Category Archives: Energy Storage

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July 9, 2004 -Energy is the single most important challenge facing humanity today.

As we peak in oil production and worry about natural gas supplies, life must go on. Somehow, we must find a basis for energy prosperity in the 21st century for ourselves and the rest of humanity.

By the middle of this century we should assume that we will need to double world energy production from its current level, with most of this coming from clean, sustainable, carbon dioxide-free sources. For worldwide peace and prosperity, it must be cheap. We simply cannot do this with current technology.

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We will need revolutionary breakthroughs to find the clean, low-cost energy necessary for advanced civilization of the 10 billion souls we expect to be living on this planet before this century is out.

The system most likely to meet that goal is an electrical-based grid that draws from numerous sources — solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal, biomass and fossil fuels — for reliable energy. Nanotechnology will be a contributor, as well as other technologies, if we provide sufficient support.

Consider, for example, a vast interconnected electrical energy grid for the North American continent. By 2050 this grid will interconnect several hundred million local sites. There are two key aspects of this future grid that will make a huge difference: massive long-distance electrical power transmission, and local storage of electrical power with real-time pricing.

Storage of electrical power is critical for stability and robustness of the electrical power grid, and it is essential if we are to use solar and wind as our dominant primary power source.

The best place to provide this storage is locally, near the point of use. Imagine by 2050 that every house, business and building has its own local electrical energy storage device, an uninterruptible power supply capable of handling the needs of the owner for 24 hours.

Today using lead-acid storage batteries, such a unit for a house to store 100-kilowatt hours of electrical energy would take up a small room and cost more than $10,000.

Through advances in nanotechnology, it may be possible to shrink an equivalent unit to the size of a washer and drop the cost to $1,000. Among the approaches being developed today are nanotubes, nanowires and nanocomposites for batteries.

On another front, nanostructured membranes, nanohorn electrodes and nanocatalysts are helping to make fuel cells smaller, lighter and more affordable.

With research and entrepreneurial efforts, many schemes are likely to emerge to supply this local energy storage market that may expand to several billion units worldwide.

The grid can become robust with these advances, since local storage protects customers from power fluctuations and outages. With real-time pricing, the local customers have incentive to take power from the grid when it is cheapest.

This permits the primary electrical energy providers to deliver power to the grid when it is most efficient for them to do so, and reduce the requirements for reserve capacity to follow peaks in demand. Most importantly, it permits a large portion of the primary electrical power on the grid to come from solar and wind.

The other critical innovation needed is massive electrical power transmission over continental distances, permitting, for example, hundreds of gigawatts of electrical power to be transported from solar farms in New Mexico to markets in New England.

Nanotechnology in the form of single-wall carbon nanotubes (or buckytubes) forming a quantum wire may play a role in this electrical transmission system.

As wires, buckytubes are superb conductors, offering a current density far higher than today’s options. They’re also lightweight, stronger than steel and shrink rather than expand when heated.

Expanding wires cause power lines to sag, making them less efficient electricity carriers and fire hazards if they dip into tree limbs.

These technologies will allow primary power producers to compete with little concern for the actual distance to market. Clean coal plants in Wyoming, stranded gas in Alaska, wind farms in North Dakota, hydroelectric power from British Columbia, nuclear power from Washington, and solar power from the vast western deserts, etc., contribute power to consumers far away on the grid.

Everybody plays.

Such innovations in power transmission, storage and generation technologies themselves can only come from discoveries in science together with free enterprise in open competition for worldwide markets.

America should take the lead. We should launch a bold New Energy Research Program. Just a nickel from every gallon of gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, and jet fuel would generate $10 billion a year. That would be enough to transform the physical sciences and engineering in this country.

At minimum it will generate a cornucopia of new technologies that will drive wealth and job creation. At best, we will solve the energy problem within this next generation; solve it for ourselves and, by example, solve it for the rest of humanity as well.

Give a nickel. Save the world.

This column was adapted from Senate testimony given on April 27.

