Category Archives: Wafer Processing

Researchers at Duke University and North Carolina State University have demonstrated the first custom semiconductor microparticles that can be steered into various configurations repeatedly while suspended in water.

With an initial six custom particles that predictably interact with one another in the presence of alternating current (AC) electric fields of varying frequencies, the study presents the first steps toward realizing advanced applications such as artificial muscles and reconfigurable computer systems.

The study appears online on May 3 in the journal Nature Communications.

“We’ve engineered and encoded multiple dynamic responses in different microparticles to create a reconfigurable silicon toolbox,” said Ugonna Ohiri, a recently graduated electrical engineering doctoral student from Duke and first author of the paper. “By providing a means of controllably assembling and disassembling these particles, we’re bringing a new tool to the field of active matter.”

While previous researchers have worked to define self-assembling systems, few have worked with semiconductor particles, and none have explored the wide range of custom shapes, sizes and coatings that are available to the micro- and nanofabrication industry. Engineering particles from silicon presents the opportunity to physically realize electronic devices that can self-assemble and disassemble on demand. Customizing their shapes and sizes presents opportunities to explore a wide-ranging design space of new motile behaviors.

“Most previous work performed using self-assembling particles has been done with shapes such as spheres and other off-the-shelf materials,” said Nan Jokerst, the J. A. Jones Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke. “Now that we can customize whatever arbitrary shapes, electrical characteristics and patterned coatings we want with silicon, a whole new world is opening up.”

In the study, Jokerst and Ohiri fabricated silicon particles of various shapes, sizes and electrical properties. In collaboration with Orlin Velev, the INVISTA Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at NC State, they characterized how these particles responded to different magnitudes and frequencies of electric fields while submerged in water.

Based on these observations, the researchers then fabricated new batches of customized particles that were likely to exhibit the behaviors they were looking for, resulting in six different engineered silicon microparticle compositions that could move through water, synchronize their motions, and reversibly assemble and disassemble on demand.

The thin film particles are 10-micron by 20-micron rectangles that are 3.5 microns thick. They’re fabricated using Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) technology. Since they can be made using the same fabrication technology that produces integrated circuits, millions of identical particles could be produced at a time.

“The idea is that eventually we’re going to be able to make silicon computational systems that assemble, disassemble and then reassemble in a different format,” said Jokerst. “That’s a long way off in the future, but this work provides a sense of the capabilities that are out there and is the first demonstration of how we might achieve those sorts of devices.”

That is, however, only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Some of the particles were fabricated with both p-type and n-type regions to create p-n junctions — common electrical components that allow electricity to pass in only one direction. Tiny metal patterns were also placed on the particles’ surfaces to create p-n junction diodes with contacts. In the future, researchers could even engineer particles with patterns using other electrically conductive or insulating materials, complex integrated circuits, or microprocessors on or within the silicon.

“This work is just a small snapshot of the tools we have to control particle dynamics,” said Ohiri. “We haven’t even scratched the surface of all of the behaviors that we can engineer, but we hope that this multidisciplinary study can pioneer future studies to design artificial active materials.”

EV Group (EVG), a supplier of wafer bonding and lithography equipment for the MEMS, nanotechnology and semiconductor markets, today announced that it has started construction work for the next expansion phase of its corporate headquarters. The new building will house EVG’s “Manufacturing III” facility, which will more than double the floor space for the final assembly of EVG’s systems.

“With our innovative manufacturing solutions for the high-tech industry as well as new biomedical applications, we operate in very dynamic markets with great future prospects,” stated Dr. Werner Thallner, executive operations and financial director at EV Group. “In light of the high capacity utilization in all areas of our existing facilities, as well as the positive market outlook, we decided to implement our plans for building our Manufacturing III facility this year. This will support our long-term growth targets at our corporate headquarters in St. Florian am Inn.”

EVG Manufacturing III Photo 1

The new Manufacturing III building, adjacent to the new test room site that was opened just a few months ago, will be built next to the river Inn. The ultramodern building will provide approximately 4,800 square meters of additional space in total, which will benefit not only manufacturing but other departments as well. In addition to an expansion of warehouse space, a new delivery area with a dedicated packaging site designed for cleanroom equipment will be created, along with an airfreight security zone and new truck loading docks for the shipment of the completed systems to EVG’s worldwide customers.

The construction of the new Manufacturing III building is set to be completed in early 2019.

TowerJazz today announced the release of its 300mm 65nm BCD (Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS) process, the most advanced power management platform for up to 16V operation and 24V maximum voltage.  This technology is manufactured in TowerJazz’s Uozu, Japan facility, with best-in-class quality and cycle time, and is based on the Company’s 300mm 65nm automotive qualified flows.

