Category Archives: Energy Storage

April 16, 2008 — In its quest for fuel efficiency, Ford Motor Company is developing nanotechnology-based paints, plastics, light metals, and catalysts that allow vehicle weight reduction and improved fuel economy without sacrificing quality. During this week’s 2008 SAE World Congress in Detroit, the Society of Automotive Engineers’ annual conference, company researchers are reporting how Ford is leveraging nanoparticles to improve automotive materials.

“Industry is becoming more efficient at creating nanoparticles,” said Matthew Zaluzec, manager of the Materials Science & Nanotechnology Department for Ford Research and Advanced Engineering. “Our challenge is to take those nanoparticles, separate them and disperse them into existing materials in a way that makes our vehicles lighter, more durable, and more fuel efficient.”

Vehicle weight reduction is a key part of Ford’s strategy to improve fuel economy by 40% by 2020 — without compromising safety.

Ford powertrains already are benefiting from nanotechnology and mircomechanical properties: A Ford study dubbed “Atoms to Engines” looked at the structure of cast aluminum alloys at near atomic levels. From this work, a detailed analysis of the structure/property/process relationship of the aluminum alloy engine blocks has led to reduced engine weight.

“Many thought our aluminum engine technology was mature and fully optimized,” Zaluzec said. “Not until we looked at every aspect of the materials and manufacturing process were we able to pull out another 10 percent in structural performance out of our engines, which directly translates into weight and fuel economy savings year over year. It’s nano at the working level.”

Ford’s European research lab in Aachen, Germany, is developing a thermally sprayed nano-coating that could replace the heavier cast iron liners that provide the necessary wear resistance of cylinder bores in aluminum block engines. This thin, wear-resistant coating reduces weight and improves friction performance while delivering equal durability and reliability to the product.

Researchers are also evaluating advanced surface coating applications that could enhance paint adhesion, appearance and durability. “We want to take paint beyond what our customers are used to seeing on a vehicle,” Zaluzec said. “We constantly ask questions like, can I change the functionality of a paint layer to give a unique appearance, to control heat dissipation or improve durability beyond what we’ve achieved to date?”

Nanotechnology also is being eyed for energy storage solutions for alternative power sources such as lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells.

By 2015, experts predict nanomaterials will reach 70% usage in automotive applications, says Ford.

Ford says it was one of the first automakers to apply nanotechnology to its products with the advent of today’s catalytic convertor. Ford has been active since the 1970s in exhaust catalysis and emissions controls, which are nano-based systems. Ford also was an early leader in the application of scanning probe microscopes, which allowed scientists to better view matter at a nano level.

In 2007, Ford formed an alliance with Boeing and Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., home to one of the first nanotechnology centers in the country. The alliance, which was created to research commercial applications of nanotechnology, is producing promising results in the areas of specialty metals, plastic composites, thermal materials, coatings and sensors that could have large-scale uses across the transportation industry in the future, according to Ford.

April 1, 2008 — Trident, a provider of inkjet printhead and ink production for commercial applications, says the design and stainless steel construction of its new 256Jet-D inkjet printhead allow for printing of a wide variety of direct write, printable electronic applications, including printing of traces, contacts, embedded passives and components (resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.) on printed circuit boards; flexible photovoltaics; fuel cells; batteries; and more.

According to the company, the 256Jet-D revolutionizes digital electronics material printing with its durable design. “Until now inkjet printing for direct write has been limited to R & D labs, partly because most inkjet systems have not been able to handle the corrosive and high viscosity fluids needed for many printable electronic applications,” says Steve Liker, Business Manager at Trident. “The stainless steel 256Jet-D provides this industrial durability and makes inkjet printing a very valuable proposition for printable electronics.”

