High-resolution ICP-MS
High-resolution ICP-MS
The VG Axiom is a compact, high-power, high-resolution ICP-MS system that provides the analyst with the power to resolve spectral interference from potential contaminants in fab processes; it is available in two configurations. Axiom SC (single collector) provides fast, unambiguous, high-resolution elemental analysis. Very high ion transmission at all resolutions (>4%at 10,000 RP) coupled with background count rates of <0.2 counts/sec ensures unparalleled limits of detection in all matrices on a routine basis. Operating resolution is continuously variable between 400 and >10,000 RP. The Axiom MC multicollector configuration retains all of the single collector functionality and also performs simultaneous isotope ratio measurements. VG Elemental, Winsford, UK; ph 44/1606-861022, e-mail [email protected], www.vgelemental.com; in US, ph 508/553-1800.