
Post-CMP cleaner


Post-CMP cleaner

Evergreen Model 204 is a double-sided scrubbing system for wafers up to 200-mm. It has two brush scrub stations, each with the PVA dual-brush system, loaded and unloaded by a high-speed, multiprocessing robot. A wet input station implements an initial soak; a separate rinse/spin chamber uses megasonic cleaning for final removal of ultrafine particles. The double brushes dispense cleaning chemistries through the brush core, eliminating contaminant buildup. On-the-fly control of brush speed and squeeze pressure, with intregral torque feedback, ensures scrubbing precision. The PVA brush scrub is suitable for DI water, dilute acids, or dilute bases. Solid State Equipment Corp., Horsham, PA; ph 215/328-0700,

fax 215/328-9410.