
Maskless lithography process


Maskless lithography process

The HLS System 1000 is a manufacturing tool and process that effectively uses holographic - or interferometric - lithography, a technology proven capable of producing sub-0.5-?m structures. Features such as lines, holes, tips, cones, vias, mesas, grids, and microlenses can be generated. Using proprietary techniques, the system incorporates holographic lithography in a maskless, high-throughput, production-environment process featuring large-field-size, high-resolution patterning. The HLS System 1000 can also generate surface relief (motheye) structures for certain visible and infrared applications with precise requirements for light reflectance and transmittance. Holographic Lithography Systems Inc., Bedford, MA; ph 617/276-4060, fax 617/276-4074, e-mail [email protected].