This platform provides significant material competitive advantages for any type of power management chip up to 16V regardless of application, including a wide variety of products such as: PMICs, load switches, DC-DC converters, LED drivers, motor drivers, battery management, analog and digital controllers, and more. IHS Markit Power IC Analyst, Kevin Anderson forecasts a $9.4 billion available market, which this technology addresses, in 2018 with continual growth.

TowerJazz’s 65nm BCD process is leading this low voltage market segment with the highest power efficiency, very small die size, best digital integration capability; and superior cost effectiveness through both the smallest aerial footprint and the lowest mask count.

The process includes four leading edge power LDMOS transistors: 5V, 7V, 12V and 16V operation, each with the best available Rdson and Qgd parameters. In addition to the new aforementioned cost and figure of merit benchmarks, multiple chips can be integrated to a single monolithic IC solution replacing a multiple chip module for an improved system cost structure and system performance.

TowerJazz’s power transistors are fully isolated to withstand high currents, all with an ultra-low Rdson, e.g. less than 1mΩ*mm² for the 5V LDMOS. For products which operate at the megahertz (MHz) switching frequencies, the 65nm BCD power transistors benefit from a very low Qgd down to 2.6mΩ*nC. In addition, very low metal resistance is achieved using a single or dual 3.3um top thick copper. The 65nm BCD also offers aggressive 113Kgate/mm² 5V digital density and an 800Kgate/mm² 1.2V digital library.

“This new 65nm BCD platform establishes TowerJazz as a technology leader in the related growing markets for up to 16V power applications,” said Shimon Greenberg, Vice President and General Manager of Power Management & Mixed-Signal/CMOS Business Unit, TowerJazz. “Best addressing the vast low voltage power management market segment, we are experiencing very high interest from early adopter customers and plan a mass production ramp by the fourth quarter of 2018.”

TowerJazz will be exhibiting at ISPSD, the 30th IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs on May 13-17, 2018 in Chicago, USA.

The top 10 IC suppliers in the $54.5 billion analog market last year accounted for 59% of the category’s worldwide sales in 2017, according to a recent monthly update to IC Insights’ 2018 McClean Report. Collectively, the top 10 companies generated $32.3 billion in analog IC sales last year compared to $28.4 billion in 2016, which was a 14% increase and a gain of two percentage points in marketshare during 2017, said the 50-page April Update to The McClean Report.  Eight of the top-10 suppliers exceeded the 10% growth rate of the total analog market in 2017, according to the update.

With analog sales of $9.9 billion and 18% marketshare, Texas Instruments was again the leading supplier of analog integrated circuits in 2017.  In 2016, TI’s marketshare was 17% in analog ICs.  The company’s analog sales increased by about $1.4 billion last year—rising 16%—compared to 2016 and were more than twice that of second-ranked Analog Devices (ADI). TI’s 2017 analog revenue represented 76% of its $13.0 billion in total IC sales and 71% of its $13.9 billion total semiconductor revenue, based on IC Insights’ estimates.


Figure 1

TI was among the first companies to manufacture analog semiconductors on 300mm wafers.  TI has claimed that manufacturing analog ICs on 300mm wafers gives it a 40% cost advantage per unpackaged chip compared to using 200mm wafers.  In 2017, about half of TI’s analog revenue was generated on devices built using 300mm wafers.

Second-place ADI registered a 14% increase in analog IC sales in 2017 to $4.3 billion, according to IC Insights’ supplier ranking. The 2016 and 2017 revenue numbers shown for ADI include sales from Linear Technology, which was acquired by the company in 1Q17 for $15.8 billion.

NXP was the only supplier in the top-10 ranking that experienced a decline (-1%) in its analog sales last year.  Some of NXP’s analog revenue decline can be attributed to the sale of its Standard Products business to a consortium of Chinese investors consisting of JAC Capital and Wise Road Capital.  The $2.75 billion transaction was completed in February 2017.  The Standard Products business was renamed Nexperia and headquartered in the Netherlands.

Among the top 10, ON Semiconductor showed the largest analog sales gain in 2017, with revenues increasing 35% to $1.8 billion, which represented a 3% share of the market.  This follows a 16% rise in its analog sales in 2016. Some of the strong increases in sales during the last two years were a result of ON Semi’s acquisition of Fairchild Semiconductor in September 2016 for $2.4 billion.  ON’s analog business was also boosted in 2017 by record sales of its power management products to the automotive market, specifically for active safety, powertrain, body electronics, and lighting applications.