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NEW YORK, May 27, 2004 – “Buy a micro fuel cell and get a free laptop computer,” runs the insider’s joke.

Efforts to miniaturize fuel cells for notebook computers have been beset by cost and performance problems that have delayed debuts and inspired the industry’s black humorists. But two small companies in New York intend to have the last laugh in what is shaping up to be a market showdown. Early success could translate into sales of up to 120-million units by 2012, according to a study released this month.

Medis Technologies, with offices in New York City and Israel, expects to deliver devices toward the year’s end that are smaller than a pager with enough power for 12 to 15 hours of mobile phone talk time or half a dozen recharges of a digital camera. Competitor MTI Micro Fuel Cells Inc. of Albany also plans to ship first-generation products for radios and RFID tag readers in 2004.

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Chief Executive Robert Lifton said that he expects Medis to send about 1,000 disposable units costing around $15 to distribution partner Kensington Technology Group, a division of ACCO Brands Inc. that makes computer accessories and cases. Products should be available to consumers in the first quarter of 2005. The company also works with General Dynamics on micro fuel cells to run military handheld computers.

MTI will supply fuel cells to Harris Corp. for military radios and to Intermec Technologies Inc. for industrial handheld RFID tag readers. Those customers can control the refueling of power cells in a warehouse or military setting. But Chief Executive William Acker said the company is aiming for the broader consumer market through its investor Gillette Inc. and its Duracell subsidiary.

MTI is developing a prototype small enough to work in portable consumer electronic devices. It is also partnering with Flextronics, an electronics manufacturing services firm, to facilitate its product launch and marketing.

The two startups rely on different technologies. MTI’s system runs on 100-percent methanol fuel, while the Medis Power Pack operates on a proprietary glycerol liquid. MTI’s device is built around proton exchange membrane (PEM) architecture using a polymer membrane material developed by DuPont. DuPont owns a 3.7-percent stake in the company. DuPont Fuel Cell is part of a supply-chain team MTI unveiled in mid-May.

David Redstone, editor of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Investor, gives Medis the edge. “The combination of their fuel, proprietary electrolyte and catalyst materials adds up to unmatched power density,” he said. He said Medis allowed its devices to be tested and measured independently, and reported what they will cost.

Large corporations such as NEC, Samsung, Motorola and Hitachi have announced, and delayed in Toshiba’s case, micro fuel cell plans and prototypes.

An analysis released May 19 by the Asian Technology Information Program said Japanese manufacturers would begin incorporating small fuel cells into notebook computers in 2005. ABI Research reported in mid-May that micro fuel cells would appear in a small number of laptops in 2005, and more than 13 percent of laptops would be powered by fuel cells by 2012.

Atakan Ozbek, director of energy research at ABI, said one of the Asian companies could make a breakthrough with a nanomaterial or engineering trick that could improve the commercial prospects of micro fuel cells. But “there are still more questions than answers” on how the field will unfold, he said.

Redstone remains skeptical until fuel cell companies provide products and set costs. “Micro fuel cells are not going to replace laptop batteries anytime soon,” he said.

Several analysts noted that electronics giants have been tight-lipped about the progress and timing of micro fuel cell products. But big companies can afford to remain silent while they nurture R&D programs and get performance data from internal field tests before making any product announcements.

Jerry Hallmark, manager of Motorola’s Energy Technology Lab, said the company continues to work on a micro fuel cell prototype that could power police and emergency radios Motorola makes. But he said Motorola would likely outsource the manufacturing of a micro fuel cell. Doing in-house research, he explained, helps ensure that Motorola will “know the right questions” to ask of a prospective manufacturing partner.

Walter Nasdeo, an analyst for the investment firm Ardour Capital Partners, noted that the cost of early devices is a concern. But he said that it was more important for companies like MTI and Medis to get products out the door “to show that they work, and give people the opportunity to touch, feel and get familiar” with such a promising new technology.

May 19, 2004 — Carbon Nanotechnologies Inc. (Profile, News, Web) has teamed up with Chaksa, Minn.-based materials maker Entegris Inc. to commercialize polymer products enhanced by CNI’s carbon nanotubes, according to a news release.

