Category Archives: Wafer Processing

North America-based manufacturers of semiconductor equipment posted $1.89 billion in billings worldwide in January 2019 (three-month average basis), according to the January Equipment Market Data Subscription (EMDS) Billings Report published today by SEMI. The billings figure is 10.5 percent lower than the final December 2018 level of $2.10 billion, and is 20.8 percent lower than the January 2018 billings level of $2.37 billion.

“January billings of North American equipment manufacturers declined 10 percent when compared to the prior month,” said Ajit Manocha, president and CEO of SEMI. “Weakening smartphone demand and high inventory levels are eroding capital equipment investments, especially by memory suppliers.”

The SEMI Billings report uses three-month moving averages of worldwide billings for North American-based semiconductor equipment manufacturers. Billings figures are in millions of U.S. dollars.

(3-mo. avg.)
August 2018
September 2018
October 2018
November 2018
December 2018 (final)
January 2019 (prelim)

Source: SEMI (, February 2019

SEMI publishes a monthly North American Billings report and issues the Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment Market Statistics (WWSEMS) report in collaboration with the Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan (SEAJ). The WWSEMS report currently reports billings by 24 equipment segments and by seven end market regions. SEMI also has a long history of tracking semiconductor industry fab investments in detail on a company-by-company and fab-by-fab basis in its World Fab Forecast and SEMI FabView databases. These powerful tools provide access to spending forecasts, capacity ramp, technology transitions, and other information for over 1,000 fabs worldwide. For an overview of available SEMI market data, please visit

The advancement of the IC industry hinges on the ability of IC manufacturers to continue offering more performance and functionality for the money.  As mainstream CMOS processes reach their theoretical, practical, and economic limits, lowering the cost of ICs (on a per-function or per-performance basis) is more critical and challenging than ever. The 500-page, 2019 edition of IC Insights’ McClean Report—A Complete Analysis and Forecast of the Integrated Circuit Industry (released in January 2019) shows that there is more variety than ever among the logic-oriented process technologies that companies offer.  Figure 1 lists several of the leading advanced logic technologies that companies are presently using. Derivative versions of each process generation between major nodes have become regular occurrences.

Figure 1

Intel — Its ninth-generation processors unveiled in late 2018 have the code-name “Coffee Lake-S” or, sometimes called “Coffee Lake Refresh.” Intel says these processors are a new generation of products, but they seem to be more of an enhancement of the eighth-generation products.  Details are scarce, but these processors appear to be manufactured on an enhanced version of the 14nm++ process, or what might be considered a 14nm+++ process.

Mass production using its 10nm process will ramp in 2019 with the new “Sunny Cove” family of processors that it unveiled in December 2018.  It appears that the Sunny Cove architecture has essentially taken the place of the 10nm Cannon Lake architecture that was supposed to be released in 2019.  In 2020, a 10nm+ derivative process is expected to go into mass production.

TSMC — TSMC’s 10nm finFET process entered volume production in late 2016 but it has moved quickly from 10nm to 7nm.  TSMC believes the 7nm generation will be a long-lived node like 28nm and 16nm.

TSMC’s 5nm process is under development and scheduled to enter risk production in the first half of 2019, with volume production coming in 2020.  The process will use EUV, but it will not be the first of TSMC’s processes to take advantage of EUV technology.  The first will be an improved version of the company’s 7nm technology.  The N7+ process will employ EUV only on critical layers (four layers), while the N5 process will use EUV extensively (up to 14 layers).  N7+ is scheduled to enter volume production in the second quarter of 2019.

Samsung — In early 2018, Samsung started mass production of a second-generation 10nm process called 10LPP (low power plus). Later in 2018, Samsung introduced a third-generation 10nm process called 10LPU (low power ultimate) that provided another performance increase.  Samsung uses triple patterning lithography at 10nm.  Unlike TSMC, Samsung believes its 10nm family of processes (including 8nm derivatives) will have a long lifecycle.

Samsung’s 7nm technology went into risk production in October 2018.  The company skipped offering a 7nm process with immersion lithography and decided instead to move directly to a EUV-based 7nm process.  The company is using EUV for 8-10 layers at 7nm.

