Table of Contents
Solid State Technology
Year 2002 Issue 7
Particles.html Particles...
SCS relocates division Specialty Coating Systems (SCS) is relocating its long-standing Instruments Group from Atlanta, GA, to its worldwide headquarters in Indianapolis, IN. SCS is a division of Cookson Electronics Equipment Group, a division of Cookson Electronics
Stethoscope Sheath Stops Stethoscope sheath stops staph
PLYMOUTH, CT- A recent study in the Archives of Internal Medicine (Tucson, AZ) revealed that 80 percent of health professionals' stethoscopes were contaminated with bacteria, especially methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), the kind most resistant to today's antibiotics.
Reporters Notebook Deali REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK: Dealing with FDA inspectors
NEW YORK CITY- The seemingly idle Thursday morning changes dramatically when the receptionist pages you and tells you there are three inspectors from the U.S. Food and Drug Admin is tration (FDA) in the lobby.
Ointment Reduces Nosocom Ointment reduces nosocomial infections
PHILADELPHIA- A New England Journal of Medicine study indicates that applying mupirocin ointment in the noses of patients before surgery significantly reduces the rate of staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) nosocomial infections among patients who carry this bacteria.
Advanced Process Uses Ex Advanced process uses existing fab technology
In the semiconductor in dustry, there are lots of holy grails. But perhaps one of the holiest is the ability to advance Moore's law using existing process equipment and facilities.
Eu Mulls Gmps For Invest EU mulls GMPs for investigational drugs
BRUSSELS, Belgium- A recent proposal by the European Commission would require that all investigational new drugs (INDs) meet the same good manufacturing practice (GMP) requirements as authorized medicinal products
Environmental Monitoring Environmental monitoring goes real time
Future lab management systems could play key role in CFR Part 11 compliance
Unfiltered Cleanroom airflows Part II: The messy details
In our May column, we discussed some of the basics of cleanroom airflow. Remember that unidirectional-flow rooms depend on a "piston effect" for their cleaning action since that design strives to minimize turbulence and the mixing of parallel air streams. In contrast, non-unidirectional flow rooms actually require turbulence and good mixing because that design operates on the principle of dilution.
Viewpoint Technology on the brink of total compliance control
If you're a loyal reader of this column, you may recall that I once stated that the actual "technological development" going into cleanroom equipment and supplies was proceding at a snail's pace, that you would undoubtedly garner more excitement in watching a painted wall dry than you would keeping a keen eye fixed on cleanroom product launches.
Viewpoint Stepping up to the partnership plate
You've got a great arm and major league aspirations. And by some miraculous blessing, two of the greatest pitchers in baseball, Pedro Martinez of the
Boston Red Sox, and Randy Johnson of the Arizona Diamondbacks, offer to share their secrets-insights that perhaps could pave your way to The Show
Inventors Corner Inventor's corner
Clean HEPA replacement The invention is a method and apparatus for replacing spent HEPA filters without contaminating the surrounding environment. The filter housing is cylindrical and has a filter-receiving cavity that is made up of receiving and removing ends
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Life Sciences Begin contamination control with an end in mind
A contamination control system consists of engineering controls, work practice, administrative controls and personal protective equipment
Electronics Boundary layers: small regions, huge impact
The transition region between different materials in intimate contact can have profound effects. Consider the p-n junction, the metal-semiconductor contact, the oxide-silicon interface and thermocouples-all examples of solid-solid interfaces
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Determining Particle Com Determining particle composition: Consider the path to the source
Ramam spectroscopy can put a name on contamination and optimize the particle-counting process
Surgical Suite Utopia Ac Surgical suite utopia achieved
Forget your budget. Here are the technologies you need to equip an operating room with the cleanest and most sterile air filtration system available
Special Report Maintaining a delicate balance
The world's semiconductor manufacturers are taking waste stream management to heart as new reclaim technologies begin to make environmental and economic sense
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New Products New Products
Dataloggers Datalogger kits are appropriate when continuous monitoring and documentation of temperature and/or humidity are critical. The dataloggers in combination with Evaluation software meet the following U.S. Food & Drug Administration requirements
Product Spotlight Armchair insight on cleanroom furniture
Furnishing a cleanroom with a tables and chairs is not as cut and dried as it sounds.
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Semiconductor Supplement Gas delivery: Modifications yield serviceability improvements
Nearly every process that adds or alters material on silicon wafers uses process gases
Semiconductor Supplement Environmental controls: Challenges and approaches for toolmakers
Contamination control is widely regarded as the largest single issue affecting yields in semiconductor manufacturing
Semiconductor Supplement Ultrasonics vs. Megasonics
Critical cleaning method can be a tough technology to grasp without careful approach
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