Whereas previously agglomeration of printing materials during the deposition process meant that printhead nozzles would clog and printheads needed to be discarded and replaced, the nozzle plate of the 256Jet-D can simply be removed, cleaned and reassembled. End users can purchase multiple interchangeable nozzle plates in order to print distinct drop volume sizes with the same printhead. The 256Jet-D is available in two models enabling the printing of two distinct drop volume ranges: 5 – 40 picoliters and 50 – 80 picoliters in size.

The inert stainless steel construction of the 256Jet-D printhead resists the corrosive, aggressive alkaline and acidic materials often used in the deposition of printable electronic components. With the ability to be heated to 70°C and to jet fluids up to 30 cps, the 256Jet-D can print materials with twice as much viscosity as traditional inkjet systems, giving users wider flexibility in material loading and fluid formulation. Its rugged industrial design gives the 256Jet-D printhead an industry-leading lifespan of 90 billion firings.

Along with the 256Jet-D Trident offers a high-performance “Precision Drive Controller” (PDC) which promises to simplify customer integration by providing the electronics and software drive control of each of the printhead’s 256 jets with drop volume precision of plus or minus 2%. The 256Jet-D’s 256 individually controllable jets allow a greater number of drops to be deposited in one area, thereby increasing productivity.

Jan. 17, 2008 – Combining two methods for making solar cell materials appears to yield better results than either one alone, according to researchers from the U. of California/Santa Cruz, China, and Mexico who say their nanocomposite thin film doped with nitrogen and sensitized with quantum dots performs “better than predicted.”

The work combines two methods used to engineer solar cell materials: doping thin films of metal oxide nanoparticles (e.g. titanium dioxide, with other elements e.g. nitrogen); and quantum dots, which inject electrons into a metal oxide film to increase its solar energy conversion. Both doping and quantum dot sensitization extend visible light absorption of the metal oxide materials.

The group, led by U.CA/SC prof. Jin Zhang, prepared films with thicknesses of 150-1110nm, with titanium dioxide particles (average size 100nm), doped the lattice with nitrogen atoms, and chemically linked CdSe quantum dots for sensitization. The resulting hybrid material offered nitrogen doping to absorb a broad range of light energy (including energy from the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum), while the quantum dots enhanced visible light absorption and boosted the material’s photocurrent and power conversion.

“We initially thought that the best we might do is get results as good as the sum of the two, and maybe if we didn’t make this right, we’d get something worse,” said Zhang, in a statement. “But surprisingly, these materials were much better.” In fact, the nanocomposite achieved an “incident photon to current conversion efficiency” (IPCE) as much as 3x greater than the sum of the IPCE for materials developed separately with either method (doped with nitrogen or embedded with CdSe quantum dots). Zhang explained that it may be easier for the charge to “hop around” in the nanocomposite material, with the quantum dot sensitizing and the nitrogen doping at the same time.

Next up in the work is optimizing parameters with three materials “that we can play with to make the energy levels just right,” Zhang stated. “What we’re doing is essentially ‘band-gap engineering.’ We’re manipulating the energy levels of the nanocomposite material so the electrons can work more efficiently for electricity generation,” he said. “If our model is correct, we’re making a good case for this kind of strategy.”

The work is being funded by the US Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation of China, and the U. of California Institute for Mexico and the United States (UC-MEXUS).

January 9, 2008 — Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (NASDAQ: ALTI), which makes high-performance lithium-titanate battery and energy storage products, has completed the manufacture of battery packs to be used in a 2-megawatt energy storage system purchased by AES Corp.

The $1 million purchase made by AES was previously announced in August 2007. Altairnano expects the battery packs to be connected to the grid and tested jointly by AES and Altairnano during the first quarter of 2008.

“This is a significant manufacturing milestone in Altairnano’s battery and energy storage go-to-market strategy,” said Altairnano President and CEO Alan J. Gotcher. “We believe that stationary power represents a large market opportunity for Altairnano, and are proud to be working with global power leader AES to develop these large-scale energy storage systems.”

