
Thin-film process technology resource


Thin-film process technology resource

A version of the Handbook of Thin-film Process Technology edited by David A. Glocker and S. Ismat Shah is available on CD-ROM. The handbook provides a database for the international thin-film community, including information on physical and chemical deposition techniques, processing technologies, real-time diagnostics, surface modification in vacuum, and materials. The CD-ROM format features simple and Boolean searching; compatibility with Macintosh and Windows platforms; search relevance ranking display; and word-stemming and word proximity searching. Supplements to the handbook are issued biannually. Price: ?400 (UK), $599 (US). Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, UK, and Williston, VT; ph 800/632-0880 (US and Canada), 117/929-7481 or 800/373-921 (ROW and UK); fax 802/864-7626 (US and Canada), 117/929-4318 (ROW and UK).