Category Archives: Energy Storage

October 20, 2011 – GLOBE NEWSWIRE — Entegris, Inc. (Nasdaq:ENTG), contamination control company, opened a manufacturing and research facility in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, for design and manufacturing of advanced filtration and materials handling components for the semiconductor industry and other high-tech industries. The facility will also provide lab services to customers in Taiwan and across Asia.

Entegris was honored to host several of its key customers and important local officials at the opening ceremony. Once the new facility is fully operational, it should employ as many as 160 manufacturing, sales, service and engineering staffers in Taiwan.

"Taiwan is an important market for Entegris, representing 16 percent, or nearly $110 million, of our sales in fiscal 2010. This expansion adds to our existing presence in this region and extends our ability to address growth opportunities in the semiconductor, solar, energy storage, and other emerging markets across Asia," said Gideon Argov, president and CEO of Entegris.

Entegris provides a wide range of products for purifying, protecting and transporting critical materials used in processing and manufacturing in semiconductor and other high-tech industries. Additional information can be found at

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October 14, 2011 – Marketwire — mPhase Technologies Inc. (OTCBB:XDSL) was granted access to the technical facilities at the Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM), Argonne National Labs for user-initiated nanoscience & nanotechnology research. mPhase will optimize its micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) Smart silicon membrane, a key component of the mPhase Smart NanoBattery and other potential smart surface applications.

mPhase Smart NanoBattery design uses electrowetting and microfluidic techniques to selectively activate and control the power generated by the cells in the reserve battery. mPhase’s goal is to design batteries with long shelf life, high availability and other programmable factors, said mPhase CEO, Ron Durando.

mPhase will conduct technical analysis and refinement of its smart surfaces technology using Argonne’s sophisticated laboratory tools, which are not readily available to small businesses The CNM nanoscience & nanotechnology research program provides access to capabilities for design, synthesis, characterization, and theory & modeling of nanoscale phenomena, enabling development of functional nanoscale systems.

Also read: mPhase touts progress for nanobattery polymer coating

mPhase Technologies Smart Surface technology combines nanotechnology, MEMS processing and micro fluidics for applications in drug delivery systems, lab-on-a-chip analytic systems, self-cleaning systems, liquid and chemical sensor systems, and filtration systems. More information about the company can be found at

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October 10, 2011 — BUSINESS WIRE — CCID Consulting released a white paper on China’s lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery industry, as the country seeks to promote new energy technologies for automobiles (electric vehicles) and other needs.

In 2010, China’s lithium ion battery market hit RMB 27.61 billion, an increase of 37.9% compared with 2009. China produced 3.67 billion lithium ion batteries in 2010, an increase of 33.9% compared with 2009. China determined in October 2010 to cultivate new energy technologies to lead the national economy. China’s lithium-ion battery industry will grow rapidly in the country’s Twelfth Five-Year Plan, CCID Consulting reports.

The country will spend RMB100 billion on new-energy vehicles between 2011 and 2020, with lithium-ion batteries at the heart of the sector. Shanghai’s strong automotive industry will capitalize on this focus.

Regional competition will push local governments to develop high-end technologies. The industry is concentrated on the Pearl River Delta, with a production base for raw materials and low-cost labor for assembly of lithium ion batteries. In 2010, the output value of lithium ion battery in this region is RMB 7.48 billion, accounting for about 27% of the nation. However, as the inland increasingly lowers the labor costs, the labor-intensive links such as battery core assembly and PACK will gradually move from coastal areas to inland areas.

Map of China’s Li-ion battery industry.

The Bohai Bay is the material and production base of lithium-ion batteries in China. In 2010, the output values of lithium ion battery for these areas reached RMB 4.56 billion. Beijing has achieved remarkable growth in anode materials for lithium ion batteries. Tianjin will become an essential base for the lithium-ion battery industry in the future.

Main upstream ores of lithium ion battery include lithium carbonate, iron, manganese, cobalt, and nickel. China is rich in lithium, next only to Chile and Argentina. The central and western regions offer rich ore fields producing lithium-ion battery raw materials. Regions with rich lithium ore reserves (Yichun Jiangxi, Ngawa Sichuan, Qinghai, Tibet) have "unrivaled conditions" for Li-ion battery development. CCID Consulting believes that with the rapid development of lithium ion battery industry and the expanding of downstream productivity, resource companies will face increasing pressure of supplying. As demand exceeds supply, upstream mineral resources will be of high investment value. Battery material is the bottleneck of lithium ion batteries industrialization.