December 3, 2007 — Altair Nanotechnologies Inc., a provider of advanced nanomaterial-based products and technology used in energy for transportation and stationary power, industrial and life science applications, has completed a $40 million private placement of its common stock to Al Yousuf LLC.

Under the purchase agreement, Altairnano has agreed to issue an aggregate of 11,428,572 shares of common stock to Al Yousuf LLC at a purchase price of $3.50 per share. The shares will be contractually restricted from resale for at least two years, with one-third of the shares being released from this restriction on the second, third and fourth anniversaries respectively.

“The funding is intended to support manufacturing growth, working capital and general corporate purposes as we expand the production of our advanced power and energy storage products,” said Altairnano President and Chief Executive Officer Alan J. Gotcher, Ph.D. “The strategic investment partnership with Al Yousuf allows us to continue to have an impact on the dynamics of the transportation and stationary power markets.”

“We see the tremendous global growth opportunity for Altairnano’s innovative battery technology in both the transportation and stationary power markets,” said Iqbal Al Yousuf, President of Al Yousuf LLC. “Given our transportation expertise, we believe these markets are ready for Altairnano’s clean, powerful and scaleable energy storage systems.”

J.P. Morgan Securities Inc. acted as the exclusive agent in the private placement. The share purchase is set to close in stages, with a closing for $10 million in shares having occurred on November 30, 2007 and a closing for the remaining shares was scheduled to occur on December 10, 2007. Altairnano agreed to register the resale of the shares prior to the expiration of the two-year lockup period and granted the investor the right to demand a subsequent underwritten re-sale registration.

November 14, 2007 – First Solar posted a “blow-out” 3Q07 last week and announced two long-term supply deals requiring a new manufacturing facility, news that sent its share prices soaring through the roof (they’ve since come back down to earth somewhat).

On Nov. 7, FSLR said 3Q earnings rocketed to $46.0M vs. $4.3M a year ago — a preposterous 969.8% increase — on nearly threefold better sales of $159.0M. The company also has signed long-term (2008-2012) module supply agreements with a subsidiary of Australian investment/asset manager Babcock & Brown and Ecostream Switzerland GmbH, representing a 557MW expansion of module volumes and $1B in sales. A fourth plant with four production lines will be built in Malaysia, adjacent to three currently-being-built sites (12 lines), scheduled to start production in 2H09.

Investors wasted no time jumping on the bandwagon. Credit Suisse’s Satya Kumar reiterated an Outperform rating and upped his price target to $250 from $160. “As investors ponder the implications of $100 oil, potentially weakening economy, weak dollar, geopolitical oil risks, and threats from global warming, we cannot but stress how FSLR/SPWR [SunPower] are excellent plays over these big themes in the stock market,” he wrote.

Lehman Bros’ Vishal Shah showed more restraint, increasing his range to a paltry $220/share (also repeating an Overweight rating), predicting that near-term demand will exceed supply, and both capacity expansions and cost reductions will exceed expectations.

Meanwhile, Merriman Curhan Ford’s Brion Tanous raised his FSLR stock rating to Neutral from Sell, but hiked his EPS estimates for 2007, 2008, and 2009.

Elsewhere, Deutsche Bank analyst Steve O’Rourke raised his price target to $220 and reiterated his Buy rating, and CIBC World Markets’ Adam Hinckley set a price of $230.

Barrons analyst Eric Savitz noted that the rising tide of FSLR lifted many other solar boats as well, including Canadian Solar, Evergreen Solar, JA Solar, Energy Conversion Devices, MEMC, SunPower, and Suntech.

Broadpoint Capital analyst Colin Rusch also spouted optimism across the sector, starting coverage of several firms (FSLR, Hoku Scientific, and DayStar Technologies) with “Buy” ratings, noted the Associated Press.

A variety of approaches to nano- and micro-engineering have begun to yield portable fuel cells-with dramatic cost and size advantages-for niche markets


A host of start-ups say that radical new approaches to the basic nanoscale process of running fuel through membrane-to separate out hydrogen electrons and generate electricity-look likely to finally, and significantly, reduce size and costs over the next several years.

