Category Archives: Packaging and Testing

In a new study recently published in Nature Nanotechnology, researchers from Columbia Engineering, Cornell, and Stanford have demonstrated heat transfer can be made 100 times stronger than has been predicted, simply by bringing two objects extremely close–at nanoscale distances–without touching. Led by Columbia Engineering’s Michal Lipson and Stanford Engineering’s Shanhui Fan, the team used custom-made ultra-high precision micro-mechanical displacement controllers to achieve heat transfer using light at the largest magnitude reported to date between two parallel objects.

This is a still shot from a video of the high-precision micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) used to control the distance between two beams at different temperatures. The video is taken under a high magnification microscope. The whole video frame dimension is comparable to the diameter of a strand of human hair. Credit: Raphael St-Gelais, Lipson Nanophotonics Group, Columbia Engineering

This is a still shot from a video of the high-precision micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) used to control the distance between two beams at different temperatures. The video is taken under a high magnification microscope. The whole video frame dimension is comparable to the diameter of a strand of human hair. Credit: Raphael St-Gelais, Lipson Nanophotonics Group, Columbia Engineering

“At separations as small as 40 nanometers, we achieved almost a 100-fold enhancement of heat transfer compared to classical predictions,” says Lipson, Eugene Higgins Professor of Electrical Engineering and professor of applied physics. “This is very exciting as it means that light could now become a dominant heat transfer channel between objects that usually exchange heat mostly through conduction or convection. And, while other teams have demonstrated heat transfer using light at the nanoscale before, we are the first to reach performances that could be used for energy applications, such as directly converting heat to electricity using photovoltaic cells.”

All objects in our environment exchange heat with their surroundings using light. This includes the light coming at us from the sun, the glowing red color of the heating element inside our toaster ovens, or the “night vision” cameras that enable image recording even in complete darkness. But heat exchange using light is usually very weak compared to what can be achieved by conduction (i.e., by simply putting two objects in contact with each other) or by convection (i.e., using hot air). Radiative heat transfer at nanoscale distances, while theorized, has been especially challenging to achieve because of the difficulty of maintaining large thermal gradients over nanometer-scale distances while avoiding other heat transfer mechanisms like conduction.

Lipson’s team was able to bring objects at different temperatures very close to each other–at distances smaller than 100 nanometers, or 1/1000th of the diameter of a strand of human hair. They were able to demonstrate near-field radiative heat transfer between parallel SiC (silicon carbide) nanobeams in the deep sub-wavelength regime. They used a high-precision micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) to control the distance between the beams and exploited the mechanical stability of nanobeams under high tensile stress to minimize thermal buckling effects, thus keeping control of the nanometer-scale separation even at large thermal gradients.

Using this approach, the team was able to bring two parallel objects at different temperatures to distances as small as 42 nm without touching. In this case they observed that the heat transfer between the objects was close to 100 times stronger that what is predicted by conventional thermal radiation laws (i.e. “blackbody radiation”). They were able to repeat this experiment for temperature differences as high as 260oC (500oF) between the two objects. Such high temperature difference is especially important for energy conversion applications since, in these cases, the conversion efficiency is always proportional to the thermal difference between the hot and the cold objects involved.

“An important implication of our work is that thermal radiation can now be used as a dominant heat transfer mechanism between objects at different temperatures,” explains Raphael St-Gelais, the study’s lead author and postdoctoral fellow working with Lipson at Columbia Engineering. “This means that we can control heat flow with a lot of the same techniques we have for manipulating light. This is a big deal since there are a lot of interesting things we can do with light, such as converting it to electricity using photovoltaic cells.”

St-Gelais and Linxiao Zhu, who co-authored the study and is a PhD candidate in Fan’s group at Stanford, note that the team’s approach can be scaled up to a larger effective area by simply arraying several nanobeams–on top of a photovoltaic cell, for example–and by individually controlling their out-of-plane displacement using MEMS actuators. The researchers are now looking at applying their same approach for ultra-high-precision displacement control, this time with an actual photovoltaic cell to generate electricity directly from heat.

