Category Archives: Energy Storage

We show you the money

March 1, 2006

2006 compensation survey reveals salary, benefits trends

By David Forman

So you want to work in nano? Had you said that 10 years ago, you would have been laughed out of the room – or, at least, been greeted by empty stares: Work in what?

But now nano is hot. The technologies are touted as next-generation solutions for energy, health and environmental woes. Government and business leaders from North Dakota to New Delhi promote micro and nano-related development as a way to boost their economies. Investors are increasingly eyeing – and participating in – the space.

As a result, a micro-nano sector that hardly existed a decade ago now offers employment worldwide. Granted, some of it may be relabeled from semiconductor, biotech and other sectors. But much of it is likewise new. What are the trends? In the following pages, you’ll find our first-ever compensation analysis, drawn from an online survey conducted from Dec. 15, 2005 to Jan. 12, 2006.

David Forman, responsible for our quarterly analysis of trends in venture capital investing, compiled and analyzed the survey results.

During a recent 12-month period, NanoOpto Corp. hired three key employees, so its chief executive, Barry Weinbaum, ought to know a thing or two about the market for senior executives.

“It’s a good time for great people,” says Allan Hoffman, tech jobs expert for He says top companies are willing to pay a premium for the best employees. Photo courtesy of Allan Hoffman
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He and other experts say a variety of disparate forces are at work in the micro and nanotechnology job market, depending on the level of the job, the type of position and the domain expertise that the employer desires.

“In searching for a CFO we found the most plentiful candidates,” Weinbaum said. The very definition of success at the job, maintains Weinbaum, guarantees that there will be more people in transition. Chief financial officers who take a company public may decide to return to their entrepreneurial roots rather than grapple with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. And it is common for CFOs of companies that are acquired to move on to newer pastures.

But on the product development side, the problem was not so much too many qualified candidates to choose from as it was too few with specific market experience.

“It would have been very easy to hire someone from telecom,” said Weinbaum, “but I was dead set on avoiding that background.”

Telecom, in fact, is the industry from which most existing NanoOpto management had come. But Weinbaum was looking for someone with domain expertise that the company did not already possess.

He says eventually finding the right person – in NanoOpto’s case, a vice president of product development with experience developing optical products for the consumer market – has been critical to NanoOpto’s success selling new components for use in cellular phones.

Despite a dramatic increase in business, says Pamela Bailey, president of online job site, “I don’t think the nanotech job market has really happened yet.” Photo courtesy of Pamela Bailey
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Weinbaum’s experience is hardly unique. In fact, the upper echelon of the overall technology sector is currently in the midst of a focus on quality, according to Allan Hoffman, a tech jobs expert for the online job site

“I think we’re seeing that companies are really going for top-notch people and are willing to pay a premium for them,” he said. Hoffman calls it the “Google effect,” referring to that company’s reputation for hiring only the best and the brightest with the most relevant experience.

At the same time, experts say employees are not as willing to change jobs as they were during the tech heyday from the mid-1990s through 2002.

The combination of those two trends means the “right person” for a particular job can “pretty much write their own ticket,” Hoffman said. As for the rest, job hunting remains a very competitive arena. Micro and nanotechnology appear to be just as prone to these dynamics as any other area of tech.

“The little startups want someone who brings all the intellectual knowledge, understanding of the sector and can pull in an experienced group,” said Pamela Bailey, president of, an online job site that specializes in recruiting for nanotechnology, MEMS and microsystems.

In the case of technical leadership positions, she said, “They are looking for senior people, almost all with Ph.D.s.”

At the same time Bailey says she is seeing more mid-level jobs crop up as the area expands – in fuel cells, electrical engineering, semiconductor design and materials science.

She also says that there is global competition. Half of the people applying for jobs on are foreign nationals. The results of Small Times’ 2006 compensation survey concurred: About 28 percent of the respondents on our final list were from countries other than the United States.

In many ways, micro and nanotech are no different than the at-large tech industry, our analysis shows, but we also found a few unique traits. Whether you’re looking to find “just the right person” – or to be that person – the following pages should help you on your way.

Analysis overview

More than 1,300 readers responded to the survey representing 37 countries worldwide, with the majority coming from the United States. Employees in 45 states plus the District of Columbia participated.

The survey asked 29 questions about employee pay and benefits, employees’ educational background and employment history, and the size, type and location of their employers.

The results showed that, as a whole, micro and nanotechnology employees are well compensated and highly educated. On a global basis, the average salary for an employee in micro and nanotechnology is $84,605 per year. In the United States, the average salary is $97,978.

Moreover, 36.7 percent of global respondents reported having earned a degree at the level of Ph.D., M.D., or J.D., while 29.1 percent reported having earned a master’s level degree. In the U.S., those figures were practically the same – 37.1 percent and 29.1 percent, respectively.

The high average salaries also reflected a large participation in the survey by high-ranking executives and engineers. On a global basis, 24.5 percent of the respondents in the survey were C-level or VP-level executives, 21.7 percent were manager level and 35.8 percent classified themselves as engineers, researchers or scientists.

By contrast, only 2.7 percent of the respondents were technicians, 1.9 percent business or sales staff and 6.3 percent college or university professors. Due to the fact that the initial survey includes significantly more data on executives as well as engineers, researchers, and scientists, the resulting analysis offers more detailed information on trends in those categories.