Some of the initial commercial portable fuel cells improve conventional methanol polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel-cell technology with nanostructured catalytic layers and MEMS-based micro reformers. Other prototypes now being tested by the military and big consumer electronics companies use designed molecules that self-assemble into membranes with target properties and engineered membranes to passively control fluid flows, or have even replaced the membranes altogether with laminar flow boundaries in microchannels.

Initial products take various approaches

Germany’s Smart Fuel Cell AG ( is shipping portable direct methanol fuel cells (under the name EFOY, or, Energy For You) in volume, reporting that more than 80% of its approximately $10 million in revenues in the first half of 2007 came from actually selling product, primarily rather hefty 25W to 65W fuel cells for off-grid power in recreational vehicles. Key to reducing size and costs to viable levels, notes CTO Jens Müller, was increasing the reactive surface area with a nanoparticle catalyst and a nanostructured three-dimensional membrane electrode assembly (MEA). “By careful design of the catalyst particles and electrode layers, MEAs have achieved three times the performance at less than one-fourth of the catalyst loadings compared to previous generations,” he says. That, plus optimizing the fuel, air, and water mixtures, enabled the ~15lb. units to deliver 600 to 1,600 watt hours/day, extending a typical ~eight-hour operating time of a lead acid battery to ~eight days, and attracting users willing to invest $3000 to $4000 for extended off-grid operation.

PolyFuel manufactures its hydrocarbon membrane-which it says overcomes traditional fuel-cell limitations-by the roll.
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Actual operation, however, is more economical. The company advertises that a 10 liter refill cartridge-essentially a plastic jug of pure methanol with safety features-supplies a motor home with independent power for several weeks for about $30. Several major European RV makers supply the fuel cells with their vehicles, and refill cartridges are available at about 600 outlets.

Further development work for the military now has the fuel stack down to about the size of a book of matches and weight of the system down to 2.9 lbs., says company CEO Peter Podesser. He notes SFC has also been working on joint development with Korea’s LG Group on a universal power source for portable electronic gear.

Unit shipments of micro fuel cells providing either primary or auxiliary power to portable consumer devices such as notebook computers, mobile phones, portable audio/video, and digital cameras. Source: Frost & Sullivan
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Now starting production of portable reformed methanol fuel cells for the military and other off-grid users is the California-based UltraCell Corp. (, which opened a $74 million manufacturing plant in Ohio in September 2007. The company says the plant has started producing some components and should be making whole systems by year-end. UltraCell’s book-size 2.6 lb. 25W fuel cells reportedly deliver 600Wh/day and have passed standard military safety and reliability tests for standing up through heat, dust, shock, ice, and rain. Units have been delivered to soldiers for field training and testing.

Key to the small size is a MEMS-based reformer on a chip, which first converts methanol to hydrogen to allow use of more-efficient hydrogen cell technology. Reactive heating elements and microchannels filled with catalyst particles are patterned on silicon. Methanol and water flowing through the channels are heated to 250°C to 300°C to react to produce hydrogen, and the specialty membrane tolerates impurities so the hydrogen doesn’t have to be cleaned up. Initial production is only in the hundreds and still using some handmade customized components. “But there’s nothing fundamentally costly about the technology,” says applications marketing manager Ted Prescop. He notes that costs could be reduced significantly by volume manufacture of the custom basic components like pumps and circuit boards. The company is reportedly also demonstrating to Motorola a recharging system for emergency-responder radios.

PolyFuel says its small fuel-cell stack produces 56W peak power.
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Also shipping small quantities of a lower power fuel cell is Medis Technologies Ltd. of New York (, which has distributed several thousand promotional 1W cigarette-pack-size units for recharging handheld electronics, based on a different technology. The 20Wh units are also available for purchase on, where they’re listed among the site’s best-selling power products.