GlobalFoundries — GF views and markets its 22nm FD-SOI process as being complementary to its 14nm finFET technology.  The company says the 22FDX platform delivers performance very close to that of finFET, but with manufacturing costs the same as 28nm technology.

In August 2018, GlobalFoundries made a major shift in strategy by announcing it would halt 7nm development because of the enormous expense in ramping production at that technology node and because there were too few foundry customers planning to use the next-generation process.  As a result, the company shifted its R&D efforts to further enhance its 14nm and 12nm finFET processes and its fully depleted SOI technologies.

For five decades, there have been amazing improvements in the productivity and performance of integrated circuit technology.  While the industry has surmounted many obstacles put in front of it, it seems the barriers keep getting bigger.  Despite this, IC designers and manufacturers are developing solutions that seem more revolutionary than evolutionary to increase chip functionality.

A team of Cambridge researchers have found a way to control the sea of nuclei in semiconductor quantum dots so they can operate as a quantum memory device.

Quantum dots are crystals made up of thousands of atoms, and each of these atoms interacts magnetically with the trapped electron. If left alone to its own devices, this interaction of the electron with the nuclear spins, limits the usefulness of the electron as a quantum bit – a qubit.

Led by Professor Mete Atatüre, a Fellow at St John’s College, University of Cambridge, the research group, located at the Cavendish Laboratory, exploit the laws of quantum physics and optics to investigate computing, sensing or communication applications.

Atatüre said: “Quantum dots offer an ideal interface, as mediated by light, to a system where the dynamics of individual interacting spins could be controlled and exploited. Because the nuclei randomly ‘steal’ information from the electron they have traditionally been an annoyance, but we have shown we can harness them as a resource.”

The Cambridge team found a way to exploit the interaction between the electron and the thousands of nuclei using lasers to ‘cool’ the nuclei to less than 1 milliKelvin, or a thousandth of a degree above the absolute zero temperature. They then showed they can control and manipulate the thousands of nuclei as if they form a single body in unison, like a second qubit. This proves the nuclei in the quantum dot can exchange information with the electron qubit and can be used to store quantum information as a memory device. The findings have been published in Science today.

Quantum computing aims to harness fundamental concepts of quantum physics, such as entanglement and superposition principle, to outperform current approaches to computing and could revolutionise technology, business and research. Just like classical computers, quantum computers need a processor, memory, and a bus to transport the information backwards and forwards. The processor is a qubit which can be an electron trapped in a quantum dot, the bus is a single photon that these quantum dots generate and are ideal for exchanging information. But the missing link for quantum dots is quantum memory.

Atatüre said: “Instead of talking to individual nuclear spins, we worked on accessing collective spin waves by lasers. This is like a stadium where you don’t need to worry about who raises their hands in the Mexican wave going round, as long as there is one collective wave because they all dance in unison.

“We then went on to show that these spin waves have quantum coherence. This was the missing piece of the jigsaw and we now have everything needed to build a dedicated quantum memory for every qubit.”

In quantum technologies, the photon, the qubit and the memory need to interact with each other in a controlled way. This is mostly realised by interfacing different physical systems to form a single hybrid unit which can be inefficient. The researchers have been able to show that in quantum dots, the memory element is automatically there with every single qubit.

Dr Dorian Gangloff, one of the first authors of the paper and a Fellow at St John’s, said the discovery will renew interest in these types of semiconductor quantum dots. Dr Gangloff explained: “This is a Holy Grail breakthrough for quantum dot research – both for quantum memory and fundamental research; we now have the tools to study dynamics of complex systems in the spirit of quantum simulation.”

The long term opportunities of this work could be seen in the field of quantum computing. Last month, IBM launched the world’s first commercial quantum computer, and the Chief Executive of Microsoft has said quantum computing has the potential to ‘radically reshape the world’.

Gangloff said: “The impact of the qubit could be half a century away but the power of disruptive technology is that it is hard to conceive of the problems we might open up – you can try to think of it as known unknowns but at some point you get into new territory. We don’t yet know the kind of problems it will help to solve which is very exciting.”