With high barrier in threshold of market access, technology and other intelligence factors are the major drivers for the rapid development of high-end material of lithium ion battery such as membrane and lithium hexafluorophosphate. Intelligence-intensive eastern regions represented by Beijing, Jiangsu, and Shanghai, therefore, will maintain their monopoly position in high-end battery material based on their leading technologies. Eastern regions will hold even more power as new-energy automobiles gain prominence.

The output of lithium ion batteries from Japan, China, and South Korea accounts for over 90% of the global output. Before 2000, more than 80% of lithium ion batteries were produced in Japan, but China’s good investment environment and cheaper labor is driving an industry shift. Many Japanese, South Korean and Taiwanese enterprises go to China to build their lithium factories. In 2010, China produced over 30% of the global output, and growing.

The development of battery core assembly depends on capital and scale. With mature production technique and technology, most lithium ion battery manufacturers in China can produce cores of lithium ion batteries, on the condition that the raw material supply is guaranteed. However, the production of motive-power battery involves combination of cores, which requests core consistency, more advanced battery production equipment and more investment as a result. Compared with other upstream battery material industries, this industry is labor-intensive, and many domestic and foreign enterprises have stepped into this field.

And what about recycling? As Li-ion production and consumption increase, scrapped lithium ion batteries will create environment pollution. Cobalt in lithium ion batteries offers huge economic value if recovered. With the development of battery recycling and recovery technology, especially the maturity of microorganism metallurgy in handling lithium ion batteries, cobalt, graphite, electrolyte and other metals contained in lithium ion batteries can be recovered.

CCID Consulting summarizes the distributing characteristics of world Li-ion battery industry and its successful development mode; and analyzed the features of domestic distributing and resources. CCID Consulting examines the trends for future development of China’s lithium ion battery industry and the assorted investment values of lithium ion battery in every links of the chain. This provided important guidance for the layout design of the national and local lithium ion battery industry as well as decision making of enterprises. Obtain the white paper at

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October 5, 2011 — Stanford researchers, led by Yi Cui, an associate professor of materials science and engineering, fabricated electrode materials that significantly increase lithium-ion battery energy storage capacity. Sulfer-coated hollow carbon nanofibers, and an electrolyte additive, improved the battery cathode. In previous research (2007), Cui’s group fabricated battery anodes with silicon nanowires. Cui envisions silicon nanowire anodes and sulfur-coated carbon cathodes combined in next-generation batteries.

Sulfur offers "10x higher charge storage capacity," Cui explains, "with about half the voltage of the existing battery. Higher charge capacity and lower voltage results in a lithium-ion battery with 4-5x the energy storage capability of today’s Li-ion products.

Read our Energy Storage Trends blog here.

Prior attempts at incorporating sulfur — which is low cost and nontoxic — have failed to produce commercially viable products. Lithium-sulfur batteries fail quickly when cycling through charging. Sulfer has conventionally coated open carbon structures, exposed to the battery’s electrolyte. Intermediate reaction products, lithium polysulfides, dissolve into the electrolyte solution and reduce energy density.

Cui’s team developed a cathode fabrication that they expect will avoid these issues. "On the one side we don’t want a large surface area contacting the sulfur and the electrolyte," said graduate student Wesley Guangyuan Zheng, "on the other hand we want a large surface area for electrical and ionic conductivities." In this work, sulfur coats the inside of a hollow carbon nanofiber, protected from the outside. This was achieved with a commercially available filer technology.

The nearly closed cathode design prevents polysulfides from significantly leaking out into the electrolyte solution. The length of a hollow nanofiber is about 300x its diameter, containing polysulfides thanks to the long, skinny shape.

Graduate student Yuan Yang then included an electrolyte additive that enhances the battery’s charge and energy efficiency, known as the coulombic efficiency. "Without the additive you put 100 electrons into the battery and you get 85 out. With the additive, you get 99 out," Cui said.

Judy J. Cha of the Stanford Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Seung Sae Hong of the Stanford Department of Applied Physics also contributed to this research.

The results were published online Sept. 14 in the journal Nano Letters: Access "Hollow Carbon Nanofiber-Encapsulated Sulfur Cathodes for High Specific Capacity Rechargeable Lithium Batteries," Nano Letters, Sept. 14, 2011, at

Courtesy of Sarah Jane Keller, science-writing intern at Stanford News Service. Learn more at

October 4, 2011 — TU Delft and VU University Amsterdam researchers have demonstrated that hydrogen gas stored in a metal hydride is released faster when the metal alloy nanoparticle is smaller. The research, focused on fuel cells, is aimed at reducing the energy required for hydrogen storage.

