
1998 MRS catalog


1998 MRS catalog

This catalog provides a listing of books, videotapes, journals, and periodicals available through the Materials Research Society (MRS). Topics in electronic materials and processing include beam processing; graphite; multilayered structures; plasma and plasma processing; semiconductors; superconductors; and thin films and interfaces. Featured publications include the MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, a peer-reviewed, archival, electronic journal that features technical papers at the leading edge of nitride semiconductor research, a reference database, and universal access on the worldwide web; and The Handbook of Modern Ion Beam Materials Analysis, a compilation of updated techniques and data for use in the ion beam analysis of materials. The catalog also contains MRS meeting and membership information. MRS, Warrendale, PA; ph 412/779-3003, fax 412/779-8313, e-mail [email protected],