“This very strong, non-contact, heat transfer channel could be used for controlling the temperature of delicate nano devices that cannot be touched, or for very efficiently converting heat to electricity by radiating large amounts of heat from a hot object to a photovoltaic cell in its extreme proximity,” Lipson adds. “And if we can shine a large amount of heat in the form of light from a hot object to a photovoltaic cell, we could potentially create compact modules for direct conversion of heat to electrical power. These modules could be used inside cars, for instance, to convert wasted heat from the combustion engine back to useful electrical power. We could also use them in our homes to generate electricity from alternative energy sources such as biofuels and stored solar energy.”

Since 2000, we have entered the age of sensing and interacting with the wide diffusion of MEMS and sensors that give us a better, safer perception of our environment. MEMS have grown in volume to be almost a 15 billion units market today. And analysts believe that this market will double to almost 30 billion by 2020, in less than 5 years, according to the Status of the MEMS Industry, Yole Développement, May 2015.

Claire Troadec, MEMS & Semiconductor Manufacturing Analyst from Yole Développement (Yole), the “More than Moore” market research and strategy consulting proposes you to learn more about the MEMS & sensors challenges and identify the related opportunities for the next decade. So what can we expect?

Since its early beginning, MEMS technology has been considered as a “transfer function” technology: taking existing products such as Hg tilt sensors, syringe, galvanometric mirror and transforming them in IMU , micro-needles, micro-mirrors. The interest of MEMS relies in the miniaturization and lower cost manufacturing brought by a semiconductor technology.

Today the MEMS & Sensors industry is transitioning towards 3 main hubs: the inertial hub (a closed package hub), the optical hub and the environmental hub (open package hubs)

Looking closely at the inertial hub, complete integration has been achieved at sensor level. The miniaturization race is still ongoing to lower the sensor cost and developments are focusing on advanced packaging technologies (e.g. TSV, WLP) and power consumption reduction. Major developments occur at software level to achieve sensor fusion and get precise data acquisition, precise tracking within the environment. Hence the inertial Bill of Materials within a smartphone today is around US$1.

This is nothing compared to the US$10 spent for the optical hub within the same smartphone: imaging is highly valued by the end customer. This is part of our “human” nature, where vision represent around 83% of our external world perception .

And what about the environmental hub? At Yole, we do believe that the environmental hub is an interesting way for the MEMS industry to gain value. Therefore, particles, gas detection are real market pull applications which would make sense to be integrated in a smartphone. Some more integration could also be achieved by combining pressure and microphone for example. Of course, this increased integration is not an easy task but represents real market opportunities. Today’s environmental sensors’ Bill of Materials in a smartphone is around US$0.70 and could represent US$1.50 tomorrow with this increased integration path.

The MEMS Market is observing a strong paradox today

Increasing volumes driven by the consumer wave (more and more smartphones sold and more and more sensors integrated in smartphone) leading to sensor die size reduction to answer the strong price pressure dictated by the consumer market. But this affect sensors margins, which shrink if the process is not re-tuned to gain on margin again. Overall resulting in a stable or declining market in terms of value!

Thus is the MEMS industry digging its own grave with this commoditization paradox? How to exit from this scenario?

mems virtuous cycle

Well, one might take a step back and look at what the CMOS Image sensor industry has achieved. Driven by the self-love or narcissism of human kind, the front cameras of our smartphones have increased in resolution for us to achieve better quality images of “selfies”: Hence the front camera resolution has been increased by a factor 4 in 4 years, thanks to increased number of pixels and thus sensor die size, leading inevitably to higher sensor prices!

What can we learn from this story and apply to the MEMS industry to gain value?
More complexity at system level: drive for better accuracy/precise tracking and features, meaning:
•  Sensor fusion
•  More integration: Pressure + microphone for example
•  Improved environment tracking: particles and gas sensing

MEMS markets challenges are thus evolving
Power consumption is becoming a major trend while mobiles, tablets, wearables have to survive for long periods on battery while interacting with the environment (voice calls, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS , sensors …).

