
On-board waterpumps


On-board waterpumps

Etch-compatible On-Board Waterpumps are designed to decrease particulate formation during semiconductor metal etch processing. Reduction of particulates can increase mean wafers between cleans by as much as 300%, improving tool productivity. The elimination of water slows particulate formation from the etch residue and reduces flaking from exposed aluminum surfaces. By mounting the pumps in etch loadlock and transfer chambers, water is removed at the source. Increased water vapor pumping speed reduces wet clean recovery time by 40%, gaining process uptime. Pump networking via on-board central control supplements process uptime with full-fab vacuum monitoring for fast, cost-effective maintenance via a Windows-based graphical user interface. The pumps are available for sputtering, deposition and etch systems, optical coaters, loadlocks, and other vacuum applications requiring high water vapor pumping speeds. CTI-Cryogenics, Helix Technology Corp., Mansfield, MA; ph 508/337-5000.