
RTP system


RTP system

The AST 3000 rapid thermal processing system - for 200- and 300-mm wafers - is designed for high-volume production of 0.25- and 0.18-?m device generations. Applications include silicide formation, implant annealing, oxidation, nitridation, BPSG reflow, and thermal donor annihilation. The system has dual-side heating to minimize pattern-induced thermal nonuniformity and to achieve fast ramp rates up to 250?C/sec. It uses a linear array of tungsten halogen lamps above and below the wafer, with individual lamp control. In conjunction with a proprietary wafer-rotation design, this allows temperature uniformity better than ?2?C, at all points, on all wafers. Steag AST Electronik USA, Tempe, AZ; ph 602/777-0021, fax 602/777-0025, e-mail [email protected].