Sensor fusion, software and added features are the current battleground of the hubs integration path.
Finally the user case is definitely mandatory! The idea is to start with applications, and work downwards to the chips needed to support them. This will be easier for a system maker than a pure sensor player who is further away on the supply chain and thus further away from his final end user needs!

In brief a new virtuous cycle is needed for the MEMS industry to gain value and stop being limited by shrinking prices and margins.


Yole’s analysts highlight the MEMS market evolution and technology trends within the report Status of the MEMS Industry, yearly updated (2015 edition available on – 2016 version to be released soon). Moreover make sure you will meet our analysts and debate with them at

   •  MEMS Engineer Forum (May 11&12, 2016 – Tokyo, Japan), within the MEMS trends worldwide session. Yole’s presentation is entitled “MEMS & Sensors for Smart Cities” and takes place on May 11 at 11:00 AM. Speaker: Claire Troadec, Technology & Market Analyst, MEMS & Semiconductor Manufacturing, Yole Développement
•  2016 Sensors Expo & Conference (June 21 – 23, 2016 – McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, CA), Pre-Conference Symposium 3 entitled “IoT 2.0 – Sensor Innovation Moves From “Smart” to “Intelligent”” on June 21 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Speaker: Guillaume Girardin, Technology & Market Analysts, MEMS & Sensors, Yole Développement.

Luminaries from the micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) industry are spurring entrepreneurship by hosting the first “MEMS Shark Pup Tank” at Hilton Head 2016 Workshop, an interactive science and technology conference on solid-state sensors, actuators and microsystems, June 5-9, 2016 in Hilton Head, SC.

“Bringing a new MEMS device to market can feel like a Herculean task as there are so many moving parts to the process,” said Jessica Gomez, founder and CEO of Rogue Valley Microdevices. “Given this reality, a highly accomplished group of MEMS industry experts aim to lower the barrier to entry for entrepreneurs who want to introduce MEMS-based products that could influence the global economy by 2025. MEMS Shark Pup Tank is the product of their combined vision, and we are thrilled to play a part by contributing foundry services to the event’s champion.”

The MEMS Shark Pup Tank Champion will receive:

  • Product development/strategy consulting and patent consulting time by industry experts:
  • $10,000 in MEMS foundry services from Rogue Valley Microdevices, a full-service precision MEMS foundry
  • 6 months license of MEMS Pro software from softMEMS, a leading developer of MEMS software design tools
  • One year membership in MEMS & Sensors Industry Group, the trade association advancing MEMS and sensors across global markets

The MEMS Shark Pup Tank runner-up will also receive an award package.

Submission Deadline: March 31, 2016

Teams must submit their business plan by March 31, 2016 by visiting:

IoT Planet, a new European event dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT), will co-locate this year with SEMICON Europa (25-27 October) in Grenoble, France.  IoT Planet provides a platform of networking and business to all IoT actors from software development, data management, IT infrastructures, system integration and “Connected Objects” applications.

For over 40 years, SEMI has organized SEMICON Europa, which has served as the premier annual European event for the electronics industry. In 2016, SEMICON Europa will connect the entire electronics supply chain: from materials and equipment, to manufacturing and technology, to advanced packaging and smart system integration – with a strong emphasis on application-driven markets, including Imaging, Power Electronics, Automotive, MedTech, and Flexible Hybrid Electronics.

IoT Planet, in its second year, will cover the full IoT domain with a unique format in mixing exhibition, Start-Up programs, crash tests, hackathon, forums, and debates, and many other events co-designed with the Partners. IoT Planet will connect professional visitors and high tech public across the domains of IoT applications, business, services, societal and private impact and talent management.

Together, the co-located events will offer visitors many learning and networking options along an extended supply chain. The events are expected to attract over 7,000 professional visitors and more than 600 exhibiting companies.

“Tomorrow’s applications will allow people to live smarter – healthier, safer, and more comfortable. The emerging opportunities are endless in smart electronic systems, but technology and system challenges must be overcome by connecting forces and by building on the strengths of different players in the value chain,” says Laith Altimime, president of SEMI Europe. “The co-location of these two events perfectly supports the SEMI 2020 strategy and will accelerate SEMI’s move towards covering the full electronics supply chain.”

