
Semiconductor seminar


Semiconductor seminar

A "Semiconductor Processing Overview Seminar" will be presented on Monday, September 14, 1998, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, at the Pacific Athletic Club in Redwood City, CA. Topics to be covered include industry background; support technologies -maskmaking, wafer manufacturing, and contamination control; IC fabrication technologies -layering, patterning, doping, and MOS transistor fabrication; and test and assembly. The nontechnical course, taught from a manufacturing viewpoint, is intended for persons new to the semiconductor industry or for industry specialists who would benefit from knowledge of the entire manufacturing process; attendees will learn the role that their company`s products and/or services play in the fabrication of ICs. Price: $299/person or $250/person for three or more participants from the same company. Lunch and a copy of the workbook Semiconductor Processing: Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Overview are included in the fee. Semiconductor Services, Redwood City, CA; ph 650/369-7890, fax 650/367-1062, e-mail [email protected].