Today, hydrogen gas is stored at 700 bar pressure in a vehicle’s fuel tank. Tanks are filled by high-pressure pumps that consume a lot of energy. Magnesium and like metals absorb hydrogen in high densities without high pressure. However, hydrogen release is difficult and slow. The research shows that magnesium nanoparticles fixed in a matrix will release hydrogen faster. The matrix prevents the nanoparticles from aggregating and matrix design helps control the hydrogen desorption pressure.

The interaction between nanoparticles and matrix increases hydrogen release speed, said Bernard Dam, Professor of Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage. The researchers demonstrated, on models comprising thin layers of magnesium and titanium, that hydrogen release increased as thinner layers were used.

The Dutch Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment, Ms Schultz van Haegen, plans to earmark EUR5 million to stimulate hydrogen transport systems in the Netherlands. German car manufacturer Daimler is also planning to build 20 hydrogen fuelling stations along Germany’s motorways. Better hydrogen fuel storage will encourage large-scale hydrogen fuel cell adoption, believe the Dutch researchers. It could also enable flex-fuel electric vehicles (EV) that travel short distances on batteries and switch to hydrogen for longer trips.

The researchers publish their findings in the October issue of the scientific journal Advanced Energy Materials. Access "Interface Energy Controlled Thermodynamics of Nanoscale Metal Hydrides" here:

The research was funded by the ACTS Sustainable Hydrogen Program of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

Learn more about TU Delft at

Read about Energy Storage Trends

September 30, 2011 — The consumer electronics sector — smartphones, media tablets, notebooks, digital cameras — represents a promising emerging market for portable fuel cells. This market has not materialized as quickly as expected, but several fuel cell manufacturers and large-scale electronics companies are currently putting forth micro and small portable fuel cells (PFCs) for a range of portable electronics markets. Limitations in durability, performance, cost, and integration are being overcome.

According to Pike Research, 4.5 million PFCs for portable electronics will be shipped in 2017, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 237% over the next 6 years. The "cautionary" period for fuel cell manufacturers will start to end in 2012, says research analyst Euan Sadden.

Most of the early portable fuel cells for consumer devices will be external battery chargers. High-end consumer electronics require a relatively high power density for long durations. These fuel cell chargers can provide the necessary power without a connection to the electrical grid. The higher prices of early fuel cell adoption will be less prohibitive to high-end consumers.

Most companies are developing external battery chargers that work with a range of products. In October 2009, Toshiba introduced the Dynario, a direct methanol fuel cell designed to power mobile phones, MP3 players, and other devices up to 5V.  Korean and Japanese electronics developers, with their huge resource base and extensive intellectual property, are expected to play a crucial role in developing this market.

Pike Research’s report, “Fuel Cells for Portable Power Applications,” provides a comprehensive examination of applications for portable fuel cells, including portable electronics, external battery chargers, remote monitoring, and military applications. Key technology and business issues are analyzed in depth, and major players in the fuel cell supply chain are profiled. Market forecasts for unit shipments and revenue growth, segmented by application area, are provided through 2017. Learn more at

Pike Research is a market research and consulting firm that provides in-depth analysis of global clean technology markets. For more information, visit

September 29, 2011 — Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) named Vladimir Bulović as director of MIT’s Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL). Bulović is a professor of electrical engineering and a MacVicar Faculty Fellow.

Beginning October 1st, Bulović will replace current director Anantha Chandrakasan, the Joseph F. and Nancy P. Keithley Professor of Electrical Engineering. Chandrakasan became head of MIT’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in July.

MTL is an interdepartmental laboratory that supports microsystems research encompassing work in circuits and systems, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), electronic and photonic devices, and molecular and nanotechnology. Annually, MTL supports 550 students and staff who are sponsored by contracted research of more than $40 million. MTL has 35 core faculty members and 100 research affiliates.

Bulović currently leads the Organic and Nanostructured Electronics Laboratory, co-directs the MIT-ENI Solar Frontiers Center, and is the co-head of the MIT Energy Studies Program. He researches physical properties of organic and organic/inorganic nanocrystal composite thin films and structures and novel nanostructured optoelectronic devices.

Bulović has authored more than 120 research articles and holds 48 US patents in areas of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), lasers, photovoltaics (PV), photodetectors, chemical sensors, programmable memories and micro-electro machines. Bulović and his students have founded two startup companies that employ more than 120 people: QD Vision Inc., which is focused on development of quantum-dot optolectronics; and Kateeva Inc., which focuses on the development of printed organic electronics.

Bulović received his MS from Columbia University in 1993 and his PhD from Princeton University in 1998. He is a recipient of the U.S. Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the National Science Foundation Career Award, the Ruth and Joel Spira Award, the Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society Award and the Bose Award for Distinguished Teaching, and was named to the Technology Review TR100 list. In 2009, he was awarded the Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellowship, one of MIT’s highest undergraduate teaching honors.

