies to build a high-resolution, composite image of the entire wafer bevel then applies sophisticated analytical routines to identify and classify defects as small as the sub-micron level. On the backside it utilizes high-speed laser-scanning to detect particles, scratches, area defects and haze.

GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced the establishment of Avera Semiconductor LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary dedicated to providing custom silicon solutions for a broad range of applications. Avera Semi will leverage deep ties with GF to deliver ASIC offerings on 14/12nm and more mature technologies while providing clients new capabilities and access to alternate foundry processes at 7nm and beyond.

Avera Semi is built upon an unrivaled legacy of ASIC expertise, tapping into a world-class team that has executed more than 2,000 complex designs in its 25-year history. With more than 850 employees, annual revenues in excess of $500 million, and over $3 billion in 14nm designs in execution, Avera Semi is well positioned to serve clients developing products across a wide range of markets, including wired and wireless networking, data centers and storage, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and aerospace and defense.

The new company is led by Kevin O’Buckley, a leader in the ASIC business since joining GF as part of the acquisition of IBM Microelectronics in 2015. Previously, he spent nearly 20 years at IBM in a variety of roles spanning both technical and executive leadership positions.

“I couldn’t imagine a better time to launch a new venture focused on delivering custom ASIC solutions,” O’Buckley said. “Data traffic and bandwidth demands have exploded, and next-generation systems for cloud and communications must deliver more performance and handle more complexity than ever before. Avera Semi has the right combination of expertise and technology to help our clients design and build high-performance, highly optimized semiconductor solutions.”

“Arm has a long history of collaborating with the team building Avera Semi to enhance PPA and bring innovative solutions to market,” said Drew Henry, senior vice president and general manager, Infrastructure Line of Business, Arm. “As the needs for compute requirements continue to evolve and diversify, we look forward to joining Avera’s capabilities and technologies with Arm Neoverse solutions and physical design IP to deliver unique value to a broad customer base.”

“Synopsys’ long history of collaboration with GF has enabled us to deliver a broad portfolio of high-quality DesignWare IP on a range of GF processes,” said John Koeter, vice president of marketing for IP at Synopsys. “We look forward to continuing this success with Avera Semi to provide designers with the necessary IP for their next-generation, high-performance SoC designs on advanced FinFET processes.”

Avera Semi offers clients a range of capabilities to enable end-to-end silicon solutions:

●      ASIC offerings on both leading-edge and proven process technologies, including a newly established foundry partnership on 7nm
●      A rich IP portfolio, including high-speed SerDes, high-performance embedded TCAMs, ARM® cores and performance and density-optimized embedded SRAMs
●      A comprehensive, production-proven design methodology that builds on a strong record of first-time-right results to help reduce development costs and time-to-market
●      Advanced packaging options to increase bandwidth, eliminate I/O bottlenecks, and reduce memory area, latency and power
●      Flexible ASIC business engagement models that give clients the ability to supplement in-house resources with the level of support needed from experienced chip design, methodology, test and packaging teams

The Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA) Board of Directors has appointed Dr. Lisa Su, President and Chief Executive Officer of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD), as Chair of GSA Board of Directors and Simon Segars, Chief Executive Officer of Arm, as the Vice Chair. These leaders will help drive the GSA vision to establish an efficient, profitable and sustainable global ecosystem as well as broaden the scope of GSA to represent an extended value chain to include systems, software, solutions and services, in addition to semiconductors. Under the direction of the new leadership, GSA will be launching several initiatives that support this expanded vision, including Interest Groups and Working Groups for rapidly emerging but fragmented markets like automotive, artificial intelligence and internet-of-things (IoT). The GSA has also created a Women’s Leadership Initiative and “Rising Women of Influence Award” dedicated to highlighting and honoring key female executive leaders within the industry. The award will be presented at the GSA Annual Awards Dinner on December 6.

“I’m very honored to be named as Chair of GSA Board of Directors and look forward to working with my fellow Board members to execute the expanded GSA vision,” said Dr. Lisa Su. “Semiconductors are crucial drivers for a variety of industries and rapidly growing markets such as AI, IoT, automotive, big data, cloud computing and 5G. This industry is going through radical growth and transformation which demands new and different thinking, including an emphasis on stronger collaboration across the entire ecosystem to increase our pace of innovation.”

