Metrology data analysis software
Metrology data analysis software
WAFERMAP Version 1.1 software enables the user to import data files from metrology equipment such as ellipsometers and four-point probes, supplied by - among others - Rudolph, Thermawave, Sopra, Philips Analytical, Prometrix, and Nicolet. Data can be visualized as 1D, 2D (contour) and 3D plots, and histograms. Users can compare two wafer maps by applying different mathematical operations to them; a number of mathematical functions can be applied to single wafer maps. The integrated wafer data editor allows users to edit any wafer map while applying a color-coded map preview. Boin GmbH, Tomerdingen, Germany; ph 49/7348-928233, fax 49/7348-928234, e-mail [email protected],