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As for earning power, those who earned the most in the micro and nanotechnology field were partners in legal services firms in the United States, followed by C-level executives in the U.S. and Canada. Those earning the least were researchers in Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

The final list of responses numbered 969, after weeding out data that lacked any salary, hourly pay or benefits information or that included erroneous information.

Of that total, about 73 percent were from the United States. For that reason, the survey analysis includes more extensive information on the U.S. Wherever possible it also includes global data on micro and nanotech employment in cases when the response rate provided enough information to draw meaningful conclusions.

Most of the analysis is also focused on salaried workers. They provided 817 of the responses, or 84 percent of the global final list. In the U.S., salaried workers were responsible for 590 responses, or 83 percent of the total in the U.S.

Executive compensation – global and U.S.

An analysis of executive compensation in micro and nanotechnology showed some interesting trends, most notably that employees characterizing themselves as presidents, chief executives or managing directors did not on average make dramatically more than their counterparts in other C-level positions, such as chief financial or chief technology officers.

On a global basis, the average salary of a lead executive – that is, a president, CEO or managing director – was $127,729, compared to $111,264 for a chief operating, chief financial or chief marketing officer.

However, the compensation of the lead executive was more contingent on performance. The average annual bonus of a lead executive was $28,007 (about 21.9 percent of the average annual salary), compared to $8,144 (about 7.3 percent) for the COO, CFO or CMO categories.

However, on a global basis, technical domain expertise is highly valued. In fact, chief technology officers and chief science officers earned on average more than lead executives: $148,214, with an average annual bonus of $13,021, which is roughly 8.9 percent.

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The esteem for technical expertise as well as a trend to reward marketing and sales executives with performance-based pay are reflected in the difference between average salary and bonus for different types of vice presidents working in micro and nanotechnology.

Vice presidents of marketing, sales, operations and business development earned on average $110,840; their counterparts in engineering, research and technology earned $123,276. However, the VPs on the business side netted on average an annual bonus of 21.3 percent of their annual salary while the VPs on the science and technology side netted on average an annual bonus of 14.9 percent.

These global trends were reflected in the U.S.-specific analysis as well. However, the average lead executive salary was pulled down somewhat by the plethora of small startups in the micro-nano space. Of the 98 presidents, CEOs and managing directors in the United States who participated in the survey, 68 of them worked in companies with 10 or fewer employees. Of those lead execs, 63 were founders of their companies.

The pay range for founding lead executives of companies with 10 or fewer employees varies dramatically, from $250,000 at the high end to $7,000 at the low end, suggesting that at least for some founders, the position is not their prime source of income.

In order to gauge the earning power of a lead exec who is not necessarily in an entrepreneurial environment, an analysis was done that excluded companies with 10 or fewer employees. In that case, the average salary for a lead executive was $160,852.

Engineer/researcher compensation – global and U.S.

The category of engineer, researcher and scientist received more responses than any other single job title classification in the survey, totaling 347 responses, or 35.8 percent of the workforce. Of the 347 responses, 310 included salary information, while the remaining either did not include salary data or were hourly workers.

On a global basis, engineers, researchers and scientists in micro and nanotechnology earned on average $65,631 a year. The average annual bonus was $2,232, which is about 3.4 percent.

Compensation in the category in the U.S. was somewhat stronger, where the average salary was $79,397 and the average annual bonus was $6,391, or roughly 8 percent.

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Within the U.S., engineers, researchers and scientists earned the most working for companies classified as micro/nano component integrators, where the average salary was $94,056 and the average bonus $6,063. Six other categories were closely bunched, ranging from manufacturer/fabricators, where the average salary was $88,822, to government laboratories, where the average salary was $77,325.

The materials/tool supplier and corporate R&D/laboratory categories stand out for their bonuses. Employees in the former earned on average a bonus of 13.6 percent and in the latter 10.4 percent, well above the other categories, most of which hovered around 7 percent.

Government labs had the stingiest bonuses, averaging just 2.8 percent of average annual salary. However, their average pay ($77,325) was considerably better than that of universities, where engineers, researchers and scientists, earned on average just $48,369.

However, 59 percent of those in universities had been in their positions for three or fewer years, suggesting a large participation of post-doctoral researchers who traditionally earn lower salaries. Without those employees, the average salary jumped to $56,381.

Education – global and U.S.

On both a global and U.S. basis, higher education correlates directly to earning power in micro and nanotechnology.

On a global basis, the 36.7 percent of survey respondents who had earned a Ph.D., M.D., or J.D. also earned the most money. The average salary for the category was $98,919, with an average annual bonus of 8.3 percent. The U.S. figure is slightly higher, with an average salary for a Ph.D.-level employee of $108,452 and a bonus of $9,565, which is approximately 8.8 percent.

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Master’s-level education presented a surprising trend. Workers who had attained a master of arts as their highest degree earned on average more than their counterparts who had attained a master of science, $92,578 compared to $75,818. They earned on average even higher bonuses, $11,292 versus $6,597.

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However, more employees who have scientific education at the master’s level participated in the survey. The broader participation of workers with an M.S. includes employment across a wider range of rank and experience, from high-level managers down to entry-level workers. On the other hand, the M.A. category included a higher percentage of manager and executive level employees but few low-level and entry-level jobs.

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The trend played out similarly in the U.S., where M.A. holders earned on average $101,026 as opposed to M.S. holders, who earned $94,726.

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As far as undergraduate degrees are concerned, however, studying science clearly pays off in micro and nanotech. On a global basis, those whose highest degree is a bachelor of science earned an average annual salary of $77,949, as opposed to $66,937 for holders of bachelor of arts degrees. In the U.S., holders of bachelor of science degrees earned on average $91,237, while holders of bachelor of arts degrees earned $75,004.