Houston-based CNI’s single-wall nanotubes will be incorporated into Entegris’ products, developed for such applications as semiconductors, data storage devices, pharmaceuticals, and fuel cells. The cylindrical polymers of pure carbon, which are prized for their high strength, low weight and efficient conductivity, are expected to boost the performance of Entegris’ next-generation products, the release said.

April 8, 2004 — A buckyball toxicity study that spawned considerable debate inside and outside the nanotech industry last week has been published in an environmental journal.

The journal Environmental Health Perspectives this week published Manufactured Nanomaterials Induce Oxidative Stress in Brain of Juvenile Largemouth Bass, written by Southern Methodist University environmental toxicology lecturer Eva Oberdorster. The peer-reviewed study, conducted by Oberdorster and her students, is believed to be the first to show that uncoated fullerenes can cause brain damage in aquatic species.

She and her group found the rates of brain damage to be 17 times higher in nine large-mouth bass exposed to a form of water-soluble buckyballs. The rate was in comparison to nine unexposed fish. The study found what she called “moderate toxicity” in the fish. The concentration of nanoparticles used in the 48-hour laboratory study was .5 parts per million.

Oberdorster presented the study last week at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim, Calif., which was attended by several media organizations and received broad international coverage. The study also became a hot topic among speakers and attendees last week at the National Nanotechnology Initiative conference in Washington. Some publicly accused the media of misleading the public about the environmental risks of nanoparticles.

In both her talk and the study, she stressed that further research needs to be done to evaluate the potential toxicity of manufactured nanomaterials on living organisms, and she is seeking federal money to continue her work. She also criticized some media reports that “twist your words around.”

“Considering the benefits of nanotech, I think it’s actually a great trade-off. Imagine if we can make more-efficient fuel cells and decrease our dependence on highly toxic fossil fuels,” Oberdorster told Small Times in an e-mail. “But that doesn’t sell newspapers. Scary stuff like ‘the buckyballs will eat your brains’ sells much better. Doesn’t matter that it’s not correct, as long as it sells papers.”

Still, she is grateful to have helped spur talk about the environmental impact of nanomaterials: “I think this also points out that the public really wants to know what the risks and benefits of nanotechnology are so that they can make informed decisions.”

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Feb. 11, 2004 — It’s a battery! It’s a power pump! It’s Super Capacitor!


Supercapacitors work like short-acting, but high-power, batteries. While the first supercapacitor was sold in 1978, improved performance and lower prices in recent years are expanding the market for them. That has caught the attention of companies working on nanomaterials.


Leo O’Connor, director of research for Technical Insights, reports that researchers at NEC Corp. (Nasdaq: NIPNY, News, Web) in Japan are working on carbon nanohorns for electrodes in supercapacitors and fuel cells. Scientists in Singapore have developed a new carbon structure they called nanowalls that could boost supercapacitors.


To understand how such nanomaterials could advance these devices, a few words first on how “supercaps,” as they’re called, work:


Conventional batteries store a lot of energy, but discharge power at a relatively low level; traditional capacitors provide a burst of power but don’t hold much energy. Supercapacitors are something of a crossbreed: they can both store a cache of energy and release it in pulses of strong power.


A supercapacitor could, for example, help a hybrid gas/electric vehicle accelerate, especially in high load situations like a standing start. Oshkosh Truck Corp. in Wisconsin is reportedly working on a prototype for a hybrid garbage truck that would use supercapacitors in its electric drive system.


Supercaps can also absorb a lot of energy quickly, such as when a hybrid vehicle’s brakes recapture energy while stopping. Smaller supercapacitors already give some digital cameras the quick boost they need when snapping a picture, or provide the power pulses for mobile phones.


Australian firm cap-XX Pty Ltd., for example, produces power-packed supercapacitors the size of postage stamps for use in applications such as portable electronics. Bigger supercapacitors may function as part of backup power systems for buildings and businesses.


