Editorial Sustaining the innovation agenda
Despite the compelling agendas put forth in the current adminsitration’s American Competitiveness Initiative, as well as in the National Academies’ Rising Above the Gathering Storm report and the Council on Competitiveness’s Innovate America report, Congress adjourned last year without passing the widely acclaimed National Competitiveness Investment Act of 2006 (NCIA).
World News Spansion tops Intel in tough NOR flash market
Market conditions for NOR flash memory weren’t as harsh in 2006 as they were in 2005, but it was still no picnic with ASP getting pummeled, especially in the mobile phone sector, according to data from iSuppli Corp.
Tech News Double, double, toil and trouble!
Progress in water immersion exposure technology since last year’s SPIE Advanced Lithography Symposium has been so convincing that its insertion into manufacturing at the 55nm and 45nm generations (as reported by Toshiba, STMicroelectronics, and others) is not likely to be interrupted.
Photovoltaics Semiconductor processing technologies find a second life in photovoltaics
More energy from sunlight hits the Earth in just one hour than the vast amount of energy consumed by all humans in an entire year.
Emerging Technology Re-enabling Moore’s Law with re-engineered gate stacks
Advanced transistors: Last of three partsAfter years of struggling to delay the inevitable, it is clear that a replacement for the traditional oxide/polysilicon gate stack is needed, and sooner rather than later.
Fab Management Using wafer success rate metrics for analyzing cycle time
One of the main contributors to cycle time is the impact of tool-measurement interrupts due to nonoptimal recipe creation.
Tap IC technologies for mixed-signal and RF SiP
Today’s analog systems (PCS, Bluetooth, WLAN) have turned to a mixed-signal system-in-package (SiP) that requires specialty foundries providing advanced analog CMOS-based process technologies for better cost, performance, and time to market than a system-on-chip (SoC).
Product News Product News
Industry Forum Rethinking the chip industry business model: collaborate or else
The tectonic plates beneath the semiconductor industry are shifting faster and more extensively than ever before.