Likewise, the technical focus of an associate’s degree translates into dollars, according to the survey results. This is especially true in the U.S., where holders of associate’s degrees earned an average of $82,800, more than those who had earned bachelor’s of arts.

Regional – U.S.

On a regional basis, the average salaries were higher on the coasts and were lower inland. The response rate also showed a higher density of micro and nanotechnology employment along the coasts, as well as in the Midwest region.

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The Northeast and Southeast regions were each responsible for 19 percent of the responses of U.S. salaried employees, while the Pacific region was responsible for 23 percent. Salaries in the Northeast and Pacific regions were the highest overall. The average salary for an employee in the Northeast region was $110,265 and in the Pacific region $106,634.

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Pay in the Southeast was somewhat lower, with the average salary dipping down to $94,320. The Southwest region, which accounted for only 14 percent of the responses, had a higher average salary of $100,559.

Although the Midwest accounted for 20 percent of reported micro-nano employment in the country, the average salary in the region was only $81,603, just slightly above the Rocky Mountain region, which accounted for 4 percent of the responses and had an average annual salary of $77,121.

Age – U.S.

An analysis of age shows that micro and nanotechnology employees are at their peak earning power from their late 50s to late 60s and that earning power declines significantly after that. There are also relatively few employees in nanotechnology in that age bracket compared to those in their 40s and early 50s.

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Employees who earned their bachelor’s degrees in the 1960s posted the highest average annual salary, $132,852. Assuming a graduation age of 22, those employees were approximately between 59 and 68 years of age.

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Slightly younger workers earned less but there was little difference between the earning power of those who graduated in the 1980s and in the 1970s. Those who graduated in the 1970s earned, on average $113,738 and those who graduated in the 1980s earned $112,199.

However, the earning power of significantly younger employees is considerably lower. Graduates from the 1990s earned on average $83,517 in micro and nanotechnology. Graduates of the new millennium earned an average of $59,320.

Benefits – U.S.

Employers in micro and nanotechnology, by and large, offer a wide array of benefits. However, they also are in keeping with national trends toward replacing defined benefit retirement packages with tax-advantaged retirement programs that are mostly funded by the employee.

A full 88 percent of salaried employees in micro and nanotechnology in the U.S. said their employer offers health insurance. In addition, 75 percent offer dental insurance.

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As far as the particular types of health programs that are provided, 55 percent of salaried workers said their employers offer HMOs, 63 percent offer PPOs and 42 percent make health care spending accounts available. (The percentages add up to more than 100 percent because many employers give employees a variety of options from which to choose.)

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Of the 560 U.S. employees who reported what type of coverage they buy, 302, or about 54 percent, purchased family coverage while about 15 percent purchased coverage for themselves and one other family member and roughly 31 percent reported purchasing coverage only for themselves.

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For retirement savings, 72 percent of salaried employees said their companies offer a 401(k) or 403(b) savings program in which employees could put a portion of their income into a tax-deferred account. However, only 60 percent of employees reported that their companies make a contribution to their retirement savings over and above what the employees themselves put into their accounts. By contrast, only 21 percent reported their companies offering traditional defined benefit plans, or pensions.

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Other types of benefits also proved commonplace. Employees reported that 55 percent of companies offer flexible spending plans, 51 percent offer paid short-term disability, and 47 percent offer employee assistance plans for personal issues. However, paid family leave remains less common, as only 34 percent of employees reported that their companies provide it.

Education reimbursement is widely available, with 50 percent of employees reporting it among their benefit packages. Some form of stock options is available to 33 percent of U.S. employees in micro and nanotech.

Hourly wage compensation – U.S.

The compensation survey did not provide enough responses from hourly wage employees to draw conclusions that are as meaningful as those drawn from the responses of salaried employees. However, some trends were nevertheless evident.

There were 64 hourly wage employees in the U.S. on the final list spanning a compensation range from $6.15 per hour to $325 per hour.

The average pay per hour was $88.51, a number that is likely skewed to the high end by greater survey participation from consultants than from hourly technical employees. For example, of hourly employees earning $100 per hour or more, 47.8 percent classified themselves as the lead executive of a company with 10 or fewer employees in the consulting/financial services category.

At the low end of the pay scale there was a preponderance of technicians. Of hourly employees earning $25 per hour or less, 38 percent classified their job title as technician.

There was a generally even distribution of hourly wage employment across age categories and education level. As would be expected, the older and more highly educated employees earned more.

The data clearly show that experience counts. Hourly wage employees who had been in the same position for 11 years or more made on average more than their counterparts who had served less time, as did those who had been with the same organization for more than 10 years.

However, the vast majority of hourly wage employees have been with their current employers only a short time: a full 75 percent have been with their employers for five or fewer years.

Hourly workers were not without benefits: 53 percent were eligible for benefits through their employers and 39 percent were eligible for dental insurance. As for retirement benefits, 37.5 percent of hourly wage employees said their employers offered a 401(k) or 403(b) retirement plan and most of those employers also offered some form of match.

However, other types of benefits were much less common. Only 12.5 percent of respondents reported that their employers offered flexible spending account options and only 20 percent offered paid short-term disability – compared with 55 percent and 51 percent, respectively, for salaried workers.

Changes in compensation – U.S.

Micro and nanotechnology employees are an optimistic bunch, an analysis of changes in salary shows. While only 64 percent of U.S. employees received a raise in 2005, 75 percent said they expected to receive a raise in 2006.

