
Expanded flip chip email form


Expanded flip chip e-mail forum

In an effort to spread the knowledge and use of flip chip technology beyond a handful of large companies, the National Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (NEMI) has joined the Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits (IPC) to expand IPC`s e-mail help forum, ChipNet. The ChipNet forum has been used as a communication vehicle for members of technical committees developing the IPC J-STD-012, Implementation of Flip Chip and Chip Scale Technology. This standard deals with flip chip and chip-scale development and performance standards, flip chip substrate assembly designs and performance standards, and material performance standards used in flip chip and chip-scale manufacturing and assembly. NEMI is an industry-led consortium dedicated to improving the infrastructure of electronics manufacturing in North American companies; it has focused on flip chip technology as a primary factor in the improvement of the industry. ChipNet is open to anyone who is interested in learning about flip chip technology. To sign up for the forum, send an e-mail to [email protected]. In the body of the e-mail, provide the following information: Subscribe ChipNet . IPC, Northbrook, IL; ph 847/509-9700 ext. 340.