GSA will execute its vision with several new initiatives including strategically planned Interest Groups, that will convene the value chain in rapidly growing market segments like IoT and Automotive to collaborate on programs and projects important to the industry. Simon Segars outlined one of these collaborative programs. “We have established a GSA IoT Security Working Group within the IoT Interest Group to address end-to-end issues in IoT Security. It is comprised of various IoT ecosystem security stakeholders including chipset vendors, platform companies, cloud vendors and service providers. The goal is to promote best practices on IoT Security, share information on threats and attacks, define security requirements and inform standards bodies. It is also an opportunity for GSA members and partners to influence the requirements for security that get passed to all participants in the value and supply chains.”

“The GSA Board of Directors is comprised of a literal “Who’s Who” of leaders within the semiconductor ecosystem,” said Jodi Shelton, Co-founder and President of GSA. “They represent some of the most influential companies in the industry providing a comprehensive global perspective. As the CEO of AMD, Lisa understands the value of collaboration. We are confident Lisa and Simon will advance the GSA commitment to being a meaningful platform fostering collaboration, innovation and integration for this industry and across the value chain.”

Dr. Lisa Su is AMD president and chief executive officer and serves on the company’s board of directors. Previously, Dr. Su held executive leadership and engineering positions with AMD, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. and IBM after receiving her bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In 2017, Dr. Su was named one of the “World’s 50 Greatest Leaders” by Fortune Magazine and the “Top Ranked Semiconductor CEO” by Institutional Investor Magazine. Under Dr. Su’s leadership, AMD has introduced two completely new chip architectures and more than ten different product families, resulting in double-digit annual revenue growth in 2017.

Simon Segars is chief executive officer of Arm. Since joining Arm as one of its first employees, Simon has driven technical and business innovations to help transform the company into the leading architect of the most pervasive compute technology the world has ever seen. He was named CEO in July 2013 after successfully expanding the company’s U.S. business and strengthening its leadership and relationships in Silicon Valley, where he still lives with his family. Simon earned his BEng in electronic engineering from the University of Sussex and an MSc in computer science from the University of Manchester.

In the quest for abundant, renewable alternatives to fossil fuels, scientists have sought to harvest the sun’s energy through “water splitting,” an artificial photosynthesis technique that uses sunlight to generate hydrogen fuel from water. But water-splitting devices have yet to live up to their potential because there still isn’t a design for materials with the right mix of optical, electronic, and chemical properties needed for them to work efficiently.

The HPEV cell’s extra back outlet allows the current to be split into two, so that one part of the current contributes to solar fuels generation, and the rest can be extracted as electrical power. Credit: Credit: Berkeley Lab, JCAP

Now researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP), a DOE Energy Innovation Hub, have come up with a new recipe for renewable fuels that could bypass the limitations in current materials: an artificial photosynthesis device called a “hybrid photoelectrochemical and voltaic (HPEV) cell” that turns sunlight and water into not just one, but two types of energy – hydrogen fuel and electricity. The paper describing this work was published on Oct. 29 in Nature Materials.

Finding a way out for electrons

Most water-splitting devices are made of a stack of light-absorbing materials. Depending on its makeup, each layer absorbs different parts or “wavelengths” of the solar spectrum, ranging from less-energetic wavelengths of infrared light to more-energetic wavelengths of visible or ultraviolet light.

When each layer absorbs light it builds an electrical voltage. These individual voltages combine into one voltage large enough to split water into oxygen and hydrogen fuel. But according to Gideon Segev, a postdoctoral researcher at JCAP in Berkeley Lab’s Chemical Sciences Division and the study’s lead author, the problem with this configuration is that even though silicon solar cells can generate electricity very close to their limit, their high-performance potential is compromised when they are part of a water-splitting device.

The current passing through the device is limited by other materials in the stack that don’t perform as well as silicon, and as a result, the system produces much less current than it could – and the less current it generates, the less solar fuel it can produce.