“That initiative of co-location will contribute to our fast growth and strong differentiation, while providing a unique European opportunity to explore the full value chain from Silicon to Connected Object, in Grenoble, the European capital of Nanotechnologies and Connected Things,” says Alain Astier, president of IoT Planet UNIVERSAL.

For more information, please visit and

CyberOptics, a developer and manufacturer of high precision sensing solutions, today announced an OEM supplier agreement with Nordson YESTECH to supply its proprietary 3D Multi-Reflection Suppression (MRS) sensors. Nordson will incorporate CyberOptics’ advanced 3D MRS technology that inhibits measurement distortions, into their new 3D FX-940 Ultra Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) systems launching at IPC APEX Expo on March 15-17th in Las Vegas.

“After extensive consideration, we determined the MRS sensor to be the best choice for our demanding product requirements,” said Joe Stockunas, Group Vice President, Nordson Electronics Systems. “This strategic partnership offers the best solution to our customers by combining the strengths of YESTECH’s FX-940 platform and industry-recognized inspection software with this advanced 3D sensor technology.”

“We are pleased to announce the extension of our OEM sensor business to include Nordson YESTECH, a leader in AOI solutions with a broad customer base and vast global reach. Having our award-winning MRS technology incorporated into Nordson’s AOI systems is yet another proof point that our differentiated 3D sensor technology platform is considered industry leading for 3D inspection,” said Dr. Subodh Kulkari, President and CEO, CyberOptics Corporation.

CyberOptics’ sensors are used in general purpose metrology and 3D scanning, surface mount technology (SMT)and semiconductor markets to significantly improve yields and productivity. By leveraging its leading edge technologies, the company has strategically established itself as a global leader in high precision 3D sensors, allowing CyberOptics to further increase its penetration of key vertical markets. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, CyberOptics conducts worldwide operations through its facilities in North America, Asia and Europe.

Nordson YESTECH is a worldwide leader in the design, development and manufacture of advanced automated optical (AOI) inspection solutions for the PCBA and advanced semiconductor packaging industries.

Gartner, Inc. has highlighted the top 10 Internet of Things (IoT) technologies that should be on every organization’s radar through the next two years.

“The IoT demands an extensive range of new technologies and skills that many organizations have yet to master,” said Nick Jones, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner. “A recurring theme in the IoT space is the immaturity of technologies and services and of the vendors providing them. Architecting for this immaturity and managing the risk it creates will be a key challenge for organizations exploiting the IoT. In many technology areas, lack of skills will also pose significant challenges.”

The technologies and principles of IoT will have a very broad impact on organizations, affecting business strategy, risk management and a wide range of technical areas such as architecture and network design. The top 10 IoT technologies for 2017 and 2018 are:

IoT Security

The IoT introduces a wide range of new security risks and challenges to the IoT devices themselves, their platforms and operating systems, their communications, and even the systems to which they’re connected. Security technologies will be required to protect IoT devices and platforms from both information attacks and physical tampering, to encrypt their communications, and to address new challenges such as impersonating “things” or denial-of-sleep attacks that drain batteries. IoT security will be complicated by the fact that many “things” use simple processors and operating systems that may not support sophisticated security approaches.

“Experienced IoT security specialists are scarce, and security solutions are currently fragmented and involve multiple vendors,” said Mr. Jones. “New threats will emerge through 2021 as hackers find new ways to attack IoT devices and protocols, so long-lived “things” may need updatable hardware and software to adapt during their life span.”

IoT Analytics

IoT business models will exploit the information collected by “things” in many ways — for example, to understand customer behavior, to deliver services, to improve products, and to identify and intercept business moments. However, IoT demands new analytic approaches. New analytic tools and algorithms are needed now, but as data volumes increase through 2021, the needs of the IoT may diverge further from traditional analytics.

