
Mass spectrometer-based gas analysis


Mass spectrometer-based gas analysis

The VG APIX ultrahigh-purity mass spectrometer-based gas analysis system uses API-MS technology to measure impurities to 1 ppt levels. It can monitor nitrogen, argon, helium, and hydrogen, and can measure contaminants such as water, hydrocarbons, and oxygen to sub-ppb levels. Because switching time between bulk gases is typically 10 min, CQC is possible with the single instrument. The system is fully computer-controlled, with user-programmable switching times, dwell times, calibration, and purge times, and can be used as a fixed station CQC monitor or as a POU verification system after the purifier. VG Gas/Thermo Instruments Systems, Winsford, UK; ph 44/1625-434343, fax 44/1625-434335,