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The trend was more pronounced among employees who received a raise of less than 5 percent in 2005. While 39 percent reported receiving a raise of less than 5 percent in 2005, 47 percent expected a raise at that level in 2006.

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Raises at higher levels were less common and the increase in expectations was not as steep. While 25 percent of employees reported receiving a raise of more than 5 percent in 2005, 28 percent expected such a raise in 2006.

Those who had had their pay cut did not expect it to happen again. Whereas 3 percent of U.S. employees reported a decrease in their salaries in 2005, only 1 percent anticipated a salary decrease in 2006.

Global trends

Whereas the majority of survey responses came from the United States, there was still considerable participation from around the globe, including 270 responses on the final list from employees in 36 countries other than the U.S.

India accounted for most of the global participation, with 23.7 percent of non-U.S. participation, and Canada, with 22.6 percent. Western European countries also posted significant participation in the survey, including the United Kingdom with 6.7 percent and Germany with 4.8 percent. Singapore and China were each responsible for 4.1 percent of participation in the survey.

While participation in the survey may say something about the global distribution of micro and nanotechnology employment, too much should not be read into the data. The survey was conducted online and promoted via Small Times’ online and print publications, and the geographic response rate to a large extent reflects the online and print readership of Small Times.

However, the survey does provide meaningful data about countries from which employees provided a reasonable amount of information.

In the data coming in from India, for instance, the financial benefits of setting up operations abroad are obvious. The average annual pay of a salaried employee in micro and nanotechnology in India was a mere $16,508.

The majority of respondents from India classified themselves in the category of either an engineer, researcher or scientist (43.8 percent of respondents) or as a manager or director of engineering, research or technology (18.8 percent of respondents).

An engineer, researcher or scientist in micro or nanotechnology working in India earned an average annual salary of $8,898. Pay rates in the category spanned a dramatic range, from a low of $500 per year to a high of $120,000 per year. But most salaried employees – 64.3 percent – earned $10,000 per year or less. Managers or directors of engineering, research or technology in India earned an average of $15,850 per year.

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However, survey data show that those salaries are likely to rise. Of employees in India who reported whether their salary changed in 2005, a whopping 78.9 percent received raises while the remainder reported their salaries staying the same. Not even a single employee reported receiving a decrease in compensation.

Of those employees in India who reported salary changes, 54.4 percent had a raise of 5 percent or more. Expectations for 2006 were similarly bullish: A full 81 percent of salaried employees expected a raise of 5 percent or more.

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In Canada, the other country from which employees provided a relatively high response rate, the average annual pay of a salaried employee in micro or nanotechnology was $80,750. Pay ranged from a low of $15,000 to a high of $300,000 per year.

Of the total respondents from Canada, 39.3 percent were engineers, researchers or scientists. They earned on average $48,000 per year. On the executive side, 19.7 percent of respondents from Canada classified themselves as a president, CEO or managing director. They made an average of $137,500 per year.

Other applications could benefit from same dynamic

By David Forman

If a Chinese nanotechnology firm and its American partner are successful, they could have a profound effect on the next summer Olympics. The two companies could improve the air quality, reduce the noise pollution, and increase the – well, overall energy – of the 29th edition of the modern Olympic Games.

The companies are working on nanostructured batteries that aim to be the holy grail of electric transportation: batteries that charge up rapidly, hold a lot of energy, and can expend their energy at the varying rates required by an automobile, all the while being lightweight, safe and rugged.

It’s a tall order for any technology. It also happens to be an area where Chinese nanotech research has firmly connected with a commercial energy application. Much has been made of both China’s impending energy crisis and its position as an up-and-coming leader in nano and other areas of emerging technology. Experts say the country is beginning to connect the dots between nano-enabled energy research and its applications.

Batteries are at the forefront of those efforts toward real commercialization. “Our materials can run right down the manufacturing line without changes,” said Alan Gotcher, president and chief executive officer of Altair Nanotechnologies Inc., a U.S. firm that is providing its nanostructured electrode material to Advanced Battery Technologies Inc. of Harbin, China.

Advanced Battery, in turn, is integrating the material into batteries for a variety of applications. It recently announced two milestones. Late last year, tests showed that its batteries met the U.S. Council for Automotive Research FreedomCAR specifications for energy storage in hybrid electric vehicles. And in early 2006 the company announced it had started shipments of its rechargeable polymer lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries to Aiyingsi Co. Ltd., a Taiwanese maker of electric bicycles and motorcycles.

Gotcher said his company’s crystalline material has a high energy density but at the same time can move energy rapidly, both of which are desirable attributes for battery applications but which are often mutually exclusive. “The more surface area, the more the ions are moving faster and faster,” he explained. Historically, he added, the problem with using crystalline material was that the very nanoscale crystals that made the performance possible would fracture under the stress. However, “Our crystals aren’t breaking,” he said.

Advanced Battery is building prototype buses for completion by the end of the second quarter to compete for selection for the 2008 Olympics. The Chinese government has said it wants to use at least a thousand electric buses as part of a fleet for ferrying people around the Games.

Advanced Battery is hardly the only Chinese firm commercializing nano-related battery innovations. China BAK Battery Inc., a Shenzhen, China, manufacturer of li-ion battery cells, announced earlier this year that it had signed agreements with Lenovo Group of Hong Kong and A123 Systems of Watertown, Mass.