IoT Device (Thing) Management

Long-lived nontrivial “things” will require management and monitoring. This includes device monitoring, firmware and software updates, diagnostics, crash analysis and reporting, physical management, and security management. The IoT also brings new problems of scale to the management task. Tools must be capable of managing and monitoring thousands and perhaps even millions of devices.

Low-Power, Short-Range IoT Networks

Selecting a wireless network for an IoT device involves balancing many conflicting requirements, such as range, battery life, bandwidth, density, endpoint cost and operational cost. Low-power, short-range networks will dominate wireless IoT connectivity through 2025, far outnumbering connections using wide-area IoT networks. However, commercial and technical trade-offs mean that many solutions will coexist, with no single dominant winner and clusters emerging around certain technologies, applications and vendor ecosystems.

Low-Power, Wide-Area Networks

Traditional cellular networks don’t deliver a good combination of technical features and operational cost for those IoT applications that need wide-area coverage combined with relatively low bandwidth, good battery life, low hardware and operating cost, and high connection density. The long-term goal of a wide-area IoT network is to deliver data rates from hundreds of bits per second (bps) to tens of kilobits per second (kbps) with nationwide coverage, a battery life of up to 10 years, an endpoint hardware cost of around $5, and support for hundreds of thousands of devices connected to a base station or its equivalent. The first low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) were based on proprietary technologies, but in the long term emerging standards such as Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) will likely dominate this space.

IoT Processors

The processors and architectures used by IoT devices define many of their capabilities, such as whether they are capable of strong security and encryption, power consumption, whether they are sophisticated enough to support an operating system, updatable firmware, and embedded device management agents. As with all hardware design, there are complex trade-offs between features, hardware cost, software cost, software upgradability and so on. As a result, understanding the implications of processor choices will demand deep technical skills.

IoT Operating Systems

Traditional operating systems (OSs) such as Windows and iOS were not designed for IoT applications. They consume too much power, need fast processors, and in some cases, lack features such as guaranteed real-time response. They also have too large a memory footprint for small devices and may not support the chips that IoT developers use. Consequently, a wide range of IoT-specific operating systems has been developed to suit many different hardware footprints and feature needs.

Event Stream Processing

Some IoT applications will generate extremely high data rates that must be analyzed in real time. Systems creating tens of thousands of events per second are common, and millions of events per second can occur in some telecom and telemetry situations. To address such requirements, distributed stream computing platforms (DSCPs) have emerged. They typically use parallel architectures to process very high-rate data streams to perform tasks such as real-time analytics and pattern identification.

IoT Platforms

IoT platforms bundle many of the infrastructure components of an IoT system into a single product. The services provided by such platforms fall into three main categories: (1) low-level device control and operations such as communications, device monitoring and management, security, and firmware updates; (2) IoT data acquisition, transformation and management; and (3) IoT application development, including event-driven logic, application programming, visualization, analytics and adapters to connect to enterprise systems.

IoT Standards and Ecosystems

Although ecosystems and standards aren’t precisely technologies, most eventually materialize as application programming interfaces (APIs). Standards and their associated APIs will be essential because IoT devices will need to interoperate and communicate, and many IoT business models will rely on sharing data between multiple devices and organizations.

Many IoT ecosystems will emerge, and commercial and technical battles between these ecosystems will dominate areas such as the smart home, the smart city and healthcare. Organizations creating products may have to develop variants to support multiple standards or ecosystems and be prepared to update products during their life span as the standards evolve and new standards and related APIs emerge.

More detailed analysis is available for Gartner clients in the report “Top 10 IoT Technologies for 2017 and 2018.” This report is part of the Gartner Special Report “The Internet of Things“, which looks at the necessary steps to building and rolling out an IoT strategy.

STATS ChipPAC Ltd., a provider of advanced semiconductor packaging and test services, today announced that it has been honored with the “Supplier of the Year” award from Inphi Corporation, a provider of high-speed, mixed-signal semiconductor solutions for the communications, computing and data center markets.