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September 27, 2011 – Marketwire — Thermoelectric maker Marlow Industries launched the EverGen series, thermoelectric-based energy harvesting devices offering low-cost, zero-maintenance power for wireless sensor applications. Wired systems or batteries for wireless sensors prove costly and time-consuming to maintain.

The devices convert small temperature differences (degrees) into milliwatts of power. This electricity is enough to power wireless sensors for the application’s lifetime. The solid-state energy source can be used with sensors, valve solenoids, actuators, and other small devices. The current line includes three designs, with additional products in the works.

EverGen thermoelectric devices:
EverGen Liquid-to-Air: Higher temperature fluid stream and ambient air. Energy harvested via natural convection.
EverGen Liquid-to-Liquid: Higher temperature fluid stream and lower temperature fluid stream.
EverGen Solid-to-Air: Higher temperature solid surface and ambient air. Energy harvested via natural convection.

Marlow will work with customers in multiple industries to integrate energy harvesting devices into existing wireless sensor applications and currently wired installations. Customers need wireless energy harvesters for existing and new builds, the company notes.

New building codes require lighting and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) "smart" designs that moderate usage. Recycling waste heat into electrical power is one way to achieve this, according to Marlow Industries. The company’s aim is to turn the "emerging alternative energy market" into the "mainstream," said Barry Nickerson, general manager, Marlow Industries.

Marlow Industries, a subsidiary of II-VI incorporated, develops and makes thermoelectric technology including thermoelectric modules (TEMs) and subsystems for the aerospace, defense, medical, commercial, industrial, automotive, consumer gaming, telecommunications and power generation markets. For more information visit the company’s website:

II-VI Incorporated (NASDAQ:IIVI) is a vertically integrated manufacturing company that creates and markets products for industrial manufacturing, military and aerospace, high-power electronics and telecommunications, and thermoelectronics applications.

Also read: MIT redesigns MEMS for better energy harvester

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September 26, 2011 — Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory scientists designed a tailored polymer that enables increased energy storage in lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries with silicon anodes, maintaining the increased energy capacity in tests over a year later with many hundreds of charge-discharge cycles.

The tailored polymer conducts electricity and binds closely to lithium-storing silicon particles, which expand to more than 3x their volume during charging and shrink during discharge. The anodes are made from low-cost materials, compatible with standard lithium-battery manufacturing technologies.

Figure 1. At left, the traditional approach to composite anodes using silicon (blue spheres) for higher energy capacity has a polymer binder such as PVDF (light brown) plus added particles of carbon to conduct electricity (dark brown spheres). Silicon swells and shrinks while acquiring and releasing lithium ions, and repeated swelling and shrinking eventually break contacts among the conducting carbon particles. At right, the new Berkeley Lab polymer (purple) is itself conductive and continues to bind tightly to the silicon particles despite repeated swelling and shrinking.

Lithium-ion batteries typically have graphite anodes, expanding modestly when housing the ions between its graphene layers. Silicon can store 10X more, but it swells to more than three times its volume when fully charged, said Gao Liu of Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division (EETD), a member of the BATT program (Batteries for Advanced Transportation Technologies) managed by the Lab and supported by DOE’s Office of Vehicle Technologies. This swelling breaks the anode’s electrical contacts. Some companies mix silicon particles into a flexible polymer binder with carbon black for conductivity. The Berkeley Lab researchers decided to use this concept without the carbon materials, which suffer from pump out after repeated charges. 

Figure 2. At top, spectra of a series of polymers obtained with soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy at ALS beamline 8.0.1 show a lower “lowest unoccupied molecular orbital” for the new Berkeley Lab polymer, PFFOMB (red), than other polymers (purple), indicating better potential conductivity. Here the peak on the absorption curve reveals the lower key electronic state. At bottom, simulations disclose the virtually complete, two-stage electron charge transfer when lithium ions bind to the new polymer.

PAN (polyaniline) polymer has positive charges; it starts out as a conductor but quickly loses conductivity. An ideal conducting polymer should readily acquire electrons, rendering it conducting in the anode’s reducing environment.

A polymer with a low value of the “lowest unoccupied molecular orbital,” where electrons can easily reside and move freely best suits the Li-ion battery. Ideally, electrons would be acquired from the lithium atoms during the initial charging process. Liu and his postdoctoral fellow Shidi Xun in EETD designed a series of such polyfluorene-based conducting polymers (PFs).