POET Technologies Inc., a designer, developer and manufacturer of optoelectronic devices, including light sources, passive wave guides, and Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) for the data- and tele-communication markets, today announced that it had entered into an agreement with the highly-respected firm, MillView Photonics, Inc. (“MillView”) to establish a collaborative design center in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

MillView was established two years ago by Dr. Trevor J. Hall, Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and Founding Director of the Centre for Research in Photonics at the University of Ottawa. Along with his team, which includes Peng Liu, senior passive component designer, Mihail Dumitrescu, senior active component designer, and supported by doctoral and postdoctoral graduate engineers, MillView serves clients in photonics research, simulation, design and process development.

The agreement between the two companies brings together in one lab the MillView team, including Dr. Hall, additional staff from MillView, and three PhD-level photonics engineers from POET.  The team is also supported by POET’s Senior Vice President, Dr. William Ring, and additional POET design engineering resources.

Commenting on the collaboration agreement, Dr. Trevor Hall, a graduate of Cambridge University, noted, “MillView Photonics was founded along the same model as Cambridge Consultants where I worked on my return to Cambridge following PhD studies at University College London, U.K.  Cambridge Consultants tapped into a vast reservoir of talent to solve real-world design and engineering challenges utilizing academic/industry partnerships.  MillView is similarly situated to bring in the specific talent needed to address and solve a broad range of engineering challenges in photonics.  We are all really gratified to be working as a team with POET Technologies.  POET’s unique Optical Interposer™ platform has tremendous market potential, and we are all committed as one team to its success.”

POET’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Suresh Venkatesan, commented: “POET’s partnership with MillView rapidly expands our effort with experienced photonics engineering talent and substantial simulation and design capacity.  In line with our stated strategy, we have assembled a team in one place dedicated to one goal – the design and development of waveguides and filters for our Optical Interposer platform. In addition, this places POET squarely in both a region and University where photonics design and development are vibrant and pervasive.  The number of companies engaged in the photonics industry and the quality of the engineering talent available is extraordinary.  We are very appreciative for the reception that Dr. Hall has extended to POET that allows us to function as one team.”

2019 TSX Venture 50
POET also announced today that the Company has been named to the 2019 TSX Venture 50 list, a ranking of the top performers on the TSX Venture Exchange over the past year. The TSX Venture 50 ranking is comprised of ten companies from each of the five industry sectors represented on the TSX Venture Exchange. Companies are selected based on three equally weighted criteria: market capitalization growth, share price appreciation and trading volume.

POET’s Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Thomas Mika, commented, “We are gratified to be recognized as one of the top technology companies on the TSX Venture Exchange for 2019. Last year was a transformational year for the Company, highlighted by our first orders for our POET Optical Interposer-based solutions from leading global communications companies targeting data communications applications. Additionally, we recently received an offer to purchase our DenseLight subsidiary as part of our plan to pursue a fab-light strategy with a less capital-intensive business model. In fact, today’s announced collaboration agreement with MillView for combining design capabilities also furthers these efforts by leveraging key strategic partnerships to establish POET as a world-class organization with leading optical products. We look forward to building on our growing momentum in 2019 as we realize the substantial commercial potential for POET’s technology.”

pSemi Corporation today announced that its parent company and executive leadership has approved the recommendation of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jim Cable for an evolution of the company’s senior leadership structure.  Under the new structure, the company’s current VP of Product Marketing, Sumit Tomar, will succeed Jim as CEO, effective July 1, 2019.  Jim will continue as Chairman and Chief Technology Officer.  In addition, Jim will remain as global semiconductor R&D director for the parent company Murata Manufacturing.

“I am very proud of what we have accomplished here at pSemi Corporation.  In our over 30 years of innovation, we have consistently pushed the envelope of technology.  Now it is time to ensure we can continue to compete just as strongly in the future.  To that end, I have selected an internal candidate to succeed me as CEO,” says Jim Cable.  “I have watched Sumit in action, he knows our company and I am 100 percent committed to a successful transition for him and the company. We did an extensive external search and decided that the right choice was already here.”