“It’s like always running a car in first gear,” said Segev. “This is energy that you could harvest, but because silicon isn’t acting at its maximum power point, most of the excited electrons in the silicon have nowhere to go, so they lose their energy before they are utilized to do useful work.”

Getting out of first gear

So Segev and his co-authors – Jeffrey W. Beeman, a JCAP researcher in Berkeley Lab’s Chemical Sciences Division, and former Berkeley Lab and JCAP researchers Jeffery Greenblatt, who now heads the Bay Area-based technology consultancy Emerging Futures LLC, and Ian Sharp, now a professor of experimental semiconductor physics at the Technical University of Munich in Germany – proposed a surprisingly simple solution to a complex problem.

“We thought, ‘What if we just let the electrons out?'” said Segev.

In water-splitting devices, the front surface is usually dedicated to solar fuels production, and the back surface serves as an electrical outlet. To work around the conventional system’s limitations, they added an additional electrical contact to the silicon component’s back surface, resulting in an HPEV device with two contacts in the back instead of just one. The extra back outlet would allow the current to be split into two, so that one part of the current contributes to solar fuels generation, and the rest can be extracted as electrical power.

When what you see is what you get

After running a simulation to predict whether the HPEC would function as designed, they made a prototype to test their theory. “And to our surprise, it worked!” Segev said. “In science, you’re never really sure if everything’s going to work even if your computer simulations say they will. But that’s also what makes it fun. It was great to see our experiments validate our simulations’ predictions.”

According to their calculations, a conventional solar hydrogen generator based on a combination of silicon and bismuth vanadate, a material that is widely studied for solar water splitting, would generate hydrogen at a solar to hydrogen efficiency of 6.8 percent. In other words, out of all of the incident solar energy striking the surface of a cell, 6.8 percent will be stored in the form of hydrogen fuel, and all the rest is lost.

In contrast, the HPEV cells harvest leftover electrons that do not contribute to fuel generation. These residual electrons are instead used to generate electrical power, resulting in a dramatic increase in the overall solar energy conversion efficiency, said Segev. For example, according to the same calculations, the same 6.8 percent of the solar energy can be stored as hydrogen fuel in an HPEV cell made of bismuth vanadate and silicon, and another 13.4 percent of the solar energy can be converted to electricity. This enables a combined efficiency of 20.2 percent, three times better than conventional solar hydrogen cells.

The researchers plan to continue their collaboration so they can look into using the HPEV concept for other applications such as reducing carbon dioxide emissions. “This was truly a group effort where people with a lot of experience were able to contribute,” added Segev. “After a year and a half of working together on a pretty tedious process, it was great to see our experiments finally come together.”

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research, today announced worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $122.7 billion during the third quarter of 2018, an increase of 4.1 percent over the previous quarter and 13.8 percent more than the third quarter of 2017. Global sales for the month of September 2018 reached $40.9 billion, an uptick of 2.0 percent over last month’s total and 13.8 percent more than sales from June 2017. All monthly sales numbers are compiled by the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization and represent a three-month moving average.

“Three-quarters of the way through 2018, the global semiconductor industry is on pace to post its highest-ever annual sales, comfortably topping last year’s record total of $412 billion,” said John Neuffer, president and CEO, Semiconductor Industry Association. “While year-to-year growth has tapered in recent months, September marked the global industry’s highest-ever monthly sales, and Q3 was its top-grossing quarter on record. Year-to-year sales in September were up across every major product category and regional market, with sales into China and the Americas continuing to lead the way.”

Regionally, sales increased compared to September 2017 in China (26.3 percent), the Americas (15.1 percent), Europe (8.8 percent), Japan (7.2 percent), and Asia Pacific/All Other (2.4 percent). Sales were up compared to last month in the Americas (6.0 percent), China (1.8 percent), and Europe (1.2 percent), but down slightly in Asia Pacific/All Other (-0.1 percent) and Japan (-0.6 percent).

For comprehensive monthly semiconductor sales data and detailed WSTS Forecasts, consider purchasing the WSTS Subscription Package. For detailed data on the global and U.S. semiconductor industry and market, consider purchasing the 2018 SIA Databook.

