
Film thickness measurement


Film thickness measurement

The VANGUARDMetaPULSE 200 is a noncontact system for measuring individual thicknesses of six layers or more in a multilayer metal film stack. Using PicoSecond UltraSonic Laser Sonar (PULSE) technology, it measures films - ranging in thickness from <20? to >5 ?m - with ?-thickness accuracy and sub-? repeatability. MetaPULSE`s nondestructive measurements, pattern recognition, and 10-?m spot size allow measurement within existing product wafer metrology sites and to the wafer`s edge, for reliable film measurement at 60 wafers/hour. The system also determines RMS roughness, material density, adhesion, material phase, and interlayer reactions. Rudolph Technologies Inc., Flanders, NJ; ph 201/691-1300, fax 201/691-5480.