Tomar is a 20-year industry veteran with a proven track record of bringing successful products to the market.  An expert in the RF ecosystem, Tomar has a solid understanding of RF products and has driven product execution from inception to production for hundreds of market-shaping products. From 2012 to 2016, Tomar served as the general manager of Qorvo’s wireless infrastructure business unit. In addition, he worked in RF product management at Texas Instruments, Sierra Monolithics and Skyworks. His product marketing experience spans 4/5G smartphone and radio access networks, automotive semiconductors, 802.11ax access points, SDN/NFV for data centers, and machine learning and artificial intelligence for mobile edge networks. In 2016, he co-founded C-RAN Inc., a startup that is developing a 5G RF system prototype. Tomar holds a Master of Science in electrical engineering and completed the StanfordExecutive Management Program. He joined pSemi Corporation in August of 2017 as the Vice President of Product Marketing.  “Sumit has been instrumental in managing our relationship with Murata to ensure that we support our parent company while continuing to innovate new products in the RF space,” continues Cable.

“Murata believes that successful succession planning requires careful consideration and attention to ensure a strong talent pipeline,” says Norio Nakajima, senior executive vice president and board member for Murata Manufacturing. “Jim’s selection of Sumit is an ideal example of outstanding succession planning.  I have had the pleasure of watching Sumit in action and I am convinced he is the right person to succeed Jim.”

GLOBALFOUNDRIES today announced that the company’s mobile-optimized 8SW RF SOI technology platform has delivered more than a billion dollars of client design win revenue since its launch in September 2017. With yields and performance exceeding client expectations, 8SW is enabling designers to develop solutions that offer extremely fast downloads, higher quality connections and reliable data connectivity for today’s 4G/LTE Advanced operating frequencies and future sub-6 GHz 5G mobile and wireless communication applications.

As the industry’s first 300mm RF SOI foundry solution, 8SW delivers significant performance, integration and area advantages, with best-in-class low-noise amplifier (LNA) and switch performance which all together improve integration solutions in the front-end module (FEM). The optimized RF FEM platform is tailored to accommodate aggressive LTE and sub-6 GHz standards for FEM applications, including 5G IoT, mobile device and wireless communications.

“At Qorvo, we continuously expand upon our industry-leading RF portfolio to support all pre-5G and 5G architectures, as such we require the best available technologies to enable us to deliver top-notch solutions with the broadest range of connectivity in sub-6 GHz and mmWave 5G,” said Todd Gillenwater, Qorvo CTO. “GF’s 8SW technology delivers a mix of performance, integration and area advantages in FEM switches and LNAs, giving us a great platform for our world-class products.”

“As new high-speed standards, including 4G LTE and 5G, continue to grow in complexity, innovation in RF Front End radio design must continue to deliver performance commensurate with growing network, data and application demands,” said Bami Bastani, senior vice president of business units at GF. “GF continuously builds on our extensive RF SOI capabilities that are providing our clients a competitive market advantage with first time design success, optimal performance, and the shortest time to market.”

According to Mobile Experts, the mobile RF front-end market is estimated to reach $22 billion in 2022, with a CAGR of 8.3 percent. With more than 40 billion RF SOI chips shipped thru 2018, GF is uniquely positioned to deliver an expanding RF portfolio for a broad range of high-growth applications such as automotive, 5G connectivity and the Internet of Things (IoT).

“Radio complexity promises to increase for both sub-6 GHz and mmWave, driving tight integration of multiple RF functions,” said Joe Madden, Principal Analyst at Mobile Experts. “The market needs RF solutions with high efficiency and linearity performance, but also using scalable processes on large wafers. GF has established an RF SOI process that will enable longer-term market expansion.”

GF combines legacy RF expertise and the industry’s most differentiated RF technology platform spanning advanced and established technology nodes, to help clients develop 5G connectivity solutions for next-generation products.