Lenovo is the Chinese company that bought IBM’s computer division in late 2004, making it the third largest personal computer manufacturer in the world. China BAK has been supplying Lenovo with batteries for cellular phones since last August. The intent now is to supply batteries for laptop computers.

A123 is developing nanophosphate li-ion batteries using technology licensed from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It and China BAK have been working together since early 2005 and recently announced starting volume production to make batteries for power tools, medical devices and hybrid electric vehicles.

Such academic collaborations are not surprising. Advanced Battery contracted with Harbin University of Science and Technology in China to make the electrical controls and other systems for an electric car project using Altair’s nanomaterials. It also has a cooperative agreement with the Beijing Institute of Technology in China to develop and test the four buses it is building as prototypes for the Olympic electric bus program.

On the other hand, what may be surprising is that there is not more of such commercial collaboration between nanotech research and energy applications.

There is no doubt that Chinese nanotech research is ramping up, according to Mike Roco, the senior adviser to the U.S. National Science Foundation who tracks international nanotech development closely. By Roco’s count, China has moved up impressively, ranking second behind the United States as measured by the number of academic papers published on nanotechnology in a year.

However, warned Roco, prolific papers do not necessarily equal superiority in research. “If you look at the citations index they are not in the top-five cited,” he said. He argues that successive researchers citing previous works is a stronger indicator of the quality of research than the sheer number of papers produced.

“I like to get people to be more realistic,” Roco said. There is a perception of “China going from nothing a few years ago to a superpower (in nanotech research) …but it’s not the same level of quality.” Give it at least another decade, he said.

But perhaps more importantly, a community of corporate executives, engineers, entrepreneurs and academic researchers committed to connecting nanotech innovation to energy solutions has not yet congealed.

“Hydrogen storage, solar, fuel cells, thermoelectrics. These are all using nanotechnology,” said Gang Chen, a mechanical engineering professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology who retains close ties with researchers in his native China.

“But generally speaking, nano for energy is still a ways off,” said Chen, whose research focuses on energy transfer and conversion and who recently organized a conference on energy and nanotechnology. “It’s not making a big wave when people are thinking about nanotechnology.”

Chen points out that China’s national research program includes projects for both energy and nanotech research, such as high energy battery development and solar power for hydrogen generation. But there is no Chinese version of the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative explicitly linking the two developments. And, he said, “Chinese corporate research is not at a scale of a GE or IBM.”

However, a facet of Chinese academic funding could help make up the difference. Chen said that in China, when the government funds a science project – even a basic science project – there is generally an application focus and a physical result.

“Every project they have,” he said, “they ask you to deliver some hardware after one to two years.”

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“Sometimes there are rumors about China which are exaggerated,” says Mike Roco, the senior adviser to the U.S. National Science Foundation. He says China is coming on strong but is still far from competing head-to-head with the U.S. in nanotech research. Photo courtesy of Peter West/National Science Foundation

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“Our materials can help them make a distinctive product,” says Alan Gotcher, CEO of Altair Nanotechnologies, which supplies nanostructured materials to Advanced Battery Technologies Inc. for use in batteries fabricated in Harbin, China. Photo courtesy of Altair Nanotechnologies Inc.

Feb. 16, 2006 – Ener1 Inc., a Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., company developing renewable energy technologies, announced that its EnerFuel subsidiary has relocated its headquarters to a larger and more equipped fuel cell facility in West Palm Beach, Fla.

The 7,600 square-foot facility, formerly occupied by another fuel cell company, includes a laboratory for developing experimental materials and fuel cell testing stations — two key components necessary to help EnerFuel develop fuel cells that it believes will be more cost effective, smaller and less complex than other products in the current fuel cell market.

Most of EnerFuel’s team of 16 engineers and technicians who have experience in fuel cell stack development will be located in the new headquarters. EnerFuel will continue to retain a laboratory and business presence in its facility located in Fort Lauderdale.

Jan. 19, 2006 — Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. announced that its battery research and development team successfully completed a testing program for lithium ion battery cells containing Altairnano’s nano-structured lithium titanate electrode materials.

The results demonstrated that the cell’s performance exceeds the system-level power requirements set forth by the U.S. Council for Automotive Research FreedomCAR Energy Storage System Performance Goals for hybrid electric vehicles, according to Evan House, program director of Altairnano’s Advanced Materials & Power Systems business unit. He said the cells also exceeded requirements published by major U.S. automakers.

Jan. 19, 2006 — Ener1 Inc. announced that it plans to name Charles Gassenheimer chairman of its board of directors, the appointment to be finalized later this week.

Gassenheimer was most recently with Satellite Asset Management, a hedge fund, where he served as managing director and portfolio manager of the convertible arbitrage division and private investment group.

“I have been involved with Ener1 as an investor for the last two years and continue to believe strongly in the company’s potential. I think that Ener1’s technologies and capabilities, specifically in the areas of lithium batteries for next generation hybrid electric vehicles and in the area of fuel cells products and services, can become commercially viable alternative energy solutions,” Gassenheimer said in a prepared statement.

Jan. 12, 2006 — QuantumSphere Inc., a manufacturer of metallic nanopowders, announced that George Olah has joined its scientific advisory board.

Olah, recipient of the 1994 Nobel Prize in chemistry, is the director of the University of Southern California’s Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute and is a distinguished professor in Organic Chemistry.

QuantumSphere supplies magnetic, conductive and catalytic metallic nanopowders, including nickel, silver, copper, cobalt and other proprietary nanoscale alloys. Its metals and nanometal alloys are intended as replacements for a significant portion of platinum, currently the main catalyst in a variety of fuel cells. The company says the materials will also be used in high performance batteries.

