
Lithography software


Lithography software

ProDRM and ProABC are software tools for extracting resist modeling parameters from measured data. These parameters can then be input to lithography simulators such as PROLITH/2 and PROLITH/3D to increase the accuracy of the simulations performed. ProDRM automatically extracts the photoresist development parameters from the data derived from a development rate monitor, and it can read raw data files from several sources. It can also read data in the form of contrast curves that are available to most lithographers without the use of special DRM equipment. ProABC automatically extracts Dill ABC parameters from the data derived from testing the photoresist with a spectrophotometer or an ABC analyzer. It can account for non-ideal effects of an optically mismatched substrate and the lack of a backside antireflection coating, and it can provide accurate results for very thick resist and contrast-enhancement materials. FINLE Technologies, Austin, TX; ph 512/327-3781, fax 512/327-1510.