GF will present its 5G-ready RF solutions with industry experts at MWC Barcelona on February 25 at the NEXTech Labs Theater, in the Fira Gran Via Convention Center, in Barcelona Spain. For more information, go to

A ride on the business cycle

February 19, 2019

By Walt Custer

Global growth slows in fourth quarter

World electronic industry growth moderated (or contracted) in many sectors in late 2018.  Compare Chart 1 (3Q’18 vs.3Q’17) to Chart 2 (4Q’18 vs.4Q’17). The length and color of the bars tell the story. The semiconductor industry felt more of a fourth-quarter slowdown than the end markets.  Semiconductor-related products are typically much more volatile than the electronic equipment markets they serve.

In the third quarter of 2018 SEMI equipment shipments were up 10.6 percent and semiconductors grew 15.2 percent compared to the same quarter in 2017. By comparison, in 4Q’18 SEMI capital equipment shipments declined 1.6 percent and semiconductor shipments rose only 0.6 percent. For the month of December 2018 alone the results were even more sobering – SEMI equipment down 8.9 percent and semiconductors down 9.1 percent.

Such are the business cycles in the global electronics industry!

Electronic equipment, semiconductors and SEMI equipment – Historical growth comparisons

Chart 3 compares the quarterly growth of “end market” equipment to semiconductors and SEMI capital equipment for 2013 through 2018. Notice the much higher volatility of SEMI equipment in the peaks and troughs of the business cycle.

Leading indicators

Predicting the future performance of our very volatile electronics business cycle is an important challenge. Taiwan wafer fab sales and Purchasing Manager Indices are two useful tools.

Wafer foundries

Chart 4 compares the composite monthly sales of 14 Taiwan-listed wafer fabs to global semiconductor sales. The foundry composite predicts a further decline in chip sales short term.  Taiwan-listed companies report their monthly revenues about 10 days after month-close, so they can be a very timely indicator of industry performance.

Chart 5 compares the 3/12 growth of these wafer foundries to global semiconductor and SEMI equipment shipments. The data point to further slowing ahead.

This leading indicator methodology can be useful in forecasting individual company sales. For details contact [email protected].

Walt Custer of Custer Consulting Group is an analyst focused on the global electronics industry.

Source: SEMI Blog

During IBM THINK 2019, IBM’s annual conference focused on technology and business, Samsung SDS announced it is continuing its collaboration with IBM in support of advancing Hyperledger Fabric, an open source cross-industry blockchain technology, with recent code contributions, research and a new white paper.

As a contributor to Hyperledger Fabric, Samsung SDS is working to improve fabric capabilities and actively contributing its new “Accelerator” code to the open source community. The new code is expected to significantly improve Hyperledger Fabric performance for specific use cases.

Samsung SDS is also making a new white paper available, “Accelerating Throughput in Permissioned Blockchain Networks,” co-written by IBM. The paper validates the applicability of Accelerator to Hyperledger Fabric, provides a roadmap and also illustrates performance improvement in terms of transactions per second. A copy of the white paper and the Innovation Sandbox environment is now available for external developers to test. (

While this technical initiative is being rigorously validated from the open source Hyperledger community, Samsung SDS will prepare to become IBM’s key go-to-market reseller partner of IBM Blockchain Platform in Korea.

Ted Kim, Vice President, Blockchain Team from Samsung SDS America has been named to the IBM Blockchain Board of Advisors. Additionally, during the IBM Think Conference in San Francisco, Kiwoon Sung, Head of Blockchain Research Lab, Samsung SDS, will discuss the company’s blockchain innovation efforts at a session entitled, “New Blockchain Solutions emerging from the IBM Blockchain ecosystem.”

Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is a global collaboration including leaders in finance, banking, Internet of Things, supply chains, manufacturing and Technology. The Linux Foundation hosts Hyperledger under the foundation. To learn more, visit:

IC Insights recently released its new Global Wafer Capacity 2019-2023 report that provides in-depth detail, analyses, and forecasts for IC industry capacity by wafer size, process geometry, region, and product type through 2023.  Figure 1 shows the world’s installed monthly wafer production capacity by geographic region (or country) as of December 2018.  Each number represents the total installed monthly capacity of fabs located in that region regardless of the headquarters location of the company that own the fab(s).  For example, the wafer capacity that South Korea-based Samsung has installed in the U.S. is counted in the North America capacity total, not in the South Korea capacity total.  The ROW “region” consists primarily of Singapore, Israel, and Malaysia, but also includes countries/regions such as Russia, Belarus, and Australia.

