Yearly Archives: 2015

10. CMOS-Compatible Laser
Category: Silicon Photonics
Paper 2.6 – Direct Bandgap GeSn Microdisk Lasers at 2.5 µm for Monolithic Integration on Si-Platform; Stephan Wirths et al, Forschungszentrum Jülich/ Paul Scherrer Institute/ETH/University of Leeds/University of Grenoble/CEA LETI Minatec

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Silicon photonics is an evolving technology in which light, not wires, carries data within and among computer chips. Light can carry more data, faster, using less power than metal wires. Silicon is ubiquitous in electronics but it is a poor material for light-emitters like lasers, and the integration of lasers made from other materials into standard silicon CMOS devices is problematic. But if that could be done more easily, then much more powerful computers and other digital systems could be built. A research team from several European research organizations and universities, led by Germany’s Forschungszentrum Jülich institute, will report on a silicon-based direct-bandgap germanium-tin (GeSn) micro-disk laser that emits at a lasing wavelength of 2.5 μm at a power output of 221 kW/cm2. The device was built using standard CMOS-compatible processing and was monolithically integrated on a silicon platform. Its 560-nm-thick GeSn epitaxial layers were grown on Ge buffers/Si substrates. Its lasing performance arises from 1) straining the epitaxial layers so they become direct bandgap materials; and 2) its micro-disk cavity architecture. The work is an important step toward integrated silicon photonics.

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9. Better GaN HEMTs for High-Power Amplifiers
Category: Power Devices
Paper 9.1, Collapse-Free High Power InAlGaN/GaN-HEMT with 3 W/mm at 96 GHz; K. Makiyama et al, Fujitsu/Tokyo Institute of Technology

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High electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) made from GaN have great potential for use in high-power millimeter-wave amplifiers for high-data-rate wireless networks. Normally these transistors use an InAlN barrier layer to separate the channel from the source and drain. However, a team led by Fujitsu will show that InAlN is inadequate for devices intended for use in high-power amplifier applications because it facilitates “current collapse,” where a collection of electron traps occurs and alters the device’s performance. Instead, they used a higher-quality barrier material, InAlGaN. They also employed a novel double-layer SiN passivation technique. The 80nm-channel-length InAlGaN/GaN power HEMTs they built demonstrated a record 3 W/mm output power density at 96 GHz, which is a 60% improvement over the best results reported to date. Reliability also was superb. The power and reliability performance put the HEMTs at the state-of-the-art for use in W-band amplifiers (75–110 GHz).

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8. Monolithic 3D Chip
Category: 3D Devices and Circuits
Paper 25.4 – Low-Cost and TSV-free Monolithic 3D-IC with Heterogeneous Integration of Logic, Memory and Sensor Analogy Circuitry for Internet of Things; Tsung-Ta Wu et al, National Nano Device Laboratories/National Tsing Hua University

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3D circuits often are made by stacking separate chips and connecting them electrically with through-silicon vias (TSVs), but TSVs have significant disadvantages including relatively narrow I/O bandwidth. Monolithic 3D ICs with no TSVs—where the devices in adjacent layers are directly connected—have been demonstrated, but transistor damage from thermal annealing can arise. That’s because each layer in a 3D device must be annealed to remove stresses in its crystalline silicon structure, and also to activate the dopants which have been implanted in it. However, the high heat involved with annealing (>1,000°C) can damage the devices that have already been built in lower layers. A team led by Taiwan’s National Nano Device Laboratories addressed this issue by using a CO2 far-infrared laser at 400°C to selectively pulse-anneal specific areas of the silicon (the source-drain regions). They used this technique to build a sub-40nm monolithic IC containing a variety of heterogeneous functions—logic, SRAM, RRAM, sense and analog amplifiers, and gas sensors. No device degradation was reported, and the researchers say their technique is suitable for making the low-power, low-cost, small-footprint and heterogeneously integrated devices needed for the Internet of Things.

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7. InGaAs Nanowire FETs on Silicon
Category: Alternatives to Silicon
Paper 31.1 – Gate-All-Around InGaAs Nanowire FETS with Peak Transconductance of 2200 μS/μm at 50nm Lg Using a Replacement Fin RMG Flow; N. Waldron et al, Imec/ASM

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There have been many demonstrations of the potential performance benefits of III-V channels for low-power logic devices, but complete integration of these channels in devices made on standard 300mm silicon wafers would demonstrate their manufacturability and relevance to the industry. That day is getting closer, as a team led by Imec will discuss gate-all-around, high-performance InGaAs nanowire MOSFETs built on 300mm silicon wafers. Their high transconductance (gm=2200) indicates that despite having a lattice-mismatched substrate, the InGaAs channel material maintains its high carrier velocity.

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6. High-Frequency, Low-Leakage IGZO Transistors for Internet of Things
Category: Alternatives to Silicon
Paper 6.5 – 20-nm-node Trench-Gate-Self-Aligned Crystalline In-Ga-Zn-Oxide FET with High Frequency and Low Off-State Current; Daisuke Matsubayashi et al, Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., LTD

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Much work is ongoing to develop low-power devices and circuits for Internet of Things applications. A team from Japan’s Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co. will describe how they made 20nm gate-all-around MOSFETs with incredibly low off-state currents of <0.1pA, yet with cutoff frequencies exceeding 10GHz. The transistors were made from thin films of indium-gallium-zinc-oxide (IGZO). They were built using a self-aligned process that eliminated overlaps from the gate to the source and drain, rendering the channel immune from short-channel effects that otherwise would degrade performance. Integrated in a DRAM memory cell to demonstrate their performance, their extremely low off-current allowed for data retention of >10 days at 125°C.

