3-D defect analysis and CD measurement
3-D defect analysis and CD measurement
Designed and configured to meet the requirements of both the semiconductor and data storage industries, the Micrion C3D system is used for applications including process control (both production and R&D), yield management, metrology, inspection, and quality control. It provides three-dimensional CD data, both top down and cross-sectional, very short in-fab analysis loops, and highly repeatable, accurate data collection using pattern recognition techniques. The tool features three imaging systems, FIB, SEM, and optical microscope, and is available for 200-mm, 300-mm, and data storage substrates. The system navigates to specific locations - either pre-determined test sites or specific sites provided by a DRT system - cross-sections the site, performs the analysis, and then loads the next wafer. Result reports are automatically downloaded to manufacturing databases or yield management systems. Micrion Corp., Peabody, MA; ph 978/538-6700, fax 978/531-9648, www.micrion.com.