According to consultant and supercapacitor expert John R. Miller of JME Inc., the devices have several advantages over batteries. They can be charged and discharged almost indefinitely. Rechargeable batteries wear out after repeated charging and can be damaged by overcharging. Supercaps can also operate in low or high temperatures, aren’t affected by shock and can’t explode, as batteries sometimes do.


In many instances, a supercapacitor is intended to work with a battery, handling peak loads to increase the time between charges or allow the device to use smaller batteries. The battery recharges the supercapacitor, which can store its energy cache for days or months, depending on design and application.


Today, the electrodes in many supercapacitors are composed of a simple and dirt-cheap material called activated carbon. Produced from coal, sawdust, or even coconut husks by companies such as MeadWestvaco Corp., hundreds of millions of tons of it are produced every year to purify water and air, and reduce auto emissions.


Some experts contend that activated carbon is a very simple nanomaterial. Composed of a microscopic honeycomb of random pores ands particles, activated carbon offers tremendous surface area for an electrolyte solution to interact with. “There’s almost a football field of area in one teaspoon,” Miller said.


Cooper Electronic Technologies in Boynton Beach, Fla., makes supercapacitors with a novel material, carbon aerogel, that also could be described as a nanostructured material. As the foam-like substance dries, it forms an airy web of nanoscale carbon particles and pores that is highly conductive.


But the most powerful supercapacitors prototypes have been built using multiwall carbon nanotubes by companies such as Hyperion Catalysis International Inc. (Profile, News, Web) in Cambridge, Mass.


Hyperion isn’t planning to commercialize its approach, but as Miller explained, an electrode made with such tubes has its entire surface exposed directly to the electrolyte, whereas in activated carbon, the electric charges in the electrolyte have to move through the pores.


In the meantime, controlling the precise size and distribution of pores in activated carbon may be an avenue for nanoengineering to squeeze more performance out of existing materials.


While most newer nanomaterials are too expensive to displace activated carbon in mass-market supercapacitors, Miller noted that space, military and niche applications may be a market where size and weight savings from using more expensive nanomaterials are more critical than device costs.


At University of Texas at Dallas, a team lead by Ray Baughman (News, Web) has produced fibers from carbon nanotubes that when woven into threads can function as a supercapacitor.


Baughman explained that the nanotube threads could serve double duty as a supertough fabric protecting soldiers or military vehicles while also storing energy for electronic systems. While he declined to name the company, he said work is under way to commercialize the supercapacitor fabric.


Nanopowders-maker NEI Corp. in Piscataway, N.J., is also working at the intersection of supercaps and nanotech. NEI is part of an Energy Department project for a hybrid battery/supercapacitor technology that might be useful in applications like power tools.


Between 1999 and 2002, U.S. Nanocorp. Inc. in Farmington, Conn. worked on a $900,000 grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technology to develop nanostructured materials for another device that was part supercapacitor and part battery. The device performed well, according to Nanocorp CEO David Reisner, but projects closer to commercialization took precedence.

Jan. 8, 2004 — Power & Energy Inc. is using a U.S. defense research contract to develop nanostructured membranes for fuel cell applications, according to a news release.

Power & Energy plans to make the thin-film membranes to enable fuel cell users to generate high-purity hydrogen-on-demand from any reformed fuel source. The company said the membrane technology is ideal for early adoption of fuel cells in remote, portable and mobile applications, such as backpack fuel cells for soldiers or distributed electric power generation for ships.

The Phase II Small Business Innovation Research contract awarded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, allows the Ivyland, Pa.-based company to continue its fuel cell work.

Dec. 11, 2003 — Almost without notice, a number of innovative, advanced material firms in the emerging fuel cell market have been acquired by larger firms. Two recent examples of the trend are Cabot Corp’s acquisition of Superior MicroPowders for $16 million in the United States and Belgium-based Timcal’s takeover of Erachem Comilog’s carbon black business unit in Europe.


