Table of Contents
Solid State Technology
Year 2003 Issue 2
Viewpoint I have one word for you: Plastics
One of the most exciting advances we keep coming across is disposable manufacturing for biopharmaceutical markets.
Inventors Corner Inventor's Corner
Unfiltered Isn't it about time for some cleanroom lighting standards?
Next time you enter a cleanroom, look at the ceiling and estimate how much ceiling space is dedicated to lighting fixtures.
News Xerox, Infineon pave way for silicon alternative
"This material is bendable, an active component of transistors and is not sensitive to oxygen," says Beng Ong, a research fellow at Xerox Corp.'s Research Center of Canada.
Particles IBM, AMD to develop power microprocessor
The companies are collaborating on 65-nanometer and 45-nanometer processes for 300-mm wafers.
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Life Sciences The new year presents a fresh set of challenges for healthcare
The many facets of healthcare are going to be challenged this year, from basic drug discovery research work to delivery at the point of care.
Electronics Is the ballroom cleanroom going the way of the typewriter?
Cleanrooms that are now used for full-scale production of precision products come in at least two varieties, minienvironments and ballrooms.
Setting The Standard Consider the consequences of not doing a threat and vulnerability analysis before establishing security standards
It's February already and precious few of our New Year's resolutions lived to see Groundhog Day.
The Business Of Cleanroo The business of cleanroom supply finds the spotlight at CleanRooms East 2003
These changes are generating questions from everyone on the contamination control continuum: Is there still a place for the regional distributor of cleanroom products?
On The Beat SEMI to re-launch southwest show, cancels 2003 event in midst of market
That's the gist of a strategy outlined by Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI), which indicated in a recent letter to exhibitors that poor market conditions and industry feedback has forced the organization to postpone and rethink the show.
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Theres More Than Meets T There's more than meets the eye in sonic-based surface preparation
Cleaning by the interaction of sound with liquid—ultrasonics and megasonics—is an ongoing source of inspiration and controversy.
Special Report Welcome back to the jungle?
The trusting walked to the killing beds only to be knocked out with sledgehammer blows, hoisted in the air by one shackled foot, and then stabbed in the jugular.
Built To Spec Hey Jude: Take a cleanroom and let's make it better
More than 50 years ago, a struggling actor with just $7 in his pocket knelt down in a Detroit church before a statue of St. Jude, the patron saint of lost causes, and asked, "Show me my way in life."
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New Products.html New Products
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Features Validation: It's a process, not a project
Validation in the biopharmaceutical manufacturing world is the establishment of documented evidence.
Features Single-use filtration systems find permanence in biopharmaceutical applications
Single-use products have become prevalent in almost every facet of life today, from cameras to contact lenses.
Features Plastics factory: Disposable biopharmaceutical manufacturing takes a giant leap forward
Observers of trends in the biopharmaceutical manufacturing world over the last 25 years have recognized a movement in technology adoption from a relatively unsophisticated,
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