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) today announced worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $111.1 billion during the first quarter of 2018, an increase of 20 percent compared to the first quarter of 2017, but 2.5 percent less than the fourth quarter of 2017. Sales for the month of March 2018 came in at $37.0 billion, an increase of 20 percent compared to the March 2017 total of $30.8 billion and 0.7 percent more than the February 2018 total of $36.8 billion. All monthly sales numbers are compiled by the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization and represent a three-month moving average.

“The global semiconductor market has demonstrated impressive growth through the first quarter of 2018, far exceeding sales through the same point in 2017, which was a record year for semiconductor revenues,” said John Neuffer, president and CEO, Semiconductor Industry Association. “Sales in March increased year-to-year for the 20th consecutive month. All regional markets experienced double-digit growth compared to last year, and all major semiconductor product categories experienced year-to-year growth, with memory products continuing to lead the way.”

Year-to-year sales increased across all regions in March: the Americas (35.7 percent), Europe (20.6 percent), China (18.8 percent), Asia Pacific/All Other (13.3 percent), and Japan (12.4 percent). Month-to-month sales increased in Europe (3.9 percent), China (2.2 percent), Japan (0.5 percent), and Asia Pacific/All Other (0.2 percent), but decreased slightly in the Americas (-2.0 percent).

For comprehensive monthly semiconductor sales data and detailed WSTS Forecasts, consider purchasing the WSTS Subscription Package. For detailed data on the global and U.S. semiconductor industry and market, consider purchasing the 2017 SIA Databook.

Mar 2018


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By Jamie Girard, Sr. Director, Public Policy, SEMI

Just as the annual Cherry Blossom festival wraps up, international trade has flowered as a top concern for SEMI members, requiring immediate action as 20 SEMI member executives carried the torch for the industry in recent meetings with lawmakers at the annual SEMI Washington Forum. The business leaders quickly zeroed in on the proposed Sec. 301 tariffs of 25 percent on China imports to the U.S. and their potential to drive sharp increases in the cost of doing business.

In the meetings at the two-day event in Washington, D.C., the executives expressed deep concern that the tariffs, aimed at protecting the interests of U.S. companies, would instead harm the intended beneficiaries including SEMI members around the globe. The executives also focused on the proposed 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum that would compound the damage to their businesses, spiking costs of materials that lie at the heart of their manufacturing operations.

Also crucial to their business interests, the SEMI members educated lawmakers on the talent shortage and the intense competition to fill open positions across the supply chain. With fully 77 percent of industry executives seeing talent shortfalls as a pressing business issue, the business leaders pushed for legislation that would bring more domestic talent into the STEM education pipeline – such as S. 1518, The CHANCE in Tech Act to support more apprenticeships in technology, and H.R. 4023, the Developing Tomorrow’s Engineering and Technical Workforce Act to get more students involved in engineering. The group also encouraged support of the “Immigration Innovation” or “I-Squared” bill to strengthen and expand the H1-B visa program and STEM Greencards.

The SEMI Washington Forum, a venue for SEMI members to educate lawmakers about the industry, also addressed concerns over restrictions on foreign investment in the U.S. Passage of S. 2098, the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act (FIRRMA), would usher in new operating efficiencies for the Committee for Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) by adding much-needed resources to the overburdened body. However, the bill would also subject many ordinary business transactions to a lengthy and costly national security review that would hamper the ability of many companies to do business in the global marketplace.

All told, attendees at the forum held more than 30 meetings with lawmakers, reflecting the great impact of public policy on SEMI members companies. In a time when the stakes for the industry have risen to new levels, direct engagement with lawmakers in the nation’s capital by SEMI and its members is critical. The SEMI Washington Forum is a terrific way for members to more clearly understand the impact of key pieces of legislation and gain firsthand experience in influencing policy and helping lawmakers better understand the industry. If you are interested in learning more about the SEMI Washington Forum or SEMI’s public policy program, please contact Jamie Girard by email at [email protected].

In even the most fuel-efficient cars, about 60 percent of the total energy of gasoline is lost through heat in the exhaust pipe and radiator. To combat this, researchers are developing new thermoelectic materials that can convert heat into electricity. These semiconducting materials could recirculate electricity back into the vehicle and improve fuel efficiency by up to 5 percent.

The challenge is, current thermoelectric materials for waste heat recovery are very expensive and time consuming to develop. One of the state of the art materials, made from a combination of hafnium and zirconium (elements most commonly used in nuclear reactors), took 15 years from its initial discovery to optimized performance.