The 6.5oz. disposable unit, which retails for $20 to $30, is good for about 20 to 30 hours of recharging small devices over a three-month span after activation. Medis marketing VP Michelle Rush says the company is now producing volumes only in the thousands from its initial pilot line in Israel, but plans to start ramping its higher-volume automated line in Ireland by year-end, targeting the field service business market.

UltraCell’s book-size, 2.6lb. 25W fuel cells promise 600Wh/day and have passed military safety and reliability tests.
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The company’s idiosyncratic approach uses sodium borohydride and alcohol for fuel, and novel nanoengineered catalysts. “There are no noble metals on the cathode, and almost none on the anode,” adds Rush. “It’s very simple: We’re able to sell it for $9 wholesale.” The initial model replaces the usual polymer membrane with an alkaline (KOH) liquid electrolyte and manages the flow of liquids through the cell passively, without pumps. Water produced and reused within the cell eventually builds up enough to dilute the fuel, however, and stop the reaction. A new version converts the fuel to a solid tablet and the electrolyte to a gel to reduce size and allow easy refilling.

Next generation looks at methanol

Most companies’ focus, however, is on methanol, though with new kinds of membranes and new approaches to manufacturing. The big Asian consumer electronics players are looking at using direct methanol for their portable fuel cells now targeted for commercial volumes in 2010-2011, says Sara Bradford, director of the energy and power system group at the market research firm Frost & Sullivan. “So many different fuels have really hampered commercialization,” she says, “but now direct methanol is becoming more of a clear leader.”

MTI MicroFuel Cells’ Mobion chip company targets rechargers for cell phones and handhelds.
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Giving direct methanol a boost are new nano-engineered membranes specifically optimized for liquid methanol, to replace the traditional fluorocarbon polymers introduced in the 1960s for hydrogen gas. PolyFuel, of California (, says its hydrocarbon membrane prevents the common problem of excess methanol flowing through the PEM without giving up its hydrogen electrons to generate electricity, then reacting instead with oxygen from air on the other side to produce excess water that must be removed so it doesn’t drown out the cell. CEO Jim Balcom explains that his company designed molecules that self-assemble into a film with smaller nanoscale channels, which conduct across the hydrogen protons but restrict the flow of methanol. He notes that simply replacing the membrane cuts the methanol crossover, but re-engineering the fuel-cell system around the new membrane means more savings by reducing the water management systems. PolyFuel has demonstrated the technology in a fuel-cell stack approximately the size of a pack of cards (111cc) it says produces 56W peak power.

Medis Technologies’ 6.5oz. disposable unit is good for about 20 to 30 hours of recharging small devices over a three-month period.
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PolyFuel claims 20 customers to date, including many of the large Asian consumer electronics suppliers and 10 of the 11 companies planning test marketing programs next year. The company has been working over the last several months with U.K.-based Johnson Matthey plc (, a major fuel-cell component supplier, to introduce the membrane into Johnson Matthey’s manufacturing process-and recently passed vendor qualification for commercial production. “No one has a system yet that can compete with a lithium ion battery,” says Balcom. “But based on our interactions with our customers, I think they will start test marketing products this year and next, for commercial sales starting thereafter.”

New York’s MTI MicroFuel Cells Inc. ( recently delivered the second-generation prototype of its direct methanol fuel cell to Samsung for testing and reports it’s now in active discussions about moving forward with development of the injection molded passive unit. The company targets rechargers for cell phones and handhelds with 1W to 3W systems, with the current 200cc prototype a little bigger than a pack of cards, delivering 30Wh of power.