“With the rapidly increasing volumes of data moving through cloud-based architectures, Inphi strives to provide our customers with reliable, high performance memory interconnect solutions that are cost competitive in the market,” Dr. Ron Torten, Senior Vice President of Operations and Information Technology, Inphi. “STATS ChipPAC delivered exceptional manufacturing performance, quality and responsiveness during this past year which was key to meeting our product and time-to-market goals. We appreciate their commitment to Inphi and commend them for a job well done.”

“Our close collaboration with STATS ChipPAC has ensured that Inphi was successful in delivering new DDR4 interconnect technology that achieves higher memory speeds and capacity, lower power consumption and greater signal integrity for next-generation data centers worldwide,” said Ramanan Thiagarajah, Vice President of Product and Test Engineering, Inphi. “STATS ChipPAC’s deep knowledge of advanced semiconductor packaging and test has been a competitive advantage to Inphi as we develop innovative solutions to meet our customers’ big data requirements.”

Inphi’s memory interconnect products satisfy the growing demand for higher performance, higher bandwidth and improved data transmission in enterprise/cloud computing applications. Inphi utilizes STATS ChipPAC’s fcCuBE technology to achieve the high performance, high processing speeds and increased reliability in semiconductor solutions for next-generation cloud computing networks.

“It is an honor to be named Inphi’s Supplier of the Year. We are excited to be working with Inphi on their memory interconnect products for the rapidly growing and evolving cloud computing market,” said Hal Lasky, Executive Vice President and Chief Sales Officer, STATS ChipPAC. “We are pleased that our fcCuBE technology has proven once again to be a scalable technology that cost effectively addresses the increasing performance, bandwidth and speed requirements in the industry.”

Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed a chip that allows new radar cameras to be made a hundred times smaller than current ones.

With this NTU technology, radar cameras that usually weigh between 50 kg and 200 kg and are commonly used in large satellites can be made to become as small as palm-sized.

Despite being small, they can produce images that are of the same high quality if not better compared to conventional radar cameras. They are also 20 times cheaper to produce and consume at least 75 per cent less power.

Developed over the past three years at NTU, the promising technology has already secured S$2.5 million in research funding from Singapore government agencies.

The radar chip has attracted the attention of several multinational corporations, and is now being researched for use in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and satellite applications.

Assistant Professor Zheng Yuanjin from NTU’s School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering who led the research, said that the size and effectiveness of the chip will open up new applications not possible previously.

“We have significantly shrunk the conventional radar camera into a system that is extremely compact and affordable, yet provides better accuracy. This will enable high resolution imaging radar technology to be used in objects and applications never before possible, like small drones, driverless cars and small satellite systems,” said Asst Prof Zheng.

NTU's tiny microchip for radar imaging embedded on a PCB board (small square chip on the upper right). Credit: NTU Singapore

NTU’s tiny microchip for radar imaging embedded on a PCB board (small square chip on the upper right). Credit: NTU Singapore

Advantages over current technology

Current radar camera systems are usually between half and two metres in length and weigh up to 200 kg. They cost more than US$1 million on the market and can consume over 1000 watts in electricity per hour, the energy equivalent of a household air-conditioning unit running for an hour.

Known as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), these large radar cameras are often carried by large satellites and aircrafts that produce detailed images of the Earth’s surface. Objects longer than a metre, such as cars and boats, can be easily seen by the radar camera mounted on an aircraft flying at a height of 11 kilometres.

Unlike optical cameras which cannot work well at night due to insufficient light or in cloudy conditions, a radar camera uses microwaves (X-band or Ku-band) for its imaging, so it can operate well in all weather conditions and can even penetrate through foliage.

These detailed images from radar cameras can be used for environmental monitoring of disasters like forest fires, volcano eruptions and earthquakes as well as to monitor cities for traffic congestions and urban density.

But the huge size, prohibitive cost and energy consumption are deterrents for use in smaller unmanned aerial vehicles and autonomous vehicles. In comparison, NTU’s new radar chip (2mm x 3mm) when packaged into a module measures only 3cm x 4cm x 5cm, weighing less than 100 grams.

Production costs can go as low as US$10,000 per unit, while power consumption ranges from 1 to 200 watts depending on its application, similar to power-efficient LED TVs or a ceiling fan.