September 2018
Month-to-Month Sales
Market Last Month Current Month % Change
Americas 8.68 9.20 6.0%
Europe 3.53 3.57 1.2%
Japan 3.39 3.37 -0.6%
China 14.10 14.35 1.8%
Asia Pacific/All Other 10.43 10.42 -0.1%
Total 40.12 40.91 2.0%
Year-to-Year Sales
Market Last Year Current Month % Change
Americas 7.99 9.20 15.1%
Europe 3.28 3.57 8.8%
Japan 3.14 3.37 7.2%
China 11.36 14.35 26.3%
Asia Pacific/All Other 10.18 10.42 2.4%
Total 35.95 40.91 13.8%
Three-Month-Moving Average Sales
Market Apr/May/Jun Jul/Aug/Sept % Change
Americas 8.34 9.20 10.2%
Europe 3.67 3.57 -2.7%
Japan 3.39 3.37 -0.8%
China 13.59 14.35 5.6%
Asia Pacific/All Other 10.32 10.42 1.0%
Total 39.31 40.91 4.1%

Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNPS) today announced the availability of Test Fusion technology with new test point functionality, providing design teams with powerful design-for-test (DFT) circuit modifications to reduce silicon test costs by an average of forty percent and increase defect detection while meeting design targets for power, performance, and area. Test Fusion ensures the test points avoid introducing routing congestion and minimize area impact, in contrast to traditional test point implementation techniques. RTL designers can easily deploy test points with a single step that automatically combines Synopsys’ SpyGlass® DFT ADV testability analysis, DFTMAXdesign-for-test, and Synopsys synthesis products, then run TetraMAX® II automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) to create efficient silicon manufacturing tests. The solution is fully certified to comply with the ISO 26262 automotive functional safety standard and is widely deployed among semiconductor manufacturers.

To meet lower cost and increasing quality requirements, semiconductor manufacturers seek new technologies to improve detecting defective silicon prior to shipment. Several industry segments, such as automotive, are challenged to meet manufacturing test cost goals while achieving quality levels for their integrated circuits (ICs) of less than one defective part per million. Synopsys test points assist meeting these requirements by modifying the design to improve the ability of TetraMAX II to generate silicon test programs. SpyGlass DFT ADV analyzes designs and determines the most optimal and effective locations for test points that both decrease test pattern volume and increase defect coverage. Test Fusion technology ensures DFTMAX and Synopsys synthesis tools work in combination to implement the test points at the selected locations while minimizing routing using physical design data. Furthermore, Test Fusion provides an unprecedented reduction of area and congestion by enabling multiple test points to share a single test register based on physical proximity.

“Semiconductor companies are increasingly concerned about meeting manufacturing test quality and cost goals while achieving IC area, power, and performance goals within predictable design schedules,” said Steve Pateras, senior director of marketing for Test Automation in Synopsys’ Design Group. “Physically-aware test points are just one of several innovative Test Fusion technologies we are bringing to market to address this growing challenge.”

By Emir Demircan

SEMI Europe today confirmed its support for the joint call to future Members of the European Parliament to put industry at the core of the European Union’s future. The joint call is as follows:

Industry Matters for Europe and Its Citizens

European industry is everywhere in our daily life: from the houses we build, the furniture we buy, the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the healthcare we receive, the energy and means of transport we use to the objects and products ever-present in our lives. With its skilled workforce and its global reputation for quality and sustainability, industry is vital for Europe and its prosperity. Today, 52 million people and their families throughout Europe benefit directly and indirectly from employment in industrial sectors. Our supply chains, made up of hundreds of thousands of innovative SMEs and larger suppliers, are thriving and exporting European industrial excellence all over the world.

Industry Needs You!

Following the 2008 financial crisis, millions of manufacturing jobs were lost in Europe, each time bringing dramatic human and social consequences. Even now, we are still far from the employment levels seen before the crisis and jobs are vulnerable to worrying international trends, including increasing protectionism. The European Union now needs an ambitious industrial strategy to help compete with other global regions – such as China, India and the USA – that have already put industry at the very top of their political agenda.