In late 2004, Motorola joined in a federally supported program with Carbon Nanotechnologies Inc.(CNI) and Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells Inc. to develop electrodes for micro fuel cells. The goal of the three-year, $7.4 million project is to provide free-standing carbon nanotube electrodes for proton exchange membranes in direct methanol fuel cells. The fuel cells would power Motorola’s mobile phones and other portable devices.

A year later Motorola Ventures invested in Tekion Inc., a nanotech energy company that offers a micro fuel cell-battery hybrid. Tekion’s technology relies on fuel cartridges that contain a purified form of formic acid that it calls Formira.

“We’re hedging our bets,” said Jerry Hallmark, a fellow in Motorola Labs’ energy technologies program. While Motorola is unlikely to manufacture miniaturized fuel cells, it wants to ensure that it is among the first to capitalize on technologies that free mobile phones and other devices from the power grid. “There is no one fuel cell that will be right for everything. It’s too early to pick a winner.”

Tekion’s fuel cell, at left, is about twice the size of a coin. Photo courtesy of Tekion
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The race is on, nonetheless, and it is expected to intensify this year. A safety panel for the International Civil Aviation Organization recommended last fall that aviation regulators allow passengers to carry methanol- and formic acid-powered electronic devices onboard aircraft. The decision, which is expected to get approval as early as April and go into effect in 2007, will remove a barrier for micro fuel cell developers who rely on either potentially explosive methanol or corrosive formic acid to provide the juice for laptops, cell phones and other portable devices.

The year 2007 also marks the end of the federal Advanced Technology Program award that is shared by Motorola, CNI and Johnson Matthey, and coincides with the target launch date for Tekion’s first commercial product.

“We are really supporting Motorola’s future,” said T.J. Wainerdi, director of business development at CNI, a Houston-based single-wall carbon nanotube manufacturer that was launched in 2000. Wainerdi also serves as its liaison in the fuel cell project. “We will some day be in fuel cells in Motorola’s phones.”

CNI’s free-standing carbon nanotube electrodes are expected to be more powerful and simpler to make than existing membrane electrode assemblies. In their first-year review, the team reported getting good performance results using less precious metal catalyst material. They also saw indications that their electrodes were less prone to corrosion, which in the past has prohibitively limited the lifetimes of membranes.

Tekion uses Formira, a form of formic acid, in its fuel cells. The fuel cells rely on a proton exchange membrane, or PEM, to convert energy stored in liquid fuel into electricity. Source: Tekion Inc.
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Tekion offers another approach for powering portable devices. It has developed a fuel cell-battery hybrid that relies on liquid fuel in a miniature cartridge. The fuel cell converts fuel in a chemical reaction into electricity to recharge batteries. Consumers replace cartridges when their batteries run low. Tekion’s approach combines the attributes of both fuel cells and batteries, said Neil Huff, president and chief executive of Tekion.

“Motorola recognizes there is an energy gap,” Huff said. “People have been demanding more functionality and more portability. They could see turning this into a product.”

Tekion, with operations in British Columbia and Illinois, was founded in 2003. It demonstrated its Formira Power Pack technology in 2004 by powering up a Nokia cell phone, and it expects to have products on the market in 2007.

Neither Tekion nor CNI anticipate that they’ll break into the cell phone market as early as 2007, though. They envision their technologies finding a foothold in some of Motorola’s other communications products first. They suggested products such as the satellite phones and two-way radios used by emergency workers in disasters like Hurricane Katrina. Batteries had proven woefully inadequate in such off-grid applications.

They said that two-way radios and satellite phones would provide steppingstones, offering revenues and real-world experiences of integrating their products into devices. “The holy grail is the cell phone,” Huff said. “But that will take a significant effort.”

Finding a small, reliable and cost-effective power source for Motorola’s cell phones remains Hallmark’s long-term goal as well. “The cell phone is the ultimate thing that we’d like to deal with,” Hallmark said. And part of Motorola’s strategy for a diverse fuel cell initiative is to ensure it is not dependent on a sole provider, Hallmark added. “We’d like to have multiple suppliers. It gets costs down.”
– Candace Stuart

Dec. 15, 2005 – PolyFuel Inc., a develop of nano-architectured fuel cell membranes, announced a new, thinner fuel cell membrane that delivers improved power levels for passive direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs).

PolyFuel says its new 45 micron-thick hydrocarbon membrane delivers 33 percent more power than the previous industry benchmark, the company’s 62-micron membrane, which is currently being used or analyzed by original equipment manufacturers.

The reduced thickness increases performance by reducing the resistivity of the membrane, while allowing a higher level of water back diffusion.

“PolyFuel has been working very hard with OEMs to refine its membrane technology to meet their specific needs,” said Jim Balcom, president and CEO of PolyFuel, in a prepared statement. “Perhaps the most requested feature has been a thinner membrane that retained the methanol crossover, water crossover and durability advantages of our 62-micron membrane, while meeting aggressive, new fuel cell performance targets.”

Balcom also said that in Japan PolyFuel is working with six major corporations that are developing DMFC systems, including NEC and SANYO Electric. Of these six, five are already evaluating the 45-micron membrane for near-term commercial use, including conducting durability and performance testing.

