Corrosive liquid particle counter
Corrosive liquid particle counter
Particle Measuring Systems offers a liquid corrosive sampler, the Model CLS-700, for batch sampling of process chemcials at temperatures of up to 150?C. The system extracts fluid from a bath, drum, or bottle, forces it through a sensor, and collects particulate information. Sampling is performed by drawing the liquid into the buret by a vacuum generated within the sampler. Once the liquid is drawn into the buret, the fluid is compressed to remove any bubbles. All wetted surfaces are Teflon with Kalrez O-rings, making the CLS-700 chemically compatible with most hot process chemicals, including hydrofluoric acid. The electronics are physically separate from the plumbing section and purged with an inert gas to prevent corrosion. Purge gas can be provided from a house supply, bottle, or pump. Particulate measurements can be performed using the LiQuilaz particle sensor. Up to 15 sizing thresholds are available, starting at 0.2 micron. Sizing sensitivity is operator adjustable and controlled via the software. Particle data representing counts/unit volume in a time series plot, raw or normalized counts in a tabular format, and percent of total in a histogram can be displayed in real time on a PC. The unit fits on a laboratory cart for sampling chemicals from bath to bath within the fab. Particle Measuring Systems Inc., Boulder, CO; ph 303/443-7100.