It can also capture objects as small as half a metre which is twice as detailed as the conventional radar camera used in large aircrafts or satellites.

Potential applications of the new radar chip

Asst Prof Zheng said that when mounted on UAVs, it can take high quality images on demand to monitor traffic conditions or even the coastlines for trespassers.

“Driverless cars will also be able to better scan the environment around them to avoid collisions and navigate more accurately in all weather conditions compared to current laser and optical technologies,” he added.

“Finally, with the space industry moving towards small satellite systems, such as the six satellites launched by NTU, smaller satellites can now also have the same advanced imaging capabilities previously seen only in the large satellites.”

Large satellites can weigh up to 1,000 kg, but microsatellites weigh only 100 to 200 kg.

Recognized internationally with strong market interest

NTU’s new radar chip was presented and published at the prestigious International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2016. Commonly referred to as the “Olympics of Integrated Circuits Design,” ISSCC is the world’s top forum for presenting advances in solid-state circuits and systems and is attended by major industry players.

The chip was developed by Asst Prof Zheng’s team of five at NTU’s VIRTUS IC Design Centre of Excellence. The group was the first from Singapore to publish in ISSCC and is also the most published local group, with seven papers to date.

NTU’s new technology has attracted the attention of many multinational corporations, such as US aerospace company Space X; Netherlands semiconductor company NXP; Japanese electronics giant Panasonic, and French satellite maker Thales.

The next phase will be research in space applications to be carried out at the Smart Small Satellite Systems – Thales in NTU (S4TIN), a joint laboratory between NTU and Europe’s largest satellite manufacturer Thales Alenia Space.

Game changer for Singapore

Associate Professor Low Kay Soon, Director of NTU’s Satellite Research Centre, said the new radar chip will be a game changer in the space industry, which will bolster Singapore’s growing reputation as a satellite building nation.

“Monitoring the environment with a clear image using a traditional optical camera is always very challenging due to clouds and changing light conditions,” said Assoc Prof Low.

“This is especially the case for the tropics where the sky is always cloudy. With a miniature radar-on-chip system, it cuts down the required weight and size of the payload that a satellite needs to carry.

“More significantly, the lower power consumption makes it very suitable for microsatellites such as the X-SAT or VELOX-CI which NTU has launched. For small satellites, there is a limited area to mount the solar panels, which limits its power generation. Consequently the conventional SAR systems cannot be used due to its high power requirements.”

Asst Prof Zheng says it will take another three to six years before NTU’s new radar chip is ready for commercial use. He is now working with NTU’s innovation and enterprise company, NTUitive to find industry partners to license the technology or to spin off a company.

Director of VIRTUS, NTU Professor Joseph Chang added: “Singapore is one the very few select countries in the world with advanced technical capabilities to design complex microchips for space applications.”

“NTU professors associated with VIRTUS have received research funding of over S$5 million from Singapore and various countries like the United States, to design microchips for space applications. Recently, two patents have been filed for the novel design of these microchips.”

VIRTUS filed ten patents in the last year alone, for various innovative microchips with applications ranging from image processing to computing.

According to Markets and Markets global forecasts and analysis, the global market for radar systems is estimated to grow to US$24 billion by 2020.

Vesper, a designer of advanced acoustic-sensing technology, today announced a partnership with AAC Technologies Holdings Inc., a miniature technologies solution provider, for the commercialization of the world’s first piezoelectric MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) microphones for consumer electronic devices.

Vesper’s first piezoelectric MEMS microphone will be integrated into AAC Technologies’ product portfolio of innovative solutions for fast-moving consumer electronics markets, such as smartphones, tablets, wearables and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices.

“Since the first MEMS microphones were introduced more than ten years ago, the market has exploded into a high-growth global industry exceeding US$1B annually,” said Jack Duan, COO, AAC Technologies. “We believe there is an opportunity to introduce high-performance microphones that are immune from common environmental contaminants such as water, shock and dust. These attributes make Vesper’s technology an excellent choice for device companies that want to deliver a rich, immersive acoustic experience.”

