In "Metrology/inspection market growth," World News, July, p. 26, the second sentence should have read that "the market grew to $1.101 billion in 1997, up 6.3% from $1.035 billion the year before."
In Figure 5 of "Model-based adaptive process control: A CD-control example," July, p. 205, the red diamonds should have been labeled "with control" and the blue triangles "without control."
In "Increasing equipment uptime through in situ moisture monitoring," August, p. 64, the ovals indicated at the curved mirrors in Figure 1 are artifacts of the reproduction process. On p. 68, the caption for Figure 7 should have described the serpentine resistance structures as 0.72-, 1.44-, and 2.88-?m wide.
James McAndrew
The Chicago Research Center of Air Liquide