Wanli Yang of Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source (ALS) used conducting soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy on Liu and Xun’s candidate polymers using ALS beamline 8.0.1 to determine their key electronic properties. Soft x-ray spectroscopy has the power to track where the ions and electrons are and where they move, Yang said.

Compared with the electronic structure of PAN, the absorption spectra Yang obtained for the PFs differed, most notably in PFs incorporating a carbon-oxygen functional group (carbonyl).

Lin-Wang Wang of Berkeley Lab’s Materials Sciences Division (MSD) joined the research collaboration with his postdoctoral fellow, Nenad Vukmirovic, to conduct ab initio calculations of the polymers at the Lab’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC). They determined precisely how the lithium ions attach to the polymer, and why the added carbonyl functional group improves the process.

The lithium ions interact with the polymer first, and afterward bind to the silicon particles. When a lithium atom binds to the polymer through the carbonyl group, it gives its electron to the polymer — a doping process that significantly improves the polymer’s electrical conductivity, facilitating electron and ion transport to the silicon particles.

Figure 3. Transmission electron microscopy reveals the new conducting polymer’s improved binding properties. At left, silicon particles embedded in the binder are shown before cycling through charges and discharges (closer view at bottom). At right, after 32 charge-discharge cycles, the polymer is still tightly bound to the silicon particles, showing why the energy capacity of the new anodes remains much higher than graphite anodes after more than 650 charge-discharge cycles during testing.

To tune the polymer’s physical properties, Liu added another functional group, producing a polymer that can adhere tightly to the silicon particles as they acquire or lose lithium ions and undergo repeated changes in volume.

Scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy at the National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM), showing the anodes after 32 charge-discharge cycles, confirmed that the modified polymer adhered strongly throughout the battery operation even as the silicon particles repeatedly expanded and contracted. Tests at the ALS and simulations confirmed that the added mechanical properties did not affect the polymer’s superior electrical properties.

"Using commercial silicon particles and without any conductive additive, our composite anode exhibits the best performance so far," says Liu. "The whole manufacturing process is low cost and compatible with established manufacturing technologies. The commercial value of the polymer has already been recognized by major companies, and its possible applications extend beyond silicon anodes."

The research collaboration is now studying other battery components, including cathodes.

The research team reports its findings in Advanced Materials: "Polymers with Tailored Electronic Structure for High Capacity Lithium Battery Electrodes," by Gao Liu, Shidi Xun, Nenad Vukmirovic, Xiangyun Song, Paul Olalde-Velasco, Honghe Zheng, Vince S. Battaglia, Lin-Wang Wang, and Wanli Yang. Access it at

Materials research for this work in the BATT program was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The ALS, NCEM, and NERSC are national scientific user facilities supported by DOE’s Office of Science. Visit,,, or

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory addresses the world’s most urgent scientific challenges by advancing sustainable energy, protecting human health, creating new materials, and revealing the origin and fate of the universe. The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit

September 23, 2011 — Smart grids — adaptable and better-managed electricity systems — will proliferate over the next decade. In turn, smart grids will generate nearly $6 billion demand for lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries by 2020, to fulfill energy storage needs, according to the IHS iSuppli Rechargeable Batteries Special Report.

Energy storage stabilizes the grid between peak and low energy usage times, and can back-up power sources or store energy from intermittent sources like wind and solar power. The rechargable batteries in a smart grid system optimize electric power delivery.

The Li-ion battery market for smart grids will experience rapid growth from 2012 onward (see the figure), surging from $72 million in 2012 to $5.98 billion in worldwide revenue by 2020. Demand sources include single-home systems, residential clusters or buildings, uninterruptible power power systems for corporate information technology (IT) operations, through large-scale systems used by grid operators.

Lithium-ion batteries demonstrate "inherent advantages compared to alternative technologies," said Satoru Oyama, principal analyst for Japan electronics research for IHS. Because Li-ion technology is "uniquely suited for use in smart grids," the batteries will take over as the dominant rechargable energy storage systems on smart grids, Oyama said. Li-ion batteries maintain full capacity even after a partial recharge, and are considered to be more environmentally safe than other battery technologies.

Smart grids are developing with various government initiatives globally: the US has $4.5 billion set aside for smart grid deployment, and China could be the largest smart grid market in the world with $586 billion for investment during the next 10 years.

To learn more about this topic, see Strong Growth to Drive Lithium-ion Battery Market to $54 Billion by 2020: IHS (NYSE: IHS) is the leading source of information and insight in critical areas that shape today’s business landscape, including energy and power; design and supply chain; defense, risk and security; environmental, health and safety (EHS) and sustainability; country and industry forecasting; and commodities, pricing and cost.

Also read: Energy Storage Trends from chief editor Peter Singer