MTI argues its design brings down cost by eliminating the pumps and controls of the typical water-recirculation system to manage the flow passively, using a sandwich of nano-engineered hydrophilic and hydrophobic membrane layers that pull in methanol and push back water, essentially running the system by diffusion and differential pressures. “We’re only talking about drops of methanol, so there’s very little water,” notes George Relan, VP of corporate development. MTI also replaces the usual plates and screws that hold the cell stack together with a single injected molded plastic framework, designed for easy, low-cost manufacture. Relan says the company is working on manufacturing in 2008 and aims for commercial products in 2009. “This is the first time we’ve put out a date for a commercial product,” he notes. “And we’re fairly confident that we’ll meet it.”

Smart Fuel Cell AG’s EFOY 1600 fuel cell with methane cartridge installed in a vehicle.
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Another direct methanol alternative skips the polymer electrolyte membrane and instead relies on the properties of laminar flow, circulating the methanol and electrolyte in micro channels etched in flexible printed circuit substrate. INI Power Systems, of North Carolina (, says it delivered a beta 15W system to a military customer in August and signed a joint development agreement with a major Asian battery and laptop OEM to integrate its stacks into a consumer platform. It is also working on a telecommunications power supply with partner Advanced Power Systems, targeted for the first half of 2008. Anthony Atti, VP of business development, reports the military test unit is running more than nine hours on 200cc of neat methanol, and a 72-hour military mission would require total system and fuel weight of less than 9lb.

Fluids in micro channels exhibit unique laminar flow properties that eliminate turbulent mixing, so the methanol fuel and dilute sulfuric acid electrolyte remain segregated as they flow together through channels sandwiched between catalyst-coated electrodes. Protons diffuse from the anode through the liquid to the cathode. “Methanol crossover and cathode flooding are almost entirely mitigated,” says Atti. Manufacture looks to be inexpensive as well, as the micro channels are etched on flexible printed circuit board substrate using standard industry processes.

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Another approach is to replace the membrane with porous silicon. Neah Power Systems (Bothell, was just finishing up its first working prototype in late September, using standard semiconductor industry technology to make an etched micro porous silicon 3D reaction area.

Progress continues as well with hydrogen fuel cells for higher-power mobile applications. Mobile fuel-cell pioneer Jadoo Power, of California (, has been selling higher-power cells for several years in commercial applications such as television cameras, emergency responder communications equipment, and heavy-duty military power sources, where the 100W 5lb. cells fueled by 2lb. canisters of metal hydride powder outperform lead acid batteries.

But the consumer market will be a little harder, says CEO Lee Arikara. “People think it’s like the [current] computer industry where a new improved chip can be dropped into an existing PC to improve performance,” he says. “But the fuel-cell industry is more like the early PC industry when there were no standards. We’re still in the period of a lot of chaos before we settle in on which standard to adopt. But at the end of the day if we all keep insisting on our own standard, we won’t develop the market.”

How fuel cells work

A fuel cell will produce energy as long as it has a supply of fuel. It is made up of two electrodes (anode and cathode) surrounding an electrolyte. Hydrogen, or a fuel like methanol containing hydrogen, is fed into the anode, where the hydrogen atoms, encouraged by a catalyst, split into protons and electrons. The protons pass through a selective electrolyte membrane, while the electrons are shunted off to another path, creating a usable electric current. The protons and electrons rejoin at the cathode, where the hydrogen reacts with oxygen from the air to form water.

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Using pure hydrogen gas for fuel directly allows the simplest and most efficient fuel cell, but transporting and storing the hydrogen can be troublesome. Alternatively, the fuel cell can include a reformer to extract the hydrogen from most any hydrocarbon fuel, though that typically means a bulky system with high heat and considerable plumbing. Or a liquid fuel like methanol can be fed directly into the cell, where it produces hydrogen by chemical reaction, typically with water, requiring the addition of a circulation system for managing the flow of liquids.

Adapted from “What is a fuel cell?” at Fuel Cells 2000 (

By Steven W. Arms, Microstrain Inc.

Recent developments in combining sensors, microprocessors, and radio frequency (RF) communications hold the potential to revolutionize the way we monitor and maintain critical systems. In the future, literally billions of wireless sensors may become deeply embedded within machines, structures, and the environment. Sensed information will be automatically collected, compressed, and forwarded for condition-based maintenance.