– David Forman

David S. Ensor, Senior Fellow and Center Director, Research Triangle Institute

Nanotechnology was born as the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) as described by Roco et al.1 The NNI is coordinated across the federal government by a subgroup of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTIC), the Cabinet-level organization by which the President coordinates science and technology policies across the federal government.

Roots of nanotechnology include aerosol and colloidal science, polymers and microfabrication in the semiconductor industry. The invention of the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981 made it possible to “image” and eventually manipulate individual atoms.

One of the key concepts is that technology can be approached from either top-down or bottom-up points of view. The top-down approach is the traditional method of fabricating products by starting with a large block and removing unwanted material until the part has the desired function. Conversely, the bottom-up approach is to build things from individual bits of matter to form the desired part.

One concept of intense research is self-assembly where molecules would arrange themselves into useful shapes and devices. This leads to the concept that products could be designed and fabricated at the most basic level. The three elements of nanotechnology as defined by the NNI include:

  • Exploiting the new phenomena and processes at the intermediate-length scale between single atom or molecule and about 100 molecular diameters, the range of about 1 to 100 nanometers
  • Applying the same principles and tools to establish a unifying platform for science and engineering at the nanoscale
  • Using the atomic and molecular interactions to develop efficient manufacturing methods

Nanotechnology is the continuation of a 300-year industrial trend to make products better, smaller and faster. The research has been a source of intense activity and is beginning to show signs of maturing beyond the laboratory.

Nanotechnology, if the extraordinary properties at small scale can be understood and engineered, could lead to a new generation of high-performance products. A wide range of applications are envisioned, including communications, energy conversion and medicine. The global standard of living could be improved. It is believed that nanotechnology would allow creation of global abundance and permit sustainable use of the planet. The NNI has a well designed roadmap anticipating research focus on several generations of products:2

  • First Generation (2001)-passive nanostructures. Examples are nanoparticles for catalysis, coatings and advanced materials.
  • Second Generation (~2005)-active nanostructures. Examples are nanoelectronics, targeted drugs, and sensors.
  • Third Generation (~2010)-3-D nanosystems and systems of nanosystems.
  • Fourth Generation (~2015)-heterogeneous molecular nanosystems. It is envisioned that each molecule in the nanosystem has a specific structure and plays a different role.

By 2015, it is estimated that nanotechnology will have a $1 trillion dollar impact on the global economy and employ 2 million workers, with 1 million being employed in the United States.

Recently a “report card” on the NNI was given by the Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology3. The strategy of NNI through several agencies was to first heavily fund fundamental research and investment in tools to facilitate research mainly in the universities and national laboratories. The intent of this investment was to build the basis for invention and to build infrastructure. The initial funding for the NNI was about $0.5 billion in 2000 and has increased to $1 billion in 2006. Nineteen university centers and three research networks were created by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The Department of Defense (DoD) has set up three centers, the National Space Administration (NASA) has set up four centers, and the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has one center. The National Institute of Health has plans in 2005 to establish up to eighteen centers for medical applications. The Department of Energy has established five user facilities. In 2004, the NNI supported over 2,500 active research projects at more than 500 universities, government laboratories and other research institutions in all fifty states. The NNI has also stimulated state-supported funding and industrial funding. Other countries have established their own research programs. The total governmental investment worldwide in 2004 was estimated at $4.6 billion.

It is evident that all measures of scientific productivity have increased significantly. The numbers of published papers on nanotechnology were about 28,000 in 2004 and the number of patents was about 8,600 in 2003.

Nanotechnology is the continuation of a 300-year industrial trend to make products better, smaller and faster.
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The Presidents Council, however, observed that at the present time the nanotechnology industry per se was quite small if defined very narrowly. On the other hand, if a large number of industries, such as coatings, electronics, cosmetics, textiles and pharmaceuticals, that already use nanotechnology to make existing products better were included, nanotechnology is already quite large and making an important impact on our economy.

Environmental, health and safety issues related to nanotechnology have recently become of interest. The ability to invent new materials has significantly outrun our ability to understand related toxicity and risk factors. Oberdorster et al.4 reviewed highlights of what is known about the toxicology of nanomaterials and describes approaches for screening these materials. Nanoscale materials, when incorporated into products, are often embedded in coatings and polymers, limiting availability to the environment. One concern at this point, however, is workplace safety and nanoparticles are believed to have the greatest potential risk. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has issued a strategic plan for research to fill knowledge gaps with respect to safety of nanomaterials.5

Standards initiatives

There are several standards activities underway worldwide. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has an initiative focusing on carbon nanotube quality and electrical properties to support incorporation into electronic devices.6 ASTM International started committee E56 on nanotechnology in January 2005.7 The committee is in partnership with six other standards organizations and has over 170 members organized into six technical subcommittees. In 2004, the British Standards Institute (BSI) started an effort with a focus on terminology and nomenclature and a draft is available on its Web site.8

A new ISO technical committee 229 has been commissioned for “Nanotechnologies”9 and BSI has been granted the secretariat. The inaugural meeting was scheduled for November 7-9, 2005, in London.10 There are 23 participating and 7 observer countries. IEST is represented on the U.S. Technical Advisory Group and is a member of the U.S. Delegation. The need to support the standards and recommended practices related to specification, construction, facility testing and operation of research and manufacturing facilities has not been considered in the NNI and the current standards initiatives.