Therefore we, industrial sectors from all branches, call on you – future Members of the European Parliament – to commit today to:

  • Put industry at the top of the political agenda of the European Parliament during the next institutional cycle (2019-2024)
  • Urge the next European Commission to shortlist industry as a top priority of its 5-year Work Programme and appoint a dedicated Vice-President for Industry
  • Uphold the next European Commission to swiftly present an ambitious long-term EU industrial strategy which shall include clear indicators and governance

We, the Signatories of this Manifesto, count on your support to make sure that Europe remains a hub for a leading, smart, innovative and sustainable industry, that benefits all Europeans and future generations. Europe can be proud of its industry. Together we must put it at the core of the EU’s future!

The joint call and the list of supporting associations can be reached here.

Emir Demircan is senior manager, Advocacy and Public Policy, at SEMI Europe. He can be reached at [email protected]

Solar cells are a cost-effective, alternate source of energy. A subtype of these, organic solar cells make use of organic polymers inside the cell. Using these polymers makes the cells light-weight and increases their flexibility. Organic solar cells are produced by two different chemical methods: dry processing and wet processing, with the latter being a faster method. There are several parameters used to assess the efficiency of solar cells with absorption of light and transportation of charge being widely used.

A prevailing problem with the structure of organic cells is that molecules in the active organic layer responsible for light absorption and charge transport tend to face both towards the edges of cells, as well as towards the light absorbing substrate. Maximizing the number of molecules facing the substrate, however, is the key to maximising absorption and conductivity of the cell. Scientists have modified the dry processing method to achieve such an orientation, but it has not been possible with the wet method. The research team led by Tetsuya Taima at Kanazawa University, is the first to successfully do so.

The premise of their method is the introduction of a copper iodide (CuI) layer between the active molecules and the substrate. In their study, the researchers used a film of active molecules called DRCN5T and coated them onto either CuI/PEDOT: PSS (30 nm)/indium tin oxide (ITO) mixed substrates, or substrates without the CuI layer. The ratio of substrate facing to edge facing DRCN5T molecules was then compared between both. Subsequent high-resolution imaging revealed that the CuI containing cells had active molecules with a ten times higher substrate facing orientation, along with enhanced light absorption. The researchers attributed this altered orientation of the molecules to strong chemical interactions between the DRCN5T and CuI atoms. To further confirm this, DRCN5T molecules with bulky side chains that do not interact with CuI were used, and a higher substrate facing ratio was not seen.

This is the first study that effectively demonstrates a method of producing such efficient organic solar cells using the wet processing method. Besides saving time, the wet method also results in larger film areas. “This technique is expected to greatly contribute to the development of organic thin film solar cells fabricated by wet processing in the future”, conclude the authors. Their approach paves the way for producing high-performance solar cells faster.

KLA-Tencor Corporation (NASDAQ: KLAC) has announced plans to establish a research-and-development (R&D) center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The development is expected to include a total capital investment of more than $70 million and create up to 500 new high-tech jobs in the region over the next five years.

“Among the reasons for building a major R&D hub in the Ann Arbor and Detroit metropolitan area are the region’s attractive talent pool, relative low cost of living and proximity to Detroit Metropolitan Airport,” said Bobby Bell, chief strategy officer. “Our plan is to develop innovative solutions that will have an impact across a broad spectrum of semiconductor and electronics applications, including data storage, cloud computing, machine learning and automotive.”

“We’re confident that we can continue to create and deliver impactful technologies that ultimately help enrich the human experience. Our expansion into Michigan will help us realize our vision,” said Rick Wallace, chief executive officer. “This location also allows the company to strengthen our long-term partnership with the University of Michigan, including engaging in collaborative research.”

Semiconductor manufacturing to support the growing automotive electronics industry requires improved device reliability and defect control. In addition, the expanding applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are driving strong demand for compute power and memory. Semiconductor manufacturers serving these diverse needs are turning to KLA-Tencor’s advanced process control solutions and services to help address their complex challenges.

KLA-Tencor’s decision to build a new location is founded upon a need to serve growing demand from its global customer base, while expanding the company’s footprint in North America.

The project was conceived in partnership with Michigan Economic Development Corporation and approved by the Michigan Strategic Fund.