About 1,000 of the world’s leading experts in the field of microelectronics will gather here for the 2013 Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits, from June 11-13, 2013 (Technology) and from June 12-14, 2013 (Circuits). The Symposia alternate between Kyoto, Japan and Honolulu, HI annually and serve as the premier mid-year gatherings to present research for the advancement of microelectronics technology and circuit development.
To foster joint interactions among device technologists and circuit/system designers, the technical programs of both Symposia will overlap for two days, and attractive joint technology-circuits focus sessions – which were successfully introduced in last year – will be held again. For a single registration fee, attendees can benefit from unique opportunities for interdisciplinary learning that cannot be replicated by other important conferences in each area.
More than 200 presentations will be given, including short courses prior to each Symposium, invited speakers addressing the industry’s most important issues, evening rump sessions spanning a range of topics at the leading edge of technology and circuit design, and a compelling luncheon talk. Also, the Symposium on VLSI Technology will be preceded by the Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop on June 09-10, 2013 and the Spintronics Workshop on LSI in the evening of June 10, 2013.
“This year’s VLSI Technology program will highlight the breakthroughs in the evolution of SoC and More-than-Moore technologies such as advanced CMOS devices, eDRAM, new NVM’s, image sensor, and their processes (lithography, interconnects and 3D stacks), as the semiconductor industry is moving to the beyond 22nm node,” said Hitoshi Wakabayashi of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Symposium Chair of the 2013 Symposium on VLSI Technology.
“The VLSI Circuits program will present major advancements in the designs with scaled devices at and below 22nm and also with three dimensional chip stacking with TSVs, as well as more universal topics such as energy-efficient electronics, bio-medical applications, and wireline/wireless communications interfaces,” said Makoto Nagata of Kobe University, Symposium Chair of the 2013 Symposium on VLSI Circuits.
Both Symposium Chairs also expressed that: “Joint focus sessions provide excellent opportunities of close interactions among technology and circuits communities, with alignments of selected topics in a program as well as a common session room for ease of participation.”