IEST Recommended Practices initiative on nanotechnology

As the new technologies emerge from the research stage into manufacturing, facilities will need to be designed and built to accommodate the potentially unique requirements of nanotechnology, which is cutting across a wide range of disciplines and industries. Extrapolating semiconductor technologies with reduced feature size is only one possibility. Many nanotechnology products could require state-of-the-art semiconductor facilities, others may require capability of performing biotechnology functions. Still others may not require any type of cleanroom at all, but may require containment during manufacture if the material is toxic. New processes will need to be invented to scale up beaker- and hood-based research, and factories will need to be specified, designed and constructed for specific products and processes.

The IEST has a long history of developing standards and recommended practices in the cleanroom industry and testing products in controlled environments. The organization is exceptionally well suited to develop requirements for manufacturing and for adaptation of existing test methodologies to new products. Many of the necessary standards and recommended practices are quite likely in place to support nanotechnology and may only require interpretation for particular applications. Gaps will need to be identified and the development of consensus recommended practices started to aid all steps of nanotechnology through research, development and manufacturing.

A Nanotechnology Committee has been organized. Its inaugural meeting was scheduled for November 15, 2005, in Chicago and is slated to meet regularly at future IEST meetings.11 At this point, the first task of the committee will be to define the scope and identify potential working groups. For example, a potential starting point might be examining the requirements for current research facilities. Weaver12 described the design of a university nanotechnology laboratory incorporating capability for both semiconductor and biological requirements. Information on these initiatives can be found at the IEST Web site (


Nanotechnology research investments are accelerating and are beginning to result in new products. As envisioned in the nanotechnology roadmap, generations of products with ever-increasing complexity will be introduced in the next decade. The ability to develop new materials and devices has outstripped our ability to characterize or even name them. The worldwide standards movement is an early step towards maturity. IEST is beginning an important program in defining facility requirements to support the long-term development of nanotechnology.


  1. Roco, M. C., R. S. Williams, and P. Alivisatos, eds. “Nanotechnology Research Directions,” U.S. National science and Technology Council, Washington, D.C. 1999. See:
  2. Roco, M. C. “Nanoscale science and engineering: Unifying and transforming tools,” AIChE Journal, 50:5 890-897, 2004.
  3. President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. “The National Nanotechnology Initiative at five years: Assessment and recommendations of the national nanotechnology advisory panel,” May 2005. See:
  4. Oberdorster, G. et al. “Principles for characterizing the potential human health effects from exposure to nanomaterials: Elements of a screening strategy,” Particle and Fibre Toxicology. October 2005, 6. See:
  5. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. “Strategic Plan for NIOSH Nanotechnology Research: Filling the Knowledge Gaps.” See: topics/nanotech/pdfs/NIOSH_Nanotech_Strategic_Plan.pdf
  6. IEEE Nanotechnology Standards Working Group. “Draft Test Methods for Measurement of Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes.” See:
  7. ASTM Committee E56 on Nanotechnology. See:
  8. British Standards Institute. “PAS 71:2005 Vocabulary-Nanoparticles.” See:
  9. ANSI Nanotechnology Standards Panel. See: nsp/overview.aspx? menuid=3
  10. British Standards Institute. “Large scale gains for small scale work” (press release). See:
  11. The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) Web site. See:
  12. Weaver, J. “A design for combining biological and semiconductor cleanrooms for nanotechnology research-A case study,” IESTJ, 2005.

David S. Ensor is a Senior Fellow and center director at the Research Triangle Institute with responsibilities for Aerosol Technology. He is a graduate of the University of Washington with a PhD in engineering. Dr. Ensor is a founding editor of the journal Aerosol Research and Technology. He has been active in aerosol science for thirty years and in contamination control for over twenty years. He is an IEST Fellow and is one of the editors of the Journal of the IEST. Dr. Ensor is the Convenor of ISO/TC 209 Working Group 7 with responsibility for ISO 14644-7 “Separative devices (clean air hoods, gloveboxes, isolators, minienvironments),” and a member of the ANSI-accredited United States Technical Advisory Group to ISO/TC 209 “Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments.” He is also a member of the ANSI-accredited United States Technical Advisory Group for ISO/TC 229 “Nanotechnologies,” and a member of the U.S. Delegation.

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Nov. 9, 2005 – Nanosys Inc., a privately held company focused on developing nanotechnology-enabled products, announced that it has raised approximately $40 million in a private equity financing.

The round was led by El Dorado Ventures and includes new investors Masters Capital, Medtronic Inc., Wasatch Advisors and others. In addition, previous investors who participated include Alexandria Equities, ARCH Venture Partners, CDIB BioScience Ventures, CW Group, Harris & Harris Group Inc., In-Q-Tel, Intel Capital, H.B. Fuller Company, Lux Capital, Polaris Venture Partners, Prospect Venture Partners, UOB Hermes Asia Technology Fund, and Venrock Associates.

The company said it would use the funding for the ongoing development and manufacturing scale-up of products that incorporate its proprietary, inorganic nanostructures with integrated functionality for multiple industries. Current product development programs include chemical analysis chips for pharmaceutical drug research, fuel cells for portable electronics, nanostructures for displays and phased array antennas, non-volatile memory for electronic devices and solid-state lighting products.

The Palo Alto, Calif.-based company previously raised a $38 million round in 2003, a $15 million round in 2002, and a $1.7 million round in 2001. In addition, the company has secured tens of millions of dollars in non-equity grants and contracts and has a variety of ongoing joint development projects. Most recently, Nanosys began working with Sharp Corp. of Osaka, Japan, on nanotech-enabled displays. In 2004, the company registered to conduct an initial public offering of stock on the Nasdaq market but pulled the IPO in August when the market experienced a downturn.