Vesper’s microphones also feature very high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and very low noise, delivering outstanding acoustic performance for a wide range of applications.

“Our relationship with AAC Technologies will allow us to deliver reliable, stable and acoustically satisfying MEMS microphones for the vast and still-growing very high-performance MEMS microphone market,” said Matt Crowley, CEO, Vesper. “With a track record of innovation in acoustic solutions, a mature worldwide distribution channel, and a customer base that includes many of the world’s top-tier mobile-device manufacturers, AAC Technologies is an ideal partner for Vesper.”

Nanoelectronics research center, imec, and digital research and incubation center, iMinds, today announced that its respective board of directors have approved the intention to merge the research centers. Using the imec name, the combined entities intend to create a high-tech research center for the digital economy. The transaction is expected to be completed by the end of 2016, with the united organization staged to bring added value to existing partners while further strengthening Flanders’ authority as a technology epicenter and region focused on creating a sustainable digital future.

iMinds will be integrated as an additional business unit within imec, resulting in a new research center that will fuse the technology and systems expertise of more than 2,500 imec researchers worldwide with the digital competencies of some 1,000 iMinds researchers representing nearly 50 nationalities. The additions of iMinds’ flagship open innovation research model -ICON- (in which academic researchers and industry partners jointly develop solutions for specific market needs), iStart entrepreneurship program (supporting start-up businesses), and Living Labs will strengthen the unique capabilities and assets of imec as a research and development center.

Imec has been a global leader in the domain of nanoelectronics for more than 30 years, and has innovated applications in smart systems for the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Health, and Internet of Power. It has built an extensive and worldwide partner network, as well as in Flanders, and has generated successful spin-offs. iMinds’ activities span research domains such as the IoT, digital privacy and security, and the conversion of raw data into knowledge. Its software expertise is widely renowned and its entrepreneurship activities in Flanders are first-rate.

“The proliferation of the Internet of Everything has created a need for solutions that integrate both hardware and software. Such innovative products that optimally serve tomorrow’s digital economy can only be developed through intense interaction between both worlds. There are infinite opportunities in domains such as sustainable healthcare, smart cities, smart manufacturing, smart finances, smart mobility, smart grids, or in short, smart everything. Research centers such as imec, with its widely acclaimed hardware expertise, and iMinds, an expert in software and ICT applications, are uniquely positioned to bring these concepts to life,” stated Luc Van den hove, president and CEO of imec. “Furthermore, iMinds is widely recognized for its business incubation programs and open access to SMEs, and, this merger provides us with a unique opportunity to jointly reach out to the Flemish industry and further elevate Smart Flanders on the global map.”

“Flanders faces the enormous challenge of realizing a successful transition towards tomorrow’s digital society; a transition that must happen quickly, considering the urgency to reinforce Flanders’ industrial position,” commented Danny Goderis, CEO of iMinds. “The merger between imec and iMinds is Flanders’ answer to this rapidly accelerating digitization trend. We have a clear ambition to pair more than 3,500 top researchers across 70 countries with an ecosystem of Flemish companies and start-ups, thereby significantly increasing our economic and societal impact. Together, we can help Flanders boost its competitiveness and claim a strong international position.”

Now that the intention to merge has been approved, the merger protocol will be developed and the integration process of imec and iMinds will be initiated immediately. The current iMinds activities will constitute a third pillar next to imec’s units. iMinds will remain headquartered in Ghent with its researchers spread across the Flemish universities. The ambition is to operate as one organization by the end of 2016.

Flemish Minister of Innovation Philippe Muyters welcomes the fact that iMinds and imec join forces: “Thanks to their pioneering work in their respective fields, they have put themselves on the world map. When they were founded, the line between hardware and software was still very clear. Today, and especially in the future, this line is increasingly blurring – with technology, systems and applications being developed in close conjunction. The merger anticipates this trend and creates a high-tech research center for the digital economy that keeps Flanders on the world map. The gradual integration of both research centers, and the agreement to preserve their respective strengths and uniqueness, will make for a bright future.”