
Defect review and inspection SEM


Defect review and inspection SEM

The XL810 defect review and inspection SEM is a 200-mm tool that resolves down to 3 nm at accelerating voltages from 1-30 kV, while providing enhanced "down hole" visibility. This is combined with a highly accurate five-axis stage and an advanced GUI, providing the data needed for process optimization, and defect review and classification. The Hexalens electron beam column, for high performance at accelerating voltages of 200 V to 30 kV, allows the user to move seamlessly from the field-free mode to the UHR immersion mode. Users can tilt the sample up to 60? and rotate it without influence on the resolution, while maintaining the defect in view at magnifications in excess of 20,000?. FEI Co., Hillsboro, OR; ph 503/640-7500, fax 503/640-7509.