Now, researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed an algorithm that can discover and optimize these materials in a matter of months, relying on solving quantum mechanical equations, without any experimental input.

“These thermoelectric systems are very complicated,” said Boris Kozinsky, a recently appointed Associate Professor of Computational Materials Science at SEAS and senior author of the paper. “Semiconducting materials need to have very specific properties to work in this system, including high electrical conductivity, high thermopower, and low thermal conductivity, so that all that heat gets converted into electricity. Our goal was to find a new material that satisfies all the important properties for thermoelectric conversion while at the same time being stable and cheap.”

Kozinsky co-authored the research with Georgy Samsonidze, a research engineer at the Robert Bosch Research and Technology Center in Cambridge, MA, where both authors conducted most of the research.

In order to find such a material, the team developed an algorithm that can predict electronic transport properties of a material based only on the chemical elements used in the crystalline crystal. The key was to simplify the computational approach for electron-phonon scattering and to speed it up by about 10,000 times, compared to existing algorithms.

The new method and computational screening results are published in Advanced Energy Materials.

Using the improved algorithm, the researchers screened many possible crystal structures, including structures that had never been synthesized before. From those, Kozinsky and Samsonidze whittled the list down to several interesting candidates. Of those candidates, the researchers did further computational optimization and sent the top performers to the experimental team.

In an earlier effort experimentalists synthesized the top candidates suggested by these computations and found a material that was as efficient and as stable as previous thermoelectric materials but 10 times cheaper. The total time from initial screening to working devices: 15 months.

“We did in 15 months of computation and experimentation what took 15 years for previous materials to be optimized,” said Kozinsky. “What’s really exciting is that we’re probably not fully understanding the extent of the simplification yet. We could potentially make this method even faster and cheaper.”

Kozinsky said he hopes to improve the new methodology and use it to explore electronic transport in a wider class of new exotic materials such as topological insulators.

Intel today announced that Jim Keller will join Intel as a senior vice president. He will lead the company’s silicon engineering, which encompasses system-on-chip (SoC) development and integration.

“Jim is one of the most respected microarchitecture design visionaries in the industry, and the latest example of top technical talent to join Intel,” said Dr. Murthy Renduchintala, Intel’s chief engineering officer and group president of the Technology, Systems Architecture & Client Group (TSCG). “We have embarked on exciting initiatives to fundamentally change the way we build the silicon as we enter the world of heterogeneous process and architectures. Jim joining us will help accelerate this transformation.”

Keller brings to Intel more than 20 years of experience in x86 and ARM-based microarchitecture design across a broad range of platforms, including PCs, servers, mobile devices and cars.

“I had a great experience working at Tesla, learned a lot, and look forward to all the great technology coming from Tesla in the future. My lifelong passion has been developing the world’s best silicon products,” Keller said. “The world will be a very different place in the next decade as a result of where computing is headed. I am excited to join the Intel team to build the future of CPUs, GPUs, accelerators and other products for the data-centric computing era.”

Keller, 59, joins Intel from Tesla, where he most recently served as vice president of Autopilot and Low Voltage Hardware. Prior to Tesla, he served as corporate vice president and chief cores architect at AMD, where he led the development of the Zen* architecture. Previously, Keller was vice president of Engineering and chief architect at P.A. Semi, which was acquired by Apple Inc. in 2008. He led Apple’s custom low-power mobile chip efforts with the original A4 processor that powered the iPhone 4*, as well as the subsequent A5 processor.

He will officially start in his new role at Intel on April 30.

The ability to harness light into an intense beam of monochromatic radiation in a laser has revolutionized the way we live and work for more than fifty years. Among its many applications are ultrafast and high-capacity data communications, manufacturing, surgery, barcode scanners, printers, self-driving technology and spectacular laser light displays. Lasers also find a home in atomic and molecular spectroscopy used in various branches of science as well as for the detection and analysis of a wide range of chemicals and biomolecules.

Lasers can be categorized based on their emission wavelength within the electromagnetic spectrum, of which visible light lasers — such as those in laser pointers — are only one small part. Infrared lasers are used for optical communications through fibers. Ultraviolet lasers are used for eye surgery. And then there are terahertz lasers, which are the subject of investigation at the research group of Sushil Kumar, an associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Lehigh University.