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5. Diamond-Shaped Ge Nanowire FETs
Category: Alternatives to Silicon
Paper 15.1 – Diamond-shaped Ge and Ge0.9Si0.1 Gate-All-Around Nanowire FETs with Four {111} Facets by Dry Etch Technology; Yao-Jen Lee et al, National Nano Device Laboratories/National Chiao Tung University/National Chi Nan University

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Silicon and germanium have crystalline atomic structures which, like other crystals, have different facets. The materials’ electrical properties can vary according to which facet is used to build devices, and some facets are more favorable than others. A team led by Taiwan’s National Nano Device Laboratories will describe how they built gate-all-around (GAA) nanowire MOSFETs with diamond-shaped Ge and GeSi nanowire channels. The purpose of the work was to find a way to more effectively use germanium (Ge) as the channel material in multi-gate device configurations, because high-mobility Ge is seen as potentially necessary for scaling beyond the 10-nm technology node. Using common dry etching and blanket epitaxy techniques, the researchers sculpted Ge and GeSi nanowires into diamond cross-sectional shapes, with four favorable facets (the so-called {111} orientation) exposed. They used these nanowires as suspended channels in a GAA MOSFET configuration. Both nFET and pFET transistors with excellent performance were demonstrated, including pFETs with an Ion/Ioff ratio exceeding 108, the highest ever reported for Ge-based pFETs.

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4. III-V Nanowire CMOS on Silicon
Category: Alternatives to Silicon
Paper 15.4 – Gate-All-Around CMOS (InAs n-FET and GaSb p-FET) Based on Vertically-Stacked Nanowires on a Si Platform, Enabled by Extremely-Thin Buffer Layer Technology and Common Gate Stack and Contact Modules; Kian-Hui Goh et al, National University of Singapore/Nanyang Technological University

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High electron-mobility III-V semiconductors have been intensely researched as alternative channel materials for sub-7 nm technology nodes, but one of the main stumbling blocks is how to integrate them monolithically and cost-effectively with traditional CMOS silicon technology. A team led by National University of Singapore will describe the first use of vertically stacked III-V nanowires to do so. The key was an extremely thin (sub-150nm) high-quality GaSb buffer layer on silicon. On top of it, the researchers built multi-gate InAs nFETs and GaSb pFETs from stacked InAs or GaSb nanowires, respectively. The fabrication technique employed multiple common modules such as gate stack and contact processes. Good subthreshold slope of 126 mV/decade and DIBL of 285 mV/V were obtained for the InAs nFET with a 20nm channel length. Meanwhile, the lowest reported subthreshold slope of 188 mV/decade and the highest reported Ion/Ioff ratio of 3.5 were demonstrated for the GaSb pFET, which had a channel length of 500nm. The technology may be suitable for future high-performance and low-power logic applications.

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3. Making RRAM with a FinFET and Its Dielectric
Category: Memories
Paper 10.5 – 1Kbit FINFET Dielectric (FIND) RRAM in Pure 16nm FinFET CMOS Logic Process; Hsin Wei Pan et al, National Tsing-Hua University/Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.

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A research team led by Taiwan’s National Tsing-Hua University will describe a novel way to build a resistive memory (RRAM): use a FinFET transistor for the “select” gate and the FinFET’s HfO2-based resistive dielectric film for a storage node of the RRAM cell. At the 16nm node, the RRAM cell size is 0.07632μm2 without any additional mask or process steps required. It exhibits low-voltage operation, good retention and excellent reliability overall.

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2. New NAND Architecture
Category: Memories
Paper 3.2 – A Novel Double-Density, Single-Gate Vertical Channel (SGVC) 3D NAND Flash That Is Tolerant to Deep Vertical Etching CD Variation and Possesses Robust Read-disturb Immunity; Hang-Ting Lue, Macronix

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The most popular 3D NAND architectures are gate-all-around (GAA) devices arranged in a vertical channel structure. While these exhibit excellent device performance, they are highly sensitive to any variations in their critical dimensions (CD). It is increasingly difficult to maintain precise dimensional control of these structures at the high aspect ratios required, however. Macronix researchers will describe an alternate 3D NAND architecture that mitigates this issue. Their idea is to create a 2D-like structure but in the vertical direction; i.e., to stand it up on its end, in effect. The structure is a single-gate, flat-cell thin film transistor (TFT) with an ultra-thin body that Macronix calls single-gate vertical channel (SGVC). The design is not as sensitive to CD variation and the researchers say it can have potentially more than four times the memory density of GAA vertical channels at the same scaling node.

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1. DRAMs Poised for 20nm and Below
Category: Memories
Paper 26.5 – 20nm DRAM: A New Beginning of Another Revolution; Jemin Park et al, Samsung

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Further advancement in dynamic random access memories (DRAMs) has all but been given up for dead time and time again, as scaling them gets more difficult and as alternative memory technology options proliferate. Now that leading-edge technology is at 20nm and below that day might finally seem to be at hand, but designers keep coming up with new tricks to extend their usefulness. The trend will continue at the IEDM when Samsung researchers describe clever techniques they used to wring substantial performance improvements out of state-of-the-art 20nm DRAMs with no need for expensive and as-yet unproven fabrication techniques like EUV lithography. One key improvement is a honeycomb cell structure that effectively increases cell pitch by 7.5%, leading to a 57% increase in cell capacitance for improved data retention. Another is an air-gap spacer arrangement that achieves a 34% reduction in bitline capacitance for faster operation. The researchers say these techniques will be key enablers for DRAMs for the 20nm node and beyond.

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