But who will change billions of dead batteries?

MicroStrain ( believes the answer is to harvest strain, vibration, light, and motion energy from the environment and store it. Combined with strict power management, smart wireless sensing networks can operate indefinitely, without the need for battery maintenance.

MicroStrain’s energy-harvesting wireless strain/load sensing node enabled load tracking on the Bell model 412 helicopter.
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MicroStrain’s electronics feature smart comparators-switches that consume only nanoampere levels of current-to control operation of a wireless sensing node. The system waits until there is sufficient energy to perform a programmed task, and only when the stored energy is high enough will the nanoamp comparator switch allow current draw. This is critical for applications where the ambient energy levels may be low or intermittent; without this switch, the system may never successfully start up, because stored energy levels may always remain insufficient for the task at hand.

MicroStrain’s miniaturized energy harvesting sensing nodes feature a precision timekeeper, non-volatile memory for on-board data logging, and frequency agile IEEE 802.15.4 transceiver. Sampling rates, sample durations, sensor offsets, sensor gains, and on-board shunt calibration are all wirelessly programmable.

Tracking helicopter component loads

The US Navy, through its SBIR program, has supported MicroStrain’s development of wireless sensor nodes that use piezoelectric materials to convert cyclic strain and vibration into power. One compelling application is in monitoring the critical rotating structures of helicopters. Direct measurement of loads on these structures allows enhanced maintenance, and thus greatly reduces operational costs.

Rather than replacing parts on a fixed schedule of flight hours, parts could be replaced based on their actual usage severity. Better loads tracking also has the potential to save lives through improved performance and increased safety.

Solar-powered wireless G-Link seismic sensor on the Corinth Bridge in Greece.
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One critical rotating helicopter component is the “pitch link.” Responsible for controlling the rotor blade’s angle of attack as the rotor rotates through the air, pitch link loads vary strongly with aircraft flight regimes, reaching much higher loads (6X) during maneuvers as compared to straight and level flight. Therefore the pitch link is an excellent indicator of vehicle usage severity and can provide critical data for improved condition-based maintenance.

Working in collaboration with Bell Helicopter/Textron, the first successful flight test of our energy harvesting wireless sensor node was performed in March 2007. We instrumented the pitch link of a Bell Model 412 helicopter with our energy harvesting sensor node, along with piezoelectric materials and a full strain gauge bridge, which canceled thermal and bending influences while amplifying tension and compression loads. The smart wireless sensor nodes flown on the Bell M412 are capable of adapting their operating modes in accordance with the amount of energy available.

The flight test showed that our energy harvesting strain and load sensor will operate continually, without batteries, even under low energy generation conditions of straight and level flight.

Monitoring large bridge spans

These techniques can be used for other applications, too, such as monitoring large civil structures. Three years ago, the Federal Highway Administration rated ~20% of the U.S. interstate bridges (nearly 12,000 bridges) as deficient. Wireless sensor networks have the potential to enable cost efficient, scalable monitoring systems that could be tailored for each particular bridge’s requirements. Eliminating long runs of wiring from each sensor location greatly simplifies system installation and allows rapid deployment of large arrays of sensor nodes.

We recently supported two major wireless installations that are actively monitoring the structural strains and seismic activity of major spans. Leveraging energy harvesting technology supported by the U.S. Navy, these wireless sensor networks are powered by the sun, and therefore do not require battery maintenance.

Multiple solar-powered nodes monitor strain and vibration at key locations on the Goldstar Bridge over the Thames River in New London, Conn.
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MicroStrain has previously described battery-powered wireless strain sensors for structural health monitoring. One example is the Ben Franklin Bridge, which spans the Delaware River from Philadelphia, Penn., to Camden, N.J. The system was accessed remotely over commercial cellular telephone networks, and sensor data was provided to the customer via secure access to a web-based server. The nodes measured structural strains in the cantilever beams as passenger trains traversed the span. Measurements taken over several months’ time, under contract from the Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA), were used to document the bridge’s cyclic structural strains-and find that fatigue was not a problem.