Figure 1

As shown, Taiwan led all regions/countries in wafer capacity with 21.8% share, a slight increase from 21.3% in 2017 (Taiwan first became the global wafer capacity leader in 2015.)  Taiwan’s capacity share was only slightly ahead of South Korea, which accounted for 21.3% of global wafer capacity in 2018, according to the Global Wafer Capacity 2019-2023 report.  TSMC in Taiwan and Samsung and SK Hynix in South Korea accounted for the vast share of wafer fab capacity in each country and were the top three capacity leaders worldwide. TSMC held 67% of Taiwan’s capacity while Samsung and SK Hynix represented 94% of the installed IC wafer capacity in South Korea at the end of 2018.

Japan remained firmly in third place with just over 16.8% of global wafer fab capacity.  Micron’s purchase of Elpida several years ago and other recent major changes in manufacturing strategies of companies in Japan, including Panasonic spinning off some of its fabs into separate companies, means that the top two companies (Toshiba Memory and Renesas) accounted for 62% of that country’s wafer fab capacity.

China showed the largest increase in global wafer capacity share in 2018, rising 1.7 percentage points from a 10.8% share in 2017 to a 12.5% share in 2018.  It nearly tied North America as the fourth-largest country/region with installed capacity.  A lot of buzz circulated about China-based startups and their new wafer fabs during 2018. Meanwhile, other global companies expanded their manufacturing presence in China last year so it would be expected that the country’s capacity share would show a significant increase.  China’s percentage gain came mostly at the expense of ROW and North America.  The share of capacity in the ROW region slipped 0.8 percentage points from 9.5% in 2017 to 8.7% in 2018. North America’s share of capacity declined 0.4 percentage points in 2018.

Global electronics manufacturing pillars Smart manufacturing, IoT and workforce development will come into sharp focus at SEMICON Southeast Asia (SEA) 2019, scheduled May 7-9, at the Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC) in Kuala Lumpur. Industry experts from around the world will gather at the region’s premiere global electronics manufacturing supply chain for critical insights into the semiconductor ecosystem, new business opportunities and collaboration. SEMICON SEA 2019 registration is now open.

Themed “Think Smart, Make Smart,” SEMICON SEA will feature three themed pavilions, five global pavilions, insightful keynote presentations and a host of technology forums to address key issues in the electronics manufacturing supply chain.

The new Workforce Pavilion addresses the critical industry shortage of skilled workers by attracting the young talent critical to sustaining industry innovation and growth. College students will meet with industry experts to explore career paths in microelectronics as tutorials enhance university students’ understanding of semiconductor manufacturing and opportunities.

The World of IoT Pavilion showcases applications and technologies enabling the IoT revolution. Companies from across the region will demonstrate technologies that enable Smart lifestyles as start-ups showcase pioneering and disruptive products and applications powered by IoT.

At the Smart Manufacturing Pavilion, the Artificial Intelligence exhibition zone highlights critical capabilities including collaborative robots, automated guided vehicles, cybersecurity and manufacturing excellence systems. The Pavilion’s Supply Chain Management zone provides insights into key elements of manufacturing excellence such as automated material handling and automated storage and retrieval. The Pavilion also features an augmented reality (AR) interactive human-machine interface to give visitors an immersive experience in smarter manufacturing processes.

SEMICON SEA 2019 will also feature an exclusive Hosted Buyer Programme. Hosted by SEMI, the customised business matching platform connects buyers in the electronics manufacturing supply chain with international solution providers for collaboration and business opportunities.

SEMICON Southeast Asia 2019 sponsors include ADLINK, Applied Materials, Cimetrix®, Evatec, GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Kanken Techno Co Ltd, Kulicke & Soffa, First Derivatives, Lam Research, Tokyo Electron and UPS.

For more information about SEMICON SEA is available on the event website.