
Featured Products


Single-wafer high-energy ion implanter

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The Optima XE high energy ion implanter, the final component of the Optima single-wafer suite of tools, provides a complete range of energy levels from 10keV to 4MeV. Its inherent flexibility and broad energy range allow a single tool to support chipmakers’ dynamic high energy requirements for DRAM, NAND, and NOR Flash, embedded memory, and logic device manufacturing. The Optima XE combines Axcelis’ RF Linac high energy, spot-beam technology with a high-speed, single-wafer endstation, enabling good throughput. The implanter’s advanced spot beam ensures that all points across the wafer see the same beam at the same angle, resulting in good process control and maximum yield. The Optima HE, a reduced energy version of the implanter, is also available. Axcelis Technologies Inc., Beverly, MA USA;

ArF excimer laser light source

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The GT62A argon fluoride (ArF) excimer laser light source has an emission wavelength of 193nm, output of 90W, and repetition rate of 6000Hz. It is designed for double-patterning immersion lithography, reportedly considered the most promising technology to meet the requirements associated with the next-generation 32nm technology node. The tool’s technology reportedly allows for minimal down time. The GT62A features a newly developed power supply and improved laser chamber and consumables life. The light source is also mounted with a technology to take measures against the heat load, which increases as the output increases. Pulse energy is 10.0/15.0mJ. Bandwidth (95% energy integral) is <0.35pm. Gigaphoton Inc., Oyama, Japan;

Nanotopography metrology system

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The WaferSight 2 metrology system enables wafer suppliers and chipmakers to measure bare wafer flatness, shape, edge roll-off, and nanotopography in a single system with the high precision and tool matching required for 45nm and beyond. The WaferSight 2 has improved optics and measurement isolation compared to the previous ADE WaferSight 1 system, enabling higher resolution. The system can measure both frontside and backside nanotopography in a single, nondestructive measurement. By combining flatness and nanotopography in one system, the WaferSight 2 enables shorter cycle times, reduced WIP queuing and move times, smaller footprint, and more efficient facilities usage compared to multiple tool solutions. The system can also be combined with this company’s fab data management system FabVision, creating a package that enables offline analysis of archived or current metrology data. KLA-Tencor Corp., San Jose, CA USA;

200wph coat/develop system

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The RF3T coat/develop track system is targeted for the full range of lithography applications. This system extends the capabilities of this company’s established RF3 platform to achieve 200wph throughput, reportedly keeping pace with the fastest lithography scanners while maintaining process transparency. To achieve a 10% throughput improvement over the RF3S, the RF3T system features additional parallel process modules and higher efficiency wafer transport. The develop cell has been reconfigured for eight develop modules in the same platform footprint to provide 60% higher develop and rinse process capability than the previous system. A novel wafer coating dispense system significantly reduces chemical consumption, the largest contributor to track operating cost. Combined, these features provide lower CoO and higher process performance for lithography applications. Sokudo Co. Ltd., Kyoto, Japan;