Engineers' Sports Day
Engineers' Sports Day
At this year's sports day, each of the three divisions - Mechanical, Electrical and Civil - won 16 medals of gold, silver and bronze. Each group won at least one of each of these medals, and none of them won eight medals in any category. Within these constraints, the nine numbers (Civil's gold, silver and bronze, Mechanical's gold, etc.) were all different.
Mechanical had the most gold but it was not their highest number. Civil had the most silver (which was their highest number) but the fewest gold and the fewest bronze. Electrical had the most bronze and the fewest silver, which were their highest and lowest numbers respectively.
To find the winner, each kind of medal was assigned a certain number of points. Mechanical engineers were the only ones to receive more than ninety points - twenty more than either Civil or Electrical, who were tied. What was each medal worth and how many points did each group have?
Grand Prize Winners
A round of applause goes out to S. Sureshwara of Astronautics Corp. of America for solving the Pizza Contest in Pizza Bay puzzle and Tim Fox of M/A-Com for solving CrossNumber 54.
CrossNumber 56
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1. (2 x Repeat) + 7 Across
4. 15 Across + 23 Down
7. 2 Down + 10 Across
8. (12 Across squared)÷3
10. 32 Across - 29 Down
11. 3 Down + 26 Across
12. 3 Down - 25 Across
14. 14 Down + 26 Across
15. 2 Down squared
17. 3 x 2 Down
18. 26 Across + 32 Across
19. Prime
22. 2 x (11 Across + 29 Down)
25. Repeat - 3 Down
26. 3 x 20 Down ÷ 2
28. 8 Across ÷ 9
30. 10 Across x 26 Across ÷ 2
32. 13 Down + 26 Across
33. 3 x (12 Across + 13 Down + 30 Across)
34. (10 x Repeat) + 28 Across
1. (20 Down x 7 Across) ÷ 2
2. Prime
3. Prime
5. Repeat - 17 Across
6. 22 Across + (7 x Repeat)
8. 6 x (10 Across + Repeat)
9. 16 Down + 27 Down
11. 5 Down + 17 Across
13. 1 Down - (2 x Repeat)
14. 12 x (2 Down + 29 Down)
16. 10 Across + (2 x Repeat)
20. 18 Across - (4 x 10 Across)
21. 29 Down + (3 x Repeat)
22. 10 Across x (12 Across + 26 Across) ÷ 6
23. 2 x 7 Across
24. (10 Across squared) + 22 Across
27. 3 Down + 22 Across
29. 3 x 26 Across
31. 3 Down + 25 Across
32. 2 Down x 30 Across ÷ 12 Across
Solutions to August's Puzzles
Pizza Contest in Pizza Bay
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Answer: Denzy's points were 2, 3, 2, 5, 2 = 14 for pepperoni, bologna, cheese, anchovies and pineapple.
Solution:Total points for the pizzas = 75
Andy's points for the pizzas = 16
The others received 41 points, which could only be assigned as 15 for Cassidy's, 14 for Denzy's and 12 for Elsie's. Also, Denzy's was first in anchovies.
Elsie's missing 3 points are 1 each for pepperoni, bologna and cheese. Cassidy's missing 3 points are 2 for bologna and 1 for anchovies. This leaves Bebe's missing 5 points to be 2 for pepperoni and 3 for pineapple or 4 for pepperoni and 1 for pineapple. If Bebe's points are 2 for pepperoni and 3 for pineapple, Denzy's pepperoni points would be 4. His missing five points must then be 2-2-1 or 3-1-1. Neither will fit. Hence, Bebe's points are 4 for pepperoni and 1 for pineapple. This makes Denzy's points 2 for pepperoni, 3 for bologna, 2 for cheese and 2 for pineapple. Andy's points are 4 for bologna, 4 for cheese, 2 for anchovies and 3 for pineapple, making 18 total points.
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Contest Rules: All entries must be received by Oct. 30, 2000. The winners of the word puzzle and CrossNumber (can be the same person) will be drawn from all correct entries. Fax all entries to 847-634-4240. All entries must include name, complete address, company affiliation and daytime phone number in order to be considered.