Left to right: Research contributors and Lehigh electrical and computer engineering graduate students Ji Chen, Liang Gao and Yuan Jin stand in the Terahertz Photonics laboratory of Sushil Kumar in the Sinclair Building at Lehigh University. Credit: Sushil Kumar, Lehigh University

Left to right: Research contributors and Lehigh electrical and computer engineering graduate students Ji Chen, Liang Gao and Yuan Jin stand in the Terahertz Photonics laboratory of Sushil Kumar in the Sinclair Building at Lehigh University. Credit: Sushil Kumar, Lehigh University

Terahertz lasers emit radiation that sits between microwaves and infrared light along the electromagnetic spectrum. Their radiation can penetrate common packaging materials such as plastics, fabrics and cardboard, and are also remarkably effective in optical sensing and analysis of a wide variety of chemicals. These lasers have the potential for use in non-destructive screening and detection of packaged explosives and illicit drugs, evaluation of pharmaceutical compounds, screening for skin cancer and even the study of star and galaxy formation.

Applications such as optical spectroscopy require the laser to emit radiation at a precise wavelength, which is most commonly achieved by implementing a technique known as “distributed-feedback.” Such devices are called single-mode lasers. Requiring single-mode operation is especially important for terahertz lasers, since their most important applications will be in terahertz spectroscopy. Terahertz lasers are still in a developmental phase and researchers around the world are trying to improve their performance characteristics to meet the conditions that would make them commercially viable.

As it propagates, terahertz radiation is absorbed by atmospheric humidity. Therefore, a key requirement for such lasers is an intense beam such that it could be used for optical sensing and analysis of substances kept at a standoff distance of several meters or more, and not be absorbed. To this end, Kumar’s research team is focused on improving their intensity and brightness, achievable in part by increasing optical power output.

In a recent paper published in the journal Nature Communications, the Lehigh team — supervised by Kumar in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories — reported on a simple yet effective technique to enhance the power output of single-mode lasers that are “surface-emitting” (as opposed to those using an “edge-emitting” configuration). Of the two types, the surface-emitting configuration for semiconductor lasers offers distinctive advantages in how the lasers could be miniaturized, packaged and tested for commercial production.

The published research describes a new technique by which a specific type of periodicity is introduced in the laser’s optical cavity, allowing it to fundamentally radiate a good quality beam with increased radiation efficiency, thus making the laser more powerful. The authors call their scheme as having a “hybrid second- and fourth-order Bragg grating” (as opposed to a second-order Bragg grating for the typical surface-emitting laser, variations of which have been used in a wide variety of lasers for close to three decades). The authors claim that their hybrid grating scheme is not limited to terahertz lasers and could potentially improve performance of a broad class of surface-emitting semiconductor lasers that emit at different wavelengths.

The report discusses experimental results for a monolithic single-mode terahertz laser with a power output of 170 milliwatts, which is the most powerful to date for such class of lasers. The research shows conclusively that the so-called hybrid grating is able to make the laser emit at a specific desired wavelength through a simple alteration in the periodicity of imprinted grating in the laser’s cavity while maintaining its beam quality. Kumar maintains that power levels of one watt and above should be achievable with future modifications of their technique — which might just be the threshold needed to be overcome for industry to take notice and step into potential commercialization of terahertz laser-based instruments.


Siemens Corporation today announced that Barbara Humpton has been appointed CEO for the United States, effective June 1, 2018. Humpton (57) is currently CEO of Siemens Government Technologies, Inc. (SGT), a Federally-compliant U.S. organization structured to help address national imperatives in energy, infrastructure, automation and marine platforms.

“Barbara has broad knowledge of Siemens’ entire portfolio that will serve us well as we continue to grow the U.S. business,” said Lisa Davis, CEO of Siemens Corporation and Americas Region and Member of the Siemens AG Managing Board.

Humpton joined Siemens Government Technologies in 2011 as Senior Vice President for Business Development and was appointed to lead the company’s approach to the federal market in 2015. Prior to joining Siemens, Humpton held senior leadership positions at Lockheed Martin and Booz Allen Hamilton, where she was a Vice President at both firms.

“I am honored to work with the 50,000 Siemens employees in the U.S. to address the market’s needs in electrification, automation and digitalization. It’s an exciting time to be at Siemens as we develop products and services that are shaping the future,” said Humpton.

Siemens has been in the U.S. for more than 160 years and has invested $35 billion in America in the last 15 years alone. With 50,000 U.S. employees and more than 60 manufacturing sites, Siemens in the U.S. is using its global leadership in engineering and technology innovation to meet America’s toughest challenges, delivering solutions for industry, hospitals, utilities, cities, and manufacturers: from efficient power generation, to digital factories and oil and gas fields, to medical diagnostics, to locomotives, to next-generation software used in every phase of product development.

To receive expert insights sign up for Siemens’ U.S. Executive Pulse leadership blog. Follow Siemens USA on Facebook and Twitter.

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