MicroStrain’s first solar-powered bridge installation was recently made in Corinth, Greece. This system uses arrays of wireless tri-axial accelerometer nodes to monitor the span’s background vibration levels at all times. Each node and solar panel is packaged within a watertight enclosure for outdoor use. In the event that seismic activity is detected at any node, the entire wireless network of nodes is alerted, and data are collected simultaneously from the entire network.

Steven W. Arms is president of MicroStrain. He can be contacted at (802) 862-6629 or at [email protected].

Altairnano says its lithium titanate packs provide energy in an environmentally sustainable manner and with safety characteristics not found in other batteries. (Photo: Altairnano)

October 8, 2007 — Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. (Nasdaq: ALTI), and the lithium-ion battery systems the company is developing, has received no small endorsement from the U.S. Senate, which has approved $5 million funding for a 2.5 megawatt stationary power supply for the U.S. Navy.

The project involves development of large, advanced lithium titanate energy storage packs to replace diesel-powered generators on the Navy’s largest ships. Altairnano’s lithium titanate energy storage packs provide energy in an environmentally sustainable manner and with safety characteristics not found in other batteries, according to the company.

Also approved by the Senate was a $2 million project for Altair’s development of nanosensors that can detect explosive materials and chemical warfare agents that might threaten soldiers in combat, with more accuracy and reliability.

“Funding for these projects helps Altair Nanotechnologies employ 90 highly-qualified staff in the Reno area, expand the high-tech work going on in Nevada, and could provide significant benefits to our armed forces,” Alan J. Gotcher, Altairnano president and chief executive, said in a news release.

Gotcher has been promoting his company’s materials before Congress for years, including during Congressional testimony in 2006, when he talked about the Navy’s plan to produce a new generation of all-electric drive ships powered by fuel cells. For that to happen, he said, “there is a need for a source of instant power-on-demand, sustainable for up to half an hour in order for the fuel cells to reach their normal operational temperature.”

The problem so far with lithium ion batteries involves their safety. It is generally accepted that the future of the auto industry appears now to be powered by batteries containing lithium-ion, the material already in wide use for long-lasting laptops and cell phones.

But, as anybody who remembers last year’s exploding Dell laptops and subsequent recall of 4 million batteries, Li-ion has a few problems to overcome before it is ready to power automobiles. But the race is on and solutions powered by companies such as Altair and A123 Systems are on the horizon.

“The hyperbole about nanotechnology is tremendous, but the potential for this technology to change our lives in many fundamental and positive ways is real,” Gotcher had told Congress. “For instance, our innovative nano-structured electrode materials for Li-ion batteries will enable realistic production of fully- electric vehicles unlike any available today. Those vehicles will, in turn, help us break our dependence on foreign oil.”

October 5, 2007 – AmberWave Systems and the U. of California/Santa Barbara (UCSB) have agreed to collaborate on and fund materials science research targeting mesoporous materials, in a move to open non-semiconductor business doors for the company.

Mesoporous materials are a class of engineered materials including silicas, refractory oxides, carbons, and multi-component composites, possessing qualities of high porosity, processability, functionability, and single- and double-digit nanometer pore sizes. Applications being pursued at UCSB include electrical generation and storage in the form of fuel cells, high-performance batteries, and ultracapacitors.

“Early identification, in-licensing, and development of materials innovations are key to our growth strategy,” said AmberWave president/CEO Richie Faubert in a statement, adding that the UCSB platform “gives AmberWave a springboard into a broad range of markets.”

Amberwave is known for its strained silicon IP, having signed a multiyear licensing deal with Intel back in March. It also working with Purdue U. to jointly develop technologies for integrating semiconductor devices on III-V materials.