Both of the acquired businesses are poised to supply materials to fuel cell makers. Things like nanopowders, nanostructured coatings and the like will play an important role in next generation fuel cell systems. “Nanomaterials have the potential to increase power density, extend durability, and lower costs,” said Toddington Harper, a business development manager at Fuel Cell Markets, a U.K.-based consulting company.

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“It’s all about getting the more productivity out of small volumes. As a result, there is a great deal of investor interest in the firms able to supply such technologies,” said David Berkowitz, a partner at Ventures West in Vancouver, a pioneering investor in fuel cell companies.


Industry observers, such as Atakan Ozbek, director of energy research at ABI, a market research firm, see the merger and acquisition activity as a jockeying by the larger players to position themselves to serve the emerging fuel cell market. The large players do not want to be left behind “once fuel cell systems become premium energy suppliers,” he said in an e-mail interview.


Ozbek expects this trend to continue in the coming years.


Berkowitz agrees, “There’s been a great deal of M&A activity to date and the trend will continue in the coming months.”


Cabot Corp. acquired Superior MicroPowders for its proprietary process to make “low precious metal content” electrocatalyst powders for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. It is now doubling the number of R&D employees and moving to a larger facility in New Mexico.


Timcal acquired Erachem Comilog for its carbon black process in September, which is reportedly critical to lithium ion batteries and fuel cells. The unit has an annual turnover of approximately $18 million and owns an innovative special carbon black manufacturing process.


A wider trend


The silent snapup of nanomaterial manufacturers is part of a larger consolidation trend in emerging fuel cell market taking place on both sides of the fuel cell supply chain, according to Walter V. Nasdeo, an analyst at investment banking boutique Ardour Capital, in New York.


He goes as far as to say that fuel cells are a “commodity” and that the suppliers of parts and services are the ones who stand to have the “fattest margins” in the value chain in the future. This includes parts manufacturers, electrode assembly firms, power electronics, testers, materials suppliers, and on the other side of the fuel cell chain, the firms that can integrate fuel cells into systems.


PriceWaterhouseCoopers also noticed the trend in its “Fuel Cell Survey” published in October, pointing to Hydrogenics, which acquired venture-backed Greenlight Power and EnKat of Germany, to form the largest fuel cell testing equipment vendor in the world.


Indeed, the likes of GM, Shell and ChevronTexaco are starting to “hedge their bets on the sector, not just from one angle but from multiple platforms -both technically and strategically,” said Ozbek.


“Too many companies were funded during the boom. There was too much capital available and now there is too little. Startups are learning that one little piece of technology does not a company make,” says Berkowitz.


In other words, consolidation is driven by the financial distress of companies that are making one component or element of a fuel cell system. They need to find stronger, cash-rich partners in order to develop their technology into a product.


Another driver is the realization among larger firms that it is taking a lot longer to get to market than they expected and they need to buy in the pieces of the puzzle that are still missing. “There used to be an aversion to components or sub systems from outside suppliers, a not-invented-here mentality,” said Berkowitz. “But that is quite rapidly being abandoned,” he posits.


The trend will lead to “stronger companies,” according to PWC.

Dec. 1, 2003 — The global nanotechnology market is expected to grow to $18 billion by 2005, with nano-enabled flat-panel displays and fuel cells expected to launch within three years, according to a survey reported in Asia Pulse.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun Inc.’s second corporate survey on nanotech found that 40 companies are developing nanotubes and other nanomaterials. Most expect to release commercial products in one to three years, the report said.

The survey results, tabulated from 240 firms ranging from nano R&D to production, also said respondents tend to be developing materials such as nano-based glass or fibers. Products include high-capacity memory and environmental cleaning systems.

Nov. 12, 2003 — A University of California, Riverside, research team under contract with Pacific Fuel Cell Corp. has developed a fuel cell using carbon nanotube-based electrodes, according to a news release.


Pacific Fuel Cell expects that use of multiwall nanotubes as a platinum support for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells will reduce manufacturing costs. The Tustin, Calif.-based firm plans to create joint ventures for commercialization, the release said.


Pacific Fuel Cell, listed on OTC Bulletin Board, closed Tuesday at 23 cents, up from 10 cents Monday.

ANN ARBOR, Mich., Nov. 10, 2003 — Recognizing the people, products and companies that are leading the growth of the micro and nanotechnology industry, Small Times Media announces its 2003 Small Times Magazine Best of Small Tech Awards. These awards represent the best of the best in nanotechnology, MEMS and microsystems.


“The 2003 Small Times Magazine Best of Small Tech Award winners are impacting our lives,” said Steve Crosby, president and publisher of Small Times Media. “Our winners have found commercial success in small tech by playing a key role in homeland defense, launching one of the year’s few successful IPOs and helping to save a major corporation from bankruptcy.”


The awards will be presented at the NanoCommerce 2003 conference in Chicago on Dec. 9.


Best of Small Tech Award: Product

The true mark of an emerging technology is its integration into products. The winner of our 2003 Small Times Magazine Best of Small Tech Product Award is Cepheid’s GeneXpert. This microtechnology product is the monitor in a system that the U.S. Postal Service is using to help detect anthrax.


Runners-up are Agilent Technologies’ film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) duplexer, Knowles Acoustics’ SiSonic microphone, LG Electronics’ Nano Carbon Ball and TheraSense’s FreeStyle blood glucose monitoring system.



Nano-Tex’s role in rescuing the textile firm Burlington Industries and its marketing successes earned it top honors in the Best of Small Tech company category. Nano-Tex produces polymers that attach to or wrap around fibers to make fabric stain-proof, wrinkle-free and absorbent. Nano-Tex’s stain-resistance technology is being incorporated into Gap, Old Navy and Brooks Brothers clothing lines. Nike Inc. is using Nano-Tex’s sweat-repellant technology for Tiger Woods golf pants.


Runners-up are BEI Technologies, FormFactor, NanoOpto and Obducat AB.


Business Leader

The 2003 Small Times Magazine Best of Small Tech Business Leader succeeded in taking a small tech company public in a difficult economy. FormFactor CEO Igor Khandros built his company to answer an industry need, creating MEMS technology that connects test equipment to multiple chips still on a wafer, saving semiconductor manufacturers money.


Runners-up are Larry Bock (Nanosys), Charles Harris (Harris & Harris), George Henderson (Burlington Industries) and Yang Zhao (MEMSIC).



A nanotechnology researcher from California won this year’s Small Times Magazine Best of Small Tech Researcher Award. Paul Alivisatos of University of California, Berkeley, designed a nanocrystal that is expected to improve the efficiency of hybrid plastic solar cells.


Runners-up include Phaedon Avouris (IBM), Cees Dekker (Delft University of Technology), Masayoshi Esashi (Tohoku University) and Chad Mirkin (Northwestern University).



NEC’s Sumio Iijima’s work with carbon nanotubes and their applications earned him the title of 2003 Small Times Magazine Best of Small Tech Innovator. He is not only the first person to identify carbon nanotubes, but he successfully incorporated them into fuel cells for laptops.


Runners-up include Stephen Fodor (Affymetrix), Lewis Gruber (Arryx), David Soane (Nano-Tex) and George Whitesides (Harvard University).



Steve Jurvetson of Draper Fisher Jurvetson is known for his knowledge, visionary zeal, outspoken support and willingness to invest in small tech. Unlike many investors, Jurvetson takes an active role as an industry proponent, speaking at conferences and authoring articles.


Runners-up include Phil Bond (Department of Commerce), Marlene Bourne (In-Stat/MDR), Tim Harper (Cientifica) and Ottilia Saxl (Institute of Nanotechnology).


Lifetime Achievement

Richard Smalley is a Nobel Prize winner, a Rice University professor, founder of Carbon Nanotechnologies Inc. and someone who has the ear of leaders in Washington. Smalley is best known for co-discovering buckyballs in the 1980s and developing a related molecule, the carbon nanotube. Now Richard Smalley is working to gain support in Washington